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Diabetes Diagnosis
« on: February 03, 2012, 02:49:09 am »
Hey All,

Am hoping some of you more experienced ones out there can help.

My wife got diagnosed with diabetes today (i'm assuming that its type 2 as the doc never said over the phone to her. I've asked her to find out for sure) and I thought i'd come on here and ask if there was any advice people could give in order to manage/ cure her of this condition. We're at a loss as to how she might have got it as she eats very healthily with little to no sugar in her diet and low enough carb but hey ho, she has it and I just want to find a way to get rid of it.

We are also trying for a baby which is how we found out she had diabetes as her cycles were about 45 days on average as opposed to the normal 30 odd so we went and had some blood work done where they found out her basal body temperature was low and then found out her blood sugar was high.

Head's a bit fuzzed at the moment so sorry if this poorly constructed but hopefully someone can help.

Thanks   ;)

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2012, 04:05:11 am »
Start eating high-quality raw fats, especially raw animal fats, like fatty fish and fat from grassfed beef.

Cut out grains and most carbs, if possible.

Licorice root, white watermelon rind, and celery are good foods for stabilizing blood sugar.

Exercise before eating carbs.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2012, 04:25:50 am »
Start eating high-quality raw fats, especially raw animal fats, like fatty fish and fat from grassfed beef.

Cut out grains and most carbs, if possible.

Licorice root, white watermelon rind, and celery are good foods for stabilizing blood sugar.

Exercise before eating carbs.

Thanks Cherimoya. Some good advice there. She'll struggle to eat raw fats as she's not accustomed to raw paleo eating unfortunately. She likes her raw salads and celery is part of that but raw fats will take time to get her used to. May try things like raw fish oils and olive oils maybe. Cutting out all fruit sugars and just sticking to the complex carbs (keeping them low) will be another step too.

She exercises regularly but not without carbs before so will put that in place to and see what happens.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2012, 04:59:02 am »
Hey All,

Am hoping some of you more experienced ones out there can help.

My wife got diagnosed with diabetes today (i'm assuming that its type 2 as the doc never said over the phone to her. I've asked her to find out for sure) and I thought i'd come on here and ask if there was any advice people could give in order to manage/ cure her of this condition. We're at a loss as to how she might have got it as she eats very healthily with little to no sugar in her diet and low enough carb but hey ho, she has it and I just want to find a way to get rid of it.

We are also trying for a baby which is how we found out she had diabetes as her cycles were about 45 days on average as opposed to the normal 30 odd so we went and had some blood work done where they found out her basal body temperature was low and then found out her blood sugar was high.

Head's a bit fuzzed at the moment so sorry if this poorly constructed but hopefully someone can help.

Thanks   ;)

I wrote a couple of anti diabetes websites:



This cooked diet website for homo optimus diet will give her an idea of the proportion of carb - protein - fat to consume.  But of course you know hands down that RAW, or a raw version of this is the best.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2012, 05:16:23 am »
I wrote a couple of anti diabetes websites:



This cooked diet website for homo optimus diet will give her an idea of the proportion of carb - protein - fat to consume.  But of course you know hands down that RAW, or a raw version of this is the best.

Excellent stuff. Cheers GS. If i'd taken the time to search the site more I would have found these so thanks for putting here. Time is against me these days. Will read through these tomorrow at work :)


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2012, 09:00:08 am »
I have managed to treat my borderline type two diabetes with a very extreme diet .

My experience puts me against the grain of most other traditional and alternative treatments. I am against the idea that loading up on low glycemic vegetable matter is the best way to keep blood sugar from spiking. Having a belly full of vegetable matter may help in the short term with keeping blood sugar from spiking, but it also could strain an already exhausted pancreas that has to produce enzymes that digest the vegetable matter. Also Excess vegetable matter in the gut of a diabetic could feed harmful bacteria and fungus that produce substances that could be involved with the development of diabetes. I had bad fungal overgrowth's, and the worse my candida symptoms were the higher my sugars would spike. Eating salads and yogurt would help keep my sugars from spiking after each meal, but it did nothing to fix the imbalance.

Eliminating the source of fuel for these harmful gut microbes(carbs, and other vegetable matter) was absolutely necessary in my case.

