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Who's Paying This Doctor?
« on: February 25, 2010, 03:14:13 am »

What do you think?  Kevin Trudeau?  In any case, he's extremely educated, and correct about almost everything.
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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 11:42:32 am »
Ive been waiting a while for a video like this to come out! :D
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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 04:39:07 am »
Good man!

Offline PaleoPhil

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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 12:55:33 am »
I'm sorry, but that video is disturbing. Moulden reminds me of someone I know with pretty severe psychiatric illness. So much so that it's difficult for me to watch...and the fellow I know can speak better than Moulden. At times in the video Moulden descends into jibberish.

A little bit of Google searching brings up lots of links that call into question his extraordinary claims, which he presented largely without evidence:

Moulden claims that vaccines cause all illness. All of us here who have had illnesses clear up from dietary change know this isn't true. I don't get vaccinated, but I don't think vaccines are the cause of all illness.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 03:22:46 am »
I relistened to the video to try to pick out where he said that vaccination cause all illness. Can you tell me where he said that? Just give me the time on the video time stamp.

What I got from it was that he was talking about a wide variety of topics and the most easily identifiable issue with the current Allopathic medical model is vaccination. He also talked about the serious issues of @2:00 the monopoly and monopolistic activity of the Allopathic medical system which in any other industry is illegal, @4:43 Science as a religion as in pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, latest greatest drugs, 8:50 the pharmaceutical companies via their cozy relationships with the FDA and Canadian version going after virtually harmless natural products. There was a number of topics in there. Did I miss something?

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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 05:28:18 am »
I relistened to the video to try to pick out where he said that vaccination cause all illness. Can you tell me where he said that? Just give me the time on the video time stamp.
It was from another source. I meant to post the link, sorry:

Dr Andrew Moulden’ MASS Blood FLO – Rivers of Life by Dr Mark Sircus

(emphases mine)

Moulden attributes "all diseases and disorders" to a process he calls "MASS FLO":

"When you can see that all diseases and disorders share the same common pathology or clinical signs of disease from impaired microscopic circulation blood flow), this means there IS a common set of mechanisms and principles creating disease and disorder process that we have glaringly missed. I have called this process “MASS FLO” andthe pathologies and diseasestates that emerge, including death, MASS ischemia and M.A.S.S. – Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes. ...."

What causes "MASS FLO"? Why, vaccinations, of course: "an overzealous one size fits all vaccine program that has created MASS ischemia and MASS disorders on MASS scales."

In at least one place Moulder does contradict himself and acknowledge the existence of "infectious diseases," though I wouldn't be surprised if he attributes those to vaccinations too. Somewhere in the links above he mentioned smoking too, but didn't expound on it at all. It seems that if something doesn't relate to his apparent obsession with vaccines, he isn't much interested in it.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2010, 08:25:15 am »
Interesting. I read the same thing you read and I did not see the statements you selected, giving the meaning that you conveyed.  I notice very clearly that he hypothesizes that the disease process is such and such, but he does not say that string of words that you have picked out where vaccines caused everything.  I get that you cherry picked statements from different places and glued them together with your conclusion.

Again please advise me exact paragraph where all those words were strung together leading to your conclusion. What I saw him saying is that disease has varying causes seemingly related to electrical disturbances. Vaccines have theoretically (according to the stated studies and Doctors theories from the past) violated the concept of his assertion which is that electrical influences have been narrowed down as being causative of illnesses. He says that vaccines violate this electrical paradigm to which he is referring. There is a video of acupuncture which Allopaths derided for countless years until they were blown off their feet when they were shown operations in China using it successfully probably about 40 years ago. This is shown as partial proof of the existence of a deeper paradigm of disease causation, sort of like the paradigm shifts that occurred when the successive layers of physics eventually upended the previous modus operandi that had ruled the world in going from Newton to Einstein. Read "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Gary Zukav

Here are some statements that I picked out from the long article;

"We can fix MASS ischemia, prevent, treat, and recover from MASS ischemia disorders only once we  address and target the several very specific phases that are involved in “MASS physiology” in health and disease and disorder – including autism spectrum, dementia, multiple sclerosis, depression, brain damage, schizophrenia, parkinson disease, bipolar disorder, seisure disorders, autoimmune disorders..and much much more."

Notice he says "much much more",  not- everything or all.

BTW ischemia means blood flow blockage caused by mechanical blockages for those who do not have access to a medical dictionary.
Another statement from the article:

"Indeed, the human body does not become diseased or damaged from a general lack of surgery, radiation, drugs, or vaccines – something else is missing; we simply have never deciphered what that something was – as an entity or as a set of biological processes. MASS charge and Zeta potential represent two of these core conceptual “entities” and processes, that we have missed in basic medical sciences."

Makes perfect sense to me. The more I read his article the more I concur. This gentleman appears to have knowledge gained from studies in other disciplines, sort of like Louis Pasteur the chemist (called pharmacist nowadays) who ran into incredible resistance from the rock solid medical community, no doubt a lot of which was medical snobbery at a mere pharmacist upending their ridiculous theory of "spontaneous generation" as the root of communicable diseases. Thank goodness ole Loius was a persistent bugger.

