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Offline sungazer63

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Severe diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:35:35 am »
I have been on the primal diet (have read and re-read Aajonus's book) for 3 months.  For awhile my digestive system seemed pretty good except for a burning feeling in my stomach when I didn't eat often enough (I had this burning for a long time, even before I began this diet, probably an ulcer).  Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.  Before this sickness got really bad I was eating raw lamb or buffalo with eggs twice a day.  I was also having fresh vegie juice made from mostly celery and 1 carrrot or some beet.  And, I ate fresh pineapple with eggs nearly every day.  I don't eat anything that isn't part of the primal diet-nothing cooked, or processed at all.  Everything I buy is organic.  I haven't been able to afford/find fresh, wild caught, ocean fish at all; very low income because of past poor health limitations.   My local grocery stores say they can't even order it.  I know I really need to leave Ohio and go somewhere where there is food.

To try and stop this diarrhea, I have tried the nut formula (twice in one week) made with raw sunflower seeds or raw walnuts, and coconut cream.  I have also tried banana smoothies.  Neither of these have worked.  So far, I have avoided trying cooked starch because I really didn't want to eat anything that would put more toxins in my body.

I have diarrhea as soon as I wake up in the morning along with cramping, and then more throughout the day.  I am losing some weight and was too thin to begin with.  i don't know how to stop this diarrhea.  I have some high meat made from ground lamb that will be ready in about a week and don't know if I should try some with the butter that is coming.  I am getting very weak and was weak to begin with.  The diarrhea is yellowish.  I wonder if the high meat chicken I ate a week before I got sick might have had some mutated bacteria that could have done this to me, I just don't know.  I am afraid I am going to die from dehydration and/or starve.
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Offline phatdave

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 06:53:58 am »
I really have little experience/knowledge compared with some of the other guys/gals on here, but if that was me i'd stop all the nut, fruit, eggs and just eat small amounts of raw meat with some fat. You know to get the best source to minimise unwanted bacteria at the slaughterhouse etc, and think about getting bigger joints of meat as oppose to mince which has a larger surface area exposed in the processing. I think you are overloading your body. As a last resort (again if it was me) i would lightly cook the outside of the meat by for example dipping it in boiling water for 10 seconds or so in case it is a contaminated source - something you usually dont have to worry about buying meat from trusted farmers.

But my gut says you have to give you body a break - your body overloaded. Eat sensible, simple meals of some meat and some animal fat - drink water when thirsty.

Things like eating an egg every hour for a day just sounds crazy, and drinking loads of lime juice - ya know? I think you need to stop those kind of 'detox' things and let nature run its course.

Listen to what other older and wisers have to say too.


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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 07:20:21 am »
In my recent experiences with intestinal inflammation, I was able to address it thrice by eating fully roasted cooked fatty pork.

IF this is an amoeba / parasite problem, using a herbal dewormer will instantly calm them down, I know we did this with my wife who ate bad goat liver.

If your liver is spewing toxic bile irritating your intestines then it has to be given alkaline nutrition like bielers' soup (zuccini based).

For those who have beginning diarrhea problems, the trick is to pause / space any food and drink for 2-3 hours each time.

If you think this is an emergency, see a doctor.  Sometimes to stop this diarrhea reflex action, you need to completely stop eating and drinking anything to give your body time to heal.  If you are already too dehydrated to fast you need to be put on IV fluids.

You have to think of solutions beyond primal diet / paleo diet for health emergencies.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 07:25:31 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 10:14:03 am »
I really have little experience/knowledge compared with some of the other guys/gals on here, but if that was me i'd stop all the nut, fruit, eggs and just eat small amounts of raw meat with some fat. You know to get the best source to minimise unwanted bacteria at the slaughterhouse etc, and think about getting bigger joints of meat as oppose to mince which has a larger surface area exposed in the processing. I think you are overloading your body. As a last resort (again if it was me) i would lightly cook the outside of the meat by for example dipping it in boiling water for 10 seconds or so in case it is a contaminated source - something you usually dont have to worry about buying meat from trusted farmers.

But my gut says you have to give you body a break - your body overloaded. Eat sensible, simple meals of some meat and some animal fat - drink water when thirsty.

