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Python's Journal
« on: August 31, 2008, 08:15:29 am »
I'm returning to RAF diet and thought that while recording my progress and observations during my transition that I would also take a moment to come up with some goals for myself so that I have an idea of what it is that I want to get out of the RAF diet.

1. I want to be able to think clearly. I am dizzy, disoriented, or fully insane when I eat cooked food(especially dairy) and can only maintain the focus to read if I've not eaten during the day. I do not have energy to think about complicated matters on a raw vegan diet. So ultimately, I hope that including raw meat into my diet will provide the energy to focus that I could not find in fruits and vegetables.
2. I want to become more active.
3. I want to heal the scars of having been raised on food devoid of nutrition. I was raised on hamburger helper and hot pockets for the majority of my life. The only vegetables I had were lettuce salads topped with gobs of creamy dressing(which had high fructose corn syrup and preservatives, no less). I had horrible acne for years, which returns when I eat cooked food, and which has left my face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs with horrible scars. I feel really bad about my scars and they make me very nervous around women, for obvious reasons.

Now my own experiences with the diet have only truly just started today since I needed a meat to eat that didn't taste like I was chewing on a dirty fish tank. I've got a cut of calf's liver that I'm eating and I am surprised to find that it tastes alright. My stomach has become very acidic after swallowing small bits of it, which I find very warm and pleasing. I am thinking that I will swallow my future bites without chewing because I do no notice it becoming broken down by chewing, because chewing causes an undesirable taste in my mouth(a bit like raw egg yolk), and because it goes down very easily without chewing if I bite off small bits at a time. Also, most carnivores do not chew their meat but let the acidity of their stomach break it down for them. If my stomach has become more acidic, surely it can break small pieces down to some functional degree?

I am eating my liver with two cloves of chopped garlic(which I crave more than life itself) and some salt, which I find myself easily growing deficient of since I started drinking distilled water. It tastes a bit like a tangier version of the liverwurst that my grandmother would spread on sandwiches for me when I was a child though the texture is obviously much different!

So far, most of my trouble with raw eggs and raw liver is with staring my food down before actually putting it in my mouth. Once it's in my mouth I usually don't have a problem with it. I'm going to go back to my liver now so wish me luck in achieving my goals.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 09:04:50 am »

It is great that you're setting these out goals for yourself. I wish you only the best!
However, I for one feel that chewing thoroughly is a very very important part of the digestion process.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, what is your age?

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2008, 09:21:25 am »
Also, if you don't mind me asking, what is your age?

I am 20.

I did not notice that the liver I was chewing broke down into smaller, more digestible pieces at all while I was chewing on it(nor in reflecting on this). Unlike cooked meat or a vegetable, which fall apart rapidly when chewed, the meat apparently stayed a single piece of the same size that I bit it off at. I did notice a sudden, rapid drop in the acidity of my stomach after swallowing so I can only hope that this drop was the result of meat being broken down in my stomach.

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 01:09:18 am »
Having trouble keeping to a RAF diet at the moment because I live with my family and their opposition to the diet, constant pressure for me to eat their junk(and I mean it, they overstock the fridge with junk, eat fast food, then throw out half of the food they bought at the end of the week), little fridge space, etc…

I can't afford to move out yet, especially not in California. I'm hoping to save up and get a job in another state after my computer programming classes are finished this semester of college. Then I can stock my apartment only with raw foods and not have to deal with any social pressures from others(like having to hide away from people in order to eat in peace).

I do have some things that I've noticed about food, specifically regarding how they feel in my bloodstream after digestion that I thought I'd mention.

I can taste the individual components of raw foods in my bloodstream after I've eaten them. Raw foods taste like fats, proteins, oils, sugars, etc in my bloodstream. Cooked foods taste like ash or dirt and spoilage in my blood and do not feel like anything useful at all.

I hate the feeling of sugar in my blood, even from fruits. It doesn't seem to actually do anything but give me the jitters and make it difficult to think straight. This is acceptable when I'm working because I need to act excited and perky for work but bothers me otherwise because I just don't like the feeling of sugar just "sitting" in my bloodstream. It doesn't stimulate growth or do anything useful so why should I eat it?

I notice a sudden increase in hormone levels after eating raw eggs, especially testosterone. I can be an anxious and low-hormone state for most of the day but after a couple of raw eggs I'm cocky, horny and have completely different body language and voice tones.

I think I got taller after eating raw eggshell.

