Author Topic: A video about neanderthals, "big foots" and others, and our relation to them.  (Read 10268 times)

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"Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here?"
Been asked for pretty much forever. And never an answer.

(2 hour long video, but well worth it. I'd say absolutely essential to anyone who cares about true reality. Is it actually true? Don't know, but what other possibilities? But what we do know and can know, with absolute certainty, is that the official stories, by the governments and institutions, are all dead-wrong.)

Lloyd Pye - Everything You Know Is Wrong

Even though there is no truly "palpable" evidence, it nevertheless is extremely logical and thus extremely likely. Because we do not fit here like do all the other animals. We simply do not fit as well. Something is off, it is dead-obvious to anyone whose mind is "pure" enough. We here, as we are, does not make sense at all from a natural way of process. We fit yet not quite.

This complements the previous very well (2 hour long as well, and as well absolutely essential).

That humanity in its almost present state came out of Africa? It may well be very much true.
Did we mix and interbreed with others outside Africa? Definitely. But before that were we "designed"? Very likely.

Evidence speaks for itself. This said there's so much indicating something entirely different than that what the "authority" is telling us.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 04:49:04 pm by goodsamaritan »

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In both movies they have a time period: 200 000-300 000 years. Wasn't cooking food supposedly started in the same period?
If you've watched the movies... From personal experience you know well enough what cooking does to food and thus to those who consume it... Simply fits perfectly. Rise of consciousness - poison more, suppress more. Doesn't work after a point? Begin redesigning - GMOs, other poisons. Fits perfectly.

And anyway... where's the gold?

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Super duper AMAZING find!
Highly Recommended!
Man, I was glued the whole time.
Breezed through the lecture.
Thank you for the share!

So apes have 48 chromosomes.
Humans have 46 chromosomes.

Super Big deal.

And the existing homonoids, that "Alma" found in Russia or thereabouts and made into a slave and had children?  Incredible!

For those who hadn't heard about annunaki and sumerians and megaliths... you have to see this too.

Kiss kiss mwah mwah... thank you for sharing!

Puts a big monkey wrench in our paleo diet assumptions!

But hey, if the alien engineering is correct, we are still mostly homonoid and will have mostly paleo requirements.

We need to contact the homonoids he is talking about and be respectful with them and learn from them.

Lloyd Pye - Human Genetics

Humans traced only 200,000 yrs old. 
EVIDENCE of Genetic Manipulation.

Kenneth Miller Lecture- Telomeric Fusion

Telomeric Fusion explained.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 06:04:58 pm by goodsamaritan »
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havnt watched either of those videos yet, maybe will get across to it later on. however i did read some of the comments, as expected an argument. why do such arguments always seem to come down to "evolution vs creationism", as if only one can exist and not the other? the fact of the matter is that both exist, and can be seen just among humanity: in our adaptations, which is evolution, and in the things we create like various machines and cloned life/genetic modification

one thing is for sure, that like in all other animals humans can adapt and thus can evolve. as far as origins? well to be honest i don't really dwell on it, i look forwards not backwards. the one thing that does kind of annoy me though is how mainstream science always likes to take the opportunity to try and portray humans as close to monkeys or chimpanzees as they can, its an ongoing form of propaganda that goes hand in hand with the vegan arguments. i mean seriously just take one look at the slender form of a healthy human, and compare it to the rounded gut of an ape, and anybody should be able to tell their is a serous difference there in diet and lifestyle, and instincts. the main issue staunch creationists seem to have with evolutionists is that they so commonly insist on how "close" humans are to apes. while evolutionism itself is a sound thing, it is so commonly distorted and used as a propaganda tool, that some people simply loose all touch with it due to these distortions

its one thing to say that humans are "primates"; its another to try to repeatedly portray humans as just over glorified chimpanzees.  its rather insulting, and i can understand why some staunch creationists would feel insulted. theres a reason humanity has never associated itself with such apes, and coincidentally associated itself most closely with wolves ie proto dogs. diet and lifestyle, and instincts. even if humans are a primate, humans are a rangy hunting and all around cunning and versatile primate: a creature that no doubt did not evolve from slouched pot bellied apes, but has been evolving on its own separate line for many millions of years

this, makes the most sense. just because some scientists can find some "similarities" between humans and various apes (which makes sense there would be a small degree of similarity if both are primates), doesn't mean that humans and apes are the same or that one came from the other, or even that both shared a recent common ancestor. don't fall for that propaganda, propaganda from the same source that would have us all eating heavily grain and vegetation diets it it had its way

