I would agree that pollution is more damaging than many people think. For example, there's some scientific data linking air pollution in cities to increased mortality, but I'm sceptical re chem-trails, myself. It doesn't help that Aajonus has a pet peeve re chem-trails which makes me highly dubious of the whole concept. I'll get round to viewing that documentary in 1-2 days. No time right now.
Chemtrails are beyond simple air pollution, I am sure you will understand this once you have an opportunity to view the documentary. As for Aajonus' association with chemtrails:
-You are clearly skeptical of Aajonus' claims (I am too.
Starving to death in an Indian burial ground - how dramatic)
-This notion you have of Aajonus leads you to presume that anything he claims is a lie.
-Yet you eat raw meat; A concept that is proclaimed by Aajonus
What I am trying to say is that there are plenty of liers that can be right and plenty of honest people that can be wrong. Ultimately its up to you to discern the truth for yourself. There is too much deception and misinformation in this world to entirely rely on the opinions of others.
What about this
connection of morgellons and chemtrails?
I've been looking into that myself. I know that there are forces which may be impossible to stop, but knowledge is powerful and I can at least try to learn as much as I can to help protect myself and the people I care about.
Chemtrails? Are you kidding me?
Even if it is polluting, so what? Diesels on our streets spew way more crap than chemtrails.
And none of us can do anything about it. Not like we have a choice not to breathe it.
I suggest take this to conspiracy theory forums and keep this one clean.
You clearly do not understand that Chemtrails are not mere pollution. I understand that you are skeptical, but at least take the time to watch the documentary and inform yourself on views which oppose yours before lashing out in disbelief. 'Consipracy theory' is a great term used by mainstream society to dismiss any notion which deviates from common knowledge - it seems to imply that the notion is impossible. In reality, there are
'conspiracies' (a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act) and
'theories' are simply notions which have not been accepted by fact (evolution is just a 'theory')
No, conspiracy theories have no place here. Last thing we need is for ridiculous claims that ancient governments conspired against us to introduce neolithic foods, and similiar nonsense. As for chem-trails, as pointed out above, there are more pressing realistic concerns such as pollution from cars etc. for us to worry about more dodgy claims.
Again, please take the time to educate yourself on the matter before referring to the concept of chemtrails as a "dodgy claim." I am not so certain that you even know what the 'claim' is.