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Messages - dair

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General Discussion / Re: How can I make raw meat taste nicer
« on: June 29, 2022, 06:59:07 pm »
look around you: herbs, roots, spices, flowers, sprouts.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / used to be "anti-nut"...
« on: March 14, 2022, 04:42:47 pm »
...but that was because of my vegan phase where nuts (and seeds) and a huge part of the diet. Full on bloating and constipation. I avoided nuts like the plague for many years, but after having very slowly more or less healed my gut (still not perfect) by going omnivore, I really love nuts -in small amounts. That's the trick. Almonds (their skins actually) are still not good more me, but many other nuts are ok. And, people forget the boron the give, a forgotten mineral (also good for teeth).

Primal Diet / Re: Best foods to heal wrinkles and reverse ageing
« on: March 14, 2022, 04:30:25 pm »
wrinkles and aging are not exactly the same. Seen people with almost no wrinkles, usually fat, and very unhealthy and sick. Seen people with lots of wrinkles because of having been a lot in sun and sea, but still with lots of energy and super healthy. You need to rethink the whole thing. You can't reverse ageing, I mean, accept it, you have a fear of death? Very common btw, you're not the only one.

ex fruitarian here (ca 2012), has become a huge trend, lots of fruitarian paying retreats, including paying durian retreats/workshops... So this is really a money maker.
I still eat lots of fruits and love it, my body does not thrive on carnivorous diet, and nor on vegetarian/vegan (which I was for MANY years  from early-mid 90's9 . I am really an omnivore and also for me, the monomeal thing was not good in the long run (might be for others).
But, people need to understand that the short term and the long term effect of diet/food and other can sometimes gives opposite effects.
Fasting or eating only fruits can be detoxing. And I have noticed that eating a variety of ingredients, and/or have different meals/food everyday (not getting stuck in a habit of eating exactly the same stuff) is for me good.
Plus, herbs, roots and spices are an important part of my daily food intake, even if in small amounts. I do need some meat everyday, but the amount varies.

Personals / Re: UK raw meat woman looking for like minded people
« on: December 09, 2021, 04:47:31 am »
I'm in central Germany, not easy to find other raw meat eaters around here, happy to chat as well:)

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Vegan Diet Family
« on: December 09, 2021, 04:22:41 am »
Do you know how many s c vegans binge on animal foods, secretly, and then try to forget about it and hope for a fresh start towards the perfect vegan lifestyle? I met so many vegans that also say they will sometimes eat dairy/eggs/fish etc, but not for health issues but because they are invited etc, and then call themselves vegan and say "look how healthy I am".
My experience is that most vegans cheat/make "mistakes" , sooner or later, and that they can keep on doing the vegan thing - just because they are "making exceptions" and the body gets just enough to keep on going...

Parenting / Re: ALWAYS REMEMBER!
« on: August 21, 2021, 04:19:35 pm »
Lol I sense the same vibe, aggression and arguments as many vegans (including Durianrider who has made a vasectomy). Why the unfriendly, arrogant tone? Sounds a bit desperate to me. I was in that vegan/fruitarian circle for many years, and one of you totally reminds me of those rabid vegans, and I was so happy to escape that very immature scene, but obviously some still need to grow up.

Journals / Re: Using Diet to Heal
« on: August 04, 2021, 05:48:53 pm »
For me social aspect is part of the healing process, and it's about choice. Am I afraid to stand out? To maybe to eat alone, to -  sometimes - sacrifices communal dinner/community life for true health?
I eat often alone, not always, but that's because I realise the positive aspects of my raw paleo nutrition are stronger than the feeling of sharing a meal together with others. Especially in the long run.
There is only one person around here who really knows about my raw meat habits, this is a very conservative place where veganism has become huge, and bakeries the biggest dealers lol...
Outside of this place I know some people who are more open to raw paleo/raw meat, so actually I know more people outside of my hometown that would be more into it.
So the point it to not be afraid to do what you need to do for promoting health, be selfish in a good way. In the end, it's about caring for your self. Do you want sacrifice yourself for the sake of what others think about you?

General Discussion / Re: Any experience with High Fish?
« on: August 04, 2021, 05:35:26 pm »
Thanks both of you for the good advice, and need to find a good source of fresh fish. Sometimes I have the feeling the fish seller here sells frozen fish that has been thawed. I nowadays live in a landlocked area far from sea, and there is aquaculture, but not for me. Having grown up with a fishing dad coming home with all sorts of ocean fish, I know the taste of good quality fish and very fresh fish. I rarely experience it nowadays, as it has to be shipped etc.
So, I live in central Germany, and many people here say they hate fish, and some even say they've only eaten it a few times in their lives!! Not to mention sushi/raw, so many germans would NEVER dream about trying it. It's just incredible how backward and rigid this place it. Needless to say, I miss the coast.

