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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2013, 05:40:09 am »
No need to get so sassy mr troll, not all of us are perfect like you.
Not yet at least.
For now, dairy is really making me gain weight, so I will stick to it unless someone has a better idea.
The thing is, me having to eat this unnatural dairy is causing an unnatural depletion of magnesium it seems.
I have read lots in the short time that I've known about this.
It seems legit.
So a magnesium bath, however horribly unnatural, seems logical. I will give it a try.
Scallops suck, I want to throw up when I taste them, but I will try eating more of those too.
I try mostly everything.

Don't tell me not to try so much stuff,
because I will anyways.
I'm weird, my body is right out of it, I can't afford to stop trying weird stuff.

You'd probably see better results with a simple magnesium supplement, and it would be a lot cheaper, too.  Scallops are high in magnesium, but they aren't going to balance out the extremes of dairy.  The way I take dairy is by letting it sit at room temperature in the dark and separate into milk and cream.  I let it ferment, then eat the soured cream off the top.  I throw away the rest.  This fixes the calcium/magnesium problem. 

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2013, 05:56:34 am »
So apparently raw dairy is so bad and unnatural because of some study someone did on pasteurized dairy and soaking yourself in chemicals is how you make dairy good for you....alrighty then....

and if you think scallops are bad try taking the recommended dosage of epsom salt orally. I guarantee you have never experienced something so vile.

and im so happy for all the people here with time machines who know exactly when humans started using dairy. Please let me know where I can get one to verify.

Maybe ill also very that Sumeria was the first civilization while im at it (LOL) and a whole host of other stuff the darwinist (read:hindu/brahminist) washers of brains have led society to believe.


Offline Poncho

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2013, 06:14:32 am »
Getting so sassy doesn't help anyone sir.

If raw dairy is natural then why would it be so severely depleting my magnesium?
It wouldn't? I dont even know what side you're on haha

I said that I would try scallops again.
I don't feel like eating vile salts....

This is pretty dumb honestly, I don't even remember the point.
I'll read back sure, but the point is that right now I don't remember the point.

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2013, 06:35:48 am »
The point is that someone here told you raw dairy is bad based on a study done on pasteurized dairy which obviously makes no sense.

Then someone told you to fix that problem by soaking yourself in chemicals, more dumb advice.

and then we have the third genius saying you should take magnesium pills instead of eating shellfish.... god the madness never ends\

this is the raw paleo forum, we are supposed to heal ourselves with raw foods here, where are all the sensible people from this forum on this thread?? have we jsut become a bunch of chemical heads?

what your chemical recommendations are is the equivalent of me going to a christian forum and saying people need sacrifice children on top of a pyramid to make god happy instead of simple prayer.

Whether or not it depletes magnesium is not something im too concerned with either way because i eat shellfish of varying kinds regularly since it is the most nutritious food on this planet.. If you are concerned try scallops or mussels or some other shellfish high in magnesium. If you think chemicals are how you solve problems though you should go to your local allopathic torture center where you will surely find the right chemical miracle for every problem you could every imagine!

Im on the side of not caring about stuff like this and becoming orthorexic with my measurements of ratios of nutrients and omegas and writing down everything you eat and all this other crap. Its a waste of time. Once your body gets completely used to raw foods as soon as there is a deficiency your body will crave the food you need to fix it.

Or you could go crazy reading all these studies (done on cooked foods) about how certain foods are bad when these studies dont apply to raw foods at all.

If you want I can pull up all these studies proving beyond a doubt that eating meat is very bad for you. They may have been done on cooked meat but I guess you should jsut apply the conclusions to raw meat and jsut give up raw meat altogether....

« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 06:46:13 am by trollofthedungeon »

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2013, 11:38:24 am »
Oh no.
oh no oh no oh no.

What do I do?

Probably not a huge deal lol. But like they recommended an epsom salt bath is one way to go, a supplement, or even magnesium rich foods. I'm definitely not recommending you cut out dairy, it seems to be really helping you.

And svrn/troll why are you being such a drama queen? Not getting enough magnesium is relevant in this situation. I don't know exactly what poncho's been eating, but I think knowing about the mag/cal balance is important. Just like it's helpful for newbies to know most long term RPD'ers don't just eat muscle meat, a mistake most beginners make.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2013, 11:49:33 am »
How do you know its relevant? Because you have some study done on pasteurized dairy? Sorry but thats not good enough.

