Howdy all, its been brought to my attention that sometimes things I say on the world wide web are of poor word choice. I realized what I was doing when I said I wanted to punch PP in the gallbladder. Alot of this stems from extreme resentments I have against some of the things he has said to me on the forums.
Let me say that if I were to ever see PP I would not punch him in the gallbladder right away. In fact, I would give him a huge hug. I like PP. I think PP is a suberp poster and is the poster I most often click on his posts from the most recent posted column. I deeply care about his opinin of me. I want him to think I am smart and worthwhile and and valuable and contribute passionately with preciseness to the forums.
At the same time I hold lots of resentments against him and if I think hard enough I can think of all the things where I thought he made a severe mistake in judgment. I actually have quite a bit of anger and nitpick his posts(in my head) and can find fault in lots of the things he posts. This is a product of my own perception and insecurities, not necessarily reality. I like thinking of myself as a superior thinking human able to decipher truth better than anyone.
One of my main complaints is my belief in his passive aggressiveness, still apparent in that PP had to complain about me in a pm to Dan instead of simply acknowledging to me directly that he had a problem. There is more like I said but there is no purpose in me posting it here.
Now if PP survived the hug, which is not a sure thing sinec he weighs 128 then he wont have to worry about being punched in the gallbladder.

Also related to my internet rage is that I see loads and loads of bs across the interenet related to dieting where people are so blind to their own preconceived notions of what is correct. This 'disease' seems to be spread deep amongst the paleo crowd. I see covert lying all the time. Very few people are completely honest about what is really happening to them and cannot admit their wrongs. I suffered from this for a while - ZC IS THE WAY!!!!
And Dan - if you want to make the drive to KD's, cool!
I still don't undersstand how someone is supposed to survive in great health without a gallbladder or with one that is filled with gallstones and still eat a high-fat diet. Its likely that we can survive in good health but I still don't see why this isn't a bigger issue in the paleo crowd when 500k Americans get their gallbladder removed every year. I can only imagine how many have issues with gallstones.