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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2011, 10:29:49 pm »
I am scared of losing my son.  I feel this full body breakout is no ordinary eczema.  It may spell doom.

Thank you for the insights.
They are all helpful.

We did Zyto testing today (put your hand on the computer receptor and the computer checks for your illnesses, parasites, deficiencies, etc.

- B vitamins deficiency... biggest one is B5
- Molds and Fungi
- said Tamarind was bad for him... used in cooking their soups.
- stomach is the one under stress most
- pesticides are seen as a problem

I have to hunt down all the technical terms and make sense of them all.
I will be posting the results of this zyto test... the doc claims this is what astronauts use to check their health.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #76 on: October 22, 2011, 10:49:37 pm »
I agree with RawZi, using his own fresh urine on his skin may help.  Experiment by only using it on one leg for a couple of days.

I still say he isn't getting nearly enough fatty fish. Ginger might help too, to strengthen digestion.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #77 on: October 23, 2011, 02:09:04 am »
I am sorry your situation seems so dier.
I just wonder if there isnt some kind of psycho-somatic dis-ease thats caused by fear or worry that you are over looking. 
How does your son feel? Like he is going to die?
I would ask him if he feels he only receives proper attention or the amount he would like when he is sick or having symptoms.  Even if you think his answers are incorrect or that you give him enough, what he feels is his reality. 
I hope you understand I am only offering this in addition to what you are already doing, by no means am I trying to question your ability to parent or your background in healing through nutrition!

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #78 on: October 23, 2011, 02:36:51 am »
I'll chime in here, following the idea that stress slows healing. I am not a researcher in this area, but others are, and I have casually read many studies that support this concept.

In that connection, stress of a parent and stress between both parents impact children even when the parents think they are masking their concerns. Three areas of parent-stress that you have shared in this forum are:

You have direct and deep concern over the rash and weakness of your son, reasonable, but Cush can sense this and this adds to his own stress;
You and your wife have not reached accord on the topic of raw food, curiously, children can manifest symptoms to distract parental discord;
You have latent worries about your son's size and development, which he may sense even though you do not express your worry to him verbally.

In my own case, I am healing grave illness (including outward appearance of skin fungus/eczema) with gentle and confident measures, such as unsupplemented all-raw diet and semi-instincto-therapeutic food selection and preparation. I supplement this only with a meditative/spiritual practice that forbids worry and anger. Some days are symptom-free, other days are not so good, but I trust the process. I think you are a wise man, and can trust the process, too.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #79 on: October 23, 2011, 06:20:28 am »
its reasonable when in periods of relative health to challenge status quo, however any time someone presents some rabbit hole of a trap their raw knowledge and experiments have left them there is clearly one truth.  - in periods of crisis, one needs to get out of crisis any means possible and 'stop digging'.
Even when pressed the most ideological people - from vegans and elsewhere - I have spoke to have acknowledged that should be the case, and that hard line advices even against medicines, supplements, surgeries or whatever are often thankfully compromised by succumbing to reality.
While the natural standpoint (of which I would agree) would be that the underling condition is clearly systemic, with causes innumerable in our un-natural world and diet,
the medical viewpoint is pretty strait forward :
Treating eczema herpeticum as soon as possible can help to halt the spread of the herpes simplex infection in your body.
Treatment for eczema herpeticum normally is begun immediately and even before test results can be concluded. The particular infection works fast and little time should be lost.
The most common treatments for this infection are acyclovir and valaciclovir. Treatment is begun quickly to help prevent secondary infections, such as streptococcus. If left untreated, this infection could overtake the body and cause problems to major organs, including the eyes, liver, brains, and lungs and can cause death."

Every occupant of the world according to many of these alternate theories (many of us ascribe to) paint a picture where every person is in a condition so vile that it becomes some great mystery how people can walk around at all never mind still live relatively healthfully much of their lives. Ironically as many people try to use that knowledge they can get absolutely no where or worse off than they started because such pictures become so convincing that they ignore everyone elses pictures.

