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Topics - goodsamaritan

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Time to wake up,

To understand the cure for the financial crisis, you need to know the true cause of the financial crisis.


Please pass on so the whole world may know so the solution can be formulated.

If you know Jesus and you are a Christian, it is best you learn why Jesus railed against the Jewish bankers of his time.  If you are Islamic, this is why Islam frowns on usury.

Please pass on to your friends,

Health / Oyster Cure? The best zinc supplement in the world?
« on: February 13, 2009, 10:20:56 pm »
I am currently experimenting with eating large quantities of oysters and enjoying myself.

Can you share your experiences with oysters?

General Discussion / - passionate about clams
« on: February 05, 2009, 08:39:00 pm »
Just thought about sharing a new website I stumbled upon - passionate about clams

Off Topic / Stray cats ate my family fish dinner... this means WAR!
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:41:45 pm »
We've been having problems with stray cats the past few months.  Recently I resorted to shooting them with a pellet rifle, the ones you use in airsoft.  I'm a good shot so I hit them all the time.  But they keep coming back.  Pellets probably aren't painful enough.

This evening was my boiling point.  Saturday morning 3am I left for the fish port at Paranaque to buy fresh fish for my family, and this dinner we were serving 1/2 of a 2 kilo "talakitok" fish I had bought and we were going to grill it for the family. 

The maid was suddenly apologizing in droves to me,  she said the stray cats had eaten the fish!  She had let down the plate of 1/2 of the fish while answering her cell phone, after her call, the fish had disappeared.

That does it.  My other kids ate baked chicken, but my 2nd son has a moratorium on chicken so he had left over goat instead of the fresh fish.

Grrrr.... no creature takes food away from my family.

Kid gloves are off.  No more pellet gun.  This time I got a bunch of fly paper and set traps in the usual places the stray cats go and put bait in them... fish entrails / organs... so far after 1 hour of baiting, 2 cats have been fly papered.  They are smart animals, I've seen one test the fly paper... but eventually the fly paper got him.

Let's wait through the night.

Maybe tomorrow and the next days I will get cage traps.  This should be a job for the city pound.  Maybe I should call them up as well.

Any other ideas to get rid of stray cats?

My cook and I visited the Paranaque fish port at 4am yesterday Saturday with the goal of getting big discounts, buying fresher fish than the wet market, and buying un-poisoned fish - fish without formalin and food coloring which is allegedly popular when dead ocean fish is transported from the fish ports to the wet markets.

Click to read full story and see gallery of photos.

My son wants you to see this smiley  ;)

Off Topic / I'm concerned about you guys in the USA...
« on: January 22, 2009, 12:19:10 am »
I've been monitoring my truth sources on the internet and it seems 2009 is the time of collapse.

The Collapse of '09
     The “Panic of ‘08” will be followed by “The Collapse of ‘09.” In 2008, when the world’s largest financial firms and equity markets crumbled, Wall Street’s woes preoccupied the media. In 2009, the focus will broaden to include a range of calamities that will leave no sector unscathed.....

The Revolution
     It’s unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the history of the United States. No week goes by without the Government buying into or buying up another failing “too big to fail” using taxpayer money. In the process, a super-race of corporate giants is being created that will be declared “too big to tumble.” It is a matter of historical fact: When people are homeless, helpless, desperate, jobless and hungry, sooner or later they will rebel. And it won’t be any different in America.....

Economic Slim-Fast
     Like it or not, Americans are going on a diet: a spending diet and a food diet. Staying fit and living frugally was a mainstay of pre-World War II America, and it will be a major defining trend of 21st century America.....

The Greatest Depression
While we alone predicted the “Panic of ’08” (and even took out the domain name “” on November 7, 2007), we are not alone in predicting a Depression. The “D” word is being uttered – in some cases by those who have the most to lose and whose best interests are not served by spreading gloom and doom.....

Listen to the podcast at

Scary... Celente bets February / March 2009 is collapse time.  That early. 

I have relatives in the USA.  California will be issuing IOUs beginning Feb 01, 2009.  It's already happening.

