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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2010, 03:52:26 pm »
AV originally came to raw-meat via coyote.
He was wise or desperate enough to learn from nature (Natural Science!), not some blowhard.

   Hi William.  Who's a blow hard?  Maybe express it in a maybe more civilized manor?  Thanks William.  I'm just not quite getting what you mean there.
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2010, 01:55:22 am »
Yes, for now there is a link on this page so you can hear the interview:
Tonio, the interviewer, asked some questions to which Aajonus gave in-depth answers about the Primal Diet, and the time went so quickly that Tonio did not get a chance to ask the many questions he had prepared.  Aajonus suggested they do another one dedicated only to question and answer.  Once scheduled, this will be posted on the page.

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #27 on: November 22, 2010, 12:19:53 pm »
He never mentioned this before.  AV originally came to raw-meat diets via Natural Hygiene and related raw vegan practices....

Tyler, are you aware there is some raw meat eating going well back in the history of the Natural Hygiene movement and that the International Natural Hygiene Society (website established in 2003) states “that the optimal diet for humans equals the diet that ancient primitive peoples thrived on,” and that very different diets are promoted by various natural hygienists? The INHS says that one of their "dominant versions of the ultimate diet" is a “Paleolithic low-carb diet” (they also refer to it as a “primal diet,” as Aajonus does). It has similarities to Aajonus’ basic recommended diet (see and appears to combine influences from Natural Hygiene, Aajonus and "Weston Price research." They list one of its proponents as famous Natural Hygienist Dr. Stanley S. Bass. Indeed, natural hygienists, Aajonus and Paleo diet advocates all now agree on at least one thing: “to be healthy, we should eat foods of our biological adaptation.” The INHS even quotes Aajonus here:

There is also a new phenomenon - all-raw meat eating: "the primal diet". .... "I have seen that eating 1-3 pounds of raw meat daily helps regenerate, heal the body, and reverse the common toxic deterioration associated with aging and disease. ... I recommend only ocean wild-caught raw fish, ... including swordfish, which has the highest mercury content. When digested and made bioactive by plankton and eaten by fish, traces of mercury are great detoxifiers of toxic mercury in the body. ... When fish are cooked, mercury and other metallic minerals become free-radicals and toxic." --A. Vonderplanitz: "The recipe for living without disease"(

Plus by calling Aajonus' diet just a "Primal diet," this fails to distinguish it from the now better-known (outside this forum) Primal diet of Mark Sisson. Therefore, to distinguish AV's diet, I think of it as a combination of Natural Hygiene and Primal diet elements. I suppose I could call it a "NH Primal diet" or a "raw Primal diet" or call Mark Sisson's diet a "Primal Blueprint diet" to distinguish them from each other.

[P.S., plus Aajonus talks about having tried Natural Hygiene himself in the past. Plus a reasonable and intelligent raw vegan I know listened to one of Aajonus'  interviews and remarked about how much it sounded like Natural Hygiene except for the meat aspect (this raw vegan didn't know that raw meat is not forbidden in Natural Hygiene) without anyone prompting him on this.]
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 02:06:34 pm by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2010, 12:59:39 pm »
the problem is - is that Aajnous's diet is diametrically opposed to the very concept of Natural Hygiene which is that the body repairs itself as a self healing organism and that only natural conditions (and not therapies or specific foods) facilitate this healing. Yes this involves a 'natural diet' but its subjectively chosen based on ideology more often than anthropology. They get around this like the instinctos by claiming that humans at one point degenerated to our meat heavy ancestors and once ate more like the great apes in total bliss and harmony.

in a sense one could see Mark Sisson's diet can be seen as the very opposite of say raw frutarianism because its a high fat diet that revolves mostly around cooked foods, even tho some raw is emphasized in plants. It doesn't have any of the healing voodoo of either frutarianism or Aajonus, so in that way its very different.

