Author Topic: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?  (Read 19130 times)

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What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:36:33 pm »
I've always been interested in why or what drove people to finding this true diet!

For me: I went on raw paleo because I was dissatisfied with my organic "healthy" cooked diet, I was constantly ravaged by gas and bloating and indigestion and heartburn because I always had to modify my diet as I have acid reflux. Being lactose intolerant in addition I tried lactose free milk and various nut milks afterwards but they still made me feel sick. In an effort to remove dairy as well as food sensitives from my diet in order to fend off depression, itchy scalp, digestion issues, and eczema, I slowly began eating less and less and hit a depression point in my diet cause I thought I would never feel good. But then searching on the internet I saw a video on the paleo diet (cooked) and then it stuck with me cause I was all like: "hey no dairy on this diet, works for me!". But then researching paleo further before jumping onto it I came upon raw paleo and got here and was completely turned off by cooked foods forever. So that's how I got to Raw Paleo.

Anyone else willing to share their story?

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 06:45:19 pm »
Karl Loren, AV, TD.
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 07:06:31 pm »
No choice, I had tried every other possible dietary combination other than breatharianism, so this was it or I was dead.
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 07:21:22 pm »
No choice, I had tried every other possible dietary combination other than breatharianism, so this was it or I was dead.

Is breatherianism that thing where people live off of air with or without water and sunlight? Saw it on FX I think. I was like - O_o but to everyone their own thing.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 07:39:54 pm »
Lierre Keith, Derrick Jensen and a desire to de-civilize and un-domesticate myself.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 08:14:55 pm »
I was sick and unhealthy for many years.

I tried every diet I could get my hands on:

- sad
- atkins
- vegetarian
- raw vegan
- fruitarian
- wai diet
- primal diet
- homo optimus diet

This really works for me:
- raw omnivore sorta instincto

Super thanks to tyler durden / geoff purcell I'm here
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 12:05:32 am »
No choice, I had tried every other possible dietary combination other than breatharianism, so this was it or I was dead.
Much the same here. I was painted into a corner and this seemed to be my last resort.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 03:46:09 am »
Hello All,

I talked about this briefly in the welcome section of the forum but what led me to this way of eating was my injury.  I injured my upper back/scapula/neck about 3½ years ago.  I was doing a one arm military press with a 50lbs dumbbell in my left hand (not my dominant hand).  I felt something in my upper back/scapula give way when I tried to force (cheat) the weight up using terrible form.  Ever since then I’ve had some sort of pain in my upper back/neck/scapula area.

I tried western medicine.  I did exactly what the doctors told me to do, to no avail.  I tried physical therapy for months at a time 3 different times.  I tried lidocane patches.  I tried muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and an anti-depressant (that was supposed to help with pain).  I have had trigger point injections multiple times.  I’ve been to two different chiropractors and an acupuncturist.  Nothing really helped that much.

While in chronic pain, I began caring less about my body, because in my mind it was already broken.  I started eating whatever I wanted all the time. (Chips, candy, and cookies in huge quantities)   I started drinking more heavily.  I gained 25lbs of fat on my lean frame in one winter.  (Probably 4 months)  I adopted the cooked paleo diet to lose weight.  While searching for info about cooked paleo I came across this site, and saw the success stories for healing various ailments and I thought I would give it a try.  So far I feel better on RPD, and I’ve only been doing it a few weeks.  I have less inflammation throughout my body, less pain.  In general I am feeling better on RPD, I hope I continue to improve.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 07:05:19 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2011, 05:27:12 am »
I started raw paleo almost 3 weeks ago. Prior to this diet I was a vegetarian for couple of years and primal dieter for 6.5 years. Primal diet was probably the closest to what I'm eating right now, because vegetarian diet, that I was on, was cooked. The reason why I was still searching for a different diet was beacause primal diet did not bring the complete healing I was expecting. I ran into a wise certified dietician who recommended going dairy free, and I didn't want to do that at first as primal diet is heavy dependent on dairy. I felt like I would be deprived of something very good for my body. I started searching the web and found a lot of good articles that talk about how harmful dairy is, and it doesn't matter if it's raw or pasteurized - it's not health bringing. Well, it turned out that this "miracle" food was stopping my body from the whole healing process. Right after I got rid of all dairy in my diet, true healing started. The main reason why I was trying all those diets was to find a cure for asthma, allergies and sinus problems that I had for most of my life. Right now I'm inhaler free and don't have to fight for another breath. My lungs are getting healthier every day. I'm hoping my sinuses are going to be next.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2011, 06:38:13 am »
I somehow stumbled across last year, I think it was a result of reading Pottenger's Cats, which blew me away and I had to find out more about eating raw foods.  That is when I became interested in evolutionary diets and nutrition and specifically the paleolithic diet.  I started reading all I could about nutrition and primitive diets, and I credit the forums here, TD and others who have testified about the raw diet for giving me the confidence to go from cooked paleo to raw.