Without all the veggie stuff putting a strain on my gut and inhibiting digestion of animal foods, I was better capable of building up a healthy gut ecology of meat eating microbes. This new gut ecology alows my to eat pounds of flesh without any stomach issues whatsoever.

 Meat(fresh or high) ,fat, eggs, bone marrow make up the bulk of my diet.

I am not completly carnivorous
I use allot of coconut, and it has low glycemic carbs, that are buffered by fat. It seems to be good at leveling my blood sugar. I seem to do well with
low carb veggies like tomatoes, and avocados.

 Anything like greens, salad, celery, ect.; just makes me feel bloated and cause poorly digested stools. 

Basically I am an advocate of using some variation of a raw meat ketogenic diet to treat early onset type two diabiets. People like my self, Lex , and even the Bear(on his cooked diet) seemed to be able to treat diabetes on a mostly carnivorous diet.

Desperate situations call for desperate measures. I am sure there are other methods out there for managing type 2 that are more palatable, but I am skeptical that they would be as effective.(at least in my personal case.)

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2012, 09:31:09 am »
It's hard to make any suggestions without have a full idea of what she eats already. Sometimes it can be just one food that isn't right for a person that can cause all sorts of havoc and maybe she might have to go to a full extreme like Sabertooth did.

The first question I always have when someone is asking for advice for a spouse is whether or not the spouse is willing. What are they willing to change. Are they very flexible or just a little flexible. If they are very flexible then I don't understand how physically someone could still have diabetes on a raw ketogenic diet, but if she isn't about to eat raw meat there's no sense in even going there.

Does your wife have a strong will? If she believes that something is good for her will she do it even if it is unpleasant or even if she is addicted and wants foods higher in sugars?

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 10:59:15 am »
I have type 1 diabetes. I devolved at 25. I was eating lots of grains and fruit, but no junk. I had a vaccine I believe pushed it into manifestation, but I don't think it was any one thing. It was a combo of bad habits and stress that developed my predisposition to diabetes. I think I can cure it even after years on insulin. If I had addressed it sooner with raw animal foods I would have healed quicker.
       I have had the most benefit from eating 6-10oz animal protein after I eat all of the animal fat I want/can(it tastes better with time, and use sauces, or dips). Her body will look for it after a week or so, but she may feel repulsed at first as her previous judgements cloud her palate. As long as she eat 2-3 bites of animal fat/or spoonfuls of marrow when she is hungry before she eats anything else she will crave more.
      She should get on the forum. It will help her over the mental hurdles. Read Tyler's newbie post at least. I think she can eat whatever vegetables she wants after the animal foods to comfort her transition. Once she develops her own taste for animal foods, she will have a sense of what is working for her and the timing for implementing more precise diet changes (re: salad, dairy, etc.).
       I like animal fat alone now,but it was tough at first. I just started 4months ago. I dipped small chunks in mustered,or made a dressing of olive oil Italian seasoning and salty olives, sometimes I made chunky guacamole (better than creamy for consistency) with small chunks of fat, and/or bone marrow, add cilantro, tomato, pepper, and salt. I still like my fat with these dressings. It is actually really good. If she really likes salad I get the baby greens and wrap them around a small piece of fat and the olive.
     I have much less experience with RAF than most everybody here, but I really need salt. When my BS stays low I don't crave it, but she prob is craving salt so put it on RAF and she might be more tempted for now.
      Sleep is very importand, and I improved a lot following the basic principles in the Mastering Lepton book.
Keep us posted. Good luck
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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2012, 07:18:34 pm »
Hi all,

Thanks very much for the replies. It's always nice to read good news stories of people curing their illnesses or getting real benefit from the approach they are taking. Its all still very raw (excuse the pun) in our minds at the moment so really taking the time to educate ourselves on the best way to tackle this. Obviously raw paleo is the best approach but, as you'll all no doubt understand, it might take a while for my wife to start eating raw animal fat when coming from a diet of cooked foods. She likes her medium rare steaks of course but it will take a while to transition over but i'm sure she'll get there soon.