I may not be able to stick to a RAF diet 100% until I move out but I know now that when I do I'll be a completely different person. Healthier, confident, and motivated in ways that I just can't feel when I eat the crap that makes me anxious, lazy, and sick.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2008, 10:38:53 am »
I have a mini fridge now which means I have a place to keep my food now! No more of the bullshit cooked food that made my body feel acidic, left me hungrier, and took forever to enter my bloodstream(I'm convinced it only ever did after rotting in my large intestine, actually).

I'm eating a lot of farmed fish and shrimp(conservational issues not heavy metal, we're overfishing the oceans), eggs, and raw milk. I also got some beef because I'm starting to get more active(starting Brazilian JJ and MMA training and starting to bike to work) and thought that some muscle meat would be good, in the theory that like promotes like. I'm trying to get some liver(fond memories of liverwurst sandwiches and a craving for organ meat) but the local, self-proclaimed "high-end" butcher shop only sells grain-feed muscle meat cuts.

I'm going to go eat some shrimp now.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2008, 09:05:48 am »
I'm having a lot of fun with the mini fridge in the garage. By keeping all of my food organized and separate from the cooked food that my family eats I think that I will have a much easier time sticking to a raw diet. If I get into the habit of eating food from the mini fridge in the garage instead of the large, icky fridge in the kitchen then I might manage to get out of the habit of searching the kitchen for food when I get hungry or feel a food craving kick in.

In this fridge, I have:
Two jugs of raw milk(which does wonderful things for all parts of my body and seems to enter my bloodstream quickly, making it a quick way to end a food craving).
A carton of extra large eggs.
Half of a fish fillet(I just ate the other half)
Beef, cut into strips.

Everything went very smoothly today in terms of eating. I started off with a tall glass of raw milk, then had two bananas and an apple(dietary fiber is important to me, especially when I can feel it in my bloodstream), then two juiced beets(precut the night before so that they were no hassle), one whole egg and an additional egg yolk(I meant for three but threw out one egg that had a crack), and half of a fish fillet(stupid me, I had thought that I would find the internal organs still in the fish that had their skins on. Boy was I disappointed!). I'm going to get another glass of milk in just a moment.

The portions are comparable to the portions I was eating before I went raw, though I will admit that the amount of meat has been cut down as I adjust to the taste and texture. I actually am surprised for some reason to find that raw food tastes more or less like cooked food, only richer in subtle flavor and less like ash.

I am still looking for a butcher to provide me with liver, since my other source is reluctant to carry it due to low demand for anything but muscle meat.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2008, 09:51:33 am »
I'm starting to experience "deconstructive"/"rapid reference" visual flashes spontaneously, which is something that I noticed previously occurring the other time that I ate raw fish(I only ate just a little bit of it, I couldn't handle the flavor of the tilapia). Basically, this is a mental quirk that I developed when increased the bloodflow and nutrient absorption rate of certain areas of my brain responsible for processing information. Before I went raw, this would make me desperately hungry, leading to feelings of absolute desperation, feelings of imminent death by starvation, and then a massive binge on whatever was available(usually leftovers, milk and cereal, and meat).

Now, when I look at objects I experience a very rapid report of everything that I know about the object, how it works, it's actions, and how it is acting in it's environment, usually with visual models, diagrams, and other mental illustrations(i.e., I see models of door locks floating in the air, the position of organs in the human body overlapping people, and see mental images of plant cells when I look at trees).

I can take this recent resurgence in this mental quick as meaning two things:
Firstly, the amount of nutrients in my blood is higher.
Secondly, the nutrients specific to high levels of brain activity are readily available.

I am definitely enjoying this development, as I found a wine glass with bits of salt and chopped garlic to be an incredibly beautiful display of gravitational force and surface tension.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2008, 08:27:49 pm »
Interesting journal. I've been training mma at a bjj school for almost a year now, hope it goes will for you.

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2008, 09:48:50 pm »
Interesting journal. I've been training mma at a bjj school for almost a year now, hope it goes will for you.

My second class is tonight and I just this morning got over the muscle soreness caused by my first class so I'm definitely going to keep it up. Besides, it has a great effect on my hormone levels and right now I'm making most of my short-term life decisions based on my hormone levels.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2008, 01:58:38 am »
I'm off of my intermittent fasting for awhile, until that "cellular hunger" is dealt with. Also, because I want to adjust to increased exercise and figure out how much food my body is really craving before I start limiting myself to a certain eating time.