but more or less when it comes to healing specific foods and practices, Aajonus diet has way less in common with hygiene than standard paleo or instincto diets. The only major similarities being around salt, pill based supplementation, against various cleanses and is pro raw. Its similar to a degree in regard parasites. The very idea of eating a certain food as a remedy is null in hygiene. Aajonus came from fruitarian based hygiene diet, but many people come from a SAD diet...I would say very few  to none of his ideas actually come from hygiene that are not based on his own experimentation. The very crux of the primal diet is it is not about replicating any dietary habits specifically, only eating foods that can cleanse and build the body the best from a modern perspective as well as based in anatomy or anthropology of man.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 02:13:23 pm by KD »

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2010, 01:56:09 pm »
They get around this like the instinctos by claiming that humans at one point degenerated to our meat heavy ancestors and once ate more like the great apes in total bliss and harmony.

I didn’t know that “the instinctos” claim that.  ???
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2010, 05:01:58 pm »
I did not know re NH and raw-meat-eating.  I only heard about from AV who vaguely mentioned coming to raw meats via NH. As for the Primal Diet label, didn't AV come up with that term first?
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2010, 10:44:21 pm »
Yes this involves a 'natural diet' but its subjectively chosen based on ideology more often than anthropology. They get around this like the instinctos by claiming that humans at one point degenerated to our meat heavy ancestors and once ate more like the great apes in total bliss and harmony.

I didn’t know that “the instinctos” claim that.  ???
You forget the statistics which have been done for example on chimpanzee’s diet in nature: the fruit share represents about two thirds, that of sheets and roots a quarter, and the remainder consists of proteins (oilseeds, meat and insects). However, the alimentary instinct’s experiment shows that humans come substantially at the same proportions simply by listening to their instinct ¬ subject to the few rules I developed to restore as far as possible an adequate nutritional environment.

were you objecting to the word 'once' believed? This is the only sound byte I could grab, but references to chimps being a working model for human diets seems to be common among both camps I mentioned. If people like they can cruise the other commonly spouted information about these links or the necessary tropical origins theories and more common and abundant vegetation year round that would be required for a high fruit diet.

Either way, removing the possible value of foods 'not found in nature' right off the bat and dismissing the fact that they could not be healthier for a modern person than any ratio or variety of foods deemed 'natural' or appropriate in nature is the very essence of Natural Hygiene. and I think is fair to include Instincto here, unless is equally open as Primal Diet in accepting other rationale in terms of selecting nutrition or medicine than what would be done naturally - not to mention animals regularly proved to not act in accordance with these natural rules when divorced of natural circumstances or even  when honestly examined in natural ones. Whether the Instinco philosophy departs in other ways really isn't worth getting into to make this point about the Primal Diet's motivations.

The point really is that unlike both Instincto and Hygiene, following the exact rules of nature to result in health is not at all the purpose of the Primal Diet, even if the core part of the nutritional philosophy is based on particular suitable foods and ratios of human tribes and animals of similar digestive tract etc.. Its possible to construct a Primal Diet that contains virtually little foods found in nature based around large quantities of eggs, dairy, coconut cream and vegetable juices and perhaps even refined nuts in combinations/formulas or starch and neglecting water, so obviously it has very little to do with how a person would eat daily in nature.

Mark Sisson or Nora Gedgaudas' diet is more or less about approximating nutrition rather than the intensive healing protocols of the Primal Diet, so basically its the same model of Cordain with The Paleo Diet -emulation albeit including things like dairy or supplements if they augment the natural diet. This is why 'Primal' is used here as opposed to a term that references something of a particular period, as it is more in its definition of 'basic' or essential nutrition. It has very little to do otherwise with PD.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 12:03:47 am by KD »

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2010, 01:18:52 am »
were you objecting to the word 'once' believed?

No, I'm objecting to that:
(,,,) like the instinctos by claiming that humans at one point degenerated to our meat heavy ancestors and once ate more like the great apes in total bliss and harmony.

and specifically at the words "degenerated" and "in total bliss and harmony".