And now people want to promote chemical baths and supplement pills on here? Nope thats not okay either.

William got banned for trolling in favor of tallow on here. and rightfully so because this a raw foods forum. So whats worse putting your suet in a centrifuge or chemically isolated magnesium that cant even be absorbed by the human body?

Im gonna have to call out garbage advice if if i see it. THis is a health forum not a friendliness forum and im serious about people getting the good advice they need to heal, im not in here to be a constant nod of approval for garbage advice, people need to be told of these errors.


Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2013, 04:18:12 pm »
And now people want to promote chemical baths and supplement pills on here? Nope thats not okay either.

Are you really gonna sit here and troll on supplements? It's that kind of advice that limits healing. I need supplements. When I first started raw paleo and the "raw purists" on the forum like you suggested against supplements, it lead to nothing but trouble for me. When I reintroduced supplements is when I finally was able to start healing.

The problem is you think you know everything there is about nutrition and health. The fact is what you know is that what you're doing is what's working for you. If I cut out supplements, my health goes to shit.

So again - you're advocating that what works for you will work for everyone. But what works for you doesn't work for me, and certainly won't work for everyone.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline jessica

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2013, 08:37:12 pm »
magnesium baths feel amazing. its pretty similar to taking a dunk in a hot spring with a high concentration of mag.

 people have, since the dawn of people, flocked to hot springs and mineral waters with high contents of healing minerals, like lithium, sulphur...etc...

while mimicking that by using inexpensive Epsom salts isn't ideal, it is an option for those of us who don't have a natural mineral hot spring handy.

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2013, 10:53:17 pm »
Oh my god, how many times do I have to repeat that all you need is shellfish. No need for chemical baths of any sort or supplements.

And supplements are dangerous. they can help you in the short term but will always end up causing damage in the long run. We are trying to heal people, not give them a short term solution that causes an even worse long term problem.

If you take enough supplements you WILL develop toxic glands, particularly the liver. People who get energy from supplements are only recieving get because of the classic response of the liver to a toxic assault which is production of glycogen. This is the exact same reason why coffee and cigarettes give you a boost.

If you think heated food is harmful you should see the stuff they do extract these supplements, is goes far beyond heating and always involves powerful chemicals that end up in the final product.

If william got banned for promoting centrifuged suet its only fair that people be banned for promoting things that are much more processed than mere tallow.

People need to stop promoting chemicals on here before we are completely overrun by allopathic medicine. It is a system of death not healing and all of these chemicals cause tons of damage in the human body.

also boss you arent even on a raw food diet and often eat cooked foods for long periods of time so your experience with supplements isnt even valid. A person eating cooked food and constantly taking in all of those heat created toxins wont be able to feel the slight added detriment of the supplements and may only experience benefit due taking in so many other toxins at the same time. For someone on a raw food diet supplements are only detrimental.

Also you should stop talking like you know everything since 1)youve only been eating raw meat for a few months, and 2) several of those months you have been eating cooked food as well.

Basically you dont really know what your talking about and are giving out dangerous advice. Please stop.

epsom salts are also extracted with tons of chemical processes. Not only that but salt is quite dangerous in general, one molecule destroys thousands of healthy cells upon contact. Sodium is actually a dangerous explosive material tht bombs are often made of and it explodes in your body the same way.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 10:58:48 pm by svrn »

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2013, 11:17:12 pm »
Shellfish,  I wish I like it more.  I do have Drakes Bay Oysters near by (just north of SF) but I tend to have make myself choose them over a meal of buffalo sirloin.  As far as scallops go, yum, when they are fresh.  But that is a Rarity where I live, and when they do appear fresh, they are in some sort of preservative.  So, bottom line, for at least me, is it's just not that realistic to say 'scallops' to someone and expect them to find ones worth eating, especially that someone might live in Canada (although they grow some good oysters there too.    I would like to learn more about epsom salts and the production processes around them.   
    Lately I'm experimenting by not taking ionic sea minerals daily (probably took in about 5-600 mg of mg daily from them) and am know focusing on seaweeds.  I soak arame from Larch in maine, and drink the runoff, and also then put the seaweed then through a grinder, very small sieve, and soak again.  I really like the flavor.  I also eat Larch's Dulse which literally melts in your mouth.    I'm doing this as an experiment on my own to see if what is written about organic and inorganic minerals is true, as to how they May or May not be taken up in the body.  I also have switched to a steam distiller to start with pure water. 
    I too like the idea of leaving behind all processed foods/vits out of a jar, and would suggest everyone here to find live raw food sources for our nourishment,, if possible.

