I guess that’s why bonobos and early hominids did not settle in Scandinavia or Finland… Their wise chiefs and sorcerers must have said “Oh, there’s nothing to eat here and it’s freezing cold, let’s go back down South and let our successors come back once the know how to make and control the fire, and when they’ll have developed javelins, bows and arrows! We haven’t yet figured out how to wash the tubers before eating them.”

You’re welcome here first… What animal foods do you find there? Reindeer and fish from the Baltic? Or are you now in Norway near the Atlantic coast?

I find elk, deer (there are lots of deer BTW.. I see them around the house pretty often!) rabbits there are lots of too... ducks, other animals too.. and yeah many kind of fish in the Baltic. Although there is not as much fish as it used to be and the water is polluted too. But it is getting better. I do believe a healthy person is able to clear many kinds of pollutants and poisons! That is why someone get sick and someone not. It has always fascinated me. Why that is. And how you can be one of them that clear stuff effectively -> stay healthy in not so ideal environment too.
I m not so sure our ancestors hated it here... lol There is a certain magic here up north. Something very peaceful.. and the cold aint that bad as you think, ask Tyler!

it is actually pretty nice! It is kind of how you choose to think about it. Everything has its plus and minuses. The summers here are awesome! They are not too warm... and they are just so beautiful.... already the fact that here lives way less people than more south is a very nice thing me thinks. You have so much space! I do not think it is very good to have a too heavy population at all.
It does is something magic about warming around a fireplace in the freezing cold.....

I am also wondering if the cold somehow makes a bit cooked animal food less bad for health than if you eat that stuff in a warm climate. I really wonder about that. At least I know ice baths are very good for health, and everyone who lives so far north knows that too. 3 % of the population do them regularly and there are places / lakes to do it, they are hold open by the government.
I like the seasons, they are so different here! It is so freaking exciting when comes spring... and you can taste the first wild edibles... and walk barefoot again. It is like when you have to be away from your lover.. and then see him again.. it is way more exiting and magic than if he is always by you

Believe it or not but when summer is about to end... you get really excited about the winter...!

BTW.. speaking about food sources. I have found a great grassfed Angus beef source not too far away, I have to drive maybe half an hour. It is amazing! They are 100% pastured in summer and in winter they get only hay, nothing else. The meat is awesome! I buy lots of heart.. and other kind of meats too, the liver tastes great too! I love to buy food directly from the producer, it is a couple that own the place, it is a huge place, very beautiful. They are very very nice people. She asked how I cook the heart and I said I eat it raw... the fat too. She was very interested and thought it was cool! Imagine! There was a vet too, her friend, and she said yeah, in Finland we can eat the beef raw without any issues because the meat is so high quality

very nice older lady too. They thought it was a great idea. I said I sometimes make carpaccio out of it too and they said they are going to try!
@ PaleoPhil,
IDK if they have? There are information you can check out different foods with different amounts of AGEs.. but I doubt that is telling the whole truth. Looks like we are able to clear them pretty well too if we are healthy and they are also made by the body somehow.. it is a very complex thing. I think we need a little bit of AGEs too? At least I read that somewhere too. Just too much is bad. And stress makes lots of them too, even sport! yeah... it is always way more complex than one thinks, huh!