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Explain Instincto Diet Fully
« on: July 16, 2008, 02:06:51 am »
Please... ;D Anyone, share some knowledge and info on this diet
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 03:40:07 pm by Iguana »

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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 03:16:19 am »
All I know about it is that you eat what your body tells you to. I've read people will put out a bunch of food and smell it and try and listen to what their body is telling them about what they need nutritionally then.

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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 03:42:06 am »
In theory instincto means you just follow your natural instincts as regards food( but since instincts are warped by unnatural foods like dairy, grains and cooked-foods, these are avoided). It's very similiar to the Rawpalaeo diet except that, given the rules re following instinct, most Instinctos eat mainly raw fruit and avoid raw animal food except for one or two items like raw eggs or steak tartare or whatever. They don't understand that our instincts can be easily warped through years of bad habits and social conditioning, so that it takes quite some time for people to adjust to a raw animal food diet.

*I should add that Instincto has been discredited somewhat by the fact that Guy-Claude Burger, one of the main Instincto gurus, eventually ended up in jail for sex with an underage girl(no doubt taking the rules re following one's instincts a bit too far).
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 01:53:25 am »
In theory instincto means you just follow your natural instincts as regards food( but since instincts are warped by unnatural foods like dairy, grains and cooked-foods, these are avoided). It's very similiar to the Rawpalaeo diet except that, given the rules re following instinct, most Instinctos eat mainly raw fruit and avoid raw animal food except for one or two items like raw eggs or steak tartare or whatever. They don't understand that our instincts can be easily warped through years of bad habits and social conditioning, so that it takes quite some time for people to adjust to a raw animal food diet.

*I should add that Instincto has been discredited somewhat by the fact that Guy-Claude Burger, one of the main Instincto gurus, eventually ended up in jail for sex with an underage girl(no doubt taking the rules re following one's instincts a bit too far).
  :D Thanks for the info!

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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 11:20:44 pm »
Doesn't it seem silly that an instinctive way of eating, which seems prevalent among all other animals on this earth, should be wholly discredited because of one human's love-life? Guy-Claude did not invent a way of eating, he was simply a mouthpiece, drawing public attention to the bizarre fact that humans are both the sickest animals on earth and the only ones who make their dietary choices from (usually irrational and/or incomplete) intellectual beliefs!

Who is the "they" that don't understand that our instincts can be warped through years of bad habits and social conditioning? Comby certainly acknowledges the difficulty of transition to an instinctive diet in his books. Just because it is difficult at first does not mean it's not worth striving towards. If we all embraced this approach to challenges no one would ever have learned to ride a bicycle!

As I understand, most instinctive dieters draw their inspiration from our closest living relatives, the bonobos and the chimpanzees, and their eating choices, which are, like every other animal except humans, based upon instinct, paying special attention to olfactory cues, taste, and feeling of internal fullness/satiation, and responding to the body's immediate needs rather than some intellectual stimulus that says "I need more Omega-3s!" or "And now for some magnesium!" The latter being based, mind you, on the findings of particular fallible human scientists --or worse, pseudo-scientists!--who profess some magical formula that may well have worked for them, but may not work for you! Our bodies are infinitely complex organisms and each individual's needs change constantly. The only thing we can be sure we Don't need is drugs and junk-food and processed-food products. But to forbid oneself a whole category of whole, raw, natural edibles on intellectual grounds given by somebody else seems to me to be folly. How could anyone else know what Your body needs right this minute? Instinctive eaters often go for long spells on just-meat or just-fruit or just-onions (why not?) but they do so because they are carefully listening to their own bodies' requests and not some self-professed health guru.

So long as the choices we make available to ourselves are well-varied and consist in whole, raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, sprouts, meats, fish, eggs, insects, earth, our natural (yet admittedly sadly surpressed) instincts tend to kick in after 5 days or so, no more, after which it becomes surprisingly easily and opens us up to whole new worlds of gustatory pleasure. And what is the great risk of having eaten "wrongly" for 5 days if your "wrong" choices were nevertheless only whole, raw foods?