Of course, we once ate like some great apes because our ancestor were great apes - unless humans were created from scratch by God or ETs.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 02:01:19 am by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2010, 02:38:44 am »

Of course, we once ate like some great apes because our ancestor were great apes - unless humans were created from scratch by God or ETs.


for one, as always, this is your opinion. Even within the accepted language of evolution you are leaving out multiple possibilities. You are also leaving out multiple other non-evolution theories. Also given the fact that all species in the evolutionary model came from single celled organisms, by this logic everyone should eat the way of the microbe. Does one need to research 25 million years into the evolution of a tiger to tell what kind of diet it evolved from which is the best to feed it currently? Again to put this in context of Primal Diet, it is irrelevant which actual foods were eaten by or ancestors if they are inefficient today in removing modern poisons and can corrupt faulty internal environments and metabolisms. The percentage of fats is what is observed as most healing and also ties with the more recent documented consumption of ancestors that requires less speculating. In this approach, choosing the foods/habits that facilitate healing are seen as more valuable then directly emulating the natural habits themselves. This is the rub in terms of both Hygiene and Instincto. Both dogmas remove possibilities right from the get go as to what creates or allows for health and won't accept dialogue with anything that goes counter to these notions. Aajonus is of course very dogmatic in other ways, but the principle of using tools and knowledge over blind faith in nature is what distances it greatly from Natural Hygiene and other potentially damaging concepts re: the ways of nature applied or twisted in inappropriate settings.

but back to the wordings I don't even see what you are protesting.

if humans at one point ate whatever diet you and the Hygienists recommend as drastically similar to a contemporary ape, surely the diet we can speculate on to a high percentage as eaten throughout the ice ages (heavy in meats) was a degeneration from that perspective. That part has nothing to do with my opinion on Instincto or Hygiene, just seems to be a fact.

as for "total bliss and harmony" I don't see why that wouldn't go hand in hand with the rest of the fantasy. I would say more or less alot of modern HGs live in a similar state, so I guess being deprived of dairy and cooked food and given a proper environment isn't enough to create peace and happiness?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 02:46:01 am by KD »

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2010, 03:14:03 am »
I did not know re NH and raw-meat-eating.  I only heard about from AV who vaguely mentioned coming to raw meats via NH. As for the Primal Diet label, didn't AV come up with that term first?

    I think so.  I assumed he came up with the term by getting a primal cut and letting it age in the fridge or sectioning in into clean peanut butter jars to make varying stages of highmeat.  
Info on primal cuts:
The initial process is called Primary butchery. In this process, the butcher selects the carcass, its sides or quarters to be able to cut the meat and produce primal cuts with minimum wastage. The parts which are primarily taken off the carcass are known as primal cuts . The slaughterd animal is divided into different primal cuts and sub-primal cuts if the client specifies and demands for whole meat sides. For cows and horses, their carcasses are bisected then quartered, pig carcasses are only bisected while goats or sheeps are left whole.

Tools utilized by butchers are primarily composed of boning knives, meat hook, steel for whetting or honing the knives and a scabbard. As the butchery task differ on which part of the meat is to be processed, some butchers require food grade band saw and other types of knives. In compliance with safety it is recommended, that a butcher wear a belly guard and a safety glove. These two dress items are to be made of chain mail or Kevlar. A chain mail is a mesh-patterned metal rings linked together that serves as an armour while a Kevlar is a light yet strong synthetic fiber.


In primary butchery, primal cuts are trimmed and prepared for Secondary Butchery. Hygeinic and secured storing of cut meat also falls under Primary Butchery. Meats also undergo diverse processes like steam, hot water, and organic acids to decrease and eliminate the level of unwanted germ . Meats are storedin chillers and freezers to avert infestation of microcopic parasites and to diminish spoilage before distribution.

The next set of steps is called the Secondary butchery, where primal cut is boned and trim med in preparation for sale. This butchery's next process is conventionally done indoors, in refrigerated rooms where the grade of coldness is maintained at 2-4 degrees Celsius . These work areas should regularly be disinfected.