Care to share any plans, what you plan to do to survive the possible collapse, economic disruption, rioting?

Off Topic / NASA: Life on Mars?
« on: January 15, 2009, 10:29:02 pm »

ALIEN microbes living just below the Martian soil are responsible for a haze of methane around the Red Planet, Nasa scientists believe.

Supporting hypothesis, my research:

"Around the solar year 2776 BP, human activities related to
celestial disturbances were generated respecting Mars, as well as
Venus, and are notable in the Near East and Mediterranean
world (Velikovsky, 1950, p265ff). Enough subsequent
benchmarks were provided by legends and practices for
Velikovsky to surmise that a large heavenly body, apparently
Mars, was threatening collision with the Earth at fifteen-year
intervals. The Mars encroachments may have been initiated by
Venus, which, pursuing an ever-shortening orbit, perhaps
encountered and displaced Mars from its earlier orbit between
the Earth and the Sun (Rose, 1972)."


Dinosaur soft tissue find—a stunning rebuttal of “millions of years”
by Dr Carl Wieland, AiG–Australia

25 March 2005

We previously announced the discovery of what seemed to be microscopic red blood cells (and immunological evidence of hemoglobin) in dinosaur bone (see Sensational dinosaur blood report! and response to critic).1 Now a further announcement, involving the same scientist (Montana State University’s Dr Mary Schweitzer2) stretches (pun intentional) the long-age paradigm beyond belief.

Not only have more blood cells been found, but also soft, fibrous tissue, and complete blood vessels. The fact that this really is unfossilized soft tissue from a dinosaur is in this instance so obvious to the naked eye that any scepticism directed at the previous discovery is completely “history”.

One description of a portion of the tissue was that it is “flexible and resilient and when stretched returns to its original shape”.3

The exciting discovery was apparently made when researchers were forced to break open the leg bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil to lift it by helicopter. The bone was still largely hollow and not filled up with minerals as is usual. Dr Schweitzer used chemicals to dissolve the bony matrix, revealing the soft tissue still present.4

She has been cited as saying that the blood vessels were flexible, and that in some instances, one could squeeze out their contents. Furthermore, she said, “The microstructures that look like cells are preserved in every way.” She also is reported as commenting that “preservation of this extent, where you still have this flexibility and transparency, has never been seen in a dinosaur before.”

It appears that this sort of thing has not been found before mainly because it was never looked for. Schweitzer was probably alert to the possibility because of her previous serendipitous discovery of T. rex blood cells. (It appears that the fossils were sent to her to look for soft tissues, prior to preservative being applied, because of her known interest.) In fact, Schweitzer has since found similar soft tissue in several other dinosaur specimens!

The reason that this possibility has long been overlooked seems obvious: the overriding belief in “millions of years”. The long-age paradigm (dominant belief system) blinded researchers to the possibility, as it were. It is inconceivable that such things should be preserved for (in this case) “70 million years”.
Will they now be convinced?

Unfortunately, the long-age paradigm is so dominant that facts alone will not readily overturn it. As philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn pointed out,5 what generally happens when a discovery contradicts a paradigm is that the paradigm is not discarded but modified, usually by making secondary assumptions, to accommodate the new evidence.

That’s just what appears to have happened in this case. When Schweitzer first found what appeared to be blood cells in a T. Rex specimen, she said, “It was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone. But, of course, I couldn’t believe it. I said to the lab technician: “The bones, after all, are 65 million years old. How could blood cells survive that long?’”6 Notice that her first reaction was to question the evidence, not the paradigm. That is in a way quite understandable and human, and is how science works in reality (though when creationists do that, it’s caricatured as non-scientific).

So will this new evidence cause anyone to stand up and say there’s something funny about the emperor’s clothes? Not likely. Instead, it will almost certainly become an “accepted” phenomenon that even “stretchy” soft tissues must be somehow capable of surviving for millions of years. (Because, after all, we “know” that this specimen is “70 million years old”.) See how it works?