(on another note, something that always makes me laugh is the vegan myth that "meat putrifies in the gut", when the fact of the matter is meat is the most easily digested food their is. within seemingly an hour after eating it meat turns to chime and is absorbed when i eat it, its the easiest and most invigorating food to eat. on the contrary whenever i have had green vegistables in the past, it gives my gut great pains and troubles and seems to fester in their causing all sorts of damage. i don't even want to talk about the sort of damage such foods have been doing to my gut over the years, but lets just say the only things that have been "putrifying" in my gut over the years has been vegetable affairs. the same people that spread propaganda making people believe they are chimpanzees, or how "similiar" the human gut is to a gorilla's, spread the grain/vegistable propagada. and people wonder why staunch creationists are so turned off by this?)

EDIT: i mean take a look at this:

be honest with yourselves, which rib cage and backbone/pelvis does the human one in the middle more closely resemble, the squat rounded on of those apes on either side of it, or the long and lean wolf one shown here:

i'm not straight up implying anything here: i'm just presenting images. i'm just saying, the as far as slender form goes humans have alot more in common with wolves than with apes. and its no coincidence considering paleo humans were rangy and cunning hunters, rivaled with wolves and other predators, and eventually formed a bond with some wolves ie proto dogs

fact of the matte is, all mammals are said to share a common ancestor roughly 40 million years ago or something along those lines, a small rat like mammal that used to commonly get preyed on by snakes (which would explain the pan-mammalian fear of snakes, some much more than others considering come mammals have evolved to hunt snakes. but the primal fear still exists). from these small mammals it is said that all existing mammals today branched off from. what makes sense to me, is that while humans are still primates or primate like creatures, humans branched off from all other proto primates very early on, at the point where the difference between say proto primates and proto-canids and all the other mammals, wasn't anywhere near as large as it is today. this, makes alot more sense then the mainstream theories that humans evolved from squat rounded vegetation eating dimwitted apes (and no, ape intelligence does not come close to pack hunting predator intelligence. just because you can dress up a chimpanzee in a funny hat and make it dance or make it look at a mirror, doesn't mean it wouldn't end up as food to something like a wolf. the strategies and coordination skills to hunt the kind of prey wolves hunt in packs, is well beyond the capabilities of vegitarian/frugivore/insectovore apes)

and thats all all of this is, theories. sure the first thing the supporters of mainstream theories would shout is "psuedo science", but then again claiming that humans are most like apes simply because we share some genetic similiarites to such (which again would make sense considering they are also primates although of a different line. and by the same token we share much genetic similarity with some other mammals, and natural instincts and genetic adaptations that have much more in common with other pack hunting mammals, than to apes), and that we have "similiar guts" (which is a downright lie, what a surprise) and natural diets, is psuedo science if i've ever seen any

the bottom line, is that i do not pretend that i know everything, or that what i propose is "in stone". can you say the same about the people that argue time and time again that humans share most in common with chimpanzees? its a propaganda campaighn, intentionally dumbing people down by making them believe that "since you are closest to chimpanzees, you should eat like them". and if you eat like them, you loose function of your body and mind, become less intelligent and cunning (not to mention you loose your hunting instinct), and thus more easy to control. in other words, a way to turn wolves into sheep. which is exactly what the internationalist cabal wants
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 07:50:39 pm by colorles »

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The true story of Zana as she was mentioned in the long lecture.

Article mentions that her blood line descendants flourished and live amongst us today.
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The Last Living Neanderthal (Russian Bigfoot)

They exhumed the bones of Zana and son.

The scientists say Zana and son were human. 

They just looked "different" and Zana's skull looked different.

Well, Zana had all that hair on her body, so how can that not be seen in their genetic testing?

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It's quite funny when you think of it.
Ever since you go to school, or just live in the system, even before you can think of the possibility that we might not be natural here, even before you even conceive the idea, you have these authority figures and text books and all the rest telling you that you are a natural part of life on this planet. As if it should be told, as if it wouldn't be inherently understandable.
If that was the case, then why are they constantly "reminding" us without us actually first coming up with the opposite? It's as if someone along the line knows something we do not. That if we investigate we will find out that we are not natural. So they precondition us to a made up reality just in case we should happen to even conceive the idea sometime in our lives.

