Author Topic: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.  (Read 8611 times)

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Offline Chester

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I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:35:12 am »
 Hello everyone, just a short background before I get to my question. For many years I've never felt healthy in many different ways and looking for a better diet I've decided this one makes a lot of sense. In eating zero carb for 4 days I can already notice a sense of well being developing. I am very dedicated already to stay with this way of eating,but my problem is I gag on the raw meat/raw fat. If anyone has any advice on how to get over the gagging please throw it my way. Thanks for any responses.

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2009, 10:04:10 am »
If you are a beginner, you do not necessarily have to go zero carb immediately.  Being all raw is an achievement enough.

Choose raw fats that taste good.
Raw fats taste good at room temperature.
Make sure you defrost long enough.

If you are a beginner, searing is no crime, sear for 10 seconds or less each side of your steak.

I still choose the yummiest raw fats today.

For me they are:
- yellow "alive" beef muscle fat (mouth watering)
- fertilized duck egg yolks
- "alive" beef bone marrow (if I have the money for it)

There are fats that do not taste good to me like the fat around the kidneys.  I don't buy those.
I'm a believer in natural good taste as an indicator of what you need.

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Offline Chester

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2009, 12:59:19 pm »
Ah you live up to your name goodsamaritan, you often are first to answer and your posts are very informative. I will now defiantly try some other fats than the suet I was eating. The suet was appealing because I was getting as much as I would need for free. Hopefully they usually just toss out the muscle fat/bone marrow too so I can get that for free or cheaply(I'm cheap). For some reason I didn't even consider that other kinds of fat would be different tasting. And now that I'm thinking about other fats does anyone here have a opinion on the taste of hide fat. Thanks for the help again, for the first time in along while I feel like I'm on the right track.

Offline Chester

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 04:33:30 pm »
 Alright I guess I should have looked around the site to find other such questions as mine. And from reading other similar posts it seems that their isn't a huge difference between the taste of different fats(other than bone marrow). So I'm going to change my question a little bit. For anyone that had a hard time being able to get down fats did it change over time or has it not gotten any easier? I will try different fat sources but I guess if the other fats don't seem anymore palatable I'm going to continue to just eat fat and meat untill my body realizes that's all its going to get and hopefully it will adapt.

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 05:52:20 pm »
Your best best is to start eating those raw foods most newbies have no problem with(ie raw fruit, raw veg,raw seafood(raw oysters for example or raw tuna or whatever). Then once you're used to those, try raw, ground/minced beef as that's the easiest(and blandest) type of raw meat to get used to. Eventually, once you're used to that, you can graduate on to the organ-meats like raw tongue(very fatty), raw suet, raw marrow,raw heart, raw liver or whatever.
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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2009, 09:04:18 pm »
I am very dedicated already to stay with this way of eating,but my problem is I gag on the raw meat/raw fat. If anyone has any advice on how to get over the gagging please throw it my way. Thanks for any responses.

Try pure fat if you have not already, meaning truly grassfed organic and grass-finished. Be careful of your sources; there are a lot of liars.
I write this because you in the U.S.A. can get it and my experience is that I cannot, result is that I render low quality fat into tallow which is acceptable when mixed with meat.

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2009, 10:54:58 am »
Yes, it got easier for me over time. I used to really dislike most fats and didn't digest them well, including animal fats. I used to buy the leanest cuts of meat and trim the fat off even those. I forced myself to eat gradually increasing amounts of animal fats and my health has improved the more I've increased it. I've been eating mostly raw suet (and tallow heated below 40 degrees celsius) and now I prefer that even to raw bone marrow, which I still also eat. I still don't like intramuscular fat much, especially not raw, though I can eat cooked pork intramuscular fat pretty well now, but I try to stay as raw as I can and I can eat raw intramuscular fat when it's ground into the meat. Raw local ground venison and bison are easier for me to eat than raw ground grassfed beef, I think because the venison and bison are leaner.
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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2009, 03:03:07 am »
My experience with raf was that every time I tried something, at first it was scary and disgusting, and then it became neutral, and then I enjoyed it. Even raw lean meat seemed a bit gross at first, and now it's delicious and not at all gross or scary. Raw fat like suet and marrow was the same way, it looks kind of like cheese and then when you bite into it, it's so much not like cheese it throws you off. But now raw fats are neutral to me and slightly tasty, especially good marrow. Organs are still a bit off putting for me, but heart and liver I can eat fairly easily. Kidneys threw me for a loop as did tongue and I haven't tried them again since.

So if you're anything like me, when you try a new raw part of an animal you will go through an acculturation process. My suggestions would be to not force yourself to eat more than you think you can, it would really be a set back to make yourself sick on something because your brain would associate it negatively. You can try spices or sauces but don't overdo that. What I started doing when I first started with suet was to cut suet and lean muscle meat into bite size pieces, and eat two of them together each bite. I still do it because it seems to measure out the amount of each well, and if you don't like the texture/taste of the fat the meat masks it pretty well.

Good luck!

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2009, 07:10:07 am »
took me a while to enjoy fat... i like fat warm and mushy (85 degress does the trick!).  anything straight out of the fridge or cold I won't enjoy eating.

Offline phatdave

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2009, 10:41:49 am »
same, warm. mmmm :) enjoy!

Offline Chester

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Re: I'm having a hard time eating raw fats.
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2009, 10:20:50 am »
 Those are all good suggestions and I'll probably try all of them out. I dove into this little adventure a little to fast without having much of a plan - :). The last thing I need to find out before I try this again is how to measure the correct fat to protein ratio. I would like to start out with a 70% fat to 30% protein. How would I correctly measure out the right amount? Do I simply just measure out to make it easy say 70 grams of suet to 30 grams of meat? I would like to consume a proximity 2200 calories in a day how would I figure out how much suet and how much meat I need to eat? Given that their are 854 calories to 3.5 ounces of suet and approximately 200 calories in 3 ounces of beef I believe I would need to eat about 1550 calories as suet and 660 calories as meat or 6.35 ounces of suet and 9.9 ounces of meat. Sorry for all the questions, I looked for most of the answers myself but I still feel like a direct question from me to people like yourselves who have experience in this would be a wise thing to do. Also I have some reading/writing -\ difficulties so if any of this post is hard to understand I'll try to clear up what I am trying to say if my questions don't make much sense.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 10:44:28 am by Chester »


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