The reality is that for whatever truth that our bodies are plagued by such fungal imblances, toxins, effects of drugs etc...that there is no real cohesive plan people have discovered that any groups here or even the larger world will agree upon for this or any other issue.
Its way trickier with kids. Many people on 'health' forums likely as kids had all kinds of abysmal health, taking all kinds of poor diets and medicines afterwards and still doing ok - enough to live another day anyway. The worst I've heard is children of 'alternate health' advocates - many of which were vegetarian of course. On the larger scale most people with access to health treatment are the ones that last into their later years to reasses what is working or not, where youth elsewhere ( in non tradtional cultures) routinely die of all kinds of things. Many of these people unhampered by medicine might have also easily succumb to 'detoxes' which would have been so intense to have killed them as children, often the case throughout history..unless people actually do get infected by things that have nothing to do with poor quality food...
I'll chime in here, following the idea that stress slows healing. I am not a researcher in this area, but others are, and I have casually read many studies that support this concept.

In that connection, stress of a parent and stress between both parents impact children even when the parents think they are masking their concerns. Three areas of parent-stress that you have shared in this forum are:

You have direct and deep concern over the rash and weakness of your son, reasonable, but Cush can sense this and this adds to his own stress;
You and your wife have not reached accord on the topic of raw food, curiously, children can manifest symptoms to distract parental discord;
You have latent worries about your son's size and development, which he may sense even though you do not express your worry to him verbally.

In my own case, I am healing grave illness (including outward appearance of skin fungus/eczema) with gentle and confident measures, such as unsupplemented all-raw diet and semi-instincto-therapeutic food selection and preparation. I supplement this only with a meditative/spiritual practice that forbids worry and anger. Some days are symptom-free, other days are not so good, but I trust the process. I think you are a wise man, and can trust the process, too.

I don't see how you can reconcile the good advice above with having all out faith in religion as you mention. The raw-food mantra/trap is often to claim future success when often all ones receives is misery and second rate results. forbiding anger (ala the secret) was never the intention of many root spirtual teachings which are to accept all feelings and emotions and not to 'create' positivety. These are tool of the unwell to live outside of and suppress reality and creates disease.
Stresses and a mixed 'diet' of both illegitimate or too strenuous/rapid detox, abundant sugars coupled raw animal fats and proteins, and otherwise mixed approach I'm sure would be found upon by many who have experienced eczema as trigger points. Often these systemic things aren't corrected even by the purest of diet with do need more specific and learned thinking and dietary/healing tools, which is why they end up on forums like this and primal etc...


GS in a way you are probably right to think that the solution is some kind of even more extreme practice that often goes hand in hand with raw-eating triggering such things. Likely it would at least involve eliminating all sugar or the like as a almost automatic first step, but I don't think you should be focused on curing the root problem at all if it means added stresses and unknowns.

I personally would probably stick with the advice of one healer/practicioner schooled in solving the crisis (not focused on systemic stuff, or if so following things to the T along with any dietary conflicts to what is 'pure') or just outright bring him to a conventional doctor. At that point you use your nutritional knowledge to feed him the healthiest generic diet, and assume he will probably mature better than most kids on serious medications (more serious health problems) and even poorer diets. At which point in the future maybe he can discover and analyze a better sampling of health - if it actually exists -  from what most people would view as extreme thinking.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 09:49:09 am by KD »

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #80 on: October 23, 2011, 06:34:43 am »
I don't see how you can reconcile the good advice above with having all out faith in region [sic] as you mention.

I was not referring to religion, if that is what you meant by region.

Studies have been done with brittle diabetic children whose blood sugar spiked when parents were exhibiting stress behaviors. Other studies have correlated the bedside manner of spouses (worried vs. confident) to speed of recovery of post-back-surgery patients. I am also aware of this approach for cancer patients and hemophiliac children.

