Author Topic: I have 2 weeks extremely weak, no energy, very lethargic, rashes, Causes?  (Read 7867 times)

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Offline joejac

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I discovered I have candida since 2009, I was living in South America, I probably have candida since 30 or 40 years ago. In April 2010 I began Primal Diet, I was improving.

Then, I move to Spain last November 2010 and began to take dairy. First, I got strong and gain weight, before I was under weight, then I got worst with indigestion and insomnia and I totally suspended dairy last march 2011.

I began to eat bone marrow, suet and pork fat. I dislike very much suet and with pork fat and suet I feel like little seasick and tired. I suspended suet and pork fat about one month ago.

For fat I take per day: 2 or 3 avocados and 1 or 2 small bone marrow with the meat meals and about 1 ounce of coconut cream when I got the coconut. A couple of small glasses of green juices, 1 or 2 small glasses of water with 1 spoon of lemon and 1 spoon of honey a day. Each 2 days I eat little fruit: 1 banana or cherries or 1 fig.

I eat 2 to 3 meat meals a day: beef, liver, turkey (not 100% pasture), blue fish, 4 to 6 eggs a day, they relieve my thirst, either rocky style, 2 each time, or blended with coconut cream and 1 spoon of lemon or lime juice. Sometimes I add to the smoothies 1 spoon of lime and 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar.

I have about 2 weeks extremely weak, difficulties to breathe sometimes, very lethargic, annoying rashes and with difficulties to get sleep, could it be the candida die-off due to lime, lemon and coconut? or what else?

I appreciate a lot your kind suggestions to improve.
Best regards

Offline HIT_it_RAW

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candida die-off is known to be hard. Might also just be a regular detox. They come and go. I hope the marrow is organic and grass/pasture fed? Animals store toxins in their marrow so if its not....
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My first guess is you are too low on carbs.

I do VCO detox, but only for 3 days.

Your case sounds serious if it has been that long you are weak.
Better see or call a professional healer like Vander:
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Offline joejac

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Thanks HIT_it_RAW,

Yes candida die-off is very tough,  I know.

I talked with a couple of local farmers and they said that cows eat pasture their first 10-12 months and then they are feed with grains their last 2-3 months before they are sacrifice, just to get them more weight.

I forgot to mention that I some times eat a Nut formula 2-3 times a week specially when very nervous like this week. I think I will eat more fish this week because I was eating plenty of beef during the last month and l am purchasing less from my original butcher, out of town, I think I will purchase from her again.

1.- How can I know for sure it is a detox or it is getting worst, I mean I am eating something that is bad?

Thanks goodsamaritan
, this week I was craving for carbohidrates: the Nut formula, bee pollen and a lavender flower honey, that it is a very sweet honey and I usually avoid it. But I am in Spain, I can not go to Manila to see Dr. Vander.

2.- Do you know a Doctor specialized in Raw Paleo here in Spain?, because I do not feel good like when I was in South America the first 6 months of the Primal Diet?

2.1 What is VCO?

Probably something wrong in the food, for instance, the liver here taste me somewhat sweet and in South America I used to eat bitter cows liver, no this sweet taste. Here egg yolks are very yellow. I would like to return to South America, but I can't due to the situation of my mother here.

Best regards
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 12:26:36 am by joejac »

Offline goodsamaritan

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I talked with a couple of local farmers and they said that cows eat pasture their first 10-12 months and then they are feed with grains their last 2-3 months before they are sacrifice, just to get them more weight.

I mean I am eating something that is bad?

Grain-fed/finished meat is what you are eating that is bad. After 3 months on grain those cows are going to be feeling pretty much like you are now, if not worse. Try looking for game meat if you can't get 100% grass-fed domesticated animals.
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Offline HIT_it_RAW

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most nuts aren't raw and inorganic ones are full of toxins. I would didge the nut formula (tasty as hell I know) and just eat a bit more fruits. Haai is right don't eat grain fed. Especially not the marrow and liver. that has most toxins. Liver is supposed to be sweet.

Gs might be right to low carb isn't for anyone. Try aajonus method for temporarily stopping detox if it works you know its a detox. Its in we want to life.
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Offline joejac

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Thanks a lot for you nice support gentlemen.

I come from checking my blood pressure: it is low 90/60, I normally have it in 110/70, and thanks for the information on stop detox, nuts and the meats, this week I was eating heart, bone marrow and liver a lot, so probably it is not a detox, I feel a little bit heavy, I was eating 3 meat meals this week and not from 100% pasture.

I did not realize how bad is not to eat 100% pasture meats, because in South America I always eat 100% pasture beef, some times 1 pound a day plus turkey and/or Caribbean fish, no animal fat, no dairy, only avocados and coconuts and very little bone marrow. Now I understand why suet and pork fat in Spain were no good to me.

In South America I used to eat 2 meat meals, and my breakfast was the cream of one coconut with 5 eggs, 1 lime spoon and 2 honey spoons, 2 bee pollen spoons, and I was working in the computer easily from 8 am to 2 pm, no bloated, no hungry. I will stop eating beef, and go back to blue fish, game here is scarce and is frozen.