I'm drinking a lot of raw milk at the moment because of the way that I feel it acting on my body as a whole. It does not cause the massive mucus reaction that pasteurized milk causes and seems to cause a body high in the same way that folate or juiced vegetables does: by nourishing large amounts of the body. I really do feel the nutrients from the milk being absorbed by my brain, muscles, internal organs, skin, and skeleton and it's a really great thing. In fact, the body high I feel right now is very similar to the high that I get from eating beats and eggs, only much easier to swallow.

Also, I noticed this morning that my balls were suddenly significantly larger than their previous normal.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2008, 02:00:49 am »
haha reading this journal is a trip, and quite humorous at times as well.
All in a good way of course  :)
Good to have you on the forum, python

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2008, 02:15:10 am »
haha reading this journal is a trip, and quite humorous at times as well.
All in a good way of course  :)
Good to have you on the forum, python

Glad to be welcomed.

Are you laughing about how I noticed my balls got bigger? Or at the massively successful marketing campaign that could be made out of my "success story" on raw animal foods?
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2008, 05:27:43 am »
hadn't even thought of that second one. that's actually a freaking good idea though lol  -d

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2008, 01:17:53 pm »
You know, I feel like I'm starting the obvious by saying this, but raw foods taste pretty much exactly the same as their cooked counterparts, just with a less intense flavor and a detectable watery note to some of them. Raw egg yolk, for example, reminds me of a more complex scrambled eggs meal. Raw beef tastes like an undercooked steak with no seasoning. Raw milk tastes like pasteurized milk, but made of many subtle flavors instead of one, single strong flavor.

I was really not looking forward to eating my beef today but it's going down very well. Not only have I very readily accepted the flavor, but I can feel the nutrients from the digested muscle meat entering my sore and tired muscles and making them feel just great.

I wanted to mention also, and I don't know whether this is because of the nutrients I'm getting from my food, the widespread brain activation that I experience while watching people fight, or what, but today I've been having feelings off an on. This is a little troubling because for several months now I was under the impression that I literally did not have emotions. But this morning I was really happy, friendly, and sociable after a couple glasses of milk(real milk, of course) and then felt kind of sad about past failures both after my MMA class tonight and just now, halfway through my beef dinner.
As long as I only experience feelings in appropriate situations and for valid reasons, like I feel these have been for(disappointment, frustration), then I'm sure I'll manage to learn to deal with having emotions. But if I start to act like the average person, who was ruled by momentary emotions and feelings, then I wouldn't know what I'd do.

Maybe I'm just over thinking things and should just enjoy my baby-soft skin and massive balls.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 01:45:20 pm by Python »
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2008, 04:34:44 pm »
hehehe what more could you ask for! and I'm looking forward to seeing your story on the testimonials website.

Increase in testosterone is good helps you think clearer, build muscle, be more confident.
whats your hieght build etc. are you aiming to put on weight? build muscle? increase cardio?

How's the acne? this diet seems to work really well for zits.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2008, 07:04:37 pm »
I would hevaily disagree that raw meats have less flavour/taste than their cooked-equivalent. Most people find transitioning to raw, initially, quite difficult, because they find that the flavour of raw meats is, actually, more intense, not less - this is especially the case with meats from wild animals and organ-metats, in general.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2008, 07:08:51 pm »
Your ring finger indicates your testosterone level.

The length compared to your index finger indicates whether your a high testosterone person or low.

Makes sense as women always talk about fella's hands.

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2008, 09:53:19 pm »
I have leftover acne scars from when my mother raised me on hamburger helper and hot pockets. I've got a few areas on my backs that are still gross but for the most part it's just the scars that I have to deal with. Has anyone on the diet had scars disappear?

I'm looking to build muscle but, having a slightly defective heart, I tend to avoid cardio except at night, when there seems to be more oxygen in the air and I don't fatigue as quickly. I doubt I'll be promoting heart failure anytime soon but I'm never going to be a world-class or even good long-distance runner.

Testosterone makes me want to design and build machines and also gives my face some shape to it. My testosterone increased after I started taking charge of my diet and avoiding my mother's idea of a meal(do all nurses fear nutrition?) but absolutely skyrockets after two glasses of raw milk. I know this because I adopt very stereotypical hypermasculine speech patterns, my style of walk changes, and I really, really want to show women my German sausage.


