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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2010, 11:10:06 am »
Yes Al, I don't think I've ever eaten 100 g of potent herbs at one sitting. What I meant was, when all foods are examined at equal 100 g servings, herbs come out at the top of the rankings. But when you consider how much of each food that people actually consume, herbs drop way down. So when I first saw the nutritiondata numbers I thought herbs would be a good nutrient source, then I realized that they were using a 100 g serving. Reduce it to a handful of leaves in a salad or tea, like most folks do, and the nutrient contribution drops substantially. They are nutrient dense, though.

However, Michael has a bulk source, which I don't recall seeing before. Interesting. If I had that, I might see which herbs are the most palatable and add them to my salads. Are you going to eat any of them fresh Michael? Will 50 g of dried herbs be palatable? Will you crumble them into your meats or what?

Phil, does marrow contain a substantial proportion of Ca?
I don't know how much because no one online has accurate figures. I know there's likely some, so I don't trust Nutritiondata's 0% figure.

I'm not sure if the fish you mentioned, or meat as previously mentioned, contains sufficient quantities.
I suspect that most people who eat a raw Paleo diet don't need the 1000 mg USRDA Daily Value because they aren't eating lots of calcium binding foods like wheat and are getting more vitamins A, D3, K2 and zinc that help with calcium absorption than most people. However, if you have poor absorption, then you may not be getting enough calcium and other minerals for your needs. The downside of large intakes in an environment of poor absorption is there is the possibility of excess free serum calcium, which might increase risk of developing calcifications in various parts of the body. So the bioavailability of nutrient sources is important, as are other nutrients that work synergistically with calcium to improve its bioavailability.

Perhaps, ordinarily, these foods would be sufficient for others following RPD but I suspect my body requires larger amounts of these critical minerals due to historical problems with heavy metal poisoning, malabsorption etc.  I suspect my teeth wouldn't be suffering after 10 yrs eating this way were this not the case.  I also suspect, historically, foods no longer ordinarily consumed would've been the providers of these important minerals such as some of the more obscure animal parts, fish/seafood, blood, insects etc.
It does sound like malabsorption may be involved. Suboptimal gut flora is a apparently a common contributing factor, though of course I can't know for sure and I'm not offering any diagnosis or prescription.

I return to the dentist chair in a couple of days following my infection/antibiotic episode.  It will be to discuss tooth extraction OR reworking of the problematic old root canal to try to save the (dead) tooth.  I'm leaning towards extraction despite my existing lack of teeth in those quarters of my mouth.
Are you aware that when teeth are extracted it tends to accelerate the bone loss of the jaw in that area? I think that's one reason why dentists go to lengths of fillings, root canals, and such to avoid having to pull teeth.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 01:09:09 pm by PaleoPhil »
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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2010, 08:02:12 pm »
It does sound like malabsorption may be involved. Suboptimal gut flora is a apparently a common contributing factor, though of course I can't know for sure and I'm not offering any diagnosis or prescription.
Are you aware that when teeth are extracted it tends to accelerate the bone loss of the jaw in that area? I think that's one reason why dentists go to lengths of fillings, root canals, and such to avoid having to pull teeth.
Another thing that I discovered is that I had an on/off teeth discomfort for a long time and kept putting off getting it looked at. Eventually (my theory anyways) is that in the meantime the jaw basically rotted and so there was no underlying jawbone left subsequently that a (whatever you call the implanted teeth) screw and false tooth could be added.

Mind you I was a vege at the time so no way of knowing if that was a contributing factor.

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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2010, 06:47:15 am »
Eventually (my theory anyways) is that in the meantime the jaw basically rotted and so there was no underlying jawbone left subsequently that a (whatever you call the implanted teeth) screw and false tooth could be added.

Thanks for the (rather scary!) warning al.

Having now seen my dentist, I can update that he (thankfully) suggested monitoring the situation for now following the success of the antibiotics.  With luck, and with the great impact of either treatment in mind, I may be able to avoid either treatment.  I'm due to go back in 3 months time and will be taking every possible precaution in the meantime.

However, Michael has a bulk source, which I don't recall seeing before. Interesting. If I had that, I might see which herbs are the most palatable and add them to my salads. Are you going to eat any of them fresh Michael? Will 50 g of dried herbs be palatable? Will you crumble them into your meats or what?

My bulk source is, unfortunately, only for dried herbs.  Sorry for any confusion!  It would be my hope to eventually grow my own in bulk to dry them myself at low temperature.  So, yes, I will be using them dried for these purposes (I do eat fresh coriander/parsley too).  Recently, I've been eating one meal a day only consisting of thinly sliced meats dehydrated for an hour and served with a homemade sauce (raw butter and egg yolk).  I've started adding substantial quantities of dried herbs to this sauce over the last few days and, must say, it's absolutely delicious!!  :)  50g of dried herbs is, indeed, quite a large quantity in reality so I may have to consider splitting this over two meals to make such quantities palatable.

