Hello. My name's Stephen. I've been reading this forum for about a month and now have decided to introduce myself as a new member.
I've been raw paleo for about 2 months and on the Primal Diet for 8 months. Had a few bumps along the way with no-no's but have been sticking to it pretty faithfully. It wasn't until I discovered Geoff's blog a couple months ago when I started getting the results I was really looking for. I LOVE BONE MARROW! I eat mostly organs and some muscle meat like lamb ribs, which I also absolutely love, and a little chicken. Don't like the chicken as much but I have a lot of it so... I also eat seafood like salmon, mussels, oysters, and scallops.
I've never felt stronger in my life! My body feels much more dense, if you will. I'll get into the details of my health and improvements later but I can tell you now that I am very excited about my discoveries. Much thanks to everyone who has posted so much valuable information here.
Catch ya later. 
I'm sure one of those bumps was raw dairy.
As regards the raw organ-meats, I erroneously gave the impression in that blog, without realising, that raw organ-meats should be eaten instead of raw muscle-meats. In fact, even at that time, I was also eating some raw muscle-meats in the form of raw wild-hare /wild mallard duck etc, so should have made that clearer. My recommendation re raw (grassfed)organ-meats is due to the fact that a) RAFers report increased speed of recovery when they regularly include a variety of them in the diet, b) that they are usually easier to digest for many RAF-newbies who've incurred a wrecked digestive-system as a result of being on cooked-/processed diets, and c) that they are far more nutritionally-dense than muscle-meats. However, raw muscle-meats(if organic/grassfed/wildcaught etc.) are perfectly OK to eat as well.
Re chicken:- I've never liked raw chicken, not even now after years on the diet. Mind you, chicken here in the UK are fed mostly on 100% grain/veg-based diets despite the fact that chickens are omnivores. Farmers are actually proud of this sort of diet.