Sabertooth - Copletely agree about vegetable matter hanging around in the gut not being good for anyone never mind diabetics. Once we get her on a low/ vl carb diet it'll be mostly meat, eggs and fat similar to yourself. Thanks for mentioning coconut etc as she loves it so that might be a good inclusion into her diet as she transitions. Will also try avocado and tomatoes.

Dorothy - Her diet has recently changed from being quite low carb to one with more carbs. You see, we are trying for a baby and she apparently has a cold uterus so the acupuncturist advised eating foods that wil warm her insides. For that reason she has been eating porridge in the mornings, quinoa and chicken for lunch and lamb with sweet potato or something similar in the evenings. Nothing raw at this stage as she was advised that raw foods would cool her down too much and we need to keep temps up. Now she has been told she has diabetes she's at loss as to what to do as both diets conflict. Just did a quick search on coconut as per sabertooths post and it seems coconut is warming so yeah!! Will get her onto that. I'm 100% convinced raw is the way to go but just need to take our time and make those subtle changes to diet and lifestyle for good....... and moving to a warmer climate :) She has a strong will but she's just taken a beating of late with fertility and blood sugar issues and it's getting her down. She'll bounce back and fight this with an iron will for sure once she notices the benefits. Will take a while to get her to raw meats but maybe I might start making my air dried meat again. That's a start.

Adora, thanks for your comments. I've read some of your recent posts in other threads and like your advice. I believe stress has also been a major factor in my wifes case of diabetes. That and probably eating too much grain through her life and fruits. She was never a junk food person either. Thanks for the ideas on dipping fat in mustards etc as that will surely help in the early stages of transition. Not sure she's ready for the forum yet as she needs to digest all thats happening around her and slowly come round to things. No doubt she'll get on eventually though as of all the forums and sites i've been on over the years for my own issues, this one is the only one i've kept my subscription for as the wealth of info is brilliant. I'll definitely follow your journey with interest as i'm sure you'll accomplish your goal of ridding yourself of diabetes  which will be an inspiration to my wife too.

Thanks all.


P.S. I rang her doctor yesterday and found out it was Type 2.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2012, 11:48:45 pm »
You see, we are trying for a baby and she apparently has a cold uterus so the acupuncturist advised eating foods that wil warm her insides.

The single most warming food I'm aware of would be fatty ocean fish, like escolar, sea bass, fatty tuna, etc..Basically, the fat of any ocean creature, especially ones from cold water.  Good Samaritan, one of our mods, has a story he likes to tell about (his brother, I think) someone who was feeling so cold he was shivering, even though they live in a hot tropical climate.  He fed him some raw fatty tuna and the cold chills were gone the next day, just like that.

P.S. I rang her doctor yesterday and found out it was Type 2.

That's good.  That means it's much more likely to be reversible, as you know.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2012, 02:35:30 am »
If you want to warm up via food you would eat some high protein food, as protein has the highest thermic effect. Fat has lowest, carbs are somewhere in between. Although it would be easier to just do some exercise..
When I eat a lot of protein at once I'm on fire for the next 2-3 hours :)

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2012, 03:16:59 am »
There are many cases where type two diabetes is accompanied by hypothyroid like symptoms, such as low body temperature and other medically ambiguous but noticeable metabolic problems. The human body  and its endocrine system is dependent on all the hormonal systems working properly.

This is one reason that the holistic approach is necessary for real and lasting results. I do believe that in most cases the body is capable of purifying, rejuvenating and regenerating its glands and organs.

I suffered from low blood temperature since I was a teenager. I would average 97.8 or lower. I noticed something remarkable after the first few weeks on this diet. My temperature went up to and maintains at 98.6.

I always thought my low temperature was genetic because my mother and grandmother have lower than average temperatures. Now I am suspecting its some kind of metabolic imbalance that both genetics and nutrition play a role in.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2012, 09:54:03 am »
If you want to warm up via food you would eat some high protein food, as protein has the highest thermic effect. Fat has lowest, carbs are somewhere in between.

As far as increasing the sensation of warmth, and improving circulation, I'd say fat, particularly from fatty fish, is the best.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2012, 09:54:45 am »
There are many cases where type two diabetes is accompanied by hypothyroid like symptoms, such as low body temperature and other medically ambiguous but noticeable metabolic problems. The human body  and its endocrine system is dependent on all the hormonal systems working properly.