Again in Secondary butchery when primal cut trimmings are turned into ground meat to use all meat parts productively.

    It would probably be more efficient to get our meat this way, either buy it or share a whole animal with friends.

    People's diets do evolve.  What clicked with me reading about primal diet by av was nutritional similarities I saw in it to aw's living food lifestyle.  She was personal friends with many of the historical greats of the nh movement.  I interned under her direct direction.  She was working on curing aids, along with helping people who had cancer and all manner of other disease so people can be self-sufficient and not be trapped in the SAD/SUKD etc systems, kind of like what a.v. is doing.
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2010, 03:32:30 am »
But can't AV sue  Sissons for coopting the Primal Diet label? I know AV has the term copyrighted etc.
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2010, 04:55:02 am »
sisson calls it the primal blueprint, or primal for short as in "i eat Primal". honestly sisson's primal blueprint "diet"/way-of-eating and robb wolf's paleo solution way of eating are the same: modern paleo, an upgrade from cordain.

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2010, 05:15:07 am »
for one, as always, this is your opinion. Even within the accepted language of evolution you are leaving out multiple possibilities.You are also leaving out multiple other non-evolution theories.

No it’s not my opinion and I’m not sure that I have any definitive opinion. The one I favor for the time being is that we are apes or at least primates.

Yes, I forgot to mention other non-evolution theories. Mankind could be a perennial specie in the Universe, able to travel from a solar systems to another and therefore could have colonized the whole Galaxy. The red shift could mislead us and the Universe could be perennial , with no beginning and no end and thus life and mankind as well. I don’t know.

I wrote “our ancestor were great apes – unless (…)” because it’s the generally accepted theory and it seems very likely. By noticing that a “paleo diet” is good for our health, we substantiate this theory because if our ancestors were created by God, or by some ET, or came to Earth from an other solar system were they came form another and so on ever since an infinite duration in time, there would be no benefit of a RPD over a standard diet. Mankind would very probably have eaten cooked food and grain and… (sorry we are on the Primal Diet section, so…) for ever and would be adapted. God would likely as well have created human beings adapted to the food they would actually have, unless God were Evil.

Also given the fact that all species in the evolutionary model came from single celled organisms, by this logic everyone should eat the way of the microbe.

Yes and that’s what we do when we eat “instincto”: microbes eat what they like and so do we.

Does one need to research 25 million years into the evolution of a tiger to tell what kind of diet it evolved from which is the best to feed it currently?

No. I don’t understand the comment of GCB you quoted the way you do. As a matter of fact, we don’t look at what the chimps eat to know what we should eat. GCB just noticed that there’s a similitude between the diet of the chimps in nature and the average dietary proportions in most instincto’s diet. Nothing more.

And please, appreciate that what GCB says remains his own. It’s not because someone follows an instincto diet that such a person agrees with every single phrase and every single word he says.

Again to put this in context of Primal Diet, it is irrelevant which actual foods were eaten by or ancestors if they are inefficient today in removing modern poisons and can corrupt faulty internal environments and metabolisms. The percentage of fats is what is observed as most healing and also ties with the more recent documented consumption of ancestors that requires less speculating. In this approach, choosing the foods/habits that facilitate healing are seen as more valuable then directly emulating the natural habits themselves.

Yes. Except that everyone is different, especially in our modern world, and that a percentage of fat or whatever said to have been observed as most healing in average could not be the best suited in any particular case. Someone will need more fat while somebody else will need less fat. Moreover, the needed proportion will change over time according to the body state, activity, environmental conditions and so on.

This is the rub in terms of both Hygiene and Instincto.

Sorry, but English not being my mother tongue, I don’t catch what you mean by “rub” and my search on dictionaries remained fruitless.

Both dogmas remove possibilities right from the get go as to what creates or allows for health and won't accept dialogue with anything that goes counter to these notions.