Learning to handle stress is not in the exclusive realm of faith healing, whatever that may mean to an individual.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #81 on: October 23, 2011, 06:58:40 am »
I was not referring to religion, if that is what you meant by region.

Studies have been done with brittle diabetic children whose blood sugar spiked when parents were exhibiting stress behaviors. Other studies have correlated the bedside manner of spouses (worried vs. confident) to speed of recovery of post-back-surgery patients. I am also aware of this approach for cancer patients and hemophiliac children.

Learning to handle stress is not in the exclusive realm of faith healing, whatever that may mean to an individual.

yeah I had changed that error pretty quick. I don't have a spellcheck on my browser and usually can only scan well after I post (preview doesn't seem to do the trick). Doesn't seem to have a timestamp anymore at all but it was within a few minutes...

I'm in 100% agreement with all of your opinions on stress (I think). What I was equating to religion was puting faith in eating? in a perfect way as inevitably having sucess healing.

You seem to be saying that other factors of course matter, but what i'm saying is that the underlying idea that eating 'perfectly' creates health (particularly when its adverse to other tools and input) is equally a 'stress' as it puts pressure on the indviidual to be a failure if the reality contrasts the 'region' or 'religion' or whatever :)

I actually have more personal faith in true faith healing (those practiced by conventional or esoteric reglion) than pure faith in esoteric eating. Even 'the secret' can be used most productively, but similarly can be a crutch for disordered practices.

Most people putting faith in god, generally arn't involved in anything else too radical to concern me, although of course often enough people might use that faith as well to ignore eating better or tackling necessary conventional or alternative health decisions.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 07:25:40 am by KD »

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2011, 09:44:38 am »

I came across this on a forum about fermentation:

"...Another interesting tid-bit---if one has excema, drink raw goat's milk continually. It doesn't cure excema, but it does control it...from the inside out. I didn't develop issues with my skin until I got married and left home, and had to drink pasteurized/homogenized cow's milk. About as unhealthy as it comes. There was a time there when I felt like I didn't like milk anymore...that wasn't the case; it was just that I was used to healthy raw goat's milk, and the muck from the store was bland!"

This reminds me of the discussion going on in the thread that Brady began about his experimentation with a diet that consists of mostly raw milk.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #83 on: October 23, 2011, 09:50:49 am »
Also, according to this data calf's liver and yogurt are good sources of vitamin B5. On top of continuing a raw diet that includes liver, you may want to experiment with yogurt of raw goat's milk.

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Re: Child Eczema - NEW Root Cause Theory
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2011, 03:48:30 pm »
We have a new ROOT CAUSE theory for this eczema / fungal infection.

It seems to have been caused by him (10 years old) being given a Probiotic, along with his younger brother (8 years old), plus added raw eggs to their diet, just a week before it all broke out.

Both of them had ugly eczema like lesions on their legs and their arms.  My wife figured they needed more fat via raw duck eggs and probiotics, our usual staple for emergencies is Probiotic Quattro.

Our 8 year old robust son quickly improved.

While our 10 year old immune compromised son broke out in this terrible eczema.

I have been reading about probiotic side effects and there are reports about immune system compromised people who break out in fungal infections due to probiotics.


We had already figured out that he may be allergic to that probiotic brand so since yesterday we have been giving him another brand (Regenesis).  But due to the risk involved, we would rather stop giving probiotics altogether.

The anthroposophic meds should help him improve, as well as some vitamins and supplements and raw paleo diet.

Other supplements:
- Transfer Factor (indicated by zyto testing)
- Cod Liver Oil
- Vit D3
- Pantethonic Acid / B5 (indicated by zyto testing)
- B complex (indicated by zyto testing)

Today he ate in the morning:

Egg yolk, lemon and virgin coconut oil

Later Kamias and salt

Drink is lemon + a touch of raw wild honey

Later romain lettuce + canned tuna (he was craving for this) + raw mayonnaise

Later soup of bones + raw mung sprouts + raw bone marrow + raw liver + raw heart
This soup he really liked.