General Discussion / Re: Any experience with High Fish?
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:28:12 pm »
Francis, I'm really interested in making high fish, so basically you just cut in pieces, put in fridge and air everyday? Or? Did I miss something? And for how long? Can I/should I add some ingredients or just 100% fish? Thanks!

Off Topic / Re: Censorship is Driving me Nuts
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:18:48 pm »
I remember the years around 2012-2014, I think, I was part of a forum where there was NO censorship at all. Sure, there was quite a lot of rude people out there, but also, you felt you could be 100% honest, say, ask anything.... It got taken down... This was my favorite forum, "30bananasadaysucks", there were a lot of ex-fruitarians, vegans, paleo, raw foodists,  those who where still fruitarians, also durianrider under a fake name harassing people, but it was hilarious, and I learned more about my health during that period than any other time of my life.

General Discussion / Re: Any experience with High Fish?
« on: July 23, 2021, 08:34:39 pm »
swedes are famous for "surströmming", but not raw I think. Never eaten it, smell is very extreme when you open the can, normally done outdoors in summer, but people say taste is much milder. But not interested to eat canned fish. Still, some Swedes craves this kind of aged fish.
But actually I am interested in making high fish, so I suppose it should be a low fat fish, or does it matter?
In Thailand, Vietnam etc, they are big on fish- and oyster sauce, I can imagine it was done when there was an overabundance at a certain time... Probably the original versions were just raw fish/oyster, shrimp plus maybe one or more of these ingredients: herbs/roots/spices/citrus/garlic to make them keep longer.

Off Topic / "something fishy"
« on: May 03, 2021, 02:07:27 pm »
Lots of fish dying suddenly in Miami, no apparent reasons. Why?

Primal Diet / Re: Height Increase on Primal Diet
« on: April 23, 2021, 03:20:21 pm »
A yoga teacher told the class once that some exercises will make feet bigger/longer and warned the women, as some women do not like big feet lol... Yoga and stretching have an impact on bones.
Another thing I read, astronauts after months in space can loose so much bone mass that some of them were unable to walk.
Gravity and exercising is vital for your bones. If you don't use it, you'll loose it.
You should see the positive side of not being too tall: short/small people live longer, same with dogs: Big danes have very short lives, for instance.
Not sure, but something to do with gravity...
My grandfather was almost 2 meter tall, died of cancer in his mid 60's, was not a smoker, not a party guy, frugal, not overweight, working a lot...

Health / Re: 2 years, health not improving
« on: March 12, 2021, 07:27:06 pm »
sorry to hear... I would say fasting, or semi fasting could be one way to improve things. Meat in itself is not a magic tool that will heal everything, especially if it is low quality stuff.
Herbs, roots, etc can have a good and strong healing effect. We tend to forget that part, especially carnivores. But look at cats, they love to sample herbs and plants, because they know what their body needs.
Try to see the whole picture. And, not only what you eat, but also drinking water, exposure to other toxins, and electromagnetic pollution.

General Discussion / Re: Constipation from saturated fats
« on: March 03, 2021, 03:07:19 am »
Skip the fridge lol. Half-joking, but still, there is something in "aged" food. We have evolved without refrigeration and without a super "sterilised" environment. I would let the raw meat age a bit, not necessarily become high, just a few days maybe.
Licorice is good for bowel movements (you can chew the stick).
I would add some berries, maybe. Beware of certain veg, or too much of them. I get constipated if eating big amounts of raw veg. Fruits and berries are really good for me. Papaya is great for digestion.

Off Topic / The only time when I had a problem with a virus was...
« on: February 25, 2021, 09:47:37 pm »
...when my computer broke down. Think about it.
We live in times where AI thinking is taking over our lives and create strange fears.

