It might depend on what kind of diet one is on.
I tried threelac fairly recently when I was transitioning back to RAF. I seemed to experience some relief in symptoms but it could easily be the other lifestyle stuff and removing problematic factors.
It was mentioned to me that these kind of probiotics - if they are even vital - are meant for breaking down plant based foods and I stopped taking them as soon as I stopped all non-raw foods again.
similarly though, my experience with high meats, I've undergone positive changes but never anything immediately noticeable from ingestion, but I highly suspect they have played a role in recovery. And have had some pretty crazy expulsions of non-food matter that have left me feeling much better and much more calm if not 'high'.
I eat it fairly regularly, the few 'marble size' chunks every few days when I air it out. I have some 112 days old and pretty gnarly. I've gone through a few other batches. I have another one about 7 weeks now which is plenty intense and preferable to the liquid mess of the other

on Bee Wilder's candida site and a few others they make alot of claims against probiotics and threelac specifically. for one, there is actually some kind of yeast and milk sugar
in the product supposedly to feed the bacteria in transport (as well as artificial flavor), but the expiration date is one year I don't see what they are eating after this source is absent or how they are still even alive. I know an old school health guy that won a bet by swallowing an entire canister of acidophilus to prove it did nothing. I don't know how accurate that is of a test, but worth noting. I think in the end that certain bacteria are clearly more suited to different things. I was under the impression that threeac was designed to specifically eat up candida fungus, but a low carb raw diet, with high-meat bacteria, should give the best results in creating an overall balance. Unfortunately its clear there are no quick fixes with this stuff, but I feel at least with myself I'm able to handle small amounts of in season fruits (<.5lb) without very uncomfortable symptoms, except a little fatigue/blood sugar stuff.
Even with the high-meats, I would probably take an additional product if someone on RAF had positive experiences.