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Offline DopeDivinity

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No Water
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:12:56 am »
Does anybody here go by VonderPlanetz idea of not drinking any water?

"Water is dangerous!" - VonderPlannerz in CancerCure Society interview

I can't picture myself dropping water from my regimen. It's MotherEarth's BloodMana.

How bout you guys/girls?

Offline raw-al

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Re: No Water
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 02:19:51 am »
If memory serves he indicates that you should not cut it out completely.

Not everything AV says is intelligent. He says some kookie things like everyone should drink plenty of milk.

Having said that I think that what says about it making you feel cold has some truth to it.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2012, 02:46:12 am »
Definitely... also what he says about the more you drink, the thirstier you get, I witness that sometimes too. Then again, I drink mostly distilled water. I feel that some Spring Water harvested from a natural, clean spring would be a lot more balanced and my body would love it.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2012, 03:16:01 am »
Water is one of those huge topics.

I used to prefer natural spring water that I had access to, Then I tried filtereed tap water, now I have water filtered through a Santevia filter and I could not say if it is good bad or indifferent.

We did the distilled water for awhile but who knows.

I don't drink a lot but I think it is wise to at least drink some. However hunose?

Offline Ferocious

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Re: No Water
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2012, 03:40:00 am »
You should be getting plenty of water from your foods. You should not really need it unless you're losing a lot via sweating. But of course, if you're thirsty, drink....Who cares if someone says you shouldn't. Personally, I don't find water satisfying. It doesn't feel worth drinking because I just want to drink more and more. I rather just get my liquid from fruits or something else. But if I'm very thirsty from being outside in the heat, water seems to work faster and better.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 03:58:58 am »
I never could drink distilled water. It's always too flat.
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Re: No Water
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 04:38:30 am »
Distilled water is dangerous as it leaches minerals away from the body. I at first thought it was more hydrating until I realised that I was drinking far more distilled water per day than was natural and that I never felt I'd had enough, unlike with  my usual alkaline mineral waters.
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Offline jessica

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Re: No Water
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2012, 06:53:45 am »
i agree on the distilled water, reverse osmosis is almost as bad, same with ionized, but you can alway add some seaweeds and some clays to your water to make it more alive.  a few days ago i had some fresh mountain water and i have to say it was so extremely refreshing, i am going to have to hike up and start collecting it again.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 07:06:09 am by TylerDurden »

Offline DopeDivinity

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Re: No Water
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2012, 07:05:36 am »
I do add SeaSalt to my water... and I charge it with gemstones. I do wonder what would be a better alternative though... I would have to move to a different location to have SpringWater access... like that'll ever happen. I can get ozonated Spring Water, its pretty expensive and its a hassle to get home. Err... why is it so damn hard to get Water nowadays?

Offline jessica

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Re: No Water
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2012, 08:05:34 am »
adora has talked about how she makes her water with clay....adding the clay, stirring it around and then letting it set in the water for a few days before drinking can search and find a post about it if you wish.  we live in a polluted world :( and our best attempts at making things habitable dont really address that issue:((((

Offline DopeDivinity

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Re: No Water
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2012, 11:12:36 am »
ClayWater sounds nice... I like the SeaWeed idea too!

So yeah I been drinking a shit ton of water today. It's so hot and humid and I feel like total shit. Not to mention, it's a full moon. For some reason, me and my brother are very sensitive to a full moon. Earlier I was so frustrated and angry and hateful towards everything and myself that I shattered a plate against the wall... this is before I found out that it was a full moon night. It was like Go Figure, plates always get broken on full moons. It makes me feel terrible, alone in the universe, abandonded by divinity... I've been an ass to my brother and my mom all day. Even the kitties got some shit from me. Yeah so uhh.... time for another glass of IceCold water!