Things like eating an egg every hour for a day just sounds crazy, and drinking loads of lime juice - ya know? I think you need to stop those kind of 'detox' things and let nature run its course.

Listen to what other older and wisers have to say too.

Yeah, what David said sounds reasonable to me, Stargazer. You're diet is jumping all over the place with some pretty harsh foods. I wouldn't be messing around with acidic foods, dairy and high meats, and probably not nuts or lots of eggs, until your stomach and GI tract is stronger. Grassfed/wild meats and fats have been the safest, best foods for me too, and I had a very sensitive stomach that had mild to severe negative reactions to a lot of foods and tested as intolerant to or allergic to most foods. On increasingly raw meats and animal fats (no dairy) my stomach has been getting stronger and stronger and I can even handle some meat that has started to go bad. Some, like Tyler, have had to include some carbs too.

I don't know how anyone with severe stomach and GI problems can handle tomato juice and lots of lime juice. Even after years on a standard cooked, moderate fat and carb Paleo diet, the acid in citrus fruits and tomato sauce burned my stomach pretty bad and caused a lot of throat and sinus mucus flow if I ate too much of them (I had mild gastritis left over from earlier days of bad gastritis and GERD). Some nuts used to cause a mild tingling and numbness in my mouth and throat. I thought it was a temporary thing and kept eating them. Those symptoms diminished, but others (like scalp and eyebrow dandruff, increased hair loss, dry skin on face, lips, shins, arms and back, dental plaque, loose teeth, bleeding gums, muscle pains, nightmares and poor sleep quality, etc.) continued until I cut out the nuts along with fruits and all other carbs. Leafy greens, broccoli and occasional radishes or cauliflower were the only plant foods that I didn't notice any negative symptoms from. I still eat leafy greens on occasion. I may add back those last things again some day, but for now I'm continuing the carnivore experiment and I don't miss them.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline sungazer63

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 11:53:52 am »
As I said above, i haven't been able to get any raw dairy at all here in Ohio.  And, I only had a couple of teaspoons of lime juice over a couple of days mixed with mineral water.
Thanks everyone for your advice.  You may be right about the acidic stuff and I have stopped that.  At this point I'm unable to put anything in my body without getting diarrhea and am getting very dehydrated.  The only nuts I had were the 2 oz required to make Aajonus's nut formula that is mixed with plenty of raw fat.  I ony had the nut formula twice a week.  I mostly ate raw meat and eggs, and fresh celery/carrot juice.
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Offline van

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 12:43:45 pm »
Don't know when and how much carrot and celery you're ingesting, but it can be most alkalizing to the stomach which for someone new to this way of eating, will need all the acid the stomach can produce to digest your meat.  I would give it up for a while, or drink no more than 4 or 5 ounces and make sure it's not after eating or at least an hour before having meat.  Carrot juice is loaded with sugar.  Celery you can chew and spit out the pulp quite easily and hence stop when your body has told you that it doesn't want any more celery.  Otherwise you can be drinking something your body doesn't want or need and not know it because the sweetness of the carrot juice is masking any signs of a "stop".    Aujonus has some pretty out of the ordinary regimins that not many here follow let alone think make much sense.  So in the long run you'll have to follow your own gut should you take on his advice.  But if you do,  I would know exactly what it is he wants you to do to the tee.  Otherwise you'll be trying this and that all day long trying to second guess what intuition he may have for you.  It is so easy to think our way from meal to meal with a little bit of 'knowledge'.  And consequently,   get very lost in the sea of possibilities.    But one thing,  only eat when hungry, and drink when thirsty.  Don't let your head lead the way.

