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Offline boxcarguy07

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #50 on: August 16, 2008, 11:56:24 pm »
Yeah, I should be able to. I'll have to go out of my way for some things, such as leaving work early on days that my meat order comes in so that it doesn't sit in the mail room overnight (the post office closes at 5 and I work until 6), and I think I might have to buy a small freezer to keep in my room because I just don't think the one in our kitchen will be big enough to fit all my meat as well as whatever my suitemates will have.

But other than just the added pressures of going out to eat and stuff (the best pizza joint in the world is just down the block!), there shouldn't be any problem in that regard.

Oh and good news!
I just got an email the other day that starting this year students at my college now have full access to a 24-hour gym. Which is great because the "gym" that was on-campus last year was seriously lacking, plus they took away all the dumbbells because it's on the second floor of a phone company and people wouldn't stop dropping the dumbbells. AND there would always be a weight-lifting class in there in the mornings, and you're not allowed in there when there's a class going on. So I'm really happy about this.

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2008, 11:47:47 pm »
Monday August 18

Today I started the 5x5-6 for the first three exercises.

1. Bench Press:                                  150x5          150x5         150x5             150x5              150x5
2. Leg Press:                                     500x7          500x6          500x6            500x6               500x5
3. Lat Pulldown:                                 140x7          150x6          150x6            150x5               150x4
4. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press:     35x8            35x6            30x5
5. Pushdown:                                    140x9          110x8 (reverse grip)  110x7 (reverse grip)
6. Preacher Curl:                               75x8            75x7             75x4
7. Weighted Crunch:                           30x10          30x5

I was surprised at my bench press... I did the first set and thought "There's no way I'll be able to do 5 reps for all of the 5 sets with this weight", as I reached failure on the fifth rep of the first set. I thought I was gonna have to lower the weight at some point. Surprisingly I was able to push out 5 reps each time.

Four days til I move back to school!

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #52 on: August 19, 2008, 12:43:57 am »
When I started lifting weights after eating raw meat I found that my bench press went back up to as much as it was before on SAD but my legs never recovered. I still would like more weight in my legs proportionate to the rest of me, but I'm trying to gain all over as well.

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #53 on: August 19, 2008, 12:53:11 am »
Hmm, I'm the opposite. My legs have always been much stronger in proportion to my upper body. Before I stopped working out for 2 years I used to squat 330 for reps and leg press around 800.
My arms are downright tiny compared to the rest of my body. But my back and my legs grow very quickly.
Are you currently weight training? You should put your routine up in your journal.

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2008, 01:03:57 pm »
I'm training with kettlebells, but I'm still getting down my routine with them and don't have a solid one yet.


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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2008, 02:02:08 pm »
Hmm, I'm the opposite. My legs have always been much stronger in proportion to my upper body. Before I stopped working out for 2 years I used to squat 330 for reps and leg press around 800.
My arms are downright tiny compared to the rest of my body. But my back and my legs grow very quickly.
Are you currently weight training? You should put your routine up in your journal.

I find the same thing with my lower body - the only exception being my hamstrings. I can max out on all of the leg machines on my quads, leg presses and calf raises but my hamstrings are pretty weak. Also, I have a larger back and traps compared to the pushing muscles such as my pecs, which seem small to me. They are week too.

From your pics, you're arms aren't small. I think every serious bodybuilder has body dysmorphia to an extent.

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2008, 12:15:59 am »
Craig, you perhaps are right. I don't think so though  ;D  :P

Wednesday August 20

Had a decent workout today. My mind wasn't as focused today as it normally is... damn when there are pretty girls in the gym when I'm trying to workout!! It makes concentrating much harder.  :P

I started using lifting straps on stiff-legged deadlifts today. Well, actually the first few sets I tried to, but I totally forgot how to use them! I'm very not smart sometimes! I had to ask someone to remind me how to use the straps. But anyway, I was finally able to use them on the last couple sets.

1. Bent-over Row:                 125x6           125x6        125x5          125x5           125x5
2. Incline Dumbbell Press:         50x7             50x6         50x5            50x5             50x5
3. Stiff-leg Deadlift:              185x6             185x6        185x6          205x5           205x6
4: Barbell Curl:                     70x9               70x6          70x6
5. Weighted Dips:                 25x10              25x7          25x5
6. Shrugs:                           175x9              175x7         175x6
7. Leg Extension:                  305x10            305x10       305x7

Went to the store on the way home to pick up some plums... they didn't have any ripe ones, so I got some green figs to eat. Man, they were good! The perfect level of sweetness... just a little. I started laughing out loud while eating them... sometimes I do that when I eat fruit. It's just funny, I don't know why. Fruit makes me happy.

Back to college in 2 days!!!