This is one reason that the holistic approach is necessary for real and lasting results. I do believe that in most cases the body is capable of purifying, rejuvenating and regenerating its glands and organs.

I suffered from low blood temperature since I was a teenager. I would average 97.8 or lower. I noticed something remarkable after the first few weeks on this diet. My temperature went up to and maintains at 98.6.

I always thought my low temperature was genetic because my mother and grandmother have lower than average temperatures. Now I am suspecting its some kind of metabolic imbalance that both genetics and nutrition play a role in.

I think I'm starting to see why coconut works so well for you.  It's the absolute best thing for hypothyroid.  It revs the thyroid way up..\

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2012, 12:48:04 pm »
      I am warmer on this diet of raw- cold food than ever before. I find sleep and outdoor exercise the most important for staying warm. At first I was cold and I found comfort from warm bone broth with herbs, then I just didn't want it any more. I still like hot herbal tea.
     I don't agree with the acupuncture person. Raw foods are more nutritious and nutrition heals. Do what is right for you. I don't like "experts" governing my every move. I get advise from all over and do what feels right. Susun Weeds has good info on fertility. Most of it is on her website, and she used to have a free call night where she gave advise. She not omnipotent either, but she seems safe and effective.
     I strongly advise you not to try to have a baby until free of any type of diabetes. The only way to tell if it is type 1 or 2 is a blood test called c peptide. It tells how much insulin you make. If not enough then type 1. I make 0.05, normal is 0.5- 4.5 depending on if you are fasting or eating. If you haven't had this test then your MD is guessing. Also, family physicians don't treat type 1 so, if he diagnoses you as type 1 you would need a referral to an endocrinologist. Family physicians are not doing well financially with the insurance changes and type 2 is a bread and butter disease due to their ability to justify frequent office visits. I'm not saying your Dr is bad, just in a hard place and more likely to see what he/she wants to see. Pregnancy is very hard on diabetes, even a changing monthly cycle is challenging. Did you ever see the movie Steel Magnolias, high BS for even nine months could have irreversible changes to her vital organs, and her vision, circulation, and nerve supply. It would be just short of a miracle to produce a healthy child without very good blood sugars. Having a healthy pregnancy for mom and babe are dramatically decreased if you're not having perfect BS constantly.
      She doesn't have to be cured of diabetes to have a healthy pregnancy. Diabetics can have healthy babies, but you can't do it in a healthy way without an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor to keep tight control over BS. That would be a last resort. My very good advise is spend this year or at least 6 months achieving perfect BS. Avoid pregnancy. After you have good control maybe you'll just get pregnant and fixing her sugar metabolism was the root of your fertility problem. If you are unable to have consistent BS after focusing solely on that for at least 6 months then find an endocrinologist you like, double check everything they do, but let them guide you through a healthy pregnancy. If it really is type2 she won't need insulin when she isn't pregnant but insulin has the least side effects for baby.
    My first endocrinologist (who I loved and who was a diabetic himself) explained that we need the right amount of insulin. Without it or with too much we DIE. It is like trying to have a baby without enough oxygen. With or without insulin her BS must be in control BEFORE getting pregnant - please read up on it much more.
     Diabetes sucks. I hope she is able to recover completely and quickly. Her best chance is to address it first, because every day it goes unchecked or even with meds it is damaging your beloved and the harder it is to reverse. If she won't go raw at least consider cooked paleo and get off the grain. If you really believe you need quinoa to have a healthy baby ask yourself how cavewomen got pregnant. Eat a little grain - if you must - after her body is healed of whatever is destroying her ability to control her BS. Michael D Fox is a fertility DR that has a short video on you tube about the importance of fats — not grains. I'm having issues with linking or I would have done it for you. I think raw paleo is better, but if she wants cooked foods maybe cooked paleo will be good enough to solve both issues. Maybe she will do cooked paleo with raw fish and eggs or something like that.
     I found out I had diabetes when I was pregnant, I even managed to control my BS pretty good while I was pregnant, but my baby was 2 months early she was born in so blue, my first thought when I saw her was, "How did I get a black baby?", she spent the 2 months in the NICU and she almost died multiple times. She is on a cooked paleo diet and she eats some ravf. She is strong, but she has had health issues her whole life and still can get very sick and tires easily. She is 15 and beautiful, but with the high level of healthy habits she has she should be an amazon at 15. I was and I was eating crap, smoking, and drinking. I hope she will get stronger as she gets older but, it is clear to me that if I had been healthier during my pregnancy she would have given my beautiful daughter a much better start. The doctors couldn't find anything else to explain her prematurity. I wanted more children but I have never been able to get my BS in good enough control to try. So, much better chance to address diabetes first.
       I mean well.
Peace Love Health and Joy be with you both
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2012, 07:37:08 pm »
If you want to warm up via food you would eat some high protein food, as protein has the highest thermic effect. Fat has lowest, carbs are somewhere in between. Although it would be easier to just do some exercise..
When I eat a lot of protein at once I'm on fire for the next 2-3 hours :)

