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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #425 on: April 15, 2021, 03:20:17 pm »
Why does it say in the article that you are charged for drug charges? or was that from years ago before you ate raw meat?

Offline Projectile Vomit

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #426 on: April 15, 2021, 09:30:57 pm »
Sorry Derek, but you will get no support from me. You are living in a world of fabrications and fantasies, and have convinced yourself it is all real. I hope you snap out of it before you hurt someone. I feel sad for your kids.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #427 on: April 15, 2021, 10:20:43 pm »
Full confession, I have been growing and peddling pot for years for both medicinal and recreationally uses. I also grew and used Mushrooms therapeutically. There are countless members of my community that have relied upon me to deliver organic quality herbals at an affordable price. These people are all in good standing in my community and its a damn shame that we are treated like second class citizens while the denizens of Pharmacopeia are allowed to lord over us all with impunity.

Eric, I would advise you to wait for the facts of the case to come out before you spew your hatred here. This is my thread and I welcome opposing views but I will not tolerate you shaming me and insinuating I am not a good father, without knowing jack shit about the situation. In fact the detectives that hunted me for the last 8 months had enormous respect for me and the one police officer who drove me to jail told my 15 year old son that "Your father is not a bad person and he was just doing what he thought was right"

These detectives who followed my leads for months, know the corona crisis is total bullshit, and they were not even wearing mask when they invaded my home. They also know I am entirely non violent and have been a good father. The virus is being used to divide and control the population and within all walks of life there are those who believe and those who do not. So please don't come here and try to gaslight me on a subject that is so vast and controversial that there well never be a consensus.

Eric has made it clear time and time again upon these threads, that he does not approve of my worldview or condone my lifestyle. To each his own} Perhaps after all is said and done we can have a full and open debate on these subjects, but now isn't the right time. For the time being I ask others to respect me enough to not mention my children, or insinuate that I am somehow a threat to the safety of others.

I dont have time to fully debate the minute details, but I plan on taking my case to trial if needs be. I am a whistleblower who was only trying to warn the people of what is coming, and now that we are on the cusp of national decriminalization of marijuana, while increasing numbers of people are questioning the entire tyrannical lockdown fever, I can make a run at jury nullification and use my case to be the poster child for a greater freedom movement within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

I will continue to post updates on my case and am willing to discuss some of the details with those who truly care for my fate.
For those who understand me no explanation is needed and for those who dont, no explanation is possible.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 11:04:05 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #428 on: April 16, 2021, 12:40:40 am »
Weed and mushrooms? Really? They fry your brain.. I live in Amsterdam where it's part and parcel of every adolescent growing up to atleast try weed once. The ones that keep taking it all end up being paranoid and emotionally unavailable.. I really never thought you would be into that Derek.. I am extremely disappointed.

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #429 on: April 17, 2021, 08:00:04 am »
I really never thought you would be into that Derek.. I am extremely disappointed.

i am too...  instead of paint, he shoulda used spray whip cream to vent his message....

sorry to read about your woes, saber tooth, hope it all plays out smoothly.   

and about those LIES,  there certainly are a lot of ''intellectual'' folk in a agreement with you. 

interesting times...

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #430 on: April 17, 2021, 11:16:58 pm »
Weed and mushrooms? Really? They fry your brain.. I live in Amsterdam where it's part and parcel of every adolescent growing up to atleast try weed once. The ones that keep taking it all end up being paranoid and emotionally unavailable.. I really never thought you would be into that Derek.. I am extremely disappointed.

Im not interested in Generalized rebukes on the subject of marijuana and hallucinogens'. 

I have traveled to Amsterdam, and spent 3 days at an Air B&B called Campsterdam, It was a wonderful experience and I used marijuana with people who came there from all over Europe. Yes there are a lot of burned out souls who have overdone it, but that does not mean it cant be used by responsible and healthy adults safely. In my homeland of Kentucky there is a huge Marijuana culture, and its a communal sacrament that brings together people from all cultures and races.

If you dig back into the threads I have in the past testified to the use of small amounts of marijuana. As for the hallucinogens, I will agree that they are not for everyone, and can be particularly troublesome for people with underdeveloped frontal lobes. To me these substances are a sacrament, and I don't recommend using them to others who are not comfortable with it. If you look into the paleo Pantheon of past Giants whose shoulders we stand upon, there were others who share my sentiments (Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the Bear Owsley for example!!!)

