Actually there is no correlation between saturated fat and cholesterol to heart disease. The lipid hypothesis was just a made up hypothesis by a biochemist named Ancel Keys in 1953. He traveled the world to 22 countries studying whether there was a correlation between high fat/cholesterol consumption and heart disease. However in 1962 (I think) he had a 7 country study posted in Times magazine. Whats wrong with that? He had reliable data from 22 countries but only posted the 7 that correlated with his hypothesis. Now pharmaceutical companies can sell statin drugs to the mass public without any science to back it up and get away with it. I dont care whether saturated fat is cooked or raw, it does not contribute to heart disease and never did. Dietary cholesterol also has nothing to do with your body's cholesterol levels. I do agree that raw fats are 10 times superior to cooked fats, but nevertheless cooked fats still don't contribute to heart disease. Ask yourselves, if it was formulated in 1953, why is it still a hypothesis? because it cannot be proven, it is wrong.
A good person who really knows the truth is Brian Penski- world renowned physiologist who performs only experiments, not studies that can be easily manipulated by statistics (much like Ancel Keys). Penski clearly states that 60% of plaque is oxidized omega 6 fatty acids from olive, canola, and other vegetable oils. He says that the key to health is a low carbohydrate diet utilizing plenty saturated fat and only "parent omega 3/6's" or unadulterated omega 3/6's like cold pressed organic oils, then your body knows what to do with them. Check out Brian Penski on
Check out this video for the cholesterol myth, where did you hear that eating less was healthy? is there any validity to that? Personally I agree with you on not buying into all the "you need 6 meals a day for optimal health" saying. I think we humans were meant to only eat once or twice a day, but whats wrong with eating 4000 calories a day provided that it is raw?