Author Topic: Raw cow blood?  (Read 20520 times)

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Offline Aria320

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Raw cow blood?
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:50:31 am »
I'm just curious if anyone has ever experimented with raw cow blood. I know the maasai tribe drank raw blood as a staple of their diet in addition to raw milk and this sparked my curiosity of the potential health benefits of consuming blood. I'm thinking about asking my local farmer if they'd sell me some of their cow blood, even though it isn't an item on the "menu".

Also, i once listened to an interview on superhumanradio with the author of Muscle, Smoke and Mirrors, where he discusses how some bodybuilders including jack lalanne consumed raw cow's blood in prep for a show. I don't know how accurate that statement is, considering jack went on to become a devout vegetarian as well as his overall diet back in the day. (lots of egg whites/salads/fresh juice).

Any info would be helpful. thanks!

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2012, 11:00:32 am »
I drank a few gallons last year from some freshly slaughtered grass-fed cows. I had to go to the slaughterhouse with plastic buckets to get it. It made my stools black and tarry.

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2012, 11:36:25 am »
. It made my stools black and tarry.

    I hadn't thought about how a large amount would come out the other end.  Thanks.

    I saw an interview of Jack LaLanne a couple of years ago. He said he quit drinking the blood after one time that a clot of the blood got caught in his throat.  If he ate egg-whites, cow blood isn't so much different, as for ethics, unless you're Hindu.
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Offline Haai

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2012, 05:24:17 pm »
When the Maasai mix blood with raw milk is the milk fresh or fermented? If it is fresh do they let the blood/milk mixture ferment or do they drink it straight away?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 05:50:10 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2012, 12:09:54 am »
I have heard or seen where it goes through some culturing process, what, I don't know though. 

Offline Aria320

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2012, 12:29:27 pm »
 So i take it that it wasn't a good experience then? Did you notice any positive benefits from drinking the blood? Were there any other negative effects besides the odd stool?

 Would you happen to have a link to the interview? i'm really interested in knowing more about this subject.

I assume that the maasai drank the blood shortly after they killed the animal, so i'm not sure that there was any fermentation going on, however it would be really interesting to see how fermented blood would look and taste. lol

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2012, 06:32:05 pm »
As far as I know, they more often than not took the blood from the cow without killing it. I think they puncture the artery in the neck and collect the blood that pours out, making sure to leave enough still in the cow so that it can survive with no problem. The wound in the cows neck heals up somehow. They can "milk" the blood like this many times from the same cow, over a long period of time ofcourse.
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

Offline RawZi

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2012, 08:26:19 pm »
The wound in the cows neck heals up somehow.

    I saw a video before, and they used dry earth to stop the cow right away from bleeding after.  I can't find that one now.

    cover calf eyes, beat blood to separate plasma

    stop bleed using pressure

    fountain bleed Masai Cow Bleeding

    bleed slow Maasai blood drinking ritual pt 1Maasai blood drinking ritual pt 1

 Would you happen to have a link to the interview? i'm really interested in knowing more about this subject.

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Originally published in the August 2004 issue

I'm going to be ninety in September. Everybody else can have a piece of the birthday cake, but not me. I have rules, and I follow 'em. No cake, no pie, no candy, no ice cream! Haven't had any in seventy-five years. It makes me feel great not eating birthday cake. That's the gift I give myself.

Forget about what you used to do. This is the moment you've been waiting for.

Don't ask me about politics. I don't like to get into Barbra Streisand-ism. Let's stick to what's important.

When I was younger, I drank a quart of blood a day for about six weeks. I'd get it at the slaughterhouse. I'd heard about those Masais, you know, those seven-foot African guys; they'd drink cattle blood for strength. Then one day a little clot got stuck in my throat and that was it for me.

As long as the emphasis is on winning, you're gonna have steroids.

If man makes it, don't eat it.

Of course I have fears. But what good is thinking or talking about them? Billy Graham is about the hereafter. I'm for the here and now.

You've got to satisfy you. If you can't satisfy you, you're a failure.

I work out for two hours every morning, seven days a week -- even when I'm traveling. I hate it. But I love the result! That's the key, baby!

The only way you can hurt your body is if you don't use it.

Look, are you a suckling calf? Name one creature on earth that uses milk after it's weaned. Man's the only one. And man's the only one who lives out only half his life span. A cow has four stomachs. You don't. You can't handle whole milk.

I'd like to talk to Jesus about those twelve disciples. They were a great public-relations team.

If you want to change somebody, don't preach to him. Set an example and shut up.

Scales lie! You lose thirty pounds of muscle and you gain thirty pounds of fat and you weigh the same, right? Take that tape measure out. That won't lie. Your waistline is your lifeline. It should be the same as it was when you were a young person.