Makes sense but think it's a different type of warming. She has problems with her basal body temperature being too low and apparently certain foods (in eastern methods) are warming and certain foods are cooling. She has been eating the warming foods for a few weeks (lamb, eggs, ginger, oats, quinoa etc) and slowly her temperature has risen to just below normal ranges so it looks promising. Saying that, I still firmly beleive that a low carb raw diet is best so we're looking at foods that can help move to this way of eating. Coconut, like Saber mentioned, seems to be ideal so the wife had her first spoonful of coconut oil this morning which actually went down well much to my surprise. Getting some whole coconut in today and slowly building a higher fat, raw diet together.
She exercises regularly (currently at the gym :)) so dont think that's a problem.

Thanks for the info and comments. Appreciated.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2012, 07:39:13 pm »
The single most warming food I'm aware of would be fatty ocean fish, like escolar, sea bass, fatty tuna, etc..Basically, the fat of any ocean creature, especially ones from cold water.  Good Samaritan, one of our mods, has a story he likes to tell about (his brother, I think) someone who was feeling so cold he was shivering, even though they live in a hot tropical climate.  He fed him some raw fatty tuna and the cold chills were gone the next day, just like that.
Interesting, will look that up as it makes sense to me. When I eat raw sea bass I get a warming sensation.
Quote from: cherimoya_kid
That's good.  That means it's much more likely to be reversible, as you know.
Hopefully, fingers crossed.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2012, 07:43:30 pm »
I always thought my low temperature was genetic because my mother and grandmother have lower than average temperatures. Now I am suspecting its some kind of metabolic imbalance that both genetics and nutrition play a role in.
I'm starting t think that this whole thing, basal body temps and diabetes. is a genetic and nutritional thing. My wife is half African (Zimbabwe) and there are loads of studies out there that suggest that Africans are more susceptible to diabetes due to their inability to process carbs as they were not available to them in great quantities throughout history. My wife has always done well on a low carb diet so things are starting to click. Hmmmm.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2012, 08:10:11 pm »

Thanks for your detailed comments. I know you mean well and for someone with so much experience i'd be foolish not to take heed. I'll definitely be talking this post through with my wife as the last thing we would want to do is put any child at risk during pregnancy.

Quote from: Adora
I don't agree with the acupuncture person. Raw foods are more nutritious and nutrition heals. Do what is right for you. I don't like "experts" governing my every move. I get advise from all over and do what feels right. Susun Weeds has good info on fertility. Most of it is on her website, and she used to have a free call night where she gave advise. She not omnipotent either, but she seems safe and effective.

I think you are right but only because i've been reading loads of the posts on this forum and others etc that has convinced me. I just need to educate my wife over time and she'll feel the same. I agree with the acupuncturist as far as her treatment goes (needles only) as it seems to have worked but don't agree with her dietary advice. Thanks for the info on Susun Weeds. Will read up.
Quote from: Adora
The only way to tell if it is type 1 or 2 is a blood test called c peptide. It tells how much insulin you make. If not enough then type 1. I make 0.05, normal is 0.5- 4.5 depending on if you are fasting or eating. If you haven't had this test then your MD is guessing.
I didn't know this. Will get a full test carried out for certainty. I wouldn't put it past them to be guessing as they've given me problems in the past hence my drive to research and cure myself then to rely on the med profession.
Quote from: Adora
My very good advise is spend this year or at least 6 months achieving perfect BS. Avoid pregnancy. After you have good control maybe you'll just get pregnant and fixing her sugar metabolism was the root of your fertility problem. If you are unable to have consistent BS after focusing solely on that for at least 6 months then find an endocrinologist you like, double check everything they do, but let them guide you through a healthy pregnancy. If it really is type2 she won't need insulin when she isn't pregnant but insulin has the least side effects for baby.
I appreciate the advice. Will talk it over tonight with the missus and get our plan together. I strongly believe that this is all linked so getting her BS under control would/should put her in prime position to conceive.