What dogmas do you speak about? What allows you to state “won't accept dialogue with anything that goes counter to these notions.”? On the contrary, I’m glad to dialogue with someone countering any notion I may have at the moment. But I would appreciate if the criticism were based on a good knowledge of what is criticized so that this dialogue could be fruitful. That’s why I put up this poll .
So far, it’s been viewed 55 times, but only 2 persons (including me) declared having read the book.

if humans at one point ate whatever diet you and the Hygienists recommend as drastically similar to a contemporary ape, surely the diet we can speculate on to a high percentage as eaten throughout the ice ages (heavy in meats) was a degeneration from that perspective. That part has nothing to do with my opinion on Instincto or Hygiene, just seems to be a fact.

I don’t recommend any diet, GCB neither AFAIK. Everyone should choose what is best for himself or herself at the moment, and it is precisely the main characteristic of an instinctive nutrition.

as for "total bliss and harmony" I don't see why that wouldn't go hand in hand with the rest of the fantasy. I would say more or less alot of modern HGs live in a similar state, so I guess being deprived of dairy and cooked food and given a proper environment isn't enough to create peace and happiness?

What fantasy are you talking about?

Good night!
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2010, 05:55:34 am »
No it’s not my opinion and I’m not sure that I have any definitive opinion. The one I favor for the time being is that we are apes or at least primates.

ok I think you need to sell crazy outside the primal forum. The expression was meant to state as usual that you make really definitive statements without acknowledging they might not be so definitive. The reason I know this 'is your opinion' is because obviously I believe it to be wrong and dismissive of other more than equally plausible realities. here is plain as day example of dogma as the only complete speculative idea that will never be conclusive in our lifetime you will accept is your own.

the other blatant much simpler theory even proposed by evolutionary scientists is that multiple species of humanoids sprouted at varying times and only the ones that adapted to large amounts of animal foods survived as full fledged humans. Even if these sub-humans at one point ate marginal amounts of animal foods ( of which again is speculative ) they never would have happened to exist as fruit eating humans as this 'evolution' is guessed to have taken place at stages way before what we would recognize as human. in other words just as 25 million years ago a tiger could have have some non carnivorous diet, as soon as we recognize it as a tiger it as more or less eating how it does today and the same can be applied to a true human, not ape. Also equally possible is some animals just began as carnivores and didn't evolve at all from plant eating species. The funny part, again is to me none of this matters what I choose to eat as that is based on what works, but I believe its fairly devastating to the idea that particularly a modern diet would in any way resemble a species so far removed in requirements for health. If this link is seen as coincidental or intentional - doesn't seem to matter.

as for this other disingenuous nitpicking, it matters not that you don't 'follow' GCB or that he doesn't 'model' his diet after apes, only whether one follows ideas about what is healthy based on concepts of nature as undeniably superior. I don't see why you refuse to stand behind this seeing since this flavors much of your posts particularly on new members and their diet choices and allows no other discussion on possible diets and processes as being helpful whether tied to the 'neolithic' or even the modern. This is what ties it to hygiene and this is why similarly the absolutest ideas are often a vulnerable house of cards, just as anyone successfully doing juices/cleanses/or large amounts of fats or animal foods disputes various theories of hygiene. You can defend your perspective of course as being 'open', but the similarities and closed doors again are obvious to me after spending years arguing with the same kinds of thinking. Its clear that if you cannot accept that diets other than those arrived at through instincto and strict adherence to its prerequisite diet exclusions could possibly have value, then there is no way to interpret this other than being dogmatic as that is basically the definition

a 'rub' is an idiom for crux or distinguishing marker. I can see from your perspective that your dogma allows for people to find their own unique diet per their own requirements. i jive with that in theory but I feel personally like i've already distinguished why that cannot be possible, particularly in our modern world. I've already argued this to the extent I cared picked apart something totally minor and I responded. If you care to write commentary disproving that Aajonus is not a follower whatsoever of Natural Hygiene, or believe the comparison I made between Instincto and Hygiene is inaccurate, then by all means maybe talk about that instead of some external instincto defense..