I never claimed to be a saint or with out flaws, to the contrary I know my own shortcoming in far greater detail than anyone.....because many humans are so judgmental and society so hateful, of those who they do not understand and the legal consequences so grave...I have hidden much of my true self....The truth and Bones of my life and real world experiences is far more wild than many of these keyboard warriors could ever imagine.

I don't ask for permission and I wont ask forgiveness, as the legend continues!


« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 06:00:36 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #431 on: April 17, 2021, 11:57:30 pm »
If anyone is under the impression that entheogenic substances "fry your brain" it demonstrates the brainwashing they have experienced by our loving government and media. I have puddled myself more times than I care to recall with many milligrams of lsd and seem to be doing fine. I think those who are doubtful would find it helpful to read up on Owsley Stanely, Ken Kesey and the merry pranksters, the Grateful Dead/Acid Tests and the 1960s culture created by the love and connection these experiences provided.

These experiences can open the door to spiritual growth and allow for a deeper understanding of ones inner soul- resulting in non attachment from the mind and ego which can have a beautiful effect on an individuals perception of the world. It saddens me that people on this forum are so close minded considering the offbeat dietary practices we engage in.

Derek I hope all goes well for you and you have my total support. Sending plenty of peace, love and positive energy.

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #432 on: April 28, 2021, 03:32:26 am »
Hope all works out well for you and that your sentence won´t be too hard. You did a bit of a silly thing and I think your voice would be much more heard if you would pursuit your ideas on social media. I read many of the yt comments that you have on your channel at one point, and people really want you to make more videos and ask for guidance. Not only diet wise but also when it comes to ways of thinking. I think that´s the place where your experience and wisdom would be far more fruitful than tags on a wall somewhere in kentucky. The audience is far bigger and the impact much greater. To me your are one of the most experienced, if not most experienced person on a RPD to date, and I really value your advice in many aspects. Social media today is far more powerful than ever and will continue to be so. I would however not just upload on youtube, as these can be taken down any time, but also publish on other alternative sources like, where the wrath of censorship has not reached ridiculous levels as on mainstream media. Just set some rules regarding privacy exposure, not filming kids, girlfriend and so forth. Putting up a patreon or something similar would also get you some income. I would also consider getting some cryptocurrencies as a long term investment, just a bit of money that you don´t care losing might give you enough one day to buy your own land, further away from rules and restrictions whilst being self-control. Look at bitcoin now, from $0.0008 for one to 60k. The cost of a gram of weed would have made you a millionaire today. It´s absolutely ridiculous. I very much regret not having bought some years ago, just for fun. Cryptos seem to be the future if you watch some of the 'conspiracy' movies, why not take that easy opportunity? Don´t get caught being stupid twice..
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 03:38:01 am by norawnofun »

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #433 on: April 28, 2021, 07:43:35 am »
Time will till if my actions were outright foolish, or a case of crazy like a fox. There is a methodology to the paranormal psychology. There are over 5000 lawsuits being brought by plaintiffs who are fighting against government overreach, and the courts will not give us a fair hearing. As a defendant I will have the opportunity to redress my grievances directly to a jury of my peers in an all out attempt for jury nullification. Then even if I am convicted by the kangaroo courts, I will release a trove hidden interviews and use the story of my persecution to garner support in the court of public opinion.

In the past I limited my social media exposure, due to a number of complications. Primarily running a underground Marijuana dispensary in a state with backward  policies, and a need to lay low for the sake of my children. This Covid Flu d' etat forced me out of my complacency, and I 
decided to take action, consequences be damned, Justice be done may the heavens fall.

Once the legalities are settled, if I dont die in prison, I vow to be more public and will begin to release videos detailing all I have learned over years of personal experience.
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Offline dariorpl

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #434 on: April 28, 2021, 04:49:05 pm »
saber, I would not have chosen your methods, but I think I understand why you chose them. You would've had much bigger reach by simply speaking publicly about this insanity, and they would've had a harder time pinning something on you for it. However, that method would've exposed you instantly, whereas this was more covert. I feel that you got the worst of both worlds, because you likely didn't achieve much notice, at least not yet, but you still ended up exposed, and now they have something they can use against you while keeping up appearances that everything is done by the book.

All of that said, what's done is done, and now your focus should be on what's ahead. With the caveat that much of my experience is coming from a country where legal matters can go very slowly, I think would suggest a strategy of stalling wherever possible, as it could take years before the world wakes up to the biggest hoax in all of history. A jury of your peers may not be ready to listen and understand what's been done to them, and may simply repeat whatever the TV told them has happened over the last 15 months.