In theory instincto means you just follow your natural instincts as regards food( but since instincts are warped by unnatural foods like dairy, grains and cooked-foods, these are avoided). It's very similiar to the Rawpalaeo diet except that, given the rules re following instinct, most Instinctos eat mainly raw fruit and avoid raw animal food except for one or two items like raw eggs or steak tartare or whatever. They don't understand that our instincts can be easily warped through years of bad habits and social conditioning, so that it takes quite some time for people to adjust to a raw animal food diet.

*I should add that Instincto has been discredited somewhat by the fact that Guy-Claude Burger, one of the main Instincto gurus, eventually ended up in jail for sex with an underage girl(no doubt taking the rules re following one's instincts a bit too far).

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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 02:21:19 am »
I've never heard of Instinctos going in for an all-raw-meat diet even for short periods. Almost all of them were either 100% raw plant-food eaters or ate just 10% raw animal food. Guy Claude Burger even recommended against eating raw meats. Also, one criticism commonly levelled at Instinctos is that they tend to overeat sweet fruits - this strong inclination is due to the fact that sweet fruits are the easiest raw foods to get used to on a 100% raw diet, so that they take the easiest route and overindulge in the stuff. Mind you, Primal Dieters are similiar in their addiction to raw dairy.

Also, wild animals don't necessarily follow their instincts. They are also driven by constant hunger, due to foods not being instantly available, so are prepared to eat human junk-food leftovers found on rubbish-tips.

But you do make some good points re not linking Burger's conviction to the Instincto movement. After all, there were other Instincto gurus.
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 02:29:20 pm »
Hmm, yes, clearly I have not done enough research on the history of the Instincto Movement to comment much on them, and should consider myself an instinctive whole raw foodist rather than an "Instincto", since I don't know enough of the connotations of that word. But I was introduced to the idea by my own internal gurus/guides, several years ago when severely ill, and applying the basic principles of "only eat food the way nature makes it available" and "only eat what you strongly feel compelled to eat, of these natural foods" worked wonders. When, later, I read Comby's books, I recognized what I thought were those same two principles that had saved my life, and felt a kinship. Plus my left-brain was satisfied by his scientific rigor, I think.

I'm curious as to what exactly you mean by "overeating sweet fruits"? How do you know what constitutes overeating in a particular individual's situation? What are the symptoms? What harm is done?


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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2008, 05:20:51 pm »
"1. Dental problems: severe erosion of tooth enamel (enamel hypoplasia) - caused by consumption of excessive amounts of acidic fruit like citrus, pineapples, kiwi - may be caused by acid reflux, due to overconsumption of sweet fruit, esp. dried fruit/dates; common in sugar addiction - very similar to dental damage encountered in bulimia (an eating disorder) - if damage already done, see your Dentist for restorative work: bondings, veneers, crowns, etc. - prevention is better than repair! Limit acid fruit, always brush with baking soda and floss after eating acid fruit, do something about acid reflux/sugar addiction. Have your teeth checked by your Dentist for enamel erosion. " taken from:-

taken from:-

Someone on this sub-forum  mentioned that Comby is no longer eating raw.
I agre re differentiating between Instinctive Nutrition and Instincto(the latter term is associated with Guy-Claude Burger).
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 06:07:51 pm »
I've heard of fruitarians suffering from soft bones ('Shazzie') I would starve on just fruit!
People on here have mentioned their teeth went translucent.
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2008, 02:34:42 pm »
... eventually ended up in jail for sex with an underage girl(no doubt taking the rules re following one's instincts a bit too far).

You go to jail for this?!?  ;)
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2009, 05:29:37 am »
Transfered from

Welcome from the green hills of Vermont, USA, which derives from the name a French man applied to it: Verde Monte. We have many people of French descent in this state.As you probably know, flus do not last 4 months. That sounds more like it was food intolerance and/or allergy, which your improvements with diet would seem to confirm, yes?

Thanks ! As a matter of fact, each of my flus didn't last 4 months (perhaps a few weeks only) but adding all these weeks together made up for several months a year. Some looked like allergy to pollens while some other were just colds.