Hopefully this evening will be good.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #85 on: October 23, 2011, 10:56:42 pm »
I've heard of enough very negative reactions to different probiotics that I'm starting to think the only SAFE ones for everyone are just fermented/high versions of normal foods.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #86 on: October 24, 2011, 12:34:43 am »
I've heard of enough very negative reactions to different probiotics that I'm starting to think the only SAFE ones for everyone are just fermented/high versions of normal foods.

Fermented foods have two advantages, IMO:
1. They are consumed in food-like quantities, not mega-doses;
2. They are "broad spectrum" and contain complementary nutrients.

To me, consuming mega-doses comes from the search for the magic bullet. If illness is like a car in a skid, mega-dosing is like over steering to get out of a skid.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #87 on: October 24, 2011, 02:37:10 am »
topical diluted grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano where the only thing to heal a weird systemic candida rash/sore i had for a while...super anti fungal......
also comphrey afterwards to heal

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #88 on: October 24, 2011, 02:49:32 am »
I got oregano oil in capsules. Giving this now. Wiping under feet.

I also got olive leaf extract in capsules. Still evaluating safety and clearing with doc.

Will try to get GSE tomorrow.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #89 on: October 24, 2011, 03:00:56 am »
I haven't read through the whole thread yet so forgive me if I am covering old territory.

I got oregano oil in capsules. Giving this now. Wiping under feet.

I also got olive leaf extract in capsules. Still evaluating safety and clearing with doc.

Will try to get GSE tomorrow.

I have to be honest this approach seems almost allopathic, clearly the eczema is a symtom of an internal problem.  My nephew (7months) also has eczema but it is very mild and at times very noticeable.  His diet is limited to his Mothers Milk, Raw Meat, Raw Butter and Raw Kefir.  He was born by C Section which I believe to be the problem as he missed out on picking up all that bacteria on the way out.  We also give him Kefir and some high meat (aged 2-3 weeks) as we are focusing on building up his intestinal bacteria.

Can I ask: was your son born by C section?  Would he be up for some Kefir or high meat as 'medicine'.

I will post some photos and perhaps together with help from the rest of the great folks on the forum we will get both these kids sorted!
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #90 on: October 24, 2011, 03:26:24 am »
    I probably mentioned capryllic acid before, taken internally should be good to heal skin from fungus.

    I haven't had much if any fungal soon infections if any, but there have beem times a skin injury wouldn't heal for a long time. Then I applied ingested honey and the skin break healed right away. I've been told white table sugar would do the same, but I don't belive that. Perhaps honey on your son's skin would be all he needs to heal his skin now.

    How would a dilute AcV wash be on his skin, might help the ph?

    There's a way I just now remembered supposed to build skin, it involves applying fresh raw meat to the skin. 
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #91 on: October 24, 2011, 08:25:56 am »
You clearly didn't read or understand my post, which I explained very thoroughly. Of course the fungus is normally in the intestines, as it is normally on the skin... But when you do not digest your food properly, you have food undigested sitting in your intestines, and the fungus grows so much eating your undigested food that it starts to become a problem. The body therefore creates substances to attack the fungus, however the attack is body-wide, not limited to the intestines, and therefore attacks the skin where this fungus is also naturally present...

The way to stop the rashes on the skin is to stop the body from attacking the fungus, which means stopping eating foods which you can't properly digest.

If you had no fungus on your skin, then you would not get the rashes. But, the fungus will always be on the skin, because it's in the air. The problem is not caused because you have the fungus in your intestines either, because it's always there, it's in the air and on your food. The problem is caused because an ever-present fungus has proliferated too much within your intestines, due to undigested food, and is causing problems. If you are not digesting your food, then micro-organisms in your intestines will.

This is fact.