If you lose a couple of inches off your stomach, your business down there will look an inch longer.

Sex is giving, giving, giving. The more energy you have, the more you're going to please.

Now, I'm not as sexually active as I was when I was younger. But look at my wife -- she's still smiling!

The guy who's most impressed me is Paul C. Bragg. He completely saved my life. When I was a kid, I was addicted to sugar. I was a skinny kid with pimples and boils. Used to eat ice cream by the quart. I had blinding headaches. I tried to commit suicide. And then one day, my life changed. Bragg was a nutritionist. My mother and I were a little late getting to his lecture. The place was packed, and so we started to leave. But Bragg said, "We don't turn anybody away here. Ushers, bring two seats. Put those two up on the stage." It was the most humiliating moment. There I was, up on stage. I was so ashamed of the way I looked; I didn't want people to see me. Little did I know they had problems, too. And Bragg said, "It doesn't matter what your age is, what your physical condition is. If you obey nature's laws, you can be born again." From that moment on, I completely changed my diet, began to exercise, and went on to become captain of the football team. And do you know something? Every time I get ready to lecture, I think, If I can just help one person like I was helped...

Show me the guy who doesn't get nervous in front of a crowd and I'll show you a lousy speaker.

Would you get your dog up every day, give him a cup of coffee, a doughnut, and a cigarette? Hell, no. You'd kill the damn dog.

You learn as you go. When I first went on television in 1951, I pulled out a loaf of Langendorf's white bread, squeezed it into a ball, and threw it down -- boom. "That's what it does when it hits your stomach!" I said. Only problem was that Langendorf's was one of the network's sponsors! Oh, jeez, the phone calls. That's the last time I ever showed a label.

Go on, have a glass of wine with dinner. What is wine, anyway? Pure grapes. A glass of wine is much better for you than a Coke.

If I don't know what I'm doing by now, I must be pretty stupid.

What I do isn't about money. Can you put a price on a human life?

Any stupid person can die. Dying's easy. Living's a pain in the butt.

I can't afford to die. It'll wreck my image.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 08:34:46 pm by RawZi »
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Offline Aria320

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2012, 09:27:51 am »
Awesome. That is some great footage and lol @ the jack lalanne interview. Some of the things he said were hilarious, but inspiring none the less. Interesting what he says about the blood, then goes onto to blast milk, even though the maasai consumed more milk than blood(i'm assuming).

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2012, 08:07:15 am »
I didn't experience any immediate negative physical reaction. I can't say I liked the taste though. If you have ever had a cut in your mouth, you know what blood tastes like.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2012, 12:36:36 pm »

I collect the blood from each sheep I slaughter, normally about a quart. I will drink within a few days. It seems to give me an energy boost.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 12:44:38 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2012, 09:02:06 pm »
Also I believe the massai whip the blood to extract the fibrillin if I recall correctly. Not sure what the purpose of that was though.

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2012, 11:36:34 pm »
Deer spleen is superbloody, it looks like a big sponge full of blood.  It is much more bloody then from cow.  But only deers that have been shot on the spot will have big spleen.  Deers that bleed out have much smaller spleens.

Offline RawZi

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2012, 12:30:32 am »
    Interesting about the spleen size ys.  I got bison spleen I think almost a week after it was slaughtered.  The spleen was rather flat shaped.

Also I believe the massai whip the blood to extract the fibrillin if I recall correctly. Not sure what the purpose of that was though.

    I would think for digestion? To drink the parts that stay more fluid, and chew the chunky parts?
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Offline rawfishy

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2012, 08:13:02 am »
Wow. I'd like to drink raw blood.
But where could I get it? I live in Canada, google didn't say anything .

Offline IonSurfer

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Re: Raw cow blood?
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2017, 10:17:54 am »

I've had raw pork blood (bought from a Chinese butcher in Australia) - I was initially after raw beef blood but they didn't stock it.

It was sold to me in Chinese takeaway containers set like a jelly (packaged this way at the slaughterhouse (they had printed labels on them with the packaging date)).
To consume it I'd put it in a blender to liquefy it then blend it with milk and serve it in a glass.
On the two occasions when I mixed it with raw unhomogenised milk rather than pasteurised homogenised milk it became extra frothy.
Blended with milk it looks like strawberry milkshake and tastes awesome (it adds iron that is essentially lacking in  milk).

If you want to buy raw blood I recommend you consume it within a week of the packaging date as after that it can smell a bit sulphurous like rotten eggs. It should be refrigerated as it doesn't freeze well (liquid separates from the jelly and it is likely to spill).

A word of caution - it is very messy and will spill and seep through multiple carrybags with ease. If I was to buy it again I would transport it home in a cold box so it doesn't drip onto what's beneath it.



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