So sat night i was kinda pissed cause things are not quite going the way i want in life, and my dad was irritating me amongst other things. Anyway's, i have not had a full blown food "relapse" yet (2.5 months rpd no cheating at all) and my dad is always like "one day a week u should slide and get mcdees/junk food ect" to keep mental sanity, as he relies on this stuff hourly to run off a constant sugar buzz. So basically i was sad and did not give a f#*k last night, and thought mid as well document this "experiment" for u guys if im gonna poison myself


So i had roughly 15-20 mini choclate bars quickly of :reese pbc, o henry, mr.big, wonderbar . The effects that occurred were:
Immediate: -Bloated( felt i could not move and could not eat anymore), I also tried to throw it up but somehow this garbage tricked my body into believing it is real food and couldnt get it up.
-Tired (i slept from like 11-9) with crazy crazy dreams because of the peanuts.
-Addictive. This is the CRAZIEST thing is how much i wanted more and how addictive it is. Even though i could not stomach more, i still wanted it soooooo bad, the shit is like crack cocaine (as i even contemplated briefly having more the following day lol).
-I was reallllllly thirsty while eating. I drank a lot of water while eating and after, as i was parched and figured i dont want this stuff to digest really either.
9am the next morning: -sinuses all clogged with really yellow mucus/specs of blood.
-a feeling of disorientation/unawareness/disconnect of mind/body
-MOUTH TASTES LIKE SHITTTTT. This is happened to me everyday before rpd, so it was a comical remind of my old state.
-mentally foggy/mild mild headache. I feel like i just downgraded from my new macbook pro to my old POS Dell virus box.
-Strong urge for more sugar. There are a bunch of bananas my dad got in the kitchen and i want soooo bad.
-my ears were ringing. This is probly more to do with the sinuses being messed up.
-my eyes looked dead. Peoplel notice my eyes are very wide/clear these days, but this morning they looked BAD.
-burping a lot/indigestion
-intense dyhydration
-abdomminal pain once the garbage got moving inside me from drinking water.
-my voice dropped signifigantly!!!! (can someone please tell me why?

Overall id say the biggest blow is to my sinuses and mental state. The worst part is just how addictive that stuff is, and how dull i felt. Today (sunday/halloween) i am doing a water fast till late tonight myb monday depending on how i feel, as i want the lectins and other various poisons (soy lectin/milk powder, wheat powder ect) out of my body. I can now see why fat/SAD people eat so much of this shit, as they cannot feel their body and the repercussions, so they just have more cause its so instantly satisfying and addictive, i remember in my sad days i ate so much candy and never felt like i do right now. Questions/comments please.