So Instinctotherapie: Manger Vrai (aka Anopsology at is the third edition of La Guerre Du Cru?


What do you think of Dr. Seignalet's cure claims? They sound too good to be true, but there are many reports of amazing health improvements on RPD, RAF, Paleo, Near-Paleo and Zero Carb, of which I have personally observed more than a dozen cases.

As far as I know, Jean Seignalet was not only extremely knowledgeable but also a very honest man, so I have no reason to challenge his claims. It’s a fact that we are badly or even not at all adapted to dairy products and cereals, especially wheat and to a lesser extend, corn. So, removing them from our food intake can only be beneficial – as long as we eat other animal food such as meat, eggs and seafood. 

The reported favorite foods of Instinctos--fruits, meats, fats, organs, and seafood--match up pretty well with what people have found to be their favorite and healthiest foods here, and Instincto also shares raw-eating with RPD, so there seems to be much in common.

Really there is. Instincto could be called RPD as well, or preferably RPN for Raw Paleo Nutrition since I don’t consider it as a restrictive diet : you can eat whatever tastes good as long it is not something processed or artificially made. That makes it much easier to follow for me than any restrictive diet such as J. Seignalet’s. 

It just occurred to me that one member here is almost Instincto, since he seems to eat based on his tastes, though he cooks his animal foods. As a result he eats a lot of fruit--which, as Carnivore indicates, seems to be the Achilles heel of Instincto. I remember reading about that problem at some time ago. Perhaps modern domestic fruits lack the "stops" that wild fruits have?

Exactly, that’s why it’s always better to choose the wildest fruits available or otherwise limiting oneself by reasoning.

Another problem, of course, is that fruits are not available year-round in the wild like they are in supermarkets.

In the tropics, there are fruits all year round. There no season for bananas, papayas and pineapple, for instance. The season for jackfruits and durians is very long and if you move some hundreds km you may get to another climatic zone and always find ripe ones without (or almost without) interruption. The question is rather that there are few wild fruits in most places, even in most tropical jungles. It seems one can find fruits only in jungles were big apes live and have spread the seeds. However a friend of mine who has lived in Amazonian told me there’s a lot of different fruits there, most species we’ve have never heard of elsewhere.

My guess would be that the most successful Instinctos would be those who limit their intake of fruits, such as by eating only wild fruits and/or only in season. What is your take on the fruit issue?

I think it varies largely from one person to another. “Carnivore” can barely eat any fruit at all while I have no problem eating a lot of fruit. Of course, wild fruits (or as near the wild species as possible) must be preferred. Cempedak, jackfruits and durians as well as figs seem to be quite near their wild counterparts and most instinctos (including me!) can eat larges amounts of them for extended durations without any problem.

By the way, it’s the same kind of problem with meat. It’s always better to eat wild game meat (as long as the animal didn’t have access to our garbage and corn fields) than beef. Burger especially warned about over-eating beef, which is easy to overeat – this being apparently due to thousand years of artificial selection. The instinctive stop is much neater with wild animals meat, its taste being a lot stronger.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 05:35:25 am by Iguana »
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2009, 10:20:34 am »
Thanks for the info. You spoke of Dr. Seignalet in the past tense--is he deceased?

Fruits have been hashed around elsewhere in this forum before. Tropical fruits weren't available in the African savanna, Europe or Northern Asia during the Stone Age, based on what others have said here and what I've read, and some tropical fruits commonly eaten today weren't even edible in that era. For example, wild bananas were limited to parts of SE Asia and are reportedly an "inedible fruit with numerous seeds but little pulp” It seems debatable whether we can even call bananas Paleo, though I did eat them until recently for the potassium and as a "fast food." If you have different info on bananas, please do let me know.

Ironically, since I cut out the bananas and increased raw meats and tallow in my diet I have less need of potassium supplements rather than more. Meat seems to provide me with more than bananas, or perhaps it heals my GI tract so it can absorb more potassium? I never would have guessed this.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 10:27:39 am by PaleoPhil »
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2009, 11:38:33 am »
I live in the tropics and we never run out of fruit.