It's probably too late to negotiate a plea bargain now that you've confessed. I would however delete the posts here and anywhere else where you've added additional information they may not have, or may not have enough proof of. That just adds more ammunition they can pile up against you. I'm not entirely certain what the charges being brought against you imply, but it seems to me that they may not be so severe if they don't have you for anything else than the graffitis and possesion.

Your legal strategy may very well be your best option, but again I would not want the other side knowing what my strategy is going to be, if this can be avoided. Remember they can more or less choose who sits on that jury of your "peers".

« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 04:59:02 pm by dariorpl »
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #435 on: April 30, 2021, 12:59:20 am »
I was doing a quick search online because I was having doubts about whether evidence that is found in a search that is unrelated to the crime in question, can be admissible in court in order to charge the defendant with another crime that had nothing to do with the crime originally under investigation.

I came up with the following. I'm not sure if this will apply in your state, and in either case you should ask your attourney. But in case it helps:

Irrelevant Evidence is Generally Inadmissible

You and your lawyer might need to demonstrate to the court why a piece of evidence is irrelevant because the prosecution might feel differently about it. In addition to being material and legally obtained, admissible evidence is any evidence that is relevant to the case, meaning that is provides reasonable inferences about the case. When a piece of evidence is deemed to be irrelevant to a case, it may be thrown out.

As far as my intuition helps me to understand this, it means that if a piece of evidence is found during a legal search that is done looking for evidence for one crime, it cannot then be used to charge the defendant with another crime completely unrelated to the first one.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #436 on: July 08, 2021, 12:54:25 am »
I reached out to Judy from "Nutrition with Judy" and might be able to set up an interview on her pod cast in the near future. She has some interesting guest from time to time, but I have noticed a number of misconceptions promulgated by many of these " Experts" and so I have offered to testify on behalf of the Raw Community!

Will post the interview if it Happens!
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Offline smokeyquartz

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #437 on: July 08, 2021, 01:14:09 am »
Thanks. Will it also be hosted on any alternative media sites? I find YouTube's mission has become dedicated to censoring anything not mainstream/fully endorsed by Dr Fucci.

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #438 on: November 25, 2021, 01:30:28 am »
While I agree that marijuana and psilocybin can cause psychological and social issues, most of this is due to misuse including source, type of ingestion (smoking, processing, concentrating vs eating raw, topical vs internal etc), and also mentality around use (frequent, recreationally vs infrequent, respectfully, purposefully).  Most of the lknowledge about how to use these plants and fungi for medicine has been forgotten, just as the knowledge about how to properly produce and ingest foods for optimal health.  There are still some who have the disipline and intuition to acknowledge proper methods of use.  I do believe that current research is also showing the benefits if psilocybin mushrooms however i do not believe their methods are illustrating the powerful potential of healing and enlightenment possible. 

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #439 on: November 25, 2021, 12:29:14 pm »
There are still some who have the disipline and intuition to acknowledge proper methods of use.  I do believe that current research is also showing the benefits if psilocybin mushrooms however i do not believe their methods are illustrating the powerful potential of healing and enlightenment possible. 

Its been a while since Ive revisited this threat, thanks for stopping by to visit, its been a while since we conversed!

Yes indeed, I may be the last of a endangered breed. Key words like discipline and intuition do not translate into the world of authoritarian pharma-narco state. These organic substances are tools that be used for good or for ill....and just as I wouldn't trust certain people to operate heavy machinery or to consume alcohol, there are most certainty people who are not meant to delve into these hidden realms of the mind. With that said I am most concerned with the power of the State to be able to dictate to a population what states of minds are legal?? and what will get you dehumanized and thrown into a cage?

In my mind, the government mandated Drugging of the population through vaccination, while simultaneously denying responsible persons like my self the right to choose what goes into my body; is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy, corruption and tyranny. Witnessing first hand the rising Munchhausen by proxy police state...were the government labels everyone as being diseased vermin and then demands total authority over every aspect of our lives...was a little too much for me to passively witness; as I have done with past injustices without taking appropriate action.

Before I went total vigilante mode, I was neck deep in my own personal research using a raw meat based ketogenic diet in combination with micro-dosing. I agree Jessica that there is not likely to be the proper studies in the mainstream, to ever prove many my own theories but I will post my general thoughts hear and perhaps others can carry the douche after Im gone up the river. I am convinced that there is a synergy between the raw animal based keto diet and psychedelic's that is neuro-regenerative. I was attempting in my haphazard way to emulate our primal evolutionary conditions from which our hominid ancestors may have been able to double their brain size over a short evolutionary period using such a combination of high density nutrition and entheogenicly induced epigenesis.