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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2008, 02:05:35 am »
What happens when you eat fruit and raw meat at the same time? You must sound like a lunatic!  ;D

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #58 on: August 21, 2008, 02:36:50 am »

lol. :D

thankfully I always eat them separately!

But, I sound like a lunatic most of the time anyway, so I doubt it matters much!

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2008, 12:23:11 pm »
Friday August 22

Well, I just moved back to college!
It's soooo weird! It feels like I never really left, like summer went by in an instant!!

Unfortunately, with all the hustle and bustle of packing and moving, I missed my workout today. So hopefully I'll be able to get in the gym tomorrow, the one that students are now allowed to use. Hopefully there's a squat rack, and no stupid rules like no deadlifting!

I'm looking forward to this semester greatly.
I feel a lot more sociable since going raw paleo. Which is weird, because raw paleo in and of itself is not very sociable!

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #60 on: August 25, 2008, 10:36:52 pm »
Monday August 25

Well, I wasn't able to make up Friday's missed workout because today was the first day students were allowed to use the gym. But that's okay. I went this morning and the gym is very nice. it's very clean and visually pleasing, and I'm pretty sure it has everything I need.
The only thing is I miss the ruggedness of my old gym. This gym uses weights made from plastic or rubber or something like that. My old gym has nothing but cold hard steel!

I went up in some lifts, and down in others. Kind of strange.

1. Bench Press:                        150x6          150x5          150x5         150x4              150x4
2. Leg Press:                            520x8          520x7          520x6         520x6              520x6
3. Pulldown:                             145x7          145x7          145x6         145x5              145x5
4. Standing Dumbbell Press:          35x8          35x6            35x5
5. Pushdown*:                           60x9           60x5           40x6 (reverse grip)
6. Preacher Curls:                       75x8            75x7           75x3
7. Weighted Crunch:                  30x10           30x5

*Uses a different pulley system, so it's harder which is why the weight is so much less than last week

My job starts today, my classes start tomorrow! Criminy!

Offline boxcarguy07

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2008, 08:32:58 am »
Alright, so it's been a while since I've posted in this journal.
I've been pretty busy with work and classes and friends and music and whatnot.
I've been to the gym twice since I've posted, but each time I cut my workout short because the gym didn't have the equipment that I needed.
They don't have a barbell that fits in the squat rack, which really sucks because squats are so essential to all of my lifting plans. They also don't have a belt that you can add weight to, so I can't do weighted dips or anything like that.
I'm going to try to talk to a manager or something at the gym about this, but the time when I went in there was only one guy there and he wasn't helpful at all.

Enough complaining though  :)   I decided after that to take a week off from lifting, and devise a new lifting plan that I could do at this new gym. So I start up again tomorrow morning with my new routine.

I've been doing a lot of biking and going to the beach and fishing, and running around playing frisbee this past week. I've also been eating less (2 lbs. of meat a day instead of 3)  so I think I've dropped a little bit of bodyfat, which is cool. I can't wait to keep getting bigger again though!

I've been dealing with some health issues lately. I might make a post about them in the health forum if they don't clear up in the next couple days. Hopefully they will.  :)

So, tomorrow I will resume posting my workouts. Yay!

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #62 on: September 08, 2008, 08:33:45 pm »
Monday September 08

Alright, back in the gym this morning! I had a great workout.
I weighed myself expecting to have lost some weight, but I was actually a tiny bit heavier. Which is totally fine by me.
I'm on a split routine now, and today was chest, triceps, and shoulders.

Dumbbell Press:              55x12           55x9              55x8             55x7
Skull-crushers:               35x12           35x9              35x8             35x8
Incline DB Flyes:             30x10           30x9              30x8
Decline DB Press:            50x9             50x8              50x8
Lateral Shoulder Raises:   20x9             20x7              20x6
Tricep Kickbacks:           15x10            15x9              15x9
Weighted leg lifts:          10x10            10x8

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2008, 01:12:56 am »
Wednesday September 10

Leg Day:

Leg Press:             450x10            450x9          450x8           450x7            450x7
Stiff-legged DL:      225x8               225x8          225x7         225x8
Leg Extension:       150x11              150x10        150x8
Hamstring Curl:      100x10               100x7          90x8
Incline Crunch:      30x11                 30x5           30x4
Calf Raise:             180x20              270x12        270x10         (done on leg press)
Lunge:                  90x8                  90x8                             (for each leg, alternately)

Walking up and down stairs today for classes has been pretty tought lol

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #64 on: September 20, 2008, 10:38:31 pm »
Well, I didn't update with my last two workouts, and then I took a couple days off because I was just so darn tired due to my eyes adjusting to not wearing glasses (I'm still not 100%), but I did make it into the gym this morning, and had a pretty good leg workout.