I know what the intensively farmed fruits are and we avoid them like the plague: 
- sweet yellow mangoes (the ones we export and make into dried mangoes)
- cavendish bananas (the ones we export because us natives don't like this variety)
- Dole and Del Monte Branded pineapples and small papayas. (the ones we export)

I have a customer who is in the business of distributing pesticides and these fruits are their main business.

The fruits we do not export are merely planted and left alone to grow by themselves.  The Philippines never runs out of fruit.  There is always something in season.  Every month we look forward to something new.

I think the people with bad experiences with fruit are pointing out to their own rotten fruits, maybe their own fruits suck, but our organic / wild be default fruits in the Philippines rock.


Regarding the over consumption of beef... hmmm... that is new to me, thanks. 

I'm having problems trying to execute a mono beef diet.  It's too alien to my instincts to be on mono diet.  But it won't stop me from self-experimenting. 
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2009, 01:34:13 pm »
I know what the intensively farmed fruits are and we avoid them like the plague: 
- sweet yellow mangoes (the ones we export and make into dried mangoes)
- cavendish bananas (the ones we export because us natives don't like this variety)
- Dole and Del Monte Branded pineapples and small papayas. (the ones we export)

I have a customer who is in the business of distributing pesticides and these fruits are their main business.

The fruits we do not export are merely planted and left alone to grow by themselves.  The Philippines never runs out of fruit.  There is always something in season.  Every month we look forward to something new.

I think the people with bad experiences with fruit are pointing out to their own rotten fruits, maybe their own fruits suck, but our organic / wild be default fruits in the Philippines rock.

    I have lived in the tropics, and the fruit was REAL!  Fruit other places rarely compares.
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2009, 01:50:22 pm »
I lived in the tropics and the only fruit we found was domesticated mangoes figs etc

As far as I know the bananas are not native to the Philippines and originated from plantains in South America.

I would really be interested how endemic all these tropic fruits actually are. I find it hard to believe this  fruit salad paradise is not man made to a large extent.

Everyone else is trolling!;)
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2009, 03:33:54 pm »
    There were hundreds of varieties of mangoes and bananas, several varieties of bread fruit and sops, lemons bigger than grapefruit, small grapefruit full of seeds, bitter oranges full of seeds, several varieties of guava, a bunch of varieties of spondias, I could go on all day and night listing the fruit where I lived.
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2009, 03:40:53 pm »
Which tropical countries did you live in?
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2009, 05:02:02 pm »
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2009, 07:58:11 pm »

Are marsupials part of your diet?  Are they good? 
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2009, 09:37:50 pm »
Regarding the over consumption of beef... hmmm... that is new to me, thanks. 

I'm having problems trying to execute a mono beef diet.  It's too alien to my instincts to be on mono diet.  But it won't stop me from self-experimenting. 

Why don't you eat water-buffalo ? They feed on grass only and are very near their wild cousins, don't they ?

Some years ago we could find fresh kangaroo meat in a supermarket near my former home in Switzerland. I found it to be the very best meat I ever ate - raw of course.
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2009, 02:25:39 am »
Thanks for the info. You spoke of Dr. Seignalet in the past tense--is he deceased?

Yes, unfortunately  :'(

It seems debatable whether we can even call bananas Paleo, though I did eat them until recently for the potassium and as a "fast food." If you have different info on bananas, please do let me know.

No, I once searched about the origins of bananas and found something similar. I agree with you, but still eat bananas when I don't have durians, cempedaks or jackfruits ! Our experience doesn't show any troubles  as long as we eat them instinctively: there's a neat "stop", you can hardly eat too much of them. 

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2009, 05:56:34 am »
Yes, unfortunately  :'(
OMG that's awful! If half of what he said is true then humanity has suffered a great loss. He was the only doctor I know of who I think was treating his patients with close to a RPD and reporting the results publicly. There are still some near-Paleo doctors but their diets don't sound as optimal and they don't seem to talk about the results. In combination with GC Burger's incarceration, it seems to be a catastrophic setback for trying to get the world headed back in the right direction.