Schweitzer’s mentor, the famous “Dinosaur Jack” Horner (upon whom Sam Neill’s lead character in the Jurassic Park movies was modeled) is already urging museums to consider cracking open some of the bones in their existing dinosaur fossils in the hope of finding more such “Squishosaurus” remains. He is excited about the potential to learn more about dinosaurs, of course. But—nothing about questioning the millions of years—sigh!

I invite the reader to step back and contemplate the obvious. This discovery gives immensely powerful support to the proposition that dinosaur fossils are not millions of years old at all, but were mostly fossilized under catastrophic conditions a few thousand years ago at most.7


A: The arrow points to a tissue fragment that is still elastic.  It beggars belief that elastic tissue like this could have lasted for 65 million years.
B: Another instance of “fresh appearance” which similarly makes it hard to believe in the “millions of years”.
C: Regions of bone showing where the fibrous structure is still present, compared to most fossil bones which lack this structure.  But these bones are claimed to be 65 million years old, yet they manage to retain this structure.

Left: The flexible branching structures in the T. rex bone were justifiably identified as “blood vessels”. Soft tissues like blood vessels should not be there if the bones were 65 million years old.
Right: These microscopic structures were able to be squeezed out of some of the blood vessels, and can be seen to “look like cells” as the researchers said. So once again there is scope for Dr Schweitzer to ask the same question, “How could these cells last for 65 million years?”


Oh man, 2009 started with a bang in my research.  I stumbled onto Quantavolution and Catastrophes by Alfred de Grazia.


The compelling book in it I'm reading now is
Solar Binaria
Origins and History of the Solar System.

Author hypothesizes that beginnings and quantavolution of life... that the solar system started out or for at least a million years was binary star system... and the last binary star system had SATURN as a fixed "sun" during the golden age... the time of the garden of eden... and when saturn demised as a "sun" the great flood reported all around the world... not just by the jewish account of Noah... the new planetary arrangement made life much harder... so it is today. 

So in Paleo times this translates to a different atmosphere, different magnetic surroundings, more sunlight, not just from the sun that rises from the east and falls at the west, but also from Saturn the stationary sun, and the whole arc of life giving plasma charge enveloping the earth, mercury and mars fantastically supported a lot of life and a lot of mutations.  Venus didn't exist then, venus is a very recent addition to the solar system.

Quantavolution may be set to take over the simple theory of evolution which runs at a snails pace... quantavolution is evolution galloping on millions of horse power.

To whet your appetite... check out this short video clip: When Saturn Ruled the world

I need to read and read and read.  I hope some of you will be interested in this too.  This affects our projections of what paleo times were, how humans may have evolved, how much healthier we can be if we knew exactly what the golden age provided us then.

Off Topic / Celebrating 1 year of raw paleo diet... thanks to all.
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:25:50 am »
I am celebrating my 1st year of a mostly raw paleolithic diet.  Thanks to all.  You know who you are.  Posting all the wonderful information for everyone to stumble upon.  Raw paleo diet is truly the best and delivered the best results consistently... no surprises.

This year I'm just tweaking my raw paleo diet to see how much better results can be achieved.  Thanks again and again.

I have heard that you get better and better on RPD as the years go on.  I'm looking forward to it.  Thanks to this community it will be a more colorful ride.

If you can’t bear to watch slaughtering an animal then you are not allowed to eat it. This is what I teach my children. This is a basic philosophy, provincial children see this all the time, my city raised children need the same education.  *** Remember that we are Filipinos living in the Philippines and that slaughtering animals in our own back yard is socially acceptable… if in your country and culture you find seeing a duck slaughtered offensive, do not view the rest of this article as there are 2 pictures.

I will show in pictures our cook and my mother in law’s cook slaughter an organic chicken.  Last Sunday we were out in Carmona Cavite and beside the highway they were selling native chickens.  Great opportunity!  My cook and I were just talking about how we wanted to be sure about the chickens we were eating were healthy so it would be best to buy live chickens so we can assess their state of health and slaughter the chickens ourselves so we can also be sure about the cleanliness of the method.

Hot Topics / New Evidence Linking (COOKED) Meat To Cancer
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:41:27 am »
See this news report

I am fuming angry at such unqualified statements regarding this idiotic study.
The writers should be reprimanded that the study refers to COOKED MEAT.
Also the study should qualify how much ratio of fat is in the diet.