Meanwhile, today I will take one dried cayenne pepper to increase blood pressure, not ideal but is the only one available, I do not eat salt, and I will do a slow walk 3-4 miles, with a green juice and a fig and then a light dinner, only avocado and honey.

One thing is to read Mr. Vonderplanitz books and other very different is to do the diet in the real world with all those unknown/uncontrolled variables.

Even though I have one year in Primal Diet I consider myself newbie, no much experience and my first contact with people on this diet is through this forum, so I appreciate a lot your valuable help.

Best regards
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 01:00:21 am by joejac »

Offline HIT_it_RAW

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I would prefer frozen game over farmed fish or grain fed fresh meat. Garlic is supposed to balance blood pressure according to aajonus.

Muscle meat of grain fed are not ideal but not verhy bad if used short term. I would never eat marrow and organs from grain fed animals. I eat grain fed muscle meat for a while and felt ok.
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Offline joejac

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Thanks for the data HIT_it_RAW.

I was able to walk 4 miles, not very tired, thanks to the cayenne pepper. I prefer not to use species, just in emergencies while I find the root of the problem. I will see how can I sleep tonight.

During a week I will be eating oceanic blue fish, with avocados, tomatoes, little fruit and some coconut cream and green juices.

But I depend a lot on eggs, and I have 3 sources: one is an old farmer, I personally saw his hens pasturing, but at night they enter into the cow shed and they are fed with corn, other is an old woman that said their hens are pasturing and also fed with wheat and the other source is the supermarket, they are labeled "Fresh Omega 3" this is the website of the producer:

My question is:

Which eggs do you consider better, the one from the old farmer (pasture/corn) smaller eggs, the old woman (pasture/wheat) bigger eggs, the Omega 3 producer medium size and yolk that is less yellow or none of them?


Offline eveheart

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But I depend a lot on eggs, and I have 3 sources: one is an old farmer, I personally saw his hens pasturing, but at night they enter into the cow shed and they are fed with corn, other is an old woman that said their hens are pasturing and also fed with wheat and the other source is the supermarket, they are labeled "Fresh Omega 3" this is the website of the producer:
My question is:
Which eggs do you consider better, the one from the old farmer (pasture/corn) smaller eggs, the old woman (pasture/wheat) bigger eggs, the Omega 3 producer medium size and yolk that is less yellow or none of them?

Not Dagu, because they imply that there is no rooster to fertilize the eggs. I think this is unnatural. Do the farmer and the old woman have a rooster? I would pick the eggs with the rooster.

I have no opinion based on types of feed that you mention.

From what I have always heard, larger eggs come from older hens. My mother said that smaller eggs were better because the hens were younger. This may be true, or it may be an old wives tale.
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Offline HIT_it_RAW

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it would depent on how much grain and how much corn. chickens can handle a little grain without to much problems. If the wheat is a small part of the diet than its ok i think. if both are fed equal amount of grain vs mais i would go for the mais one. that is if both are pastured equally. If one has acces to worm insects etc and the other has not than i would def go for the one that has.

in short the one with the most nutural diet. unless one of them get antibiotics and other drugs and one does not. in that case the choice is easy   ;)
“A man should be able to build a house, butcher a hog, tan the hide,
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Offline joejac

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Thanks eveheart and HIT_it_RAW,
The old farmer had a big handsome rooster on top of the hill watching his hens, I thought, what a lucky "guy." ;)
I do not know about the old woman, I will ask.

Last night I was able to sleep 6+3=9 hours a record for me :)

I decided to eat oceanic fish so today I got sardines, a big piece of tuna and mussels for the weekend, but I also got more interesting new data from the fishmonger, he said:

"Here is normal to be tired and have difficulties to breathe, we are on the Cantabric sea coast, this is a fishing port, average humidity range from 80 to 92%! When I go to Madrid (the center of Spain) I feel like if a big weight is taken out of me, and my arm do not hurt me."

And his wife said: yesterday I took out from the moisture absorber about 3 litters of water from a small room, working at low speed (60% absorption) from 11 am to 7 pm, and we have a new home very well insulated. He mentioned that these 2 weeks were specially tough because we had no sun and had low clouds and rain.

This makes a lot of sense to me, I have a similar sensation I had 30 years ago when I was the first time in a steam bath, in 20 minutes I was barely able to breath, feeling my lungs bloated.  What I was feeling these days is similar, but with less intensity, of course that grain fed meats, fats and glands can make things worst.

I used cayenne pepper with food and I got my nose throwing some water, and I felt much better and my need to take a nap disappeared :)

Please see this link where they relate high humidity with many health problems including low blood pressure:

OK, for indoors here it is necessary a moisture absorber equipment, which is not Paleo :(

But my question now is:

1.- How can we protect from humidity when we go outdoors?

One day last week, I was walking in the top of a mountain and suddenly the fog covered everything in less than 10 minutes, I could not believe it, it was like being in a terror movie, 10 minutes before I was able to see about 35 kilometers of the coast line and the sea almost to England, and then my field of vision was no more than a few meters away.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 05:56:56 am by joejac »


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