Author Topic: TL "Peter" Cleave's 1956 Instincto-Like "Natural Law"  (Read 4097 times)

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TL "Peter" Cleave's 1956 Instincto-Like "Natural Law"
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:08:36 pm »
Cleave proposed a "natural law," which he later termed the "law of adaptation," and applied it to diet:

<<The principle in [the case of diet] would appear to indicate nothing more than the advice to eat exactly what we like, or, in the language of the music hall, "a little of what you fancy does you good." The argument would appear to run that that is what Nature tells us to do, and if she is never wrong, we shall be perfectly safe in doing it. 

Unfortunately there is a great pitfall: this would only be true if all the food eaten were in its natural state.>>

(Cleave, T. L. Spring 1956. "The neglect of natural principles in current medical practice." Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service, 42, No. 2, 55.

The main difference was that Cleave thought that humans were partially adapted to cooking and only recommended avoiding "excessive cooking."
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Voluntary castaways
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2012, 07:46:30 am »
How strange isn't it ? What a coincidence ! Written just a couple of years before the Nestor of instincto made up his own mind.

Cleave's remarks seem to come from nowhere,  except from the back of his head. No pertinent quotes allow the reader to understand his intellectual path, which , by his own confession, took a quarter of a century.  Could it be that the idea that men are endowed with a fully  operational  food instinct  belong to some unknown (heretical) medical tradition in the western world  ? A tradition  so "underground" as to consistently evade  attempts  to unearth consistent parts of the story , not to mention the whole story (except for the privileged few )

Now reading between the lines....... Why would a Royal Navy physician get interested in this matter ?  What 's the relationship with Cleave's  carreer  in the military and his interest for this matter  ? What's the relationship with the British Colonial Empire ? Is there an historical link between shipwrecking, lost soldiers, and the recognition of one's omnivorous food instinct by  heretical  physicians  ?   

Finding the answer to these questions will probably lead you to realize that we,  instinctos, are nothing but voluntary castaways of a civilization struggling against its own demise. 

"De tous les animaux, l'homme est celui qui se sert le moins de son instinct ; et pourtant c'est celui qui est le plus malade" (  un doyen de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, un demi-siècle avant la naissance de Sarkozy )

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