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2013, 11:29:51 pm »
Scallops are not the only option. Mussels are also very high in magnesium. Lots of shellfish have tons of bioavailable amgnesium. Oysters and halibut too. Just eating seafood in general will provide enough magnesium.

I already experimented with himalayan salt, it did nothing good for me. Perhaps it can be good for people on cooked food diets but I wouldnt know.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2013, 11:55:06 pm »
If you take enough supplements you WILL develop toxic glands, particularly the liver. People who get energy from supplements are only recieving get because of the classic response of the liver to a toxic assault which is production of glycogen. This is the exact same reason why coffee and cigarettes give you a boost.

Isn't this one of Aajonous' claims? One he made without any scientific evidence? Ie no study, pretty much just made it up?

LOL actually it is. You seem to have almost quoted him word for word.

"I experimented with supplements. The more supplements I consumed the weaker I got. I realized within 6 months that supplements were toxic on a raw diet. Over the 2-year period I observed that most people who took megavitamin therapy developed toxic livers and glands. It showed up in their irises as well as temperaments and physical condition. But because they experienced an increase in energy. they thought it beneficial. Their highs were from toxic emergencies - the liver sending out hormones calling forth glycogen to handle the toxicity.
Supplement-toxicity is similar to coffee or cigarettes, most often producing debilitating side effects. It destroyed my desire and ability to exercise. I never returned to exercise and yet I developed and redeveloped the physique that accompanies strenuous regular exercise. "

From -

also boss you arent even on a raw food diet and often eat cooked foods for long periods of time so your experience with supplements isnt even valid. A person eating cooked food and constantly taking in all of those heat created toxins wont be able to feel the slight added detriment of the supplements and may only experience benefit due taking in so many other toxins at the same time. For someone on a raw food diet supplements are only detrimental.

Actually, I've been on a fully raw diet with supplements since March of this year. And I'm not sure if you're aware of this. But when I first started raw paleo in January 2012 I stopped my supplements. My raw paleo experiment lasted maybe a month before I was hospitalized thanks to cutting out the supplements. In fact, I didn't recover from that episode until I reintroduced the supplements.

So again, been fully raw (haven't eaten anything cooked) since March, AND taking supplements. I'm actually doing great. I'll let you know when the liver toxicity Aajonous talks about kicks in (LOL).

Also you should stop talking like you know everything since 1)youve only been eating raw meat for a few months, and 2) several of those months you have been eating cooked food as well.

Actually, I've been eating raw animal foods since January 2012. Due to cutting out the supplements, I spent many months not having the money to consume an all raw diet. However, upon reintroducing the supplements I returned to work, and got back on a raw diet.

Basically you dont really know what your talking about and are giving out dangerous advice. Please stop.

Funny, and ironic at the same time. Because the advice you're throwing out (as if it's universal to everyone), is what made me very sick for a long time. So troll/svrn, please stop giving out dangerous advice, you don't know what you're talking about.

epsom salts are also extracted with tons of chemical processes. Not only that but salt is quite dangerous in general, one molecule destroys thousands of healthy cells upon contact. Sodium is actually a dangerous explosive material tht bombs are often made of and it explodes in your body the same way.

You speak as if sodium is toxic. Maybe you just haven't found a good salt? I found a very good salt, called "Real Salt," which works great for me. In fact, when I noticed my energy declining on a raw diet, I decided to add salt. This salt brought my energy back. Feel free to discredit this also with one of Aajonous' unfounded, unproven claims.

    I too like the idea of leaving behind all processed foods/vits out of a jar, and would suggest everyone here to find live raw food sources for our nourishment,, if possible.