Offline sungazer63

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 01:45:40 pm »
Don't know when and how much carrot and celery you're ingesting, but it can be most alkalizing to the stomach which for someone new to this way of eating, will need all the acid the stomach can produce to digest your meat.  I would give it up for a while, or drink no more than 4 or 5 ounces and make sure it's not after eating or at least an hour before having meat.  Carrot juice is loaded with sugar.  Celery you can chew and spit out the pulp quite easily and hence stop when your body has told you that it doesn't want any more celery.  Otherwise you can be drinking something your body doesn't want or need and not know it because the sweetness of the carrot juice is masking any signs of a "stop".    Aujonus has some pretty out of the ordinary regimins that not many here follow let alone think make much sense.  So in the long run you'll have to follow your own gut should you take on his advice.  But if you do,  I would know exactly what it is he wants you to do to the tee.  Otherwise you'll be trying this and that all day long trying to second guess what intuition he may have for you.  It is so easy to think our way from meal to meal with a little bit of 'knowledge'.  And consequently,   get very lost in the sea of possibilities.    But one thing,  only eat when hungry, and drink when thirsty.  Don't let your head lead the way.
I havent' been having any vegie juice lately or meat because of the nausea and cramping.  I am aware of the high sugar content of carrots and my juices were mostly celery with only 1/2 to 1 carrot.  4 to 5 ounces is all i ever had at a time and always never within 1hrs of eating meat as Aajonus suggests.   As I said above, I can't even drink water without diarrhea and I am gettin severely dehydrated.
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Offline sungazer63

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 01:56:53 pm »
Just to let everyone know, i have read and re read Aajonus's book and am following his instructions as close as humanly possible.  The reason that I'm asking for help here is because having read his book and tried everything he suggests, I cannot cure this diarrhea. 
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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 06:09:51 am »
How's it going?

Offline PrimalLadyRosy

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2010, 10:50:28 am »
Just to let everyone know, i have read and re read Aajonus's book and am following his instructions as close as humanly possible.  The reason that I'm asking for help here is because having read his book and tried everything he suggests, I cannot cure this diarrhea. 

Were you drinking milk yet?  If so, what kind of animal is it from?  Is that better now?  Did it resolve on its own?  I have seen severe diarrhea cured with raw grassfed kefir.  Maybe you would get a different juice recommendation, fermented raw clay, ...  Did you read WW2L or RFLWD? 
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Offline PrimalLadyRosy

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2010, 10:53:54 am »
I havent' been having any vegie juice lately or meat because of the nausea and cramping. 

What's your diet like now?  What was it like then?  Is it the milk cure diet like from the old Mayo clinic with fruit?  Were you eating starch?  If so, what kind and what combination? 
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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2010, 03:34:27 pm »

Try kefir made with kefir grains or with grains of honey, like Aajonus recommends. It can resolve many digestive issues.

Offline PrimalLadyRosy

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2010, 05:35:36 pm »
Try kefir made with kefir grains or with grains of honey, like Aajonus recommends.

Majormark, what do you think of using his other kefir recipe for this?  The one at his lectures using the self same person's saliva as the starter.  I know for sure it works for other health issues.  Many ancients used intentionally saliva on the spot to ferment their beverages.  Which grains of honey?  Kefir grains and honey?
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Offline sungazer63

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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2010, 02:35:07 am »
Hi everyone, I posted this quite a long time ago and healed from the diarrhea.  I think that I was just going through a major detox from just beginning the primal diet.  Previous to this diet I was a cooked food vegan  >: and I'm sure I had a lot to detox  :'( >D -d ;D

Love and Light, Rayne
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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2010, 12:25:28 am »
Activated charcoal and bentonite clay are very effective in coping with diarrhea.
Wild animals which get diarrhea seek some good clays.
They enable much quicker, safer and more effective detoxification.
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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2010, 11:50:25 pm »
I've used both the bentonite clay that has been big in the health movement for decades and raw calcium based terramin clay.  I find the raw terramin works much better.  I would not recommend the sodium bentonite, unless it works for you.  It's heated too.
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Re: Severe diarrhea
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2010, 12:47:16 am »
Hi everyone, I posted this quite a long time ago and healed from the diarrhea.  I think that I was just going through a major detox from just beginning the primal diet.  Previous to this diet I was a cooked food vegan  >: and I'm sure I had a lot to detox  :'( >D -d ;D

Love and Light, Rayne

I had a week, back in the beginning when I started out all raw, in which I was sick to the bone. The stuff that came out of my body during that week, I don't even want to think about it. I know from others that they experiences something similar. It just took a little longer for you its eems.


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