On the other hand, if more people started listening to a Paleo doctor my foods would get more expensive and what could the world do? Dr. Seignalet described the problem brilliantly and with a sense of humor:

"The obstacles that [Guy-Claude] Burger has to face have nothing to do with religious forces, but, for all that, they are nonetheless daunting. In the first place, he has to persuade people that what he asserts is true. Now, he is aiming his blow at bread, milk, and cooking - all of which are part and parcel of civilisation, and that is the devil's own job. Imagine that Burger's ideas could be accepted. Could they actually be put into practice? That seems quite feasible, provided only a few supporters are concerned. However, expansion to a grand scale would mean nothing less than a revolution. Farming, cattle-breeding, catering, and many other walks of life - in short, society as a whole - would have to be turned on its head. Burger, then, obviously runs the risk of not only disturbing scientists but also many of his fellow citizens. Fortunately, innovators are no longer burnt at the stake. That would be an undeserved end for someone so much against any kind of cooking."

May he RIP.

No, I once searched about the origins of bananas and found something similar. I agree with you, but still eat bananas when I don't have durians, cempedaks or jackfruits ! Our experience doesn't show any troubles  as long as we eat them instinctively: there's a neat "stop", you can hardly eat too much of them.

Have you seem ex-Instincto Kirt Nieft's supposed quote of GC Burger about how many bananas some Instinctos have reported eating? Quite a bunch! ;D Though the passage doesn't seem to be in the 3rd edition. Bananas don't seem to have nearly as much of a stop as wild fruits, and that matches my own experience. US President Jimmy Carter even gained weight to get in the Navy by eating bananas. If too much fruit didn't ruin my health I would try the same thing.

Kirt Nieft wrote: "The quantities of an original food some instinctos have demanded can be surprising (to say the least ;-) ), as a few of these extraordinary examples from instincto lore will attest:

    * 52 egg yolks at a single sitting.
    * 151 egg yolks over two days.
    * 156 oysters at a single meal.
    * 48 bananas at a single meal.
    * 67 bananas in a single day.
    * 120 passionfruits at a single meal.
    * 210 passionfruits in a single day.
    * 7 cucumbers at a single dinner.
    * 16 melons (about a pound each) at a single meal (a twelve year-old girl).
    * 1.35 kilos (approximately 3 pounds) of honey.

(Above examples are from the online translation of Guy-Claude Burger's book, Manger Vrai, part one.)
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2009, 07:31:43 am »

Yes, I read carefully Kirt Nieft’s account in 2002 and I wrote him the e-mail below to put things right. As he didn’t answer, I finally posted the same message on the “Raw-food list”. A long suite of public exchanges  followed, which is unfortunately lost since that “Raw-food list” doesn’t exist anymore. But my first e-mail to Kirt survived on my computer and here it is !

I notice that Kirt didn’t bother yet (even more than 7  years later !!) to correct his text on Beyondveg of the several mistakes I pointed out to him.

15.1.2002 14:54

Dear Kirt,

Some time ago I sent you this mail. Did you get it  ? I wonder, because their was no reply from you. But yesterday I appreciated your posts answering to those of Stefanie. As you wrote, she really doesn’t reply to our questions in a proper way,  most of the time going sideways and trying to make us look ridiculous.

Could you at least acknowledge reception of this mail ? If you have any comments, I’ll be glad. Would you mind me post it on the list, so you’ll be able to answer directly and publicly?

Kind regards,


Comments on : An Ex-Instincto’s Guide to Instinctive Eating

Reading you on the Web was great and very enjoyable. Congratulations for your style, it is very funny!  It seems to me that your article will appear objective to most people – I don’t say that it is, since perfect objectivity is a hard to achieve ideal to which I don’t pretend myself.

Don’t worry: even thought I have been “officially indoctrinated” (!), I didn’t get any mental anguish after reading you. Since January 1987, I’ve been practicing instinctive nutrition and I’ve not eaten any cooked food from February of the same year on. Nevertheless, I can’t say that I do it 100% : sometimes I drink wine. And if we consider the fact that most of our food is not really ancestral, as you rightly point out, 100% pure instincto is almost impossible.