I agree here. I in no way shape or form think we should seek to get our nutrients from supplements like SADieters do. Nor do I think it's best to go for a supplement rather than whole foods.

However, there are situations where supplements are needed. I for one can't get the amounts of niacin (15,000%+), b complex (8,000%+), and vitamin c (5,000%+) recommended by Dr. Abram Hoffer for the treatment of schizophrenia. In my situation, I need the supplements if I want to function normally.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2013, 12:23:53 am »
so apparently im not allowed to say anything that aajonus said.

If you want studies heres a link to an infinite number of studies proving liver toxicity.

you will find theres no shortage of studies on the dangers of supplements. But i guess since aajonus said it its automatically invalid even though theres endless studies proving the same thing.

I also find it funny how badmouth aajonus any chance you get yet you follow this scd legal nonesense to the t as well as following the advice of some doctor without questioning it.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 12:38:02 am by svrn »

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2013, 12:50:47 am »
so apparently im not allowed to say anything that aajonus said.

You're more than welcome to quote Aajonous, just don't expect it to seem credible coming from the guy who never cites any proof for his claims.

If you want studies heres a link to an infinite number of studies proving liver toxicity.

you will find theres no shortage of studies on the dangers of supplements. But i guess since aajonus said it its automatically invalid even though theres endless studies proving the same thing.

Troll/SVRN, I don't understand. Some times you tell us how studies are b/s because they're all, idk, flawed? Meant to show some bias toward something to help the government gain control over its citizens, right? To brain wash the masses... On the other hand you're quoting studies...

Any way. Here's the first link found on a google search for "supplements liver toxicity."

"Bodybuilding and weight loss supplements may help you look better, but with some of these supplements there's an ugly tradeoff: a very real risk of liver damage."

"Bodybuilding and weight loss supplements were by far the biggest offenders, linked to 34% and 26% of 93 cases studied,"

I'm not taking any bodybuilding or weight loss supplements.

"Plus, the absolute risk of any one person developing supplement-associated liver injury may be very small, he says."

Very small.... Again this first one mainly talks about bodybuilding and weight loss supplements.

And the great conclusion of the article!

"Navarro did disclose he has done consulting work for the pharmaceutical company Merck."

Conflict of interest much?

Second article -

Mentions pretty much nothing but bodybuilding and weight loss supplements.

Mentions a bunch of supplements I don't take.

I also find it funny how badmouth aajonus any chance you get yet you follow this scd legal nonesense to the t as well as following the advice of some doctor without questioning it..

SCD is very well researched, by very well educated people. And has a ton of positive reviews to how well it works.

300+ reviews on how much it helped their digestive ailments.

And Dr. Abram Hoffer's work is very well researched too.

Any way... If you want to make a new thread on why supplements are bad. Or why SCD isn't credible. Why schizophrenics shouldn't take supplements that help them.... Why you think Aajonous is credible.. Or anything else, feel free to. But let's stop posting in this thread since it's irrelevant to all those things.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2013, 12:52:21 am »
i also reiewed some of your posts.

Please stop changing your story to fit in with your supplement promotion.

You wrote yourself that you got hospitalized after you went cold turkey on geodon.

Well anyone who knows anything knows that going cold turkey on psych meds like geodon is extremely dangerous and should only be tapered off gradually. I could have told you in advance yud be hospitalized for cold turkeying that.

So after reading previous posts of yours I now know that it was quitting geodon that got you hospitalized not quitting supplements. Please get your story straight.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2013, 12:55:53 am »
i also reiewed some of your posts.

Please stop changing your story to fit in with your supplement promotion.

You wrote yourself that you got hospitalized after you went cold turkey on geodon.

Well anyone who knows anything knows that going cold turkey on psych meds like geodon is extremely dangerous and should only be tapered off gradually. I could have told you in advance yud be hospitalized for cold turkeying that.

So after reading previous posts of yours I now know that it was quitting geodon that got you hospitalized not quitting supplements. Please get your story straight.

I actually stopped the geodon and supplements at the same time. However I was on such a low dose of the geodon (40 mg) that certain doctors said it wasn't a problem.

Also, when they put me back on the geodon and I continued with a raw diet, there was no recovery.

