Author Topic: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)  (Read 38278 times)

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #75 on: March 03, 2011, 11:20:29 am »
That is very interesting. I eat a kilo of beef most days, but it really does not change matters for my skin at all if I stop.
However RawZi has mentioned having headaches from beef, or something along those lines.

Sounds like you need chicken. I like chicken but it gives me some pretty insane smelling gas. LoL
Also... Bison is farmed in Colorado, maybe you could try that.

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #76 on: March 03, 2011, 11:33:53 am »
That is very interesting. I eat a kilo of beef most days, but it really does not change matters for my skin at all if I stop.
However RawZi has mentioned having headaches from beef, or something along those lines.

Sounds like you need chicken. I like chicken but it gives me some pretty insane smelling gas. LoL
Also... Bison is farmed in Colorado, maybe you could try that.

Yes, actually I started my Raw Paleo journey eating slightly cooked to almost completely raw bison for a few weeks. That might explain why I felt so good only in the very beginning..

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #77 on: March 03, 2011, 11:56:23 am »
in the very beginning, i only did well with bison, and did best with one particular source.  i had to sort of work my way to beef.  i have no idea why, but didn't take long.   

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #78 on: March 05, 2011, 01:37:46 am »
Day 32:

Ahhh, feeling really good.

There's not much I can complain about at the moment. I could improve my sleep further, but I seem to get just the amount I need.

I feel like my body is finally maturing. I've really been working on my posture, and I can totally tell it is improving. Energy is stable, skin is glowing.

I ordered bulk organic maca powder and have been taking around 4 tablespoons in the morning in the last three days. Wow.. let's say my libido is like night and day. I used to have almost zero sex drive, no matter what the situation was with my girlfriend. Now, I'm having a hard time calming my friend down there. Not uncomfortably, but with the right dose, this IS nature's Viagra.. I also think some things are getting bigger..  ;D

Ever since doing more body-weight exercises and working out for a shorter period of time, I've been feeling better and stronger overall. Doing lots of hindu-squats lately, which I think are really great for me. I used to ignore squats completely.. big mistake. I do believe in the hormonal benefits of intense exercise and weight training, but I think we don't need to feel like we are killing ourselves to get the most benefits. Also, considering my adrenals have been under so much pressure for a long time, I find it may be best for me that I now cut my workouts a little shorter. 20 to 30 minutes, no longer feeling like I am killing myself. 2 times a week, but maybe will go up to 3 every once in a while.

As you can see from my picture, I am not at all "ripped" and signs of estrogen dominance are still visible (especially belly, hip and breast fat), but I look much better than I did just a few months ago. My main goal in that area is to just stay active, have proper posture and get the most hormonal benefits possible.

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #79 on: March 06, 2011, 12:31:49 am »
Day 33:

Blegh.. my skin has been doing so good, and now I noticed a really unusual, long cyst on my cheek. Could be the maca.. maybe I will only occasionally take it and definitely lower the dose. I have heard of maca worsening acne. I usually get absolutely no acne at all in this area of my cheeks..

Haven't been sleeping well in the last two nights either.. maca can also cause insomnia if the dose is too high.

Despite that, it has given me great energy and sex drive, but once again I am reminded that such stimulating foods/herbs are most likely not good for me. Chocolate/Cocoa seemed to have almost the exact same effect on me.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 12:40:28 am by Caveman »

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #80 on: March 06, 2011, 11:24:51 pm »
Day 34:

Good sleep once again!

If I take maca, it should be only once, first thing in the morning, and now I am not going to go over 2 tablespoons. In the past days I've taken over 5 tablespoons a day and a little later in the day as well, so this really kept me up at night.

As for my skin, the cyst that was coming on completely went away! I just have a few very small spots still remaining which formed at the time I was eating meat again.

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #81 on: March 07, 2011, 01:27:36 pm »
No more meat for you (at this time)?

How much dairy/eggs do you consume?

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #82 on: March 07, 2011, 10:42:55 pm »
No more meat for you (at this time)?

How much dairy/eggs do you consume?

Correct, for the time being. It really seems to make a big difference, especially in my skin. it's really strange.

On some days, when I can, I have been drinking up to a half gallon of raw milk a day (with a really thick layer of cream on top). However, usually I have to stick to a quart a day (half of the half gallon), so it lasts the week. I've been buying 2 gallons of it every week. I'll be off to Switzerland in 3 days, though, and will see how I will do over there.

For eggs, I'll eat up to a dozen a day if I am hungry, but sometimes half a dozen is good.

