Author Topic: Living RP Adventures  (Read 38094 times)

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2013, 02:57:01 pm »
Thank you Van for your clarification.

Yesterday I got into some exercise (200 tummy scrunchies, 25 push ups, 12 pullups, monkey bars, 30 minutes sprint/walk/jog) which is help to feel better.

Time to learn to be an optimist!

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2013, 12:04:36 pm »
Dr Patrick McCarthy's book Relax and the accompanying hypnotism MP3 has been very useful for learning optimism.

Track 3 Turning Pessimism into Optimism covers the basics of Learned Optimism and the 3 Ps - when something unwanted happens a pessimistic way of thinking about it is that is was Personal (created by me) Permanent (it always happens) and Pervasive (happens in every situation).

To move over to an Optimistic way of thinking about an unwanted event we need to think that it was caused by someone / something else (not us), that it was a temporary event in time, and that it was caused by a specific set of unusual circumstances.

His example was someone hanging out washing and dropping pegs - the pessimistic view "sigh, I (personal) am always (permanent) dropping things (persistent across all sorts of things)", then the optimistic view "these cheap plastic pegs sometimes slip" (not personal, sometimes not permanent, only plastic pegs, not persistent).

For wanted events the opposite is needed - so when something good happens the optimist thinks that it was because of what they did (personal), that good things are always happening (permanent), and that good things happen in all areas of their life (persistent).

So now I am carefully monitoring my thoughts and re-framing them as required to learn optimism :)

In "Track 2 The Glasgow Bouncer" he talks about how to displace uncomfortable thoughts with better ones. He says that each part of our brain can only think one thing at a time, so if what we are focusing on is distressing then we simply need to replace the thought with a better one (let the bouncer through the useless thought out). He has you link 5 past positive experiences, such as when you felt totally loved, to the fingers on one hand, and 5 great future imaginations to the fingers on the other hand. Then when you detect a negative thought in one of these areas you are supposed to touch the finger to generate the replacement. So far I am taking a simpler approach detecting non-useful thoughts replacing them with useful ones.

"Future books are planned for release in 2013 including how to combat Insomnia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, how to make childbirth more comfortable and how to help treat infertility."

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2013, 12:12:25 pm »
I have been enjoying eating RP foods and have had pretty good stamina and energy, but also repeating old bad habits of eating modern foods which have given me dry lips with a huge bloody crack, headaches, sore gums, and make me really irritable! I have been to some therapy sessions which have been helpful to get a better picture of my condition (mal-adaptation plus addiction to modern foods). I am less worked up about feeling crappy now because I understand that it is not my fault that I am different from the 'normal' modern people around me, and that there is a solution - return to the foods that I am adapted to. I have been interested to learn of the problems caused by root canals, as I had one done as a teenager, and when the filling was replaced a few years it stunk really bad inside the tooth. Maybe the bacteria load from this is responsable for some of my problems, and when eating RP my immune system gets strong enough to suppress the bacteria leaking out? I am now really keen to have this tooth replaced and will visit a specialist in a couple of weeks to discuss options. My final therapy session is in a week so I really want to stay on a low carb RPD so I can say that I am actually following my beliefs. Stopping poking smot (as bookittyrun so hilariously put it) turned out to be easy, but with a universe of temptations it has been harder to stay true to RP. Lately I have been enjoying eating a broccoli or quarter of a cabbage with meals. When I tried eating significant amounts of fat my bowels didn't like it, and at the moment I have enough fat on my tummy from eating modern carbs, so I'll wait until I get skinny or hungry before adding more fat. Also have been taking iodine, selenium, zinc, magnesium, & B6 supplements.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 01:10:32 pm by alive »

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #53 on: August 16, 2013, 01:11:00 pm »
I have found the resolve to really test the low carb rpd, and am on day 5 of eating around 400 - 800 gm meat/offal/fish (1-2 gm protein per kg) and a hunk of cabbage, broccoli and a lemon or two. I will try adding extra fat next week once my fat stores are depleted. Life is still very stressful, so I am hoping this will help me accept things as they are, as van has found. Have also been doing some exercise and would like to get into meditation as raw al does. My under arms are smelling meaty again.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #54 on: August 16, 2013, 09:45:52 pm »
I will try adding extra fat next week once my fat stores are depleted.

What kind of fat do you plan to use?
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #55 on: August 17, 2013, 04:29:16 am »
Beef fat trimmings are the easiest for me to get.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #56 on: August 17, 2013, 10:26:11 pm »
Beef fat trimmings are the easiest for me to get.

Beef fat is also the best (imo).
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2013, 04:55:05 pm »
Still going good on LCRPD after 12 days. My tummy is really flat, had to get pants tightened by 3 cm. Still more belly fat than nearby so figure can try eating extra  fat next week or so. Still have headaches and trouble sleeping, I seem to have been born with a low stress tolerance. Having faith would be nicer than my thoughts of doubt and worry! I have started meditating and doing Falun dufa qi gong exercises which are helpful. This morning went for a run and jumped in the winter sea which was a great wakeup and brain clear. It would be nice to be more purposeful in life as I don't know what to do with spare time.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2013, 04:54:10 am »
Consuming high amounts of tryptophan have been known to promote stress.

Possible think about balancing it with equal amounts or more of Glycine. Found in bone broth and Gelatin.
Gnawing on bones.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2013, 04:57:24 am »
How many carbs a day are you consuming now alive?

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2013, 04:04:08 pm »
@ Dr D, I'm not sure - today for carbs I had 200 gm liver, 1/4 cabbage, 1 broccoli and a lemon.

@paper clips - thanks for this, I had been including gelitin, but since is was not RP I stopped, but maybe should start again.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #61 on: August 23, 2013, 11:15:42 pm »
okay so you are basically "zero" carb, only getting carbs from the animal kingdom. I think that totals about 6g carbs. My sleep quality and overall resilience went up when I got over the "keto-flu." Let us know when/if you start to feel better. Adding more fat than necessary will encourage your body to use it as a fuel and adapt quicker. I would suggest to put it in soon.

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Living RP Adventures
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2013, 05:35:40 am »
Have been going good on zc, having 2 meals a day of offal fish meat eggs and gelatin followed with greens. Started to add extra fat but then tried some kiwifruit and they gave me the runs so back to zc again. The zc has made my body look amazing, slim and strong. Really need to get better at relaxing, so meditation and keeping active needs to be priority. Looking into depression it is clear that we are not adapted to modern life and that is the cause. Solutions from tedx are exercise, omega 3, socialising, good sleep, positive thinking, and sunshine. Also sauna so going to have a sauna today.


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