Offline raw-al

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Re: No Water
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2012, 07:03:19 pm »
I do add SeaSalt to my water... and I charge it with gemstones. I do wonder what would be a better alternative though... I would have to move to a different location to have SpringWater access... like that'll ever happen. I can get ozonated Spring Water, its pretty expensive and its a hassle to get home. Err... why is it so damn hard to get Water nowadays?
If you use gemstones make sure they are apropos to your body type so they don't aggravate you. They can act like food in the sense that they can be a benefit otr a problem.

Offline Dorothy

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Re: No Water
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2012, 03:09:50 am »
I LOVE water. Telling me not to drink water would be like telling me not to eat. No one is going to be convincing me of either. It also doesn't make me more thirsty at all - it's usually extremely satisfying. I guess it's an individual thing? Or maybe it depends on how much fat is eaten?

I'm going to be trying Adora's bentonite in water here Jessica to see how I feel - but if it ruins the taste of my beloved water I'll just take the bentonite separately. That's what my husband does - just swallows some bentonite between meals. The idea of taking in a little bit of clay each time I drink water makes logical sense. I'll see how my body likes it. You are so right about living in a polluted world and not addressing the issue. I've been thinking about the chemtrails for instance. I'm hoping that the bentonite will handle those issues.

DD - your gemstone idea sounds lovely - but the same thing Al said went through my mind - depends on the gemstones!


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Re: No Water
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2012, 07:42:14 am »
ClayWater sounds nice... I like the SeaWeed idea too!

So yeah I been drinking a shit ton of water today. It's so hot and humid and I feel like total shit.

i used to be super thristy and drink 2 gallons of water + a day until i started getting enough minerals.  its a double edge sword when you are drinking distilled water because your body is asking to be replenished with minerals but you are drinking water that further dilutes you.   this can cause bloating or excessive sweating ive noticed, usually depends on the weather.  humidity sucks and i would not know what the F to do in hot humid weather, but i suspect keeping your electrolytes in balance will help.

i would suggest roasted dandelion tea instead of coffee if you drink it, and making light herbal teas during the super hot times of the year to drink along with water.   add kelp granules to everything, it should help and they are pretty low in sodium so you will be attaining the proper amounts of other minerals without blowing up on sodium. eating celery, cucumbers and juising zucchinis helps to get your electrolytes back in balance.

 also note that sometimes when you are suffering from sensitivity to sugary foods and the ups and downs of blood sugar there can be excessive thirst until these swings are moderated

Offline jessica

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Re: No Water
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2012, 07:44:21 am »
ps no tantrums! do jumping jacks instead or sprint down the street until you are tired and then lay down, breathe deeply and rest cause your soul needs you

Offline DopeDivinity

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Re: No Water
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2012, 07:50:46 am »
I'm thinking about this clay thing... how does this look?

Maybe in the meantime, until I can afford that, I can go outside, take a TBSP of dirt, and put it in a gallon of water?

As for the gemstone thing... I may consider that. I just put random stones in the water without worrying about what does what, its gotta be better than no stones, right? And if I grow boobies or something from using the wrong stones, I've certainly endured worse in my life.

@ jessica: I just got celery today and I'm going to get some cucumbers and zucchini on Saturday! I would've got some Kelp today but the HFS is closed. I will definitely start Kelping my water

@ jessica pt 2 PS edition: Thanks... perhaps I can burst on the trampoline whenever I'm pissed. I'm actually feeling pretty balanced today... I just had some Salmon'n'Salad served up with some Pineapple, I really feel like the enzymatic action of the Pineapple is helping with digestion, plus its muey hydrating. Yum I'm bout to eat another spear

Offline raw-al

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Re: No Water
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2012, 07:51:45 am »
Water seems to have a particular attraction for the fairer sex. It's normal to see women toting all manner of containers of the stuff, which of course leads to the inevitable lineup at the tree as it were.....