I share a far out theory of many cutting edge researchers that Mushrooms can help the brain rewrite the neuropathways of the mind, allowing the personality and creative intelligence to continue to develop and grow years after mainstream science claims our behaviors become set in their ways. There is now clinical studies and personal accounts of micro dosing being used to get people off of these harmful prescription psychiatric  drugs.  For sure this form of renegade research would never be accepted within the ivory towers of establishmentarian science; though perhaps someday the right people will inquire more deeply into these matters from the raw keto nuanced perspective that I am proposing.

The nuances are multifaceted; for example; there are many people who are neurologically maladapted in various ways so that using psychedelic's without addressing the underlying imbalance may not be the right approach. People who are already lacking in their ability to replenish their reserves of neurotransmitters because of poor nutrition, or past drug abuse, may not be well enough to use mushrooms to effectively override the past traumatic programing patterns. The hardware and or software of many people just isnt capable of supporting the upload of altered consciousness.

I not one of those naïve fools who think that Mushrooms or Marijuana can magically reverse chronic mental problems in anyone without any risk...but I do contend that they can be used judiciously as part of a wholistic healing practice which incorporates many other modalities of health and healing. I come from a place of terrible suffering and for me personally when I was sick 15 years ago and trying to get well, on the couple occasions I tried mushrooms, it actually made me feel worse. Marijuana also didn't seem to help when I was at my worst. It was as if my body was so depleted and toxic that it couldn't make use of the experience in any constructive way, and so I would never recommend these things as a treatment for anything in and of themselves.

Only after going raw did I choose to revisit these things and to my surprise there was a totally different effect. Because I was in a better place both physically and mentally it seemed I was much better able to benefit from the experience. After which I seemed to be better able to let go and Transend the painful memories of my past trauma, while maintaining a polyanna optimism for the future. Again I have never advocated for willy nilly taking of these substances, and advise those who are hell bent on going down that path to proceed with caution. There must be credence paid to the whole life approach that utilizes the synergy of a raw animal based Keto diet with micro dosing, that also incorporates healthy amounts of meaningful work, family time, fresh air, nude sunbathing, plenty of sex into the mixture. Obviously there are too many variables to conduct a scientific study based upon my own life experiences. Its likely of these hypothesises could never be proven one way or another, given the hopelessly perverse scientific establishment completely is off the reservation, chasing after phantom strains of computer generated RNA demons.

Through the beginning phases of this plandemic I was micro dosing regularly. Taking no more than a gram a day of dried mushroom, and usually taking breaks. Three days on three days off, or else following instinctive stops. During the height of hysteria in early 2020 there was a strong notion, that if we were to be put on long term  lockdowns at least I would have a good doomsday berserker stash for emergencies. So having a half pound of quality mushrooms and a sheet of acid seemed like a reasonable plan. Of course one of the effects of these things is that I completely lost fear of material worldly consequences or even death. I may of became a little overwhelmed by a messiah complex and inflated grandiosity which has always been latent with my being; this lead to some midnight creative activism expeditions, leading to the situation I now find myself in.

Wow its been a wild ride, and I have a feeling that the real fun is just beginning. Some of what I say here is in good humor, much of it is truly from the crazy heart, long worn upon the sleeve since landing here so many years ago. I try always to act in good faith and to write in Ernest but often regret not being able to better communicate many of the deeper visions insights and all too human experiences.

Rants over for now, will report back soon with update, anyone still out there feel free to ask questions here or through PM  ;)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2021, 12:38:03 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #440 on: December 09, 2021, 11:27:07 pm »
Finished a zoom interview with the casting director for the reboot of the TV show "My strange addiction"

I have stayed the course through all the turmoil, on my vow to get the word out about the power of raw, even if it is done through the crooked lenses of mainstream corporate media. In the past shows like this would turn me down at the last hour because network censors would realize my message goes against everything their corporate masters stand for.

The assistant assured me that the reboot of this show will be totally different, and they would not be expositive of try to cast what I do in a negative light. They claim to be interested in presenting me as I am....

They did not mention knowing about my current legal war against the covid state. I wont mention it and hope I make it through the process and am able to reach the upper editorial cabal of the TLC network.
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #441 on: January 21, 2022, 09:53:07 pm »
Ive heard nothing from TLC producers since my skype interview, and can only assume they discovered the raw power of my true nature and were frightened away.