Furthermore, I buy Australian horse meat and New-Zealand lamb as well as meat from Orkos and I’m not sure at all whether those animals haven’t been fed grain or/and processed food.

If G.C Burger and Bruno Comby are a bit too optimistic about the healing power of our organisms once the intake of Neolithic cooked food has been abandoned, it seems to me that you are too pessimistic about it. It looks like their goal is selling Burger’s theory and that yours is to appear objective…

Now, since here in Europe we are more and more attacked and considered as a sect of indoctrinated fanatics led by “Burger the Guru”, it may be good for us that you, as well as many other guys eating instinctively, somehow criticize the theory while explaining it. Some of your critics are all right. But there are some, which I consider baseless and I’ll try to explain you why while correcting also some mistakes:

1. Burger is not French but Swiss.

2. I doubt he didn’t have any heather system in his farm, since the thermometer may sometimes go down to minus 15°C here in winter.

3. He doesn’t say that cooking has been used only for 10000 years, but he understands that large scale cooking could only take place once we manufactured pottery, in the Neolithic. Before, foodstuffs could only be grilled, and Burger writes and also told us he supposes we started to experiment this quite soon since we mastered the fire, 350000 to 500000 years ago.

4. He states that practicing a perfect raw instinctive nutrition is impossible in our civilized world and that we can only try to approach this ideal, without ever reaching it. He totally agrees with you on this point as well as on the former one, so it’d be fair to give it to him.

5. Fermenting is an original process, which occurs naturally in overripe fruits and is by no means a method of denaturing food. As a matter of fact, some animals as well as most instinctos are very fond of partially fermented fruits. Never tried it ?

6. Burger doesn’t pretend that every cooked food is toxic. What he says is : we have no proof that it is not noxious and that any instinctive stop with it occurs when the proper amount has been eaten – by the way, he also agrees that the same problem happens with modern artificially selected fruits & meat. He suspects that cooked food (or at least some cooked food) is, along with milk and cereals, the cause of many health problems and since we ignore exactly which foodstuffs, if not all processed ones, are responsible of these problems, it is safer to avoid them all and eat as much as possible only raw original food. He told us almost exactly what you say about a contingent minimum adaptation to some processed food, probably for some folks at least.

( I read some of Jean-Louis Tu article, and I have no arguments against it, except that I doubt very much that our analytic science is able to observe and predict the molecular outcome of all biochemistry events happening with an increase in temperature of hyper-complex organic structures and the end result of their interaction with an animal organism. It is quite possible that some food cooked at low temperature won’t make any health problems – I mean long-term problems, not only short-term ones. But I do not see any interest in cooking food at low temperature, since the pleasure of eating instinctively raw original foodstuffs is much greater that what we could ever obtain with a diet. Any such diet would be more difficult to practice than strict original nutrition, as many guy have found out since long ago here in Switzerland. Long-term instinctive nutrition is easy only as long as you do it without exceptions. It’s like if you quit smoking: you better not smoke again a single cigarette if you don’t want to start smoking again.

Also, there is a recent article in the very official French “Impact Medecin Hebdo” of February 2, 1996 reporting that the first 4 known human diseases appeared simultaneously with the mastery of the fire. But sure, they didn’t bother to cook at low temperature…)   

7. I would rather write: according to instincto empirical findings and theory.

8. Is really the whole scene at the Chateau very cult-like ? I’ve been several times there and I never saw any form of cult. What I found there was rather some ordinary people as well as some very brilliant persons. Of course, like everywhere, ordinary people have a propensity to be dogmatic and tend to understand more than what Burger says, taking for the ultimate truth what he presents as hypothesis. Most people need solid ground to believe, not a theory to be put into questioning every day and every hour as Burger strongly recommended. He took long diatribes to explain us that what he says is only a theoretical model, that a theory is never the ultimate truth but a temporary explanation to be modified or abandoned in the future, once we have more facts and understanding of these facts.