This was originally entitled "Proof that too many trees have been cut", but I think it should be "The lineup to the women's tree"

Offline Dorothy

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Re: No Water
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2012, 07:52:55 am »
i used to be super thristy and drink 2 gallons of water + a day until i started getting enough minerals.  its a double edge sword when you are drinking distilled water because your body is asking to be replenished with minerals but you are drinking water that further dilutes you.   this can cause bloating or excessive sweating ive noticed, usually depends on the weather.  humidity sucks and i would not know what the F to do in hot humid weather, but i suspect keeping your electrolytes in balance will help.

i would suggest roasted dandelion tea instead of coffee if you drink it, and making light herbal teas during the super hot times of the year to drink along with water.   add kelp granules to everything, it should help and they are pretty low in sodium so you will be attaining the proper amounts of other minerals without blowing up on sodium. eating celery, cucumbers and juising zucchinis helps to get your electrolytes back in balance.

 also note that sometimes when you are suffering from sensitivity to sugary foods and the ups and downs of blood sugar there can be excessive thirst until these swings are moderated

Those are great thoughts that I should keep in mind Jessica. I've had to learn how to keep cool here - the only place hotter is the desert and today I was thinking of these things a great deal. Hibiscus and peppermint teas are both extremely cooling. Thanks for reminding me because on days like today I would usually make iced hibiscus tea to stay cool and hydrated. I love humidity - but it sometimes makes me not realize how thirsty I am and I can wait too long to drink. I had watermelon today when I don't usually like or want it. Nothing is as cooling as watermelon I think. It can bring down a high fever faster than anything. When I drink water and I'm outside in the heat I crave salt and seaweed. I've never tried having clay instead. For my main meal tonight I wanted scallops - so yeah - minerals and the heat are so very important - but I also wanted salt on them. According to (the doctor's name is too had to remember and spell) you need salt to take the water into the cells, so drinking lots of water without enough minerals/electrolytes can be dangerous for the kidneys and just makes you bloated because the water isn't going into the cells. He says that all bloating and edema is caused really by dehydration. I bet you're totally right about the blood sugars though. I also get insanely thirsty when I eat something that is bad for me. It's like my body is begging for water to wash it out. Along time ago I used to get really thirsty during detoxes too.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2012, 07:57:43 am »
LMAO Al. But notice the doggie at the tree is definitely of the masculine sex - leg up? So I think that tree is more of a urinal. ;)

DD - do you know how to muscle test? That's how I would decide what minerals to put in the water - if any - because they most definitely could do you more harm than good if they are not the right ones for you.

I wouldn't do the dirt.  :o  Seaweed, Redmonds salt or bentonite from the health food store (do you have one near you) I think would be much superior and less scary. I'd also try scallops. They are expensive but just one or two of them really feel like enough for me. Can you get scallops?

Offline jessica

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Re: No Water
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2012, 08:46:05 am »
hah yeah, try and get REAL MAD on the trampoline next time.   youll probably just end up feeling silly for whatever the reason.  i sometimes just get mentally/emotionally/physically confused and have noticed that its more of just a habit for my being to go down the pathway towards destructive anxiety/panic attack type maybe if you get to the point you can feel that sensation coming on, just start doing whatever else you can to release that energy

heres what adora does re: adding clay to distilled water
"Liquid clay is just clay mixed with water. I don't like dry clay, it dehydrates me even in small amounts. I soak all clay in water for at least 3 days before using. I only use a drop in a half gallon mason jar to give the molecules the taste of earth. Then I add what more I want to my cup."

Offline DopeDivinity

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Re: No Water
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2012, 09:45:03 am »
 I haven't tried muscle testing, I have this little fear of doing it wrong... perhaps I can give it a shot... it could be useful... I just read it can be used to determine food allergies, lord knows I could use that... why the hell is my head flaring up again?

I will take your recommendation on the scallop thing... of course, I usually skip over it in favor of more economical seafood.   8) Ya know... last time I tried scallops, I threw up because my dad was forcing me to eat them. That was a long time ago though... before I could even eat vegetables... I was on the HotPocket TacoBell diet.