I had severe cyclical depression, low energy, I self-medicated with tobacco and alcohol, short attention span, and I had some minor physical symptoms (sore and inflamed rectal area, a nervous twitch on my cheek below my left eye, fatigued muscles).  I was a carb addict.

All of my symptoms have improved or disappeared, and today I noticed that for the first time in years I can stand up quickly without getting dizzy or light-headed.  My job involves lots of crouching down and standing up, all day long and for years I would get really faint if I stood up quickly.  Not any more it seems!

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 07:45:40 am »
I came to RPD in search of a cure for my life-long psoriasis / seborrheic dermatitis and other health problems, such as hypoglycemia and cycles of anxiety & depression. Started about 6 years ago with Weston Price Diet, then moved to gluten-free, then to grain-free, then experimented with dairy-free and zero-carb - all without notifiable changes in my health. Only the two years on mostly raw animal foods (including dairy) helped me get rid of my skin problems and other health conditions. Unfortunately, at that point I abandoned my diet and returned to eating grains and cooked foods, and my skin and general health gradually deteriorated and now I am starting RPD anew, this time without dairy. Hopefully, it will work again.


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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 04:52:39 pm »
Another thing that bought me to RPD is an effort to be whole and natural. After finding out the truth of genital cutting and its effect on me i've done everything I can to be natural once more - became an intactivist, ate natural via RPD today, get in touch with nature, grow my hair out, foreskin restoration so I can be whole, natural, and enjoy a normal great and full sensationsal sex life as nature intended. It sucks what society does to men and women, taking away their choices to even their own bodies and mutilating them and brining them away from nature and poisoning their bodies with toxins. I wanna be natural, whole, and happy once more as I was from temporarily before the cutting happened at birth =)

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2011, 08:10:04 pm »
Is breatherianism that thing where people live off of air with or without water and sunlight? Saw it on FX I think. I was like - O_o but to everyone their own thing.
Yep. Sadly my cousin is now into it albeit only partially.
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2011, 08:37:02 pm »
Yep. Sadly my cousin is now into it albeit only partially.

It makes an easy diagnosis for anorexia nervosa.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2011, 09:36:30 pm »
Contrary to most here I did not come from the sickness route or inability to handle SAD. I just observed what gave me most power, energy and vitality and eliminated the rest. But yeah I did have to go through the raw vegan, fruitarian, cooked/raw paleo, primal diet route. Now kicking ass and taking names left and right. I feel my potential growing daily.
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2011, 03:22:29 pm »
Yep. Sadly my cousin is now into it albeit only partially.

I wonder if he would have to get some plants, an air filter, or move to the wild for organic air  :D

But to everyone their own thing, if it makes em happy then that's what matters. Let your cousin enjoy it until the truth settles in. In the wild people learn through experience aka the hard way, so maybe learning the hard way will bring your cousin the truth and to RPDing?

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2011, 03:27:59 pm »
No choice, I had tried every other possible dietary combination other than breatharianism, so this was it or I was dead.

Same here.

With the small difference that I even tried breatharianism. It really worked well!
The minor side effect was that I steadily lost weight...


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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2011, 03:30:53 pm »
I wonder if he would have to get some plants, an air filter, or move to the wild for organic air  :D

Oh, that's a great business idea.

Let's sell organic pre nuclear canned air!


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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2011, 06:02:21 pm »
Same here.

With the small difference that I even tried breatharianism. It really worked well!
The minor side effect was that I steadily lost weight...


Please tell us more about your breatharian experience.  do you have a website / blog post regarding your breatharian experience?
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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2011, 06:18:25 pm »
Please tell us more about your breatharian experience.  do you have a website / blog post regarding your breatharian experience?

Yeah i'm interested too cause i've heard of many paleoers fasting but never forgoing everything, sounds cleansing and a great experience though temporarily.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2011, 08:09:25 pm »
I have water fasted as long as 3 days, I don't know if that counts as breatharian.

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Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2011, 04:49:48 am »
Please tell us more about your breatharian experience.  do you have a website / blog post regarding your breatharian experience?

Hi GS,

I was just joking... more or less.