    People's diets do evolve.  What clicked with me reading about primal diet by av was nutritional similarities I saw in it to aw's living food lifestyle.  She was personal friends with many of the historical greats of the nh movement.  I interned under her direct direction.  She was working on curing aids, along with helping people who had cancer and all manner of other disease so people can be self-sufficient and not be trapped in the SAD/SUKD etc systems, kind of like what a.v. is doing.

I think you are right on in the Ann Wigmore comparison, but that seems be be the misunderstanding I often hear on RAF forums in linking Wigmore and juicing or sprouting with Hygiene. Yes there are some minority factions of the hygiene movement that include some meat, but if you go to rawfoodsexplained dot com or any similar outline in NH philosophy, any use of herbs, supplements, juices, cleanses and even sprouts are frowned upon in hygiene. The only accepted cures being from removal of the 'causes' of disease, usually in the form of fasting for extreme periods, and very little with any nutritional emphasis ( as a therapy ) other than what is needed for regular wellness.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 08:56:54 am by KD »

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2010, 03:46:17 pm »
Ok, KD, thanks to have answered in such a lengthy post. Sorry, but I won’t spend hours again painfully trying to clearly understand each of your points and answering to every one… with for results that again a few minutes latter I receive an equally lengthy, convoluted, wide of the mark and somehow insulting answer. I've got other things to do.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 03:52:13 pm by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2010, 08:18:50 pm »
Ok, KD, thanks to have answered in such a lengthy post. Sorry, but I won’t spend hours again painfully trying to clearly understand each of your points and answering to every one… with for results that again a few minutes latter I receive an equally lengthy, convoluted, wide of the mark and somehow insulting answer. I've got other things to do.

Good luck.


(couldn't help it!)

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2010, 11:39:32 pm »
In my opinion, Quack Watch is an agent of Western Medicine.  Quack Watch IS the ENEMY.  If quack watch reviews Raw Paleo and Raw Paleo Forum.  I perfectly know what those paid hacks will write about us.

I'll drink to that GS.

QW is populated by folks who are cynical about everything. Sort of like the two old guys in the gallery on the Muppets.

I read QW to see what the cranks and people who make a living off of selling drugs and surgery have dreamed up to justify their story.

However they sometimes are right and this is the tough part. To comb through the chaff. These old goof balls at QW are Quacks and hacks from the pharmaceutical business who have made their fortune and now have nothing better to do with their time but look for research that supports their point of view........ just like everybody, (including me LOL) does on this website and every other website/forum/blog yada yada. LOL

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2010, 11:59:16 pm »
Iguana,  I'll take much of this as a compliment, as for missing the mark..i'm sure we will all get to witness whether this is true in your wonderful welcoming of new members here, and if we don't...perhaps my posts have some useful bullishness. I prefer to keep my insults direct towards individuals ideas as opposed to passive- aggressive slights that pretend as if I have no place in those confrontations. I consider the boxing out of possibilities of others based on ideas - particularly in regards to people pursuing health - to be about the absolute low in human ego.

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2010, 08:43:08 am »
I did not know re NH and raw-meat-eating. I only heard about from AV who vaguely mentioned coming to raw meats via NH.
Yes, the INHS also include in their history a NH guru who advocated raw meat back in the early part of the 20th century. So now you know that there is some raw meat advocacy within the big tent of NH and there has been since at least the early 20th century.

I've heard AV mention in at least a couple audio interviews and a written interview his trying a raw vegan version of NH in the past and not doing well on it until he added raw meat.
As for the Primal Diet label, didn't AV come up with that term first?
Yes, and like I said, there is now also Sisson's version, which is currently better known and with which I am more familiar (though I've recently been more thoroughly reading one of AV's books after skimming it before and I'm learning more about AV from others here, so I'm increasingly familiar with AV's version as well).