I'm definitely looking to try multiple things here... here is another one to add to the idea pooL:

I just started saving my eggshells after reading that they can be dried, powdered, and used as a mineral supplement.

"Eggshells are mostly composed of calcium, but they also contain at least 27 trace micro-elements. According to Mikhail Tombak PhD, the calcium contained in eggshells is up to 90% absorbable by our bodies. This leads us to believe that it is a much better, not to mention more natural source of calcium for our bodies than limestone or coral sources. Besides, how often do you see animals eating rocks in the wild? Now, how often will a wolf or other animal steal eggs from a nest and eat the shell along with the yolk? "

"One medium eggshell should contain about 1 teaspoon of powder, and about 750mg to 800mg of elemental calcium."

I also remember reading that eggshells have a very similar mineral profile to our bones...

ANYWAY, wouldn't that be a great way to mineralize water? Maybe like  1 TBSP powdered eggshell? I'm going to try it

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Re: No Water
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2012, 09:58:48 am »
There was a thread here on the subject of eggshells. Do you raise your own chickens? If not then you have to make sure that where you get them from doesn't spray anything onto the shells to replace the natural bloom for shipping and storage.

Holistic physicians have told me that repeatedly that most diets are rich in calcium - it is the other minerals and vitamins that allow for proper calcium absorption that are missing usually.

You really should try to find that thread because someone that was really into eggshells had a bad effect and learned more that made him do a 180 in regard to eggshells.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2012, 12:10:09 am »
i go for long periods of time without drinking water. usually i drink milk and when thats not available i buy coconuts and drink their water. I need to much milk or coconut water to stay hydrated compared to normal water either way. when I do get water its from a spring and I collected it myself. for free.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2012, 07:55:03 am »
I haven't been drinking as much water as usual lately.  I only drink bottled water, Fiji brand.. I like the description on the bottle that the water is pumped from the aquifer straight into the bottle and so untouched by man until you open the bottle and drink it.. even if it is untrue, it is still the best tasting water to me.  I don't trust tap water at all, even if it is filtered.  I don't trust most bottled waters either, after hearing most are just tap water anyways.  But I tend to get headaches if I don't drink enough water.  I usually try to drink water first thing when I wake up, to hydrate myself before eating anything, and that's usually enough to prevent me from getting headaches.  I want to buy water in glass bottles though, but it's so expensive..

As for eggshells.. I did keep the eggshells from the eggs my aunt and uncle have given me from their home raised chickens, and crushed them up.  I don't trust any store bought egg shells, even organic or free range.. I think there was only one brand I ever bought that the eggs were still dirty, with clumps of dirt or poop still stuck to the eggs, but I think those chickens were fed a vegetarian diet which may or may not have included soy and certainly didn't have a high amount of bugs in the diet, so I figure they're probably nutritionally poor. 

I probably won't eat the eggshells myself though, since I drink large quantities of raw milk and consume a lot of raw dairy so I'm sure I'm already overdosing on calcium without consuming enough magnesium.  I mostly kept them because I was wanting to get my own chickens and I heard they need high amounts of calcium so I thought I might feed it to them.. but my dad won't let me get chickens.  I might feed it to my cat instead, since she doesn't get much bones to eat.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: No Water
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2013, 05:21:34 am »
re; AV about water...I find that if I eliminate all salt from my raw paleo/primal diet, that I just don't need, crave or want water all that much...when I deviate into cooked food and salt then WOW! my water craving goes sky high and I can feel how hard it is to digest the food and can see why they push water...your body needs it to handle the digesting of all that salty dense water-less food. SALT FREE RAW PRIMAL RULES! (AV says that one grain of sea salt kills 50,000 red blood cells) Also I cannot believe how much I've gotten used to no salt, I sometimes use raw honey for flavoring, but if the meat tastes good then I just slice and eat.


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