GS has said that his son had pockets of messy stools interspersed with 'tidy' stools. I predicted that his son would have messy stools during the time when GS said his son has not had a bowel movement for days. Undigested food, which comes out as 'messy' stools, is difficult for the intestines to move by peristalsis, hence constipation. Food passes through the digestive system in the order it was eaten. The 'tidy' stools are from food which was digested properly, and the 'messy' stools are from food which wasn't. This undigested food is a breeding ground for fungus, which is what is causing his son's eczema.

I apologize is if I did not ask my question well enough. I understood what you said about the funugs in the intestines (I didn't think I had to repeat it) but I thank you for going through the trouble of explaining it again.

I'll try to ask again in a way that I hope will be better:

 Since there are many different viruses on the skin and in the intestines, is there one in particular that has been determined to be the cause of excema? Are there any studies or references that you might be able to point me to on this matter?

The idea about coconut oil was to sooth and relieve the immediate problem of the skin being broken down and the pain and itching. I understood you that you were saying that the fungus on the skin was not the foundation of the problem. I know that you were saying that the diet needed to be changed.

I'm interested in learning more about the particular virus responsible if you have that information.

Thank you.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #92 on: October 24, 2011, 11:20:06 pm »
Hey GS - I've was thinking while working in the kitchen about gse. I suggest you do a bit more research on-line regarding it before continuing it. At one point I researched it but don't remember all the particulars that made me think that it was one of those kinds of immune boosters that was based on irritation and charging the immune system into action by adding a negative to the body. There are many excellent cures that can be achieved in this way for very ill adults and extreme situations, but they are not what I would choose for a child in particular.

I would agree with the others here about probiotics. Firstly, there have been many studies showing that few of them are affective at all because the bacteria is killed in transport and that only the ones that were fully refrigerated the entire time had much of any bacteria left in them. There are some room temperature brands, but even these in transport at certain times of year in certain climates are destroyed in transport. Making your own food - based probiotics almost always is more affective... and safer.

I do highly suggest muscle testing any supplement or herb before giving it (and even maybe food too). Are you familiar how to do this in the most simplest form? It can help prevent you at least from giving something that the body might react to very negatively.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #93 on: October 24, 2011, 11:22:06 pm »

    There's a way I just now remembered supposed to build skin, it involves applying fresh raw meat to the skin. 

Hey RawZi - earlier GS said he was doing that and I had had such a strong feeling about him doing that before he mentioned it. Do you know how it builds skin? Why it works? I never heard of it before.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #94 on: October 25, 2011, 05:17:03 am »
We did Zyto analysis which is a space age version of muscle testing so we came up with a big bunch of reports which proved useful.

Boy is B5 and other B Vitamin deficient.  We bought him oral vitamins.  But thought it best he had b-shots from my wife's anthroposophic doctor.  So he got shots yesterday morning.

We also started giving him AIM Transfer Factor.

Reported in the Zyto testing that he is allergic to Tamarind... which we use in our sinigang soups.  So I tell the maids to stop using Tamarind in sinigang.  We will just use calamansi and kamias.

2 nights ago I finally got some OREGANO OIL in capsules.  It's not as powerful and pure as the one from my teacher barefoot herbalist mh (lost in the 2009 flood) but it will have to do.  I just tasted them for strength and adjust the dosage and administration.

Now that we know this is candida / fungus / yeast, that is what we target... while building up the immune system, and seeing that my boy gets just enough carbs so he keeps his strength.

Put weaker less expensive oregano oil under the soles of his feet and for the scabs with secondary infections.

Had him drink 2 capsules at a time of the stronger oregano oil.

Had him put under his tongue a capsule of burst stronger oregano oil for direct to blood action.  Seems to stop bodywide itching in a minute.

After the Thursday and Friday pooping which was encouraged by enema and castor oil, Saturday and Sunday he skipped pooping again.  Monday evening gave him castor oil.  He did not poop the next morning.  So before lunch time wife gave him castor oil again.  This time by 4 pm he pooped lots, but fully formed this time.  Nice dark brown color.