Mike Adams needs to be converted to the truth about raw food.  That raw meat is needed.
Mike Adams needs to learn that eating cooked meat is as idiotic as Mike Adams eating cooked fruit and cooked vegetable ALL THE TIME 100%.

These blind vegans and blind vegetarians must be fed a 100% cooked fruit, cooked nut and cooked vegetable diet and see HOW TERRIBLE they would feel just the same.

I read Mike Adams myself but I matured to see the folly in VEGANISM... in shunning meat. 

We can write our displeasure at this article and you can also flood Mike Adams your displeasure in his contact Natural News page at

Off Topic / Osaka Street Food
« on: November 22, 2008, 09:40:20 pm »
Check out the street food in Osaka, Japan.
Seafood lovers, these Japanese.
Raw lovers too.
The Korean community eats intestines... though cooked.
The last part of the video shows Fugu... the poisonous blowfish...

General Discussion / Fruits and Meats are easiest to digest
« on: November 14, 2008, 05:16:18 pm »
One big benefit of the raw paleolithic diet is the consumption of the easiest to digest raw fruits and raw animal foods. These are the best foods for humans. Plants, aka vegetables are a far 3rd… eat in times of starvation… or as herbs… but not as food! Only the raw vegan educated will gladly eat awful tasting grass instead of a succulent tree ripened fruit or a freshly killed juicy raw steak.

I live in a tropical climate so our fruits are organic / wild and they are fantastic… fantastic in price too… compared to dirt cheap vegetables. Of course if budget is a problem, you can be miserable and eat raw veggies instead of expensive fruit.

What brought up this blog post is a conversation with Patrick Timpone at Patrick is the owner and radio broadcaster of One Radio Network. He is smoking hot on the trail of all the very best health experts he can find. Download his podcasts and burn it in your CD and listen in your car or upload it to your mp3 player and listen to his radio interviews in your spare time. Awesome. How the convergence of technologies allows a health truth seeker like Patrick to be able to interview all these gurus.

So Patrick has been doing raw vegan for some time and this time decided to add some raw animal foods to his diet. Of course there are adjustments in the execution of the raw paleolithic diet from a raw vegan mindset. Whereas in a raw vegan setting it may take a combination of plant foods to approximate the nutrition required by humans… raw meat itself is a complete super food that needs only to be eaten alone.

This is how our conversation went in the forum and I hope everyone benefits by reading this:

Patrick said in response to how to eat raw beef video:

    “cute children. Do you try to buy grass fed beef? Many say that is the very best. Do you agree? I’ve been mixing think slices of raw grass fed beef/buffalo from people I know at local Farmers Market…I mix all in to salad with olive oil, sea salt, ground up seaweed etc. and it tastes way yummy.

    I must say my first two weeks was the best and the past few days…not digesting as well. Not sure what that is about.


I reply:

    “Hi Patrick,

    I only buy grass fed beef.

    The reason you are not digesting well is you made the worst food combination which is a primary caution on eating raw paleo diet:

    - Never, never, never ever mix your greens (salads) with your fats (olive oil) and meats (beef)

    - The reason being greens need alkaline digestion. Meats and fats need acid digestion. They are complete opposites. Put those two together and your stomach can’t decide how to go about it.

    - This is why using extra virgin olive oil with salad greens is a false paradigm. This is why leafy greens are suggested to be juiced and the fiber thrown out. Just drink the green juice as is.

    - Fiber consumption for health is a myth. Barefoot and Aajonus also point this out. Even david wolfe prefers to juice his greens. Here is a link to this fiber myth expose:

    - The only natural fiber we humans should consume is that naturally found in fruit.

    - What makes people move their bowels are fruit and fat… not fiber.

    - A salad like fruit is cucumber. Cucumber is a fruit. It has seeds. You can dip cucumber in your raw mayonnaise or extra virgin olive oil and some raw honey and balsamic vinegar.

    The best raw food combination is NO raw food combination. Eat one food at a time.