I really enjoy reading reports about breatharianism. And to be honest, I believe that it is possible. Animals have to eat constantly. In my view humans are no animals, we are creators but lost our original powers. So we degenerated towards animals and lost many abilities.

There is one thing that I really can't understand. I feel BEST when I eat nearly nothing. For example in one of my fasting or near breatharianism experiments I have eaten only one cucumber per day for round about two weeks. It was a wonderful sunny and warm September at the Portuguese silver coast. I never felt better in my life. I never ran faster. I never felt stronger and I never had higher mental clarity. I was living in a wonderful forrest far away from any pollution. When I visited the next town I felt weak immediately. Back in the forrest I felt this super-strength again. After round about two weeks I ate ripe figs from the trees. Hundreds of fig trees with thousands of fully ripe sweet juicy figs around my house. These trees acted like tempations during my fasting experiment. After eating the figs all my strength suddenly disappeared.

People usually laugh about this story and it's OK!

But for me, the point is that I always feel FANTASTIC if I eat only one piece of fruit (for example one tomatoe or one cucumber) per day. And I feel physically very strong (it's also measurable) as long as I am living and sleeping in 'wild' natural unspoiled places. After these two weeks my body weight was 1 kg higher. While living in cities I feel like crap if I eat so little food. I cities, in society, in polluted places etc. I always need a lot of animal food. Otherwise I become weak and lose weight quickly.

The question is: A human body should go into energy saving mode when eating only one tomatoe per day. Where does this power come from? And why? It makes absolutely no sense in our conventional thinking. And why does it work only in "wild" natural places?

Somehow we CAN receive other forms of energy. I had always the feeling the trees in a natural unspoiled forrest are a good energy source for us. Our views are usually too materialistic, IMO. Eating food seems to be an emergency mode in which our mental power is compromised.

Ok, that's enough. I will do further experiments...

Greetings from Portugal


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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2011, 04:54:00 am »
Hi GS,

I was just joking... more or less.

I really enjoy reading reports about breatharianism. And to be honest, I believe that it is possible. Animals have to eat constantly. In my view humans are no animals, we are creators but lost our original powers. So we degenerated towards animals and lost many abilities.

There is one thing that I really can't understand. I feel BEST when I eat nearly nothing. For example in one of my fasting or near breatharianism experiments I have eaten only one cucumber per day for round about two weeks. It was a wonderful sunny and warm September at the Portuguese silver coast. I never felt better in my life. I never ran faster. I never felt stronger and I never had higher mental clarity. I was living in a wonderful forrest far away from any pollution. When I visited the next town I felt weak immediately. Back in the forrest I felt this super-strength again. After round about two weeks I ate ripe figs from the trees. Hundreds of fig trees with thousands of fully ripe sweet juicy figs around my house. These trees acted like tempations during my fasting experiment. After eating the figs all my strength suddenly disappeared.

People usually laugh about this story and it's OK!

But for me, the point is that I always feel FANTASTIC if I eat only one piece of fruit (for example one tomatoe or one cucumber) per day. And I feel physically very strong (it's also measurable) as long as I am living and sleeping in 'wild' natural unspoiled places. After these two weeks my body weight was 1 kg higher. While living in cities I feel like crap if I eat so little food. I cities, in society, in polluted places etc. I always need a lot of animal food. Otherwise I become weak and lose weight quickly.

The question is: A human body should go into energy saving mode when eating only one tomatoe per day. Where does this power come from? And why? It makes absolutely no sense in our conventional thinking. And why does it work only in "wild" natural places?

Somehow we CAN receive other forms of energy. I had always the feeling the trees in a natural unspoiled forrest are a good energy source for us. Our views are usually too materialistic, IMO. Eating food seems to be an emergency mode in which our mental power is compromised.

Ok, that's enough. I will do further experiments...

Greetings from Portugal


Interesting maybe we are creators or supernatural. I always wanted to get back in touch with nature, maybe at a beach, a forest, somewhere wild. After watching discovery i've yearned to go to the wilds of the amazon forest and survive like Bear Grylls.

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2011, 05:08:26 am »
Interesting maybe we are creators or supernatural. I always wanted to get back in touch with nature, maybe at a beach, a forest, somewhere wild. After watching discovery i've yearned to go to the wilds of the amazon forest and survive like Bear Grylls.

When I was hiking though the wild central Namib desert I also felt a kind of very strong power.

I'm sure that we can get all answers to our questions if we go back to wild nature.

Unfortunately we have no time for such nonsens. We are just too busy in building modern and reliable nuclear power plants and other very important stuff.


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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2011, 05:14:35 am »
hey Löwenherz how old are you man?


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