Author Topic: low quality meats  (Read 5628 times)

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Offline achillezzz

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low quality meats
« on: December 25, 2010, 05:45:45 am »
If I don't have access to grassfed meats right now, eating raw grainfed beef will be better than any other foods?
I asked the butcher what they feed the cows he said corn and stuff like that.. I eat raw steaks once a week soon im going to increase the ammount of the meat and the days too so I easily move towards the adaption but not sure if im doing good or bad to my body because of the quality. The steaks are fine they don't have any smell as they are fresh because I buy them the same day the animal was slaughtered.

Anyone here been on raw grainfed beef for long period of time before moving to grassfed meats?
Or is anyone here eat grainfed meats?
its ok to start with grainfed meats and with the time improve quality when I finish school andt start working by my own so I can by whole animals and eat them
Are those grainfed meats have health risks or they are just low quality meat?
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 05:58:52 am by achillezzz »

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Re: low quality meats
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2010, 07:58:43 am »
if i remember correctly, Aajonus says there is no problem with grainfed meat. Actual reports that grainfed meat causes problems seem pretty rare, it seems more like an opinion than a fact.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 08:04:06 am by Nation »

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: low quality meats
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2010, 08:10:03 am »
if i remember correctly, Aajonus says there is no problem with grainfed meat. Actual reports that grainfed meat causes problems seem pretty rare, it seems more like an opinion than a fact.
   Well, I experienced no benefit from the raw grainfed meats I got from local butchers. Those were, admittedly, the very lowest quality meats possible, but even higher-quality raw grainfed meats have not been useful for me, long-term.

I think(?) AV does recommend raw grassfed meats, he just doesn't mention the word "grassfed" all the time - at least according to some Primal Dieters.
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Offline SteakNchop

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Re: low quality meats
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2010, 07:14:43 am »
IMO, grass fed meat is of course better, but not necessary. Seems pretty easy to me to just eat a little fish to get the omega ratios right.

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Re: low quality meats
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2010, 07:57:42 am »
If I don't have access to grassfed meats right now, eating raw grainfed beef will be better than any other foods?....

If you compare to eating those steaks cooked eating them raw would be better! You are asking if due to the quality you may be doing something bad, depends, but you are not making them ANY better when you cook these same steaks, if you eating shitty meat it remains shitty and get even more shitty when you cook it. Actually the cooking may mask the shittyness and then you are eating a camouflaged poison, invitation for getting sick. So yeah eat them raw. And you'll learn to recognize which ones are better quickly. Even in the times I decide to cook my meat I taste it raw before hand to know what kind of crap I will be eating ha ha

I eat a mixture of grass-fed, grain-fed and grass-fed grain finished, or grain supplemented meats, mostly raw unless I am sharing the meat meal with family and making it for everyone to eat...I have had supermarket grain-fed meats raw which really did taste bad. But some of the organic or just high quality grain-fed ones I gotta admit taste really good.

I have been eating quite a bit of goat, deer and now ELK (nom nom) raw in the last week or so and I don't think those are 100% grassfed at this time but they usually are raised on both dry grass and grain over the winter. In winter its difficult to get pure grassfed and even the ones that eat hay I bet are supplemented with grains. However the "closer to wild meats" like the deer and elk taste so much better then the average grainfed beef. But the "high-class" grain-fed beef can be heavenly (have no clue what they do to it to make it so yummi). The grassfed beef is nice though because its saltier! It all comes down to taste and of course how you feel over time after eating the particular meat, some raw meats I notice do a lot more for me then the factory meats, so obviously have way more nutrition in them.

If you can't access grassfed beef see if you can find deer, goat, elk, lamb, bison, caribou, moose....the latter two I never tried but heard they are amazing. Can't wait to give moose a try....

Another reason to try and not buy factory meats is if you love animals...I they should have a good life right up until the time they become dinner! And for a farm herbivore a good life (relatively) is out in the pasture or in a shelter barn in the winter but not in metal cages, we farm them and eat them so lets give them some respect to at least enjoy their life as a pasture animal ><

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Re: low quality meats
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2010, 10:20:20 pm »
If you dont have access to anything better, than low quality meat is better than none at all.
but then again ive gone to eat meat that was from the store and it tasted so bad i said id rather eat the rice and let my dog eat that meat.On the other hand I eat a grainfed meat right now thats local and it is really good.
There is a huge difference between one persons cow and anothers.  The people I get my beef off of only feed Barley and Grass, and its a HUGE difference over something that is given corn and soy as well.  Some people may also give their cows a bigger ration of grain than somebody else.
So its hard to say where on the sliding scale of 'badness' the meat you can get will fall.  But in general stuff from the store sucks because the people dont care about them.  Just cause you get free-run organic eggs from the store, doesnt mean they're going to be good haha.
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Re: low quality meats
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2010, 10:43:47 pm »
I am fairly poor and when I started this diet I had two goats in my freezer and about half a deer so I started with some good meat, but then I ran out and had to search the world over for decent food. I ate some store bought grainfed and even back then I could tell the difference in quality. There is some acceptable grain finished stuff out if you look. The whole foods has this signature beef that is pasture raised and finished on grain for 14 days. It seems a decent compromise. I lucked out and found a connoisseur who runs a Mediterranean restaurant who gets me meats at wholesale prices. He was born pasture raising animals and he gets only the best quality of pasture lamb and beef for the restaurant. He makes it into swarmas and kabobs.

I personally would rather eat road kill than feed lot beef, in fact my friend dropped me off a roadside deer that I have been living on currently.
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