    If you are ever going to eat another food after or before your fat or meat, make it a fruit.

    Another item you may want to remember is to not drink water within 30 minutes before or after a fat or meat meal because it dilutes your digestive juices.

    Disclaimer: Of course these are opinions that work for me and my family which I have verified with teachers.”

Patrick replies:


    Well, all that is very interesting indeed. I’ve eaten extra virgin olive oil on salads for years, and really never had excellent bowel health.

    Yes, I do fruits and fats together. Coconut butter etc. in smoothies with lecithin etc.

    Interesting indeed the idea of having the raw meat, cheese, kefir or eggs totally alone, nothing else.

    So my thinking was the enzymes from the greens will help digest the meat. It worked for about two weeks and then no go. Interesting.

    I’ll try the animal food alone and see what happens. Keep in touch and thanks for the ideas. As you say, the proof is in the pudding. It is also important, I think to try ideas from people who are getting the results that you want.
    Hey, you have a family and live in on a tropical’re doing something right

    I sent an email to the Fiber is a menace author and we’ll get him on the show.



I reply:

    “Hi Patrick,

    To experience skyrocketing digestion, stop eating plants… yes… stop eating vegetables… Barefoot Herbalist MH will tell you the same thing.

    Eat local raw ripe organic fruits in season and fatty raw animal foods

    Fruits digest in 30 minutes.

    Raw animal food in small quantities in just 1 hour. remember to eat raw fats.

    Wai Genriiu has a factual observation on:

    We Don’t Need to Eat Plants

    In Short :

    We are not pigeons.
    We are not cows.

    Therefore we don’t have a crop to digest cereals, nor 4 stomachs to gradually digest grasses or leaves. Cereals and vegetables contain many different substances inhibiting digestion and the uptake of nutrients in humans. To maximally absorb all required nutrients, you need to consume easy-digestible raw foods. And fruits and sashimi or fresh raw egg yolk (mixed with avocado) combined, contain all nutrients you need. There is not a single nutrient in vegetables or cereals, fruits do not contain. (see site3)

    To prevent your tummy to swell; don’t consume any beans, vegetables or grains. However, some vegetables you may find easy to digest, which allows you to eat these.

Wow, Patrick will contact Fiber Menace author for an interview. Go Patrick, go!

Originally posted at

Off Topic / Star Wars Fans!!!
« on: November 13, 2008, 08:22:52 pm »
I just got my hands on the new TV episodes of Star Wars Clone Wars... awesome!
I'm like a kid again!
Fantastic missions shades of Wing Commander and Free Space video games.
Story line is top notch.
Special effects top notch.
It's as if Lucas made full fledged short films and chopped them up in TV episodes.
First 6 episodes broadcasted already.
Waiting for episode 7.

Any Star Wars fans out there?

General Discussion / Trap hunting wild boar and deer
« on: October 19, 2008, 09:42:46 am »
I just came from visiting the Aeta mountain people in Kanawan, Morong Bataan and the spokesman taught us how wild boar and deer are hunted.

Of course they could use guns and arrows.  But by far the most reliable and easiest way to hunt them is by using traps.

Making a trap was very simple as he demonstrated it to us using small simple sticks.  You may have seen this kind of trap in the movie Apocalypto.  You just get a small flexible tree, and there are many, tie your noose on the ground and set the trap for the wild boar or deer to trip over. The tree snaps back up, the noose catches a leg of the boar and the boar is caught.

Since the Aetas are people of the forest, they know how the wild boars walk or think.  These days they set some 60 traps to be able to catch 1 wild boar. 

Wild boar hunting is seasonal.  Otherwise, they would die out in the area.  They have to let the babies grow up.

They say in the old days, during their grand parents' time, hunting was much easier and more reliable.  Maybe it is because there are more hunters now.

So if we are talking about the old paleo times, hunting / trapping may have been easy and a reliable source of food until the large yummy animals died out, probably eaten out of extinction by wildly increasing reproductive intelligent hunting / trapping humans.

I just came home from an Aeta mountain people settlement in Kanawan, Morong Bataan and they were preparing to demonstrate their wild honey collection techniques.  The native word for honey is "pulot". 