Diet yesterday was:

in the morning,
- some cucumber juice with some lemon
- some dragon fruit (not sweet)
- romain lettuce + canned tuna (yes, bad, but it satisfies his happy thought emotions) + home made raw mayonnaise

- lemon juice spiked with some raw wild honey for energy
- plain white yogurt with 3 small saba bananas
- 4 big live clean raw clams (halaan) from Bicol province

- bone broth + mung bean sprouts + lots of raw bone marrow + raw red meat (beef)

Hopefully this day we will  be able to do an every 2 hour feeding as described by Aajonus Vonderplanitz minus the dairy.  Will replace butter with bone marrow.

This evening he got a bath with aconite for his lower half.

His upper half he refused but I got to slather him with oregano oil in his upper half.

He slept straight no scratching from 8:30pm to 4am.  Then he woke up scratching so I gave him Pulsatilla and later 2 caps of oregano oil to swallow.  He doesn't want it under the tongue because that would make him wide awake.

His last problem is really constipation.  He needs to poop every night or get a warm water enema before bed.  If we get a rhythm like that going the last weeping eczemas will close.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 05:55:23 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #95 on: October 25, 2011, 05:59:39 am »
Congratulation on your success so far GS! Less itching and restful sleep. Nice.

Was your son ever on antibiotics that would have killed out his good bacteria to let the yeast/fungus proliferate so much?
Some fungus proliferations have very different symptomology. It's a real problem in hospitals where antibiotics are given so freely to already immune compromised people. It can be life-threatening.

Thank goodness you are handling this so early. 

What are your thoughts on the oregano oil internally along with the good bacteria?

Pulsatilla - what dosage?

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #96 on: October 25, 2011, 08:38:20 am »
deep breathing, stretching, especially abdominal twists, yoga, jumping jacks, trampoline or jogging along with belly rubs in from the lower right abdomen, up, across the belly button and then down to the left lower belly should help to move poops,  much more natural than enemas...if he has the energy these activities are great for enhancing oxygen, blood flow, metablism and well being

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #97 on: October 25, 2011, 08:45:59 am »
Would be better to just eat foods one can digest in the first place.. Still, if it works then it's a good thing to know if you end up in that situation, but certainly not a long-term solution..

Poop doesn't just generate from nothing, so if one is continually having such problems, continuing to produce messy phaeces, then past a certain quantity one is clearly still eating inappropriately.
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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #98 on: October 25, 2011, 10:00:15 am »
Would be better to just eat foods one can digest in the first place.. Still, if it works then it's a good thing to know if you end up in that situation, but certainly not a long-term solution..

Poop doesn't just generate from nothing, so if one is continually having such problems, continuing to produce messy phaeces, then past a certain quantity one is clearly still eating inappropriately.

Hi Miles,
One the things that I keep on thinking about though are those nasty funguses and bacteria that can get set up to over-run the system when the gut flora are killed out by pharmaceuticals, stuff in the water, toxins in the environment or herbs that people don't know how to use appropriately. In our modern society we tend to try to kill out all bacteria and in the process we can kill out the good bacteria and leave the gates open for other bugs to over-run the place. Appropriate digesting foods and probiotic foods will eventually cure - if the patient lives that long. With some bacteria that is rampant in hospitals the only way to save the patient is to give them heavy duty colon-specific antibiotics and massive doses of yeasts that won't cause problems because the yeasts will not get killed out by the antibiotics like probiotics will and then after the yeast take over and their supplementation stops the massive probiotics are given while the stand-in yeast die off. If this procedure isn't done soon enough the patient dies. With massive yeast infections sometimes the only way to save someone is to do a massive sweep of fungicidal agents and then add the probiotics - but it can be tricky.

If it's all just from undigested foods I'd imagine that it would be a much easier fix - not easy - but at least easier.

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Re: Child Eczema - I need all your HELP !!!
« Reply #99 on: October 25, 2011, 05:36:59 pm »
Perhaps less easily digestible foods are not  a problem if one has the right gut micro-organisms. Probably in fact.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 05:59:49 pm by miles »
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