Feel free to post in my journal on the matter, as to stop trolling on her thread where she's seeking advice.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2013, 12:58:17 am »
Good job cherry picking some webpages from a google search and telling me that those pages are my argument.

Have you ever heard of a strawman argument? Because thats exactly what you just did.

The point of me putting the google search on there is because I hate doing simple research for other people.

I personally dont care about studies at all but thats what you asked for and when I give it to you you want to cry about it just like every other time I prove something to someone. With this kind of behavior i dont understand how im meant to prove anything to anyone.

If you insist on my doing the research for you I will at least post one study that shows what you are doing to your liver with those niacin pills.

i mean you could have just typed in niacin liver damage into google and clicked the first thing that came up like I did but apparently thats too difficult.

Note that studies still mean nothing to me, im just entertaining your need for "officialdom" and titles like dr or md  and your trust in "expert analysis".

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2013, 12:59:19 am »
and once again I get blamed for derailing the thread.  (a nonsense thread about how eating white rice diet would probably work as well as raw paleo, which was derailed into debunking other nonsense such as soaking your body in chemicals and eating chemicals to improve your I still on the RAW paleo forum where people have been banned for as little as promoting tallow?)

Im not talking to myself here buddy, you are at least as guilty of it as me. I believe more so because im not the one who started promoting chemicals for healing on the RAW PALEO DIET FORUM). Im just the one who is defending the integrity of this forum as a place for discussion of healing through foods. Im not the one who started trouble, just the one doing what the moderators are supposed to be doing which is removing trolls who promote things like raw veganism veganism/vegetarianism in general and most of all allopathic medicine. The mods are supposed to remove such talk and have in the past for such minor cases as William, Where the people banned William are right now I do not know but they should take notice of these promotions of chemical healing.

it takes two to tango.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 01:08:11 am by svrn »

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2013, 01:01:11 am »
as far as you quitting supplements at the same, jsut do a simple google search.

People are regularly hospitalized for getting off geodon and the reports of it on google are endless, even amounts as low as you took.

I cant find one instance online of someone getting hospitalized after quitting supplements.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2013, 01:07:12 am »
If you insist on my doing the research for you I will at least post one study that shows what you are doing to your liver with those niacin pills.

i mean you could have just typed in niacin liver damage into google and clicked the first thing that came up like I did but apparently thats too difficult.

I'm well aware of the mainstream media's opinion of large doses of niacin. I'm also well aware of the founder of niacin for cholesterol and schizophrenia treatment, Dr. Hoffer's, opinion.

"Saul: If I do not press this point, a reader
will: maintained high doses of niacin may
raise liver function tests, and this is used
as evidence of harm.
Hoffer: Niacin is not liver toxic. Niacin
therapy increases liver function tests. But
this elevation means that the liver is active.
It does not indicate an underlying liver
pathology. Dr. Bill Parsons discussed this
extremely well in his book on niacin and
cholesterol (Cholesterol Control Without
Diet, Lilac Press, 2000). I personally have
been on ,500 to 6,000 mg daily since 955.
The biggest danger of taking niacin is that
you live longer. One of my patients is 2.
She does cross country skiing and has been
on niacin for 42 years. The fear doctors
have of niacin is not based on data or facts
and, like any myth, is very hard to eradicate. So many patients are on niacin that
by chance some will also have liver damage
from other conditions such as alcoholism,
hepatitis and so on. Niacin does not make
it any better nor worse."

I cant find one instance online of someone getting hospitalized after quitting supplements.

Upon a 30 second google search I found 2 cases.

"I report two cases of severe paranoid schizophrenia of acute onset who recovered IMMEDIATELY right in front of me with the use of mega dose of niacin. Niacin, like niacinamide, is vitamin B3. Discontinuation of niacin led to relapse. Resumption of niacin again resulted in recovery in both the cases."

Exactly what happened to me.

Seriously stop trolling her thread. Move it to my journal.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2013, 01:14:33 am »
stop lying, neither of those two people were hospitalized after stopping niacin.

please point to where they were it says anyone was hospitalized after stopping supplements.

and great job quoting someone whos entire livelihood is telling people tot reat their illnesses using chemicals.

and remember you are the one trolling with your incessant pushing of chemical healing.