I wish Sisson hadn't adopted "Primal" as the description for his diet and I doubt that he was aware of AV's use of the term or even existence when he did [correction: after some investigating, I do think he was]. Unfortunately he did adopt it and we can't make him abandon it, so we need some way of distinguishing the two versions. Since you and KD seem to have a problem with mentioning the NH connection re: AV, I could use something else like AV Primal vs. Primal Blueprint. It's certainly not worth arguing over. I'm not into debating for debating's sake, only if I think I may learn something through it or clarify any of my points that have been misunderstood or share some info with someone who's interested.
Theoretically someone could even do a raw version of Primal Blueprint the way some do a raw version of WAPF and we could end up with a raw Primal Blueprint section here, though that would probably be a longtime off if ever.

But can't AV sue  Sissons for coopting the Primal Diet label? I know AV has the term copyrighted etc.
Are you sure about that?
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 11:21:16 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2010, 09:42:43 am »
I think it was mentioned on the primal diet yahoo group that AV had copyrighted the primal diet as a label.
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2010, 10:40:59 am »
phil, if you are really curious, the reason why a raw version of Primal Blueprint would not be The Primal Diet is specifically what makes Primal Diet so distant from hygiene. Primal diet is more than just paleo + some raw dairy (on a side note with Sisson: dairy - particularly milk - is encouraged to make up not a huge portion of the diet). Primal diet is basically a series of protocols designed to heal. This is the no-no in hygiene which even when including meat states that NO foods ACT on the body to cleanse or heal and that the body is ALWAYS self-healing.

Often on Primal Diet these protocols can include anything from - eating only white meats, or eating only butter with honey, or rubbing some concoction on ones scalp, or not drinking any water whatsoever for two years, and all the whipworm ingesting/shit eating etc... and on and on designed to fix illness that is stubborn even after (or due to) undergoing extreme fasting and even eating 'naturally' in some cases.

While Primal Blueprint and Paleo Solution and all these other diets do have a focus in healing metabolism and other things, its similar to hygiene in that its believed if a natural diet can be achieved..the rest of the bodies problems should correct themselves at least in time. I'm not sure what Aajonus opinions would be about following a typical raw paleo diet (I've only heard him comment on excessive fruit eating which obviously doesn't sum up everyone at least on this site) or even raw paleo + some dairy, but i'd probably say at best he would consider them a 'maintenance diet' as opposed to a healing diet. Of course many would disagree...

the similarities that your buddy pointed out are as I mentioned the staunch views of Aajonus on salt, supplements, freezing, and most types of cleanses (including parasite cleanses of which fasting is seen as the better solution in hygiene to taking herbs or other concoctions) and raw of course, otherwise its more opposite than Primal Blueprint to hygiene.

hope this helps.

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #46 on: November 24, 2010, 11:09:10 am »
TD, I think you may have meant trademarked. Words can't be copyrighted, but special word combinations can be trademarked. So I looked up "Primal Diet" and "Primal Blueprint" at and found that AV and Mark Sisson have indeed trademarked those combinations. This explains why Sisson refers to his diet as "Primal" for short instead of "Primal Diet," and to "Primal foods," "Eat Primal," etc. So I'll try to remember to say "Primal Blueprint" for Sisson's version and "Primal Diet" or "AV Primal" for AV's version.