Ive been contacted my Weston Rowe, the newly famous raw meat man, and we may be working on an interview in the near future. It may not get millions of views, but if it happens im sure people here may be able to appreciate what we have to say.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 10:10:39 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #442 on: February 18, 2022, 10:18:58 am »
After a few delays I believe there will be a live stream on Instagram with Myself and Weston Saturday 12:00 est, let me know if anyone is interested in checking out the chat, and I will try to share the link when I get it.
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #443 on: February 20, 2022, 01:38:26 pm »
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #444 on: February 22, 2022, 04:27:30 am »
After a few delays I believe there will be a live stream on Instagram with Myself and Weston Saturday 12:00 est, let me know if anyone is interested in checking out the chat, and I will try to share the link when I get it.

I watched the interview today. I thought it was a great discussion and watched it all the way through. It may sound cliche, but I think it is especially powerful to have collaborations, even small, where seeking truth is the focus.

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #445 on: February 23, 2022, 05:56:03 am »
Is there a link to the interview?

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #446 on: February 23, 2022, 10:11:46 am »
Here is The Weston Rowe interview on youtube
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #447 on: March 03, 2022, 12:17:46 am »
Thanks for posting the link, twice.. ;).  What a great interview!  Derek you really have a way with articulating your experience that is very intellectual, thorough and not egotistical.  It is awesome to hear!  The interviewer asked some decent questions, he is definitely more Californicated with his likes and other dialect which in comparison is humorous.   I have only had time to listen to about half of it, looking forward to the rest. 

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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #448 on: March 14, 2022, 12:56:10 pm »
Wild Times and Stange days have found me....

The My Strange addiction casting call is going forward, and they want to green light the potential "hit piece". It has been approved for filming, lord have mercy.  I had originally thought they may have found out about my domestic seditional radicalism escapades, but it looks like they are clueless about my legal predicament...bless their paparazzi hearts.

Im also communicating with Weston about doing a follow up later in the year and am brainstorming on a potential pilgrimage to meet with a videographer to document on video a candid expose on the life and times of "Yours truly' ahead of my Trial . Though in my heart I know I have not harmed anybody, and was only doing what I thought was right to warn the people of my community about what is coming; but due to the mass media induced psychosis of many people in the local jury pool I may lose this fight and will have to spend some time in prison, so I would like to be able to get a raw uncensored message out to the world before being caged and silenced by the state.

Before the Clarion to action drew me out of the safety of the Cave, I intended to lay low and live the obscure working man life until my children were grown, before the war got too bad. The writing is on the wall for those with eyes to see and there were many harbingers who have been warning of what is coming, though I admit from pre 2020, I didn't think it would get to this point of total fuckery until later in the decade (bravo, well done alien overlords) . The blitzkrieg is occurring world wide and what a whirlwind it is reaping. The watershed moment is here; many of our fellow captives are dumbfoundedly reenacting the Ghost Dance of false hope, while the world grows more inhuman
 and loveless every day. 

These coming months may be the last free days I will experience before being taken away to the gulags; as dark as the prospects may seem, Hope springs eternal in the Beast of Man, and in the indominable spirit of the noble savage; its game on now! Are we Mice or are we Cave Men? Time to yell it on the mountain and shout it from the roof tops, stand up and make an uproar! I would rather die like a tiger than Live like a Pussy!

Cathartic hyperbolic rhetoric aside I'm going to continue to work, live and love to the fullest. Its uncanny, this feeling of resolution; an optimism persist even in the depths of chronic foreboding and the melee of daily trifles; the primrose path is being cleared and the stage is being set for something sublimely beautiful and disastrous; win or lose, drawl or fall, life must be lived, and experienced with eyes wide open! 
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Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Reply #449 on: March 17, 2022, 09:42:25 am »
They are going forward with production for TLC, contingent upon my background check. The producer said they were only making sure I wasn’t a violent offender; so still not exactly how it will pan out since bring charged but not yet convicted of non violent offenses (Que sera sera)

((((Hello Derek,

We are happy to be filming your story for our upcoming season of My Strange Addiction. As our Executive Producer Joel mentioned to you over the phone, we are required to do a standard background check before filming with you.

You should have received an email from our background check company, XG Consultants with a link to complete your application. Please be sure to complete the forms as soon as possible so we can clear and schedule you for filming.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,)))
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.


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