I am simply acting as an unofficial moderator to preserve the integrity of the raw paleo forum as teaching to heal with raw foods not chemicals.

Youa re the troll in this case as you are going against the forums position, I am defending the forums position on the other hand. People have been banned for promoting much less processed things than you are promoting. You are clearly the troll.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2013, 01:25:49 am »
stop lying, neither of those two people were hospitalized after stopping niacin.

please point to where they were it says anyone was hospitalized after stopping supplements.

I'll make it simple for you. Lots of schizophrenics get incredible improvement in their symptoms after adding niacin, b vitamins, and vitamin c.

Removing niacin, b vitamins, and vitamin c (supplements) removes any benefit they got from those supplements. Therefore bringing back their symptoms, therefore leading to a relapse.

Exactly what happened to me.

I am simply acting as an unofficial moderator to preserve the integrity of the raw paleo forum as teaching to heal with raw foods not chemicals.

Plenty of moderators suggest supplements, and are not nearly as one sided on the subject as you.

Seriously, stop trolling on her thread.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2013, 01:44:57 am »
Just because you got some benefit from something doesnt mean its necessarily a good solution. You may feeling good now but all those supplements will catch up to you eventually.

I can find a million testimonials of people whos lives were improved from going raw vegan. They are being honest but they will also get a myriad of other problems down the line from this diet. THis is why promoting raw veganism is not allowed here. Just because you got some benefit from chemicals doesnt mean thats the right way to heal things because it will cause problems down the road.

This is why william was banned for promoting cnetrifuged tallow which is much less processed and heated than ANY supplement out on the market today.

If trolling for centrifuged tallow is worthy of a banning shouldnt the promotion much more processed chemicals be worthy of banning as well? Please address this issue which I have tried to get you to address for about 5 posts now yet you continue to ignore it.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2013, 01:49:29 am »
Just because you got some benefit from something doesnt mean its necessarily a good solution. You may feeling good now but all those supplements will catch up to you eventually.

I've been taking these supplements since February 2009. I'll let you know when their detrimental effects catch up with me

This is why william was banned for promoting cnetrifuged tallow which is much less processed and heated than ANY supplement out on the market today.

If trolling for centrifuged tallow is worthy of a banning shouldnt the promotion much more processed chemicals be worthy of banning as well? Please address this issue which I have tried to get you to address for about 5 posts now yet you continue to ignore it.

Actually, you're twisting why William got banned. He got banned for continually promoting a cooked food on a raw forum after being warned on multiple occasions. He also had a very negative attitude, and was hard to communicate with without it turning into an argument (similar to when interacting with you).

Raw forum - promoting cooked foods. Definite no no.

Raw forum - mentioning positive uses for supplements, not contradictory to a raw forum.

I've never been told, hey DaBoss, stop giving schizophrenic members advice pertaining to supplements. I've never seen Goodsamaritan scolded for suggesting things that aren't raw paleo like liver flushes. Or other members when they mention beam rays.

Please explain why these members should be censored when promoting potentially helpful non raw paleo therapies.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline svrn

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Re: Malnourishment
« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2013, 01:59:22 am »

You are promoting not only  cooked foods but foods that are highly chemically processed after being cooked. This is much worse than promoting centrifuged tallow.

WIlliam was not particularly belligerent. He was just banned because he wouldnt stop promoting tallow. What you are promoting is much more processed.

The question is, why promote chemically isolated cooked magnesium when you could jsut eat some shellfish?
This is a raw foods forum, not a cooked and chemically processed foods forum, please realize what website you are on.

To promote chemicals as having anywhere near the healing power of raw foods should not be allowed.

And i spent years taking supplements and guess what? My liver was fucked by the time i started raw foods!

and I know all about gs's liver flushes since I did them and they helped me greatly. The difference is that gs promotes the use of certain chemicals only briefly for healing purposes which is slightly dangerous but can be beneficial in the long run like it was for me.

You are promoting that if you drink dairy you should take highly cooked and chemically processed magnesium pills for the rest of your life. This is quite dangerous advice and very different from drinking epsom salts once to clear your liver and then never touching it again once your liver is clean.

A big difference between using something once and using it every single day.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 02:11:08 am by svrn »


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