This morning I visited to local farmer's market. I bought two plums and ate them while lying down in the grass. It was momentary bliss.
Then I went to the 100% Grass-fed Beef stand, which I've passed up before because I noticed their prices are pretty high, higher than what I pay for getting it shipped to me. Plus their selection isn't too great either. They have a few cuts of steak, ground beef, liver, marrow bones, and oxtail. That's about it.
I went up and asked them if they'd be able to sell me any other organs other than liver, and they said they'd be able to get the heart back from the processor. I asked about adrenals and brains, and things like that, and they said there was no way they could get those back. Such a shame.
So, I bought a pound of ground-beef from them (it was $6!!!) because I figured, "hey, these are my local grass-fed beef people, they're doing a good thing, I should help them out at least a little bit."
I hope it tastes good!

Also, last week, I bought a pound of local grass-fed ground beef from EarthFare (a natural grocery store that has stores in the SE united states). I don't think it was from the same place. I didn't like it as much as what I get delivered to me, but I think that's because it didn't have as much fat.

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2008, 12:11:13 pm »
Gahhhhhh, I can't sleep. I'm so restless.
Tomorrow, I'm planning on (hopefully) asking the girl I like out.
I might chicken out... I've never asked a girl out on a date before.
I mean, I've had a girlfriend but that just kind of happened, I never really asked her out.
This is something completely new.
Man oh man oh man, I'm nervous and I just need to get this out in writing haha!
I'm a complete buffoon when it comes to girls I like.
I'm (hopefully) going to ask her to be my date to a symphony on Saturday night.
Ahhhhhhhhh I can't even think straight.

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #66 on: September 24, 2008, 12:21:34 pm »
Good luck on asking this girl out! I'd like to offer any tips I can, but really its just a matter of confidence ... and experience, lol. Just don't tell her about how much you love those raw lamb hearts  ;).
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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #67 on: September 24, 2008, 12:35:00 pm »
Good luck on asking this girl out! I'd like to offer any tips I can, but really its just a matter of confidence ... and experience, lol. Just don't tell her about how much you love those raw lamb hearts  ;).

oh god that's a whole other issue right there!  ;D

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #68 on: September 24, 2008, 08:40:49 pm »
Good luck. How do you know her?

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #69 on: September 27, 2008, 11:02:26 pm »
Tell her you're might just help you get through it...and if she's worth the "pursuit", she'll actually be flattered and find you kind of cute for being nervous. Best of luck!

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #70 on: September 27, 2008, 11:53:23 pm »
Good luck. How do you know her?

She's in one class of mine each day.

Thanks for the advice Kristelle!
However, I did ask her to the symphony the other day (along with some other people so as to not seem too forward) but she said she already had a date. Ah, well.  ;D


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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #71 on: October 03, 2008, 10:30:55 am »

I would love to see a full back shot of you.  Perhaps soon you will have a photographer friend to capture your tremendous gains for all of us to enjoy?

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #72 on: October 03, 2008, 07:50:35 pm »
Sure thing Satya... I figured out how to use the delay function on my camera phone so I'll probably be able to do it myself one of these days.

Anyway, I wanted to post here about the experience I just had, instead of continuing to clutter up the other thread I was posting in about it.

I just ate four chunks of my heart meat that I've been letting sit.
I have no way of knowing whether it was truly "high" or just spoiled, I just know that it smelled really bad.

Thankfully, the taste wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, the taste was pretty bad. It just wasn't as strong as I thought it would be. I bolted it down with mineral water, not chewing at all. It was so slimy I don't think that chewing was at all necessary. Thank goodness for the mineral water though, as I'm not so sure I could've done it without it.

For the first few minutes after I ate it, I felt kind of ill. But I'm pretty sure that was all mental, like "What did I just do to myself?"
After the intial sick feeling, I felt GREEEEAT! Which could have been all in my mind too, but who cares right?

The main thing I'm hoping that eating high meat will do for me is help with my digestion, which I do not believe is up to par.

I still have quite a bit left, which I'm sure will just get more and more gross until I finish it.  -\

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2008, 07:05:25 pm »
"High-meat" does help improve digestion when one has to eat a cooked-food meal.

I'm surprised that you got such instantaneous effects. I always take c.12-24 hours(the next day) to experience the effects of "high-meat".

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Re: Keith's Journal
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2008, 10:38:48 pm »
The main thing I'm hoping that eating high meat will do for me is help with my digestion, which I do not believe is up to par.

Sorry, I am the digestive questionnaire. seams...many may/do have problems and put up with them or call them detox I think. If we can talk about "deep down problems" we will learn and be able to understand life I believe.

What are your problems and what is your understanding of them (our mind is connected to our digestive system)!

Thank you


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