9. In 1987, Burger warned us that instinctos could contract MALARIA and would not self-heal with instinctive nutrition. In case of malaria, he said, we better immediately take chloroquin. Bruno Comby apparently ignored this fact: in a discussion group some years latter, someone asked him if there was any diseases which couldn’t be healed with instinctive nutrition. I answered “malaria” and he was really surprised, disagreeing with me.

10. In 15 years (edit : 22 years now) of instinctive nutrition, I never got any parasite. I heard of some instinctos getting taenia. I consider it as a risk, a remote risk if you don’t eat meat of animals having access to garbage, human crops such as corn, or processed food leftovers. But anyway, since drugs are available against most parasites, what is the problem ?

11. Corn and cereals grains, specially wheat, shall better be avoided. The reason for it was initially unknown, thought artificial selection inducing mutations was suspected. The discovery was empirical, as it was with milk. Now, this finding has fond scientific evidence in well-documented papers, such as: “The origins of agriculture ? a biological perspective and a new hypothesis” by Greg Wadley & Angus Martin, Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne. Published in Australian Biologist 6: 96 - 105, June 1993 . I also found on the web a document in French called “A qui appartient le blé” which entirely confirms Burger’s initial suspicions : Alternatively, it can be found with the word “Aegylopse”: the author made a spelling mistake, the proper name is “Aegilops”. I contacted him, and his answer further confirmed Burger’s hypothesis. He got those infos from his father, who was working at the external relations of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research ( INRA, former CNRA ).   

Rice, for instance, does not seem to give any troubles (see Seignalet). But you don’t need to germinate it to eat it, unlike what you write. It is hard when dry, so you can soak it in water and eat it when it is soft and tasty as you like. By the way, the choice of instinctive food is unlimited: anything is edible in any state as long as you like it and the thing is ancestral and unprocessed.

 12. Of course instinctos also die and I never thought I will get immortal… Everyone knows that some pesticides and other stuff such as asbestos fibres, air pollution or exposure to high levels of radioactivity may trigger a cancer 20, 30 or more years latter. Maybe wheat and dairy products too, whatever your diet is at the time. Instinctive nutrition is not a bulletproof armour against cancer: it only diminishes your chances of being struck by diseases due to processed food, not eliminating them totally if you ever ate that kind of stuff ( that’s only logical reasoning ! ). Many living instinctos could be dead today if they had gone on with processed food. Who knows ? I could even be dead myself, or at least sick or looking older, but that I can’t prove, of course !

13. Less frequent sexuality ? No. No more compulsory, OK, that’s right, I can testify. But I can also testify that in a relationship some time ago, neither her nor I ever before experienced so frequent intercourse. ( She had started instinctive nutrition along soon after we met. )

14. Burger’s metasexuality theory is another subject, a subject on which instinctos disagree. I think it’d be better not to write comments about it without a good knowledge of it.

15. A further interesting subject is Burger’s theoretical model of the viral phenomenon. A paper on it in English can be found at:. Alternatively, the word “Anopsology” will lead to it.

17. Burger’s personality is the target of French journalists, administration and justice. Whether the charges against him are groundless or not is an issue which doesn’t concern his theories. These theories go very much beyond the nutrition problems and that’s where it becomes really interesting, controversial and… disturbing for many persons. I do not know whether there is real Justice and I doubt that Justice can be done by humans beings. It is rather vengeance.     

Best regards,
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2009, 07:38:03 am »
I went through a fruitarian phase so I have some experience with fruits.
I view bananas as some of the least desired, least nutritious fruits. (Although there is a wide variety of them.)
When the only fruit left are bananas, the kids will tell me there is nothing to eat.

There are therapeutic uses of bananas.  We have a variety called latundan and its use is for potassium deficiency.

Eating any more than 4 or 5 (6 inch long) bananas a day I have never done even during fruitarian. Sounds gross.
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Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2009, 08:56:52 am »
Interesting information on the instincto diet.

It's funny it's illegal to get horse meat for human consumption in Australia but legal to sell it overseas.
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