Sisson's company is even called "Primal Nutrition." He's big into marketing, so he says and writes "primal this" and "primal that" so often that he really drills it into peoples' heads. It's a common consistent brand building approach. AV only uses "primal" about 20 times in Recipe for Living Without Disease, whereas I would guess that Sisson uses it more than a couple hundred times in his "The Primal Blueprint" book and countless times on his blog. It's actually one of the things I find less appealing about Mark Sisson's approach--he tries to use "primal" everywhere he can so that it sounds awkwardly forced at times and I eventually get tired of hearing the word. However, he comes across as a relaxed, personable and not too pushy guy, so it hasn't bother me extremely.

phil, if you are really curious, the reason why a raw version of Primal Blueprint would not be The Primal Diet is specifically what makes Primal Diet so distant from hygiene. Primal diet is more than just paleo + some raw dairy (on a side note with Sisson: dairy - particularly milk - is encouraged to make up not a huge portion of the diet). Primal diet is basically a series of protocols designed to heal.  This is the no-no in hygiene which even when including meat states that NO foods ACT on the body to cleanse or heal and that the body is ALWAYS self-healing.
I see. I don't mean the following to suggest that that stuff isn't useful or important to anyone--I do think this could help explain why I see less of a difference between AV's Primal Diet and NH than you: I find that healing protocol stuff to be one of the least interesting and important aspects of AV's approach for me personally. I skipped most of his section on healing protocols in my first reading, in part because most of them don't apply to me anyway. I don't see it as a major deal, but someone who does would of course see more differences between AV's Primal Diet and the Primal version of NH.

(I've only heard him comment on excessive fruit eating which obviously doesn't sum up everyone at least on this site)
Yes, and there are several Paleo diets where limiting fruit intake is recommended, such as PaNu.

or even raw paleo + some dairy
Yup, PaNu fits that bill again.

but i'd probably say at best he would consider them a 'maintenance diet' as opposed to a healing diet. Of course many would disagree...
That makes sense, since AV's focus seems to be on providing individual customized counseling re: healing therapy foods rather than spreading the word about the basic diet.

hope this helps.
Yes, that helps explain where you're coming from on that. Thanks for the easy-to-understand explanation, KD.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #47 on: November 24, 2010, 11:10:00 am »
sure, I don't pretend to understand or take heed to much of the stuff myself

the other big departure with Hygiene of course is positive emphasis on fracturing (juicing), processing (blenderizing) and synchronistic food combinations (as opposed to mono eating). Aajonus is very anti whole vegetable fiber, whole nuts, and eating fruit alone. Although he supports alot of the basic food combining, there are certain combinations which are seen as better or essential to consuming them separately. Most of the cooked paleo/primal are very whole food oriented, have varying respect or disrespect for food combining.

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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #48 on: November 24, 2010, 11:14:01 am »
the other big departure with Hygiene of course is positive emphasis on fracturing (juicing), processing (blenderizing) and synchronistic food combinations (as opposed to mono eating).
OK, I don't see those as hugely crucial to me either, so that further explains it. Although I do find benefits from pre-digesting foods with grinding, chopping, blenderizing, fermenting, etc. because of my still-suboptimal GI tract, so that is a significant difference between Primal Diet and NH from my perspective.

Aajonus is very anti whole vegetable fiber, whole nuts, and eating fruit alone.
Yeah, it's interesting that I've ended up independently partly following this aspect of his approach, though I sometimes eat a few nuts or eat fruit alone (but usually with fats).

And if we ever have a Mark Sisson section here, it could say "raw Primal Blueprint" to distinguish it from "Primal Diet."
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 11:19:04 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Aajonus etc.
« Reply #49 on: November 24, 2010, 11:21:59 am »

Yes, and there are several Paleo diets where limiting fruit intake is recommended, such as PaNu.
Yup, PaNu fits that bill again.

I think I was unclear here maybe. I think 2 years ago a member here went on a radio show with Aajonus ( I remember because I was guesting the forum at the time) and he asked Aajonus directly what he thought of  the 'raw paleo diet' and Aajonous just said something like.."ohh...all that fruit" heh. I'm sure he would consider PaNu to be a fairly worse diet...I was saying like..basically he probably wouldnt consider someone like me doing all raw but with some raw butter to be an accurate representation of his diet...particularly with the frozen stuff and some other indiscretions or differences of opinion -d. As for the healing specific stuff, I havn't found anything that I'm sure is incorrect or not helpful, more just over my head or as you imply - beyond my necessity most of the time.


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