If we really were a natural part of life here they, no one, should need to remind us that.

So we are conditioned, brainwashed, so heavily that even if irrefutable evidence comes to light we still deny and oppose it. Not me of course, nor many others, but most of humanity still does.
Evidence speaks for itself, and the little we have gleaned from many angles is plenty enough.

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its not an issue of whether or not we as humans are "natural here", but more an issue of "authority figures" beating us down time and again as children reminding us of how we are nothing but cattle more or less. the same authority figures that tell us to eat grains and vegetable fare as the bulk of our diets, tell us how "similiar" we are to chimpanzees...despite the fact that out very bone structure points to a primarily carnivorous diet (our lean forms, much like the wolf, is due to far reduced need for intestinal length due to the consumption of high quality diet, ie fats and proteins). all you here about in school is how "similar" humans are to chimpanzees...yet our very bone structure and essential organs, and the foods and lifestyle we need to thrive matches that of completely different creatures?

people are being mislead on a massive scale, and are being molded into something they are not. like i said, turning wolves into sheep

as far as humans being "seeded" here? well anything is possible. i am very open to the possibilities of their being ancient civilizations on this planet, that us contemporaries will never know about. its not really our business anyways, things come and go. that shouldn't surprise anyone

sure trying to uncover more of our past is nice and all...but at the end of the day we are what we are, and we are designed to go forwards

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ancient civilizations on this planet, that us contemporaries will never know about
Like some areas in India. Peoples becoming very ill and needing to leave.
Investigation led to digging up ancient cities, at least 8000 years old. Ancient cities is a common thing enough, nothing special. But. Those ancient cities under dirt had radiation levels about 50 times higher than normal. The kind you get from a nuclear explosion. As well, those cities had melted rock walls of buildings - the kind that is now known to be produced in nuclear explosions (from nuclear tests done in the last century all over the planet).
In 1850, or so. US western coast, I think. Death Valley. Came reports of ancient ruins with melted rock walls as well.
In Africa and Arabia, there are large fields of greenish glass. The kind that is known to be produced from nuclear explosions (known from nuclear tests done in deserts, in US, during last century). Those fields are thousands of years old.

In an ancient Indian text it describes a ball of fire descending from the heavens that impacts with the ground, produces extremely strong winds (stronger than any other), also a column of smoke and fire rises, and everything in a large area is gone. And that peoples hair and nails fall out. This is described in ancient, thousands of years old texts. (Nuclear bomb, nuclear explosion, severe radiation poisoning.)

There were discovered places with traces of uranium in the ground, with compounds the kind that are now known to be produced when mining uranium. And those places are also thousands of years old.

In the 1940s. A lead scientist of developing nukes, when the bombs were dropped onto Japan, the scientist quoted a phrase from an ancient Indian text ("I am death, the destroyer of worlds" or something like that). The scientist was known to have an interest in ancient Indian texts.
Seven years later he was asked whether the bombs dropped on Japan were the only ones done on open land. He said "yes, in modern times".

Ancient texts, myths, even the bible, and all the rest. They are all riddled with hints of the past happenings, of true history, of true reality. They are also riddled with pure fantasies and lunacies, and misinterpretations and deliberate falsifications. But if you read, learn enough, about everything you begin seeing similarities and possibilities and patterns that are unmistakable and irrefutable.

This planet has been through at least one nuclear war in the past.
Who supposedly dropped the bombs, according to the texts? Atlantis (they were the aggressors, goal domination and control of the entire world; same as presently with the few families).
sure trying to uncover more of our past is nice and all...but at the end of the day we are what we are, and we are designed to go forwards
We were designed, most probably, only to be mere tools/slaves. Even if we aren't so any longer (not entirely and definitely not all of us...). But still, the global agenda of the few ancient bloodlines is to make us what the original design was - mere slaves/tools. As is evident from the ever more contaminated and altered food and planet, and systems and rules forced onto us, and the mass experiments done on people, etc.

It is important to know what was in the past, because the authority is lying about the past. Otherwise the past doesn't matter, the present and future does.
It doesn't matter that we are basically unnatural; that we are essentially, originally, abominations; "frankenstein's monsters". Eh, funny... What matters is what we can make of ourselves. All the noble and good causes and reasons are and always will be valid.