Every so often someone comes along and points out - sure the emperor indeed is wearing nary e'en a wee bit a cloth...

As far as your original links that I assume you believe conclusively prove that the gentleman in question is a quack... let me guess... these are all legitimate sites run by honorable people with no financial or philosophical gain in their heart of hearts.  Allopathic medicine has a long and decidedly seedy history of trashing other medical systems right out of the gate with the establishment of the AMA. Some of the systems blown out of the water by these ruthless doctors and pharmaceutical interests have stubbornly persisted and are getting quite prominent inside and outside of the U.S. because as he says in his article:

"Indeed, the human body does not become diseased or damaged from a general lack of surgery, radiation, drugs, or vaccines – something else is missing;....."

Notice he mentioned more than just vaccines......

Having said all of this I have to agree with your original assertion that (diet is the problem/solution) "All of us here who have had illnesses clear up from dietary change know this isn't true."

I myself have practiced Ayurvedic processes for probably 23 years and have been blessed with very good health as a consequence. I had the opportunity and became a practitioner of same, for the knowledge value only. I have worked alongside people who had colds, coughs and illnesses of various varieties, wore headsets with microphones that touch the mouth that they wore, after they coughed all over them, sat 1.5 feet from them for hours and never caught any of their illnesses. They trooped off to doctors to get medicines of God only knows what variety, strength or composition to no avail.

I prefer not to practice medicine without a license so I refrained from explaining to them why they were sick, but once with one fellow, after a cough which lasted about a year, I explained why he had it and what to do to stop it. He did as I suggested and that was the end of his cough.

Personally I truly believe that the Allopathic medical system is generally populated by well-meaning, intelligent, conceited, overpaid quacks. Despite this I have a number of friends and relatives who are physicians of varying disciplines. To me they are going through a phase which they will grow out of at some point, when the money loses its lustre.

Allopathy is the system that is prominent in the world today. Allo (Greek) means trauma, in other words you see that Doc after you have experienced trauma. An incredibly expensive system that makes a lot of people very rich and a lot of people very miserable.

I am fascinated by your assertion that someone who you don't agree with or understand has a pretty severe psychiatric illness. Do you feel this way often? Come sit on the couch and share with me. What does this remind you of? What are you feeling now? Is there anything else you're not saying? What does it feel like when you close your eyes? Are you really sure you liked your mother?

("Moulden reminds me of someone I know with pretty severe psychiatric illness. So much so that it's difficult for me to watch...and the fellow I know can speak better than Moulden. At times in the video Moulden descends into jibberish.")

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Re: Who's Paying This Doctor?
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2010, 10:05:31 am »
...I am fascinated by your assertion that someone who you don't agree with or understand has a pretty severe psychiatric illness.
And I'm fascinated that you would read so much more into my words than what I actually wrote. Here are my actual words:

"Moulden reminds me of someone I know with pretty severe psychiatric illness."

If he is ill, I empathize with him, because then that means he's likely not getting the help he needs and his fans are enabling his illness by ignoring it, which would be sad. If he's not ill, then what is his excuse for preaching such nonsense?

Do you feel this way often? Come sit on the couch and share with me. What does this remind you of? What are you feeling now? Is there anything else you're not saying? What does it feel like when you close your eyes? Are you really sure you liked your mother? ...
No, I've never made that comment about any other guru (you can check my past posts if you don't believe me). Why the defensiveness? No need to ascribe imaginary things to me. I was just noting that I observed disturbing similarities between him and an ill friend of mine. That's true. Am I supposed to lie to make you feel better? I hope the similarities are coincidental, but if you check out the comments on this video of his you'll see that someone else noticed it and was much harsher than I:


Do you have any evidence that there is an alternative explanation for his unusual behavior and rapid-fire jibberish? I'm open to alternatives.

It's interesting that you brought up the term "quack." I didn't use it, but now that you mention it, what I've seen in his own videos and what I read about him does fit that term, and I'm not part of allopathic medicine, nor do I make any profit from disagreeing with him, so you can't claim that only people from allopathic medicine or with a financial motive disagree with him.

Unfortunately, other people may suffer because of the strange advice he gives and if anyone does take it seriously, then it should be refuted, which is why I presented other links so people can get a fuller picture. Freedom of information access is people's right. I'll let people check the various sources and decide for themselves what they think.

Having said all of this I have to agree with your original assertion that (diet is the problem/solution) "All of us here who have had illnesses clear up from dietary change know this isn't true."
That was my main point (though I would qualify it by saying diet is the "primary" problem, not the only one)--this Dr. Moulder is missing the boat by focusing so narrowly on vaccines. I think there are problems with vaccines, but I don't ascribe most chronic illnesses primarily to them. It's a crime that so much time and energy is being wasted by focusing on vaccines. In my view, diet is a more likely primary cause of Asperger's and autism than vaccines. Children are likely needlessly suffering because people like him are leading them in the wrong directions.

Personally I truly believe that the Allopathic medical system is generally populated by well-meaning, intelligent, conceited, overpaid quacks.
I generally agree, and unless he starts talking about the connection between modern foods and the chronic diseases he mentions, I would add this Dr. Moulder to your list of quacks.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 10:15:57 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb


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