Quote from: Adora
If she won't go raw at least consider cooked paleo and get off the grain. If you really believe you need quinoa to have a healthy baby ask yourself how cavewomen got pregnant.
Think cooked paleo is the next step here and certainly in the right direction. I dont believe I need quinoa. I believe that we have a body designed to eat meat and fat (one stomach etc) and that if every other species on this planet eats their food raw then why is it we think that cooking is good for us!!!!

Quote from: Adora
Michael D Fox is a fertility DR that has a short video on you tube about the importance of fats — not grains. I'm having issues with linking or I would have done it for you..
Think I found it. Is this it? - Less sugar, more kids

Quote from: Adora
    I found out I had diabetes when I was pregnant, I even managed to control my BS pretty good while I was pregnant, but my baby was 2 months early she was born in so blue, my first thought when I saw her was, "How did I get a black baby?", she spent the 2 months in the NICU and she almost died multiple times. She is on a cooked paleo diet and she eats some ravf. She is strong, but she has had health issues her whole life and still can get very sick and tires easily. She is 15 and beautiful, but with the high level of healthy habits she has she should be an amazon at 15. I was and I was eating crap, smoking, and drinking. I hope she will get stronger as she gets older but, it is clear to me that if I had been healthier during my pregnancy she would have given my beautiful daughter a much better start. The doctors couldn't find anything else to explain her prematurity. I wanted more children but I have never been able to get my BS in good enough control to try. So, much better chance to address diabetes first.
Sorry to hear of your daughters health issues. Hope she continues to strengthen. Are you getting your BS levels under control now you've started Raw. What differences have you noticed?

Quote from: Adora
Peace Love Health and Joy be with you both

Thanks. And you.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2012, 10:19:14 pm »
To raise body temperature, high fat -  high carb diets may be needed.
This is easy to do for cooked diet people with all the cooked starches to choose from.  Try sweet potatoes. and fatty beef.
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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2012, 12:50:17 am »
I'm so glad you liked what I had to say. Yes Ivy is fairly healthy and maybe her having to fight for her health and watch me is part of her determination. She continues to improve her diet, exercise, mind/soul and her health follows.
     I am improving with RAVF. I went all raw but cheated or added a few things to ease my transition. I didn't stress about them because when I stress about a diet I always fail. I decided to trust that I would progress with time and experience. I have slowly and so comfortably eliminated mayo, mustard, olive oil, dairy, vinegar, non organic herbs, caffeine. I have noticed great improvements with all of these things, but I'm glad I didn't avoid them at first, b/c I healed with them to a point. When I felt the healing momentum start to wane I looked for what I was ready to change next. Sometimes I was sure I needed to change something and sometimes it is just a hunch like caffeine- sure, dairy-hunch.
     I was warming up nicely and I have also been cold through diabetes. When my BS is very high I get warm, but anywhere near normal I am cold. I was still getting cold with raw foods but it didn't go to my core, once cold it would take hours in the heat to really warm up. This changed so that my core stayed warm and I could warm my skin and extremities  much easier. I started a gentle type of intermittent fasting called fast 5. I eat for 5hrs/day and fast for 19. My BS have been much better but, I am cold again. I can't stand it, but as I understand there is a transition from carb to fat burning, which takes 2-4weeks. I cheated 4days ago so I guess I need to start over from there. If I'm not warm again in 4 weeks I will have to change something. For now I am bundling up and drinking lots of hot tea.
     I think I already mentioned getting lots of sleep and exercise helps. I think the book I found on this site called Mastering Leptins could help with hormone and sugar balance. The Key points are on the internet. I'm glad you found the other video I was talking about, but I can at least copy and paste this for you....

