Author Topic: Order of eating, and food coupling  (Read 6992 times)

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Offline Polyvore

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Order of eating, and food coupling
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:33:57 pm »
Hi everyone, new guy here.

I am wondering in what order should I be eating foods, and what I should be separating?
What foods should I couple together for good digestion?

I have heard people say do not eat fruit after meat, but if the meat slows the digestion of fruit, wouldn't the fiber ferment longer, and result in more fuel-like digestible byproducts resulting in a good stool? I heard soluble fiber ferments into butyric acid which aids in fuelling the intestinal lining!

I have heard fruit or soluble fiber foods should be eaten before meat.
I have heard meat + egg yolk is good combo.
I have heard vegetables and insoluble fiber foods should be eaten in isolation.

I am actually thinking of eating lots of edible flowers and herbs instead of vegetables, so I assume I can eat them as if they are fruits? Dandelions, roses, parsley, basil etc.

Are avocado and tomato treated like fruits or a vegetables?


Offline Ferocious

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Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2012, 10:18:16 pm »
Eat what you want, when you want, provided the food is natural for human consumption and unprocessed. That's how all animals do it, that's how you should too. You don't see other animals asking each other what and when they should eat something, do you? It's pretty ridiculous that we do.

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Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 01:29:18 am »
Ferocious I love what you said, but I think it only applies to the wild. We socialized or from a darker view point "zoo" humans are more prone to experience neorosis even on a natural diet. Most of us weren't born on it either.
    Still, love the spirit of your message.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 01:46:03 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 01:47:53 am »
The most I can do Poly is let you know my experience. I find that flowers and herbs and avocados all go well with vegetable matter and I digest them like standard greens and vegetables. I don't mix those with what we usually think of as fruits. Those are all salad or soup ingredients for me. But, if I'm in the backyard roaming to see what bush or plant has something to eat on it - I'm more like ferocious and I'm happy to find whatever is there and stuff some in my mouth ;) same with foraging. 

Offline HIT_it_RAW

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Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2012, 06:57:33 pm »
animal produces require acidid digestion plant matter (except grains) alkalic so keep them apart for optimum digestion. the longer it takes for a food to digest the longer you should wait to eat from the other group. When i started doing this my digestion improved a lot. Now i never combine these except on rare occasions.
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Offline Polyvore

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Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2012, 02:30:59 pm »
HIT_it_RAW do you have any sources for me to read about that?

what is the digestion time of raw meat vs cooked meat?

Offline Chris

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Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2012, 09:53:48 am »

I am wondering in what order should I be eating foods, and what I should be separating?
What foods should I couple together for good digestion?

When I was doing food combining. I'd stick with meats and vegetables. Fruit by itself (it usually takes 20-30 minutes to digest). So have it first thing in the morning, or between meals on an empty stomach.  I've eaten tomatoes with meat and I did just fine. Fats are neutral, they go with anything, except fruit. It will just slow the digestion process down. Egg and meat is not a great combo for cooked meats. I have no clue about raw though. I read something you shouldn't mix more than one protein source at a time (fish/beef, beef/chicken, ect). But, like I said that was for cooked meats. Everybody is a little different. So I'd recommend experimenting and see what your body will/can tolerate.


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