Edwin, we agree that global fertility rates declines. But the point is that “at 2.52 children per woman, it is above the replacement fertility rate of approximately 2.1” and the population still grows annually at a rate of about 1.09 %, and at more than 7 billion it’s in no way sustainable: it’s a catastrophe.
THIS ^^^ attitude is EXACTLY what I am up in arms about.
You are NEVER satisfied. (From say a high Fertility Rate of 7 children per woman... COME ON!)
You CANNOT even APPRECIATE the DECLINE of fertility rates over 50 years.
You CANNOT even give a pat on the back to your fellow DEPOPULATIONISTS... for their efforts, for their accomplishments... tell them they did a GOOD JOB!
You have to have some PATIENCE... some sense of TIME... and see how much more FERTILITY DECLINE will happen in the NEXT 50 years... the next 100 years... the next 200 years.
This attitude is the attitude of I WANT IT NOW. Now now now.
If you really want it NOW NOW NOW, then you would have to resort to dropping nuclear bombs all over the world for a mass die off. But somehow NSSM 200 depopulation policy of the Imperial USA written by Henry Kissinger stated that the depopulation methods using contraceptives and abortion are preferred over overt warfare such as what happened in WW2.
More about NSSM 200 here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Study_Memorandum_200But if you are HONEST with STATISTICS you would appreciate WHEN and how Fertility Rates relate to Population Pyramids and eventual Population Rate Decline and then ABSOLUTE POPULATION DECLINE.
All it takes is TIME TIME TIME.
Realistic demographic time.
Which happens not in the blink of an impatient person.
How about taking the case of the most ADVANCED country like JAPAN?
You know... conquered nation of WW2 so it paid the price of being depopulated?
See the STEEP fertility rate decline from 1950 to 1960... ultimate conquest of the USA over Japan.
The only problem with depopulating this country was they live to old ages.
According to the latest WHO data published in April 2011 life expectancy in Japan is: Male 79.5, female 85.8 and total life expectancy is 82.7 which gives Japan a World Life Expectancy ranking of 1.
Population actual and projections
Fertility rate actual and projections
See more Japan statistics here
http://www9.ocn.ne.jp/~aslan/pfe/jpeak.htmAnimated Population Pyramid of Japan 1930-2055 (males on the left - females on the right)... only females give birth.
Japan population had peaked in 2008 at 128,083,960 and is already declining... Are you going to say HOORAY on this?
Japan fertility rate 1.39 last 2012... that is BELOW replacement... Are you going to say HOORAY on this?
So look at Japan. It wants nothing to do with immigration. Unlike Europe and the USA who welcome immigrants to keep their birth rates up.
Sex Crisis In Japan?Japan's youngsters today, 60% of teenage women not interested in sex, 35% teenage boys not interested in sex, plus all the destruction that will be foisted upon all Japanese with the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Can I get a CHEER of a HOORAY from you now with the example of JAPAN?
When will it ever be ENOUGH for you depopulation alarmists to finally CALM DOWN?
P.S. It took me an hour to assemble this educational presentation so if we had a thanks button, I'd appreciate it.
Ask yourself why professional DEMOGRAPHERS had to make a film called Demographic Winter? See attached poster.