"Five Rules for Mastering Leptin - I found this a ready summary of Byron and Mary Richards' book Mastering Leptin. The book itself contains an enormous amount of detail, as the authors present their findings from a thorough research review on the recently discovered appetite controlling hormone leptin.
Never eat after dinner - And finish eating about 3 hours before you go to bed, i.e., never go to bed with a full stomach. Avoid eating anything for 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.

REASON - During the first 6-8 hours after eating dinner, the body is burns calories consumed during the day. During the 8th to 12th hour after dinner comes "the most effective fat burning time." Having a snack before bedtime (or a late evening meal) causes leptin release, which tells your body/brain that no additional energy is required, and no fat will be burned during the latter part of the night.
Eat 3 meals per day - And allow 5-6 hours between meals. Do NOT Snack.

REASON - During the first three hours after a meal, insulin is storing calories from the food we have eaten, putting our bodies in glucose burning mode. In hours 4-6, our bodies shift into fat burning mode. Snacking withing that 5-6 hour window will stimulate insulin release, and thus bypass the fat burning mode.

Avoid eating large meals - Do not give your body more fuel than it can use.

REASON - Regular large meals will invariably lead to leptin and insulin resistance. So eat slowly and chew really well, because it takes your brain ten minutes to let you know you're full. Another technique, after you've eaten half of your meal, take a 5-minute break. And don't feel you have to "clean your plate."
Eat high-protein breakfast

REASON - Keeps your body in the fat-burning mode from your night's fast and may reduce late afternoon energy crashes.
Reduce carbohydrate consumption. But don't cut out ALL carbohydrates.

REASON - Carbs lead to the release of insulin, which puts you in glucose burning mode.

Byron and Mary Richards recommend a ratio of 50/50 of carbs to protein, which amounts to a palm-sized portion of protein and starch, plus eat as many vegetables as you like, except for the peas, corn, cooked carrots, and other starchy veggies, which count as carbs.
Check whether you're eating too many carbohydrates - Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, and again at bedtime. If your bedtime weight is 2 pounds over your morning weight, you've probably eaten too many carbohydrates."

     This is off track but, so am I. I new a sweet young woman who had a pretty healthy lifestyle. She was having trouble conceiving and found out she had diabetes. She came to me for a massage (I didn't know her except for this 1 hr period we shared. I intuitively felt she was sad about something else. Her father had died, before all of that happened. I had just read that grief was statistically the most common emotion preceding onset of all types of diabetes. I told her I felt she would be pregnant in less than a year and that diabetes would resolve for her with persistent focus on her health. I suggested that she let herself grieve for her father and realize that all of the sadness came form her love for him. Then she could focus on how she still loved him and was able to feel the love still present and feel that comfort.     I got a letter from her that said she had a healthy baby and diabetes was gone and she was taking good care of herself. Success stories are nice. Maybe you don't relate to the grieving, but it is always nice to hear good stories.
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.


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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2012, 02:38:21 am »
Good to hear she is doing well Adora. Sounds like she's getting better and better too so that's good.

Good decision to trust  that you would progress with time and experience. I've found that that works best for me too and i'm hoping my wife also finds that slowly but surely is a good way for her to get more and more into the Raw way of eating. We just had steaks and a little salad there so that's not too bad.

I've read about fast5 in the past and always thought it made sense. We wouldn't have been eating three square meals in early times and the fact that the body is able to rest and heal for 19 hours is a good thing in my book as long as the foods being pput into your body during that 5 hours are nutritious i.e. RAVF. Perhaps I should move us to a warmer climate and fast5 for a while. That way we can stay warm in the sun :) Dubai here I come ha ha

Thanks for posting that Mastering Leptins stuff. Good read and makes sense. And I liked your good news story. You are right that they are always nice to hear. It just goes to show that it can all be done if you focus on the end goal and stay strong. Hopefully we can have a healthy strong baby and put diabetes behind us all. :)

Good luck in your continued improvements.

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Re: Diabetes Diagnosis
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2012, 02:51:12 am »
thank you, you too
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.


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