What did you eat in India? That could give you a hint of what you may be missing here.
I eat lots of raw meat and fish, when I eat cooked food thats not just plain potato, I make it pretty hot and spicy and it always includes meat!
Meat only chillies and curries are the main cooked foods I will make and eat, sometimes salmon stew with sour pickles and stuff like that.
I exclude grain products except random nibble once in a long while, I suggest most people to do that, as grains I haven't seen do much good for anyone.
A lot of days I am low carb but when I want I will gorge on honey or dairy or fruits and no problem, I don't feel any insulin problems, if I did that every day then I may feel them. I am learning to recognize feeling of bady thats telling "ok enough sugar please!!!" lol
I eat chocolate and coffee and cod oil and many many spices (if I eat a cooked meal), they keep my metabolism up, offer a fun way to feel all crazy and funky, and I believe they obliterate any bad parasites that may get in the way. I ate cheap raw meats that have dropped on the floor, that my cats have licked, questionable fish....no parasites, no poisoning as of yet. Also SO far everyone around me had flu and I didn't.
.... If i could be healthy eating pizza everyday, I'd eat pizza everyday....
You wont be, no one I know who eats that much pizza and junk foods seems healthy at all!
The cooked fooders I know that are healthy include lots of protein, eggs, vegetables, spices, FERMENTED foods, FAT!!! And they MAKE their OWN food from scratch, and they EXERCISE.
I have been combining the raw meat diet with cooked paleo meals, as well as a few potatoes (NOT MANY) and Kefir and butter as my dairy (I usually ate raw cheese but got bored of it now and don't crave it). I try to fluctuate the diet with seasons and my current lifestyle, in the summer I am planning to go all raw meat and fat and seasonal berries, fresh salads, shitloads of raw seafood with only small amounts of other foods added, but thats summer and this is winter, I am very seasonally affected and I change with season. In the winter I am liking adding fatty spicy foods with tons of meat in them.
Yesterday I gorged on Turmeric and it was nice, I think I will include it in my staple arsenal of killer spices.
Just adjust your diet to what you feel best on,
you should not follow ANY diet, take a clue from a few successful people here like Lex, he eats what works for him, I read his posts and I learned a lot, not to duplicate his diet, I learned more about eating, read about the diets that interest you, like raw paleo, cooked paleo, wai, many Ethnic and tribal diets you can look at, I like many Japanese diets too, think sashimi, pickles and seaweeds ooo ya....and then make your own diet and call it the ME Diet. I find its the best then, like GS once said "self-experimentation rules!"...
About the water I am not sure depends on how bad your water is, I drink boiled tap water (in coffees and teas), Perrier, lots of natural spring waters (the bubbly ones are the best), and I have a filter to make filtered water when I have no spring water. FOr a long time I drank only tap water without a problem though, it really depends on WHERE you are drinking the tap water.
Whenever I try to follow any diet specifically it just SUX, I don't know why specifically it just does, in physical way but also in a not fun way.
I am here on this forum because I believe raw meats and fats are an excellent part of my diet and they interest me greatly, and they are just so awesome, not cause I think I am being like a paleo caveman, lol, you want to see real modern paleo caveman, there are some really cool survivalist folks out there, and they will eat ANYTHING, but they are still more "paleo"...not the people sitting here, quoting studies, and thinking about raw AGE raw ...oh no dairy, raw, AGE....lol
Stop trying to eat like something or someone, use knowledge and learning to devise your own diet. The more I do that the better I feel.
When I ate 100% raw paleo I felt weaker and had weird pains, I started getting a little depressed and food obsessed, I was lightheaded and I felt diminished capacity for THINKING and being creative (oh and DETOX my ASS, I am assured 95% of the time people think they are DETOXING they are actually having issues with their diet lol)...
When I ate grains and cooked I felt like shit period.
So the logical answer for me, neither of those diets work for me, so I am making my own!
You know what they say, if you want something done right do it yourself, and learn it yourself, and think for yourself, you will start feeling better.
Thats my whole opinion of all diets