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quite agreed, on all fronts. and what happens when things don't go as planned for the psychopathic aggressors? they simply destroy everything and try to start over. the corrupt is a danger to everything natural. the power to subvert and destroy those that innovate, to the bidding of the manipulator

its not something i bother talking about though, given that you would get looked at as if you were crazy saying these kinds of things (which is of course a programmed response), not to mention tortured and thrown in prison

still though the notion of humans being "designed", as in by a sentient creator species or master bloodline? well thats not likely in the beginning considering we evolved from something, although there could be some type of modifications to the original genetics. you know, just how humans domesticated dogs, so too were humans domesticated. and nowadays we find ourselves no different than cattle. so the notion of humans being "designed" ie a process of domestication to breed "ideal" traits for subjugation to the master bloodline, is not only not farfetched, but it can be seen happened today. whenever grains began to be cultivated, and civilizations arose, no doubt some manipulative bloodlines salivated at the opportunity to corrupt and subjugate the new masses, creating cattle out of them. so the prospects of this going on for many thousands of years, is not at all farfetched

of course, everything we are saying would get labeled as "pseudo science" or "pseudo history" by the mainstream, and the herd would just repeat everything the "authority figure" tells them under and denounce our take on things under the pretext that "you are not a historian/scientist". no different that the people that really believe their doctor is looking out for them; let them in on the fact that western doctors are nothing more than front men for the pharmaceutical companies, yes tell them that doctors and all the proponents of the SAD want you to get sick...and you not only get looked at like you are crazy, but people often get violent in those situations. which again is of course intended, the "authority figures" bank on this

but whatever. as you said at the end of the day all that matters is silent actions, to "be the change you want to see in the world". sure the manipulators can paint a salvation as a death sentence and visa versa...but that doesn't validate their propaganda as far as the objectivity of nature is concerned

i like to look at people like this: you will always have some enemies in this world, beings that will hate you just for your genetics and will do everything they can to subjugate and exploit you. but only through actions and living by example can you ever make genuine friends; for instance if you lecture someone on something perceived as "radical", they will likely shun you. but if you show them through actions the objective validity of your ways, then you can get through to even the most indoctrinated of beings. silent and noble action, the unspoken language of understanding

by the way how is things in Estonia? all i ever hear about is the Baltics being some of the most preserved and resilient places in Europe, despite the exploits of the soviet dragon
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 02:02:19 am by colorles »

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November 1, 2013 news about ZANA and the analysis

very interesting.

And in some stories I remember she was raw paleo, refusing cooked food.  She wanted live meat as i remember.

I'm not convinced these genetic tests are thorough... it cannot explain her full body hair, her not wanting to sleep indoors, her great strength and endurance, and her looks.
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they simply destroy everything and try to start over.
They do have massive warehouses in mountains and underground storing seed variety of plants...

Since the planet has been through a nuclear war before, as well in the last 60 years or so global radiation levels have more than doubled, it seems life on this planet has become somewhat resistant to radiation. So, even if a new nuclear war came... it wouldn't be as successful.
As well, in Chernobyl, wildlife has basically returned to normal. Animals have increased radiation in their bones, but it doesn't cause mutations anymore. They're living there in peace because there are no humans.
In the beginning there were large patches of forest that turned rusty. Those areas are now beautiful green, though the original radiated trees are dead.

The nuclear card is becoming void.

its not something i bother talking about though, given that you would get looked at as if you were crazy saying these kinds of things (which is of course a programmed response), not to mention tortured and thrown in prison
I don't keep myself from talking. If they cannot comprehend then it is their problem, and I say it. What I've noticed when talking with such inferior minds (which they actually are; they could change it by beginning to learn) is that they insist that I don't understand them, when in truth I understand perfectly well. Then I try to explain why they don't understand, and that I do understand, then they don't even understand that.
If they oppose I demand proof that they are right and I am wrong (which has never been given). If they want proof from me then I will flood them with materials (materials they deny before I even have a chance to present them).
If I don't know for certain, I say so.

by the way how is things in Estonia? all i ever hear about is the Baltics being some of the most preserved and resilient places in Europe, despite the exploits of the soviet dragon
The soviet didn't break the "spirit". Then got free, but into the clutches of the "elite" (the entire thing, the soviet occupation included, was most probably predesigned by the "elite" anyway).
EU and its regulations destroy the independence here. Small farmers and jobs are ever disappearing in the country-side. People are moving into towns. Ever more cheap and contaminated crap labeled as food is brought in from other countries. Prices of products made here are many times higher than foreign crap, so people won't even buy homemade stuff as readily. Ever increasing taxes, plus new taxes. Obligatory pension taxes no one will ever see again.
How do you kill the independence of a country? First and foremost, make sure it doesn't and can't feed itself.