A study has shown that the first generation to grow up among mobile phones, those born in the 80's, have extreme bad health, compared to earlier generations, and get cancer, joint and back problems earlier in life than previous generations. Even insurance companies are aware of that. I dont think that the situation is getting better for even later generations.
I would avoid dairy completely, and of course grains. Personally, I can sometimes eat quite a lot of fruits, but the moment I eat grains I get pain/problems in my joints. But remember, dairy and bones/joint problems do not go well together.

sorry to hear... You should be careful with your joints, even though you are young, your body has obviously been through a lot.
Maybe you should not overdo the physical work, sorry to say.
A friend of mine, in his mid 30s got extreme pain in his joints, he's building with wood among other... He has stopped now, goes to physio, feels bit better, but it's a LONG process. The X-rays showed wrists of an "old" man, of very bad quality. He has very damaged cartilage and some other stuff with his bones/joints. Overwork, too much or too hard hard or the wrong kind of movement/lifting etc, can be very damaging. Please take care. Actually, the same friend I just mentioned earlier, got his first problems with his wrists in his early 20's, when doing "jumping/bicycle" sports and landing hard with the bike and the wrists taking the shock, and then the wrists get very damaged.
Take care of you joints, bones and cartilage, I've seen the pain my friend has been through...

Health / water filter, ioniser, water distiller...? Help/suggestions please
« on: February 12, 2021, 08:10:58 pm »
What do you recommend to filter tap water? The town in Germany where I live says it offers good quality tap water, but there are still medicines and other residues, I am quite sure, plus the pipes in the building are old and when I have not run the tap for some time, for some days, or even sometimes overnight, the water has a brownish colour. Ionizer, distiller, water osmosis? I have an excess of minerals in my joints and body, so distilling could be good, maybe, but I once tried once distilled water from a distiller with a plastic top (the fan, but the recipient was of stainless steel) and the taste was terrible, it had a plastic/chemical aftertaste and irritated my throat.
Not easy to find a good solution for water. Ground water now being more a more contaminated. Rainwater: better, I think, but the crazy thing I heard recently is that in some states (was it Arizona or Colorado? Can't remember, where it's now illegal to harvest rainwater...
GOOD water is become scarce, we need to focus more on it.

General Discussion / Re: MUST READ BOOKS!!!
« on: February 11, 2021, 07:23:08 pm »
Great initiative, books are usually a much better option, especially nowadays, for getter higher quality information/knowledge. Here a few I recommend:

- "The invisible rainbow", by Arthur Firstenberg, I read it spring 2020, it is an amazing book, very well researched, scary but necessary. About all sorts of sicknesses caused by electromagnetic pollution, and much more. The writer went a couple of years in medical school but had to quit because of X-ray injury.

-"THE RARE METALS WAR the dark side of clean energy and digital technologies", by Guillaume Pitron (translated from French). Still reading it, very good and eye opening, about pollution, illusion, lies and deceit concerning the new "clean" digital area and green energies. China is the country controlling this huge area of rare metals, and when you read the book you'll understand the implications for the world wide economy and ecology of the planet. Strongly recommended.

Primal Diet / Re: YouTube Censorship Against Raw Meat
« on: January 24, 2021, 06:04:22 pm »
But then again, this does not mean that the left is better. I've been travelling in India quite a few times, a place that is a magnet for many leftists, and these spiritual tourists are so predictable and zombie-like, with their "chai-chillum-chapati" love/addiction. They are against authority, but somehow they fall SO easily for gurus telling them how to live, think and to chant extremely silly stuff they dont understand (in sanskrit).
India is a huge land with many states and a variety of lifestyle and diets, on the coast they love fish etc, and in Goa, porc is popular, and in many places meat is enjoyed even among hindus.
But. There is a strong vegetarian culture in India, where many granola crunching hippies got inspired. Many hindus will not even eat eggs, but all sort very low quality dairy is seen as healing for body and soul. I have never seen so bad teeth in all my travels (and I've been to quite a few continents) as among the vegetarians hindus/Indians, and also among long time European/Western travellers adopting their lifestyle, gurus and "chai-chillum-chapati" habits. These people have the most rotten teeth I have ever seen.
(True, in some places in south east asia I also saw some very bad teeth, but that was more due to pollution, plus lots of antibiotics and toxins in food and environment.)
Many people in the left idealises India, and sees it at the motherland, return there year after year going to ashrams, and smoking a lot. I was never a smoker, and had always to say no to their offering of sharing their stuff, and they looked at me as I was a real looser. (except that THEY had lost many of their teeth). One person asked once in all seriousness "if you dont smoke, why do you come to India?".
Well, smoking gives them the munchies, and this is what smokers eat: sweet stuff, pancakes, children's food, coockies, cakes, chai, ice-cream, french fries, deep fried street snacks: very cheap. It's taboo as a smoking traveller to put a lot of money on high quality food, instead, the money goes ...up in smoke.

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