I've been buying high quality, real Swiss raw milk cheeses like Gruyere and Appenzeller lately and eat a pretty good amount. This cheese does not constipate me nearly as badly as raw american cheddar did..

I have yet to receive my blood type testing kit. It should arrive today. Then, it will be interesting.

When I am in Europe, I might make a few exceptions when necessary. I am thinking that I might at one point eat some kind of fish when given the opportunity at a restaurant. We'll be visiting many friends and family, and what we usually did there was go eat somewhere when we meet up.

Maybe I will find that I just can't digest beef for some reason. Remember, beef is what I have been eating most of the time going RP. I remember feeling better on bison, and I think it was even grain-fed to some extent.

So, maybe I'll give some various meat dishes (not beef) a try and get them as uncooked as possible if I find myself sitting in a restaurant.

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #83 on: March 09, 2011, 07:55:42 am »
Day 36:

Things have been quite well. My skin, especially, is doing great. However, I'm not feeling as good as I did over 2 weeks ago, when I had a huge surge in energy, happiness and health in general, when I felt on top of the world. I am still doing better without the beef, though.

Now, my blood type testing kit came in today. Logically, it turns out that I am blood type A-, just like my sister and father. My sister definitely shares many health problems with me, she just got luckier growing up and wasn't a total mess emotionally and physically as I was, but it seems that she has slowly been on a downward path.

Like I thought, beef is not for me. That is, if there is at least some truth to the blood type diet, which I do believe there is, even if it isn't completely correct in every way. Everything has its flaws, but we can always learn something from different perspectives and ideas. Remember, I am not looking to follow the diet completely, but I am experimenting to see if it holds any value for me in any way at all.

According to some sources, the only suitable meat for me would be chicken and turkey. However, there's a good variety of fish which I should be able to eat, like salmon, tuna and trout, which I find great.

When I get back from Europe in a month, I should still have great options for wild caught fish like salmon from my local co-op farmer every week. It will be a little more expensive, but I am glad to keep going to find what is best for me.

Apparently, milk shouldn't be good for me, but possibly regardless of my blood type, I think I may be completely adapted to almost all dairy, or specifically just raw dairy.

Maybe I'll even end up eating raw oats in the future (in some kind of "primal" muesli like I grew up on), but experimenting for that will probably come later when and if things get even better.

I may experiment a little with some fruit while I am in Europe, especially if I find it too difficult to maintain my current diet. I will definitely give fish a try and, when ending up at a restaurant, I will ask them to cook it very lightly.

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Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« Reply #84 on: March 09, 2011, 10:04:01 pm »
Day 37:

I thought it would be interesting to see what a capsule of 5-htp with a tablet of magnesium citrate would do to me. I used to take this stuff separately many months ago, and barely ever felt a difference. I took this shortly before I was planning on going to bed. After 10 minutes I felt completely different. I found that I was so relaxed at this point that I was getting scared that I wasn't moving and felt like I would have an out of body experience (which is awesome and I have tried having them before, but this feeling was just bad). I felt like this for maybe a half hour and then tried going to bed. I was still so very relaxed.. but it seems my mind had become twice as active as it has ever been. My mental energy was crazy, and my body followed along. I bet I stayed awake until maybe 3 or 4 AM in the morning, yet I went into a deep, vivid dream which seemed very long. I doubt I got any more than 2 hours of sleep, yet here I am in the morning with more mental alertness and energy than I have had in the last few days. My lower abdomen, which is usually always quite bloated with a good share of fat thanks to estrogens, is much better than usual. Must be the magnesium.

After doing only body weight exercises today, I am feeling great! I bet I was causing more stress than necessary through weight training. I would usually feel good after for a while, but all of the sudden I would get very cold especially in my hands and feet, even if the room was warm. I experienced great circulation from today's workout. I've had really steady energy all day, although I did get very tired at one point and took a nice, refreshing nap. However, in no way was I fatigued, just sleepy.

This might be my last post before I leave to Switzerland. Since the flight will be over 14 hours and they just serve complete shit, it will be a nice fast for me. It really shouldn't be bad as I've fasted up to 20 hours on some days managing to feel pretty good. I'll try to load up on calories tomorrow morning, before I leave.

I felt like trying something new and just decided to buy some organic pastured butter. It's the special green organic valley kind. I believe it may be some of the best butter you can buy in a store, around here anyway. No, it is not raw, but I am curious if my body likes this stuff or not and I will only be eating it tonight and tomorrow morning, so if it causes any symptoms for me, I'll be off of it for a good amount of time. I just want to get a lot of fats in before the trip so I'll hopefully have a little more energy.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 05:02:06 am by Caveman »


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