Same as elsewhere, ever closer to total enslavement.

Wages were first lowered. Then came EU and prices went up. Then wages went down again a bit. Now prices ever go up but wages basically remain the same. Work-hours go up, because can't get enough money. Then there's a bunch of jobless people. All by design.

Funny thing is the "elite" doesn't really have to do anything, they simply let their installed programs run wild, with occasional nudges here and there.
If only people realized they could create their own system, their own money, debtfree. Just throw away the government, simply don't listen to them, ignore them, all at once. (Or even better, a moneyless "system".) There is more than enough land to feed the entire country and far more, by having about 20% of the population spend 2-3 days a week working. Right now people work 8-14 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. For wages that even true slaves wouldn't accept.

In the constitution here it basically says that every single male since birth has no rights whatsoever if the state decides so, and every single male, coming of age, is obligated to go through military training/service/brainwashing (lasting about a year) whether he wants it or not. If opposes the "law" then a massive fine or imprisonment. And most of the population doesn't even know about nor comprehend any of this!
There's this medical control/examination, so some get lucky, get out of the idiocy. I didn't have to go because I was already then too smart for them (but I knew nothing about the "elite" nor all the rest, or the extent of the corruption). And what do they do with people who can use their minds for objective thinking? They basically brand them insane. Oh the kind of mess I would have created if they somehow had gotten me into that brainwashing program...
Each year the military crap produces people completely devoid of an independent mind, also produces people with health problems that steal many years of their lives. And people are lied about it in the news, as if everything is rainbowy and flowery, and unicorns run around playing with kids - as "tradition" demands.

A problem here is that many nations have gone over these lands, enslaving and subjugating people. A mentality such subjugation generated has survived, as mostly people here are, even if they see what is going on, indifferent to it. As long as they get enough food and clothes and a place to live, like real slaves, they are just fine...
Another thing is internet freedom. They can not shackle it. If they remove that freedom there will be riots overnight and government overthrow overnight (most probably).

Constant western propaganda and lies in the mass media. Plus the absolutely and completely irrelevant stories and peoples, in the media, shown as very important. And how they play with peoples emotions...

And how the "leaders" here make idiotic laws that are only bad to the people, and how they increase their own wages, yet say there's not enough money for truly important things that increase the welfare of the people.

Lots more.

Fucked up as anywhere.

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Europe as a whole dug its grave during the world wars, the great balkanization of europe. at the turn of the 20th century, internationalists forces wanted to take over and subjugate the two mightiest sovereign forces to oppose them: the German Reich, and the Russian Empire. two mighty neighbors that despite cultural differences ie germanic and slavic linguistic differences, were (and still are) for all intensive purposes brothers. the internationalist forces knew they could never defeat these powers directly, so what do they do? they stir tensions between them, by manipulating their allies and through their proxy black hand assassins, murder a prominent figure and there you go, everything goes haywire. in this way two former allies, were turned against each other; and both of them fell (Germany to debt slavery, Russia to bolshevism) . turned against each other, because they could not see the common enemy that was the catalyst of all the friction

this of course spilled over into the second world war, with a the grudges of the previous decades more prevalent than ever; grudges that should not have even existed. and look where it has gotten us, slaves in our "own" nations; and i say that in parenthesis, because they are only "our" nations in name. after all the most useful slave to its master, is a slave that believes it is free and prosperous