The downside of large intakes in an environment of poor absorption is there is the possibility of excess free serum calcium, which might increase risk of developing calcifications in various parts of the body. So the bioavailability of nutrient sources is important, as are other nutrients that work synergistically with calcium to improve its bioavailability.

Hmm, good points Phil.  Thanks for raising those.  It wasn't a thought I had considered.  I will certainly need to be monitoring the situation very closely I feel.

Are you aware that when teeth are extracted it tends to accelerate the bone loss of the jaw in that area? I think that's one reason why dentists go to lengths of fillings, root canals, and such to avoid having to pull teeth.

I wasn't actually aware of this so many thanks for the warning!  I was glad to learn this BEFORE my dentist appointment and, therefore, even more grateful that he suggested postponing any immediate treatment with a view to monitoring the effected area.

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Offline infinitenexus

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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2010, 10:20:34 am »

served with a homemade sauce (raw butter and egg yolk).  I've started adding substantial quantities of dried herbs to this sauce over the last few days and, must say, it's absolutely delicious!!  :) 

I'm interested in your sauce described here.  Do you just melt the butter and add raw egg yolk and then some herbs/spices?  Can you give any additional info on this?  It sounds nice, rich, and tasty.

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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2010, 03:52:47 am »
Hi infinitenexus,

Yes, it's very basic and simple.  But, as you suggest, it is absolutely delicious!  :)  I've been eating one meal a day for the last few weeks consisting of thinly sliced fatty beef dehydrated for an hour and served with this sauce as a dip.  To make the sauce, I basically warm the butter in my dehydrator at low temperature (<105 deg) for 5 mins, add 3 or 4 egg yolks to the soft (not liquid) butter and beat with a fork for a few mins until it takes on the consistency of a thick sauce.  I then add the herbs and mix in thoroughly.  Of course, this is just the basic sauce.  One could add a variety of other herbs/spices for variety.  I also sometimes add some coconut oil too. 

The butter I'm using is raw, grass-fed jersey butter which has been made with celtic sea salt but I'm sure it'd work equally well with an unsalted butter if this was your preference.

Enjoy!  :)
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Offline MrBBQ

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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #55 on: October 15, 2010, 05:23:08 am »
I'm glad this thread has still enjoyed some activity, mainly because I'm trying to harmonise with my deteriorating teeth.

First of all, I've been grinding dried bones of venison, which is very easy - the only caveat is that this practice seems to make my teeth feel over-hard/brittle and I've easily chipped one of the front teeth ever so slightly from a piece of silt not washed off my salad. It seems to me that bone meal delivers a disproportionate amount of calcium to magnesium, which I blame for the brittle feeling. On this basis, I'm not sure I recommend bone meal, although strangely enough, I always found gelatinous bone broths to not deliver unbalanced minerals along with the gelatin, so maybe the range of minerals dissolved in the water was better available. This would be my conclusion on broth vs meal, although sadly, the excitotoxins (free glutamates from hours of cooking) in broth trash my (overexcitable) neurons. Another vector for healing my gnashers eliminated (story of my healing path!).

Silica from horsetail and oatstraw, combined with "nourishing infusions" of nettle definitely started to turn the tide for me and some of the lesions on my teeth started to "close in" (craters becoming only lines) pretty quickly. The only caveat is that these herbs are diuretics and despite what Susun Weed says, I was pissing out potassium because I had the cracked lips to prove it. Another vector for healing the teeth quashed. However, you've got me thinking on the coriander/cilantro tip now and I'm sure an infusion made from 100g coriander per day would be mineralising. Coriander is a chelator of heavy metals too, so maybe it would be an extra bonus or downfall. Dried coriander leaves costs me £10 per kilo...

Do you know any negative effects of coriander? If not, this could be combined with a good source of silica for best effect.

The next thing I've dabbled with was silica G5 (so-called organic liquid silica), which yielded amazing results initially - tooth sensitivity disappeared sharpish in a couple of soft spots, which was profound at the time. However, there seemed to be a honeymoon period and then things went the other way. I did a half-arsed VCO oil pull, which must have left something dodgy in my mouth (I was biking for an early train) and since then, the gums around varying teeth have been bleeding, painful, infected etc. My teeth feel like a terrible mess recently and I don't feel I can get on with other things until I can somehow strengthen them...

Michael, where do you buy raw butter from - red23? Or did you find their source for Jersey butter?

One other thing I'm just procuring from the US is a vitamin D lamp, mainly for the winter, so I can avoid having to dose supplements for my body weight etc. I avoid fish oil now (F-CLO), plus I don't think the D3 supplements work for me (or maybe I'm overdosing on them).
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Offline MrBBQ

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Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« Reply #56 on: October 15, 2010, 05:29:04 am »
Also, you can melt butter in the dehydrator until the white solids sink to the bottom and you can pour the oil off to separate out the allergenic buttermilk proteins. I call this low temp ghee...not quite Green Pasture stylee but almost!

Another thing is that meat is a good source of Ca/Mg...Maybe up that, if your metabolism can handle it...
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