In other news, I notice a sort of chlorine smell whenever I get ready to fight someone. Also, my entire brain fills with blood and becomes active when I watch people fighting. I will definitely continue my MMA training for the, surprising, potential brain benefits.

Also, I was expecting to be somewhat sore today after my MMA class but the places that I expected to feel sore instead just seem "larger" and exert more pull than before. I think that eating the muscle meat was exactly what I needed to recover and build after exercise.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 09:57:30 pm by Python »
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2008, 02:29:07 am »
I did some exercise today before breakfast and noticed that while I appeared to have greater stamina and strength, I thought that I needed to change the way that I exercised because I felt that I was training myself to fail after certain, probably psychological, conditions were met.

I notice that my muscles feel very good after eating muscle meat. As funny as it might sound, I just want to rub, stretch, and flex them after I start feeling the nutrition from my meal get absorbed into them. I also made a point to exercise before eating the muscle meat on the assumption that the increased blood flow to my muscles would aid in the rapid absorption of the protein and nutrients from the muscle meat I was eating. I think that it might have had some sort of an impact, as I was feeling strong sensations even before I had finished eating my whole meaty meal. I know for sure that when I start walking around I start to lose the sensation of nutrition being absorbed by the brain and various internal organs about the time that the blood flow to my legs and supporting muscles increases so I would certainly think that the reverse would be true.

I was able to taste the omega fatty acid content in my milk. A drop of it that had warmed up tasted like fish fat so I googled it and sure enough the pasture-fed, organic milk that I've been buying has a 2+/1 omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. That might explain why my body reacts so well to it while it gets mucus-reactions from other, non-pasture fed raw milks.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2008, 12:06:58 pm »
Ok, muscle meat has less flavor raw. Liver, well liver just has a lot of flavor. It's horrible when it first goes in my mouth but after I swallow it it tastes like liverwurst and reminds me of the liverwurst sandwiches that my grandmother used to make me when I was a kid. I'm so conflicted about my liver!

Edit: Couldn't finish the liver. I'm going to throw it in the compost and eat some eggs and milk instead.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 12:21:32 pm by Python »
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2008, 09:53:01 pm »
The reaction to the liver coupled with my parents making a point to tell me what was in the fridge made me cheat last night. I had some pasta that made me stomach get painfully swollen and this morning my body feels fried and acidic.

I'm going to avoid liver from now on just because I can't stand to eat it. Raw milk from pasture fed sources seems to agree with me more from a nutritional standpoint and tastes great to boot so I'll just fall back on that, eggs, fish, and muscle meat.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 09:55:15 pm by Python »
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2008, 10:01:16 pm »
awww come on, don't give up on liver so quickly!  :P
it takes a couple tries to get used to liver. I remember being slightly grossed out at the taste the first couple times I had it, but you might grow to actually like it. and its so healthy... liver gives me much energy

You really like your raw milk huh? You know, I've never tried it...
I might get some at the next farmer's market just to see how I react to it.
I'm of the opinion that dairy is not optimal (plus flat-out strange) but hey, who knows. I'll try it at least.

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2008, 10:07:00 pm »
Raw dairy tastes amazing!
 I was retching eating liver for the first few months, stick with it!
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2008, 10:32:20 pm »
To be fair, raw livers taste different.
The old animal livers are brown and taste muddy or not taste good at all.
The better tasting livers are from young healthy animals, they look red and fresh and taste great.
When you do come accross a young healthy liver, it is finger licking good.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2008, 01:53:07 am »
awww come on, don't give up on liver so quickly!  :P
it takes a couple tries to get used to liver. I remember being slightly grossed out at the taste the first couple times I had it, but you might grow to actually like it. and its so healthy... liver gives me much energy

You really like your raw milk huh? You know, I've never tried it...
I might get some at the next farmer's market just to see how I react to it.
I'm of the opinion that dairy is not optimal (plus flat-out strange) but hey, who knows. I'll try it at least.

Milk is mammal fuel. A tall glass of raw, pasture-fed milk does my body good, boosts my testosterone levels, and clears away my psychopathy for a few hours. I'd drink gallons of the stuff a day if I could(and probably will if I ever buy some dairy animals).

I'll stick to dandelion greens and my other food sources for my vitamin A needs. Liver doesn't break down in my mouth when I chew it and I don't want to eat foods that don't break down, especially if they taste nasty. Raw eggs and milk should be enough for my normal growth and muscle meat after intensive exercise should be enough.

Growth hormones are groovy.


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