and if any nation fights to regain its sovereignty? they are labeled as "nazis", or a "danger to the world" or blackmailed for "carrying out genocide" like what happened to Serbia in the 90's (not to mention the propaganda against Syria right now; i mean provide "rebel" ie al quada groups with chemical weapons, have them kill hordes of Syrians with them, and conjure up some random film images with no context, and there you have it: the western media goes and tells the world that Assad and his forces are responsible for these chemical attacks. straight up lies. if the masses would just turn off all their fed media for a month, and lived and observed the realities of their lives, maybe then they would be able to identify their real common enemy. but don't count on that; a more likely thing to count on is both of us being tortured and thrown in prison if we don't shut up and act like "good citizens" any time soon). nothing new there, back in the second world war the Soviet Union justified its invasion of the Baltics, through the notion that the Baltics were a "threat" to the Soviet Union. same thing with Finland, just mind its own business Finland. just like today how a bunch of Taliban hiding in caves are a "threat" to the US of A; people are so brainwashed by the propaganda, that they cannot see the obvious maneuvering here in the US military actions over the last decade and before, which basically amounts to nothing more than "surround Iran", the latest nation that just wants to mind its own business and live in peace in its ancient land

the bottom line is if we ever want to get our nations back, our national sovereignty, we have to do it together as brothers watching out for each other, lest we end up like Serbia. we cannot turn our backs on each other as we did in the world wars, in face of a common enemy that has made slaves out of all of us. cattle cannot rise against its masters; wolves, have no masters

« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 10:18:34 pm by colorles »

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In 2010, a doctor in rural China discovered a family with a history of consanguineous (“similar blood”) marriages. Among the various overlapping branches of the family tree, he discovered a male with 44 chromosomes. In this family’s case, chromosome 14 and chromosome 15 had fused, and, consistent with the outline above, they had a brutal record of miscarriages in their past. But from that wreckage a perfectly healthy man with two fewer chromosomes emerged—exactly like that unknown Guy who started down the path to 46 chromosomes a million years ago.

But that solves only part of the mystery: How did having 46 chromosomes then spread worldwide? It’s possible that having two fewer chromosomes than everyone else gave Guy and Doll’s family a whopping evolutionary advantage, allowing them to out-compete the 48-chromosome sluggards. But probably not. More likely, they happened to be living at a point when the human race nearly got wiped out.

Take your pick for the cause of our near-extinction—ice ages, plagues, Indonesian gigavolcanoes. But humans have far less genetic diversity than most other species, and the most reasonable explanation for this is a genetic bottleneck: a severe reduction in the population of humans in the past, perhaps multiple times. One study suggested that our population, worldwide, might have dropped as low as 40 adults. (The world record for fitting people in a phone booth is 25.) That’s an outlandishly pessimistic guess even among disaster scientists, but it’s common to find estimates of a few thousand adults, below what some minor league baseball teams draw. Consider that these humans might not have been united in one place, but scattered into small, isolated pockets around Africa, and things look even shakier for our future. Had the Endangered Species Act existed way back when, human beings might have been the equivalent of pandas and condors.

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maybe humans never did have 48 chromosomes though...and i wouldn't consider chimpanzees our "closest living relatives", that sort of thinking always leads to propaganda. we are absolutely nothing like them, our organs are different, are forms are more slender and agile, and our lifestyles and diets don't even come close to comparable

this either means that humans and chimps sharing a line roughly a few million years ago is nothing more than propaganda, or humans simply have the ability to adapt and evolve considerably faster than any species on this planet. both make perfect sense (i mean the same people that like to say "humans are all the same" due to the supposed bottleneck and mitochondial eve, conveniently leave out the fact that over the roughly 40,000 year number they like to use, that entirely different races have supposed evolved in this short time frame, with entirely different adaptations and capabilities to their environments, and completely differnt lifestyles. which, in itself kinda blows out of the water the cultural marxist agenda being pushed)

in short: while i am one to believe that humans have been apart of their own distinct line (or at least lines of distinct hominids, well apart from proto-primates and such) for far longer than is considered mainstream science these days, the notions that humans adapt and evolve considerably faster than other species is also something at play

all i can say for sure is that i am not willing to blindly trust, the same establishment that would have me drugged and depleted all with a smile on their faces for their own gains. but hey, at the end of the day it hardly matters what we evolved from millions of years ago, as long as you are aware of you more recent ancestors, whether contemporary or paleo, and their healthy lifestyles and ways of life

Offline Cristaraw

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So much bad science here, so much.   :'(

Offline nummi

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So much bad science here, so much.   :'(
Specifics? At least a few. Otherwise, what are you doing?

And then lets also go with your "bad science" --->> What is science? And why is it here, as you say, bad?


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