Since these people live in the mountains and the forests, they know the trees, the flowers, the seasons and the bees. 

First step is to locate the bee hive.

Second step is to clump together these 4 foot long sticks kind of wood and wrap some special kinds of leaves together.  Tie this underneath the bee hive and light the bottom.  The smoke from this special combination makes the bees dizzy, disoriented and drives them away.

Third step is to get the whole hive and collect the honey from inside.

There is really no danger from them getting stung by the bees.  The only danger there is if the hives are located in dangerous locations where you could possibly fall.

Wild honey collection is done December to May.  The rest of the year they say is the rainy season and they let the bees recover and regenerate.

By the way the Aetas describe the honey collection techniques it is very easy, must have been a staple thing to do for humans since the time humans became intelligent.  Honey must have been a raw paleolithic staple.

General Discussion / Raw Paleo Parenting Tips and Experiences
« on: September 16, 2008, 09:07:28 pm »
Please share your raw paleo parenting tips and experiences.

I have not been on RPD long enough, but it seems children eat what parents eat.  So if I eat often enough with the children, they get used to the idea that raw fruits and raw meats is the way to go.

They see I don't get sick, so i tell them it is because I eat raw.

My kids are just 7, 5 and 3.

My wife eats raw fruits, raw vegs, but eats only raw eggs and raw fish.  She can't eat raw land animals yet.  But lately, she hasn't been objecting to kids eating raw beef, raw chicken and raw squid.

We have nannies and Filipinos by default eat rice so my predicament is that when I have to go be away, my children by default are given rice by the help.  But I'm working real hard at be present at meal times more often.  My problem is when my kids go to school, the 7 and 5 year old pack lunches and it is usually rice and cooked meat.

I hope fellow parents can share their tips here.

My cousin and I finally pushed through with the plan of following the trail of where our beef comes from.  We looked at the unloading of the cows, the slaughtering of the cows, the cutting of the carcasses, the delivery of the carcasses to market, the cutting up of the meat in the market stalls and hanging them for sale.

I sacrificed 1 whole night of sleep to get this information.  Feel free to donate as I spent my own money investigating this for you. For those who don’t know my blog too well, I live in Manila Philippines.  So this is a report about beef in Manila.

I met my cousin at 12 midnight at the corner of EDSA and Congressional Avenue in front of Munoz market.  We drove to Novaliches, to the pig and cow slaughterhouse near his house.  He knew friends there and had been there before and has seen this done before.  My cousin is a truck driver and has had experience transporting live animals before.

We arrived around 12:15 am in the slaughter house and just walked right in posing as buyers.  We could see what was going on step by step.

   1. First the cows are unloaded from trucks.  The truck we observed had some 10 or more brahman type cows,  mostly male.  These ones were pretty tall, taller than men.  All led by the nose.  Pretty well behaved animals.  They were unloaded in a small temporary waiting area.
   2. One by one the cows are led to the killing spots.  At least 1 man holds the cow’s nose rope and the horns / head for the cow to stay steady.  Then, a man with a sharp dagger has the task of killing the cow by plunging the dagger on the known spot on the nape of the cow.  He plunges quickly several times until the animal collapses dead on the floor.  There are some 3 more men ready to support just in case the animal struggles.  This happens in 5 minutes.
   3. A man then slices the throat of the cow and and collects the blood to waiting containers.
   4. The head of the cow is sliced off and carted away.
   5. Several men start slicing away at the skin of the cow,  until only the back part is left on.  The men are careful the skin is all in 1 piece.  My guess is it is sold to be made into leather.  The hoofs and lower leg of the cows are sliced off and the cow carcass with the skin still on is hanged hydraulically for easy skin stripping until the skin falls on the ground in 1 piece.
   6. Next, the cow belly is opened up and the internal organs are slowly led down to fall on the floor and carted away.  Any fluids on the floor are immediately washed away.
   7. The whole cow carcass is cut in half, then one fourth.  Then the cow carcasses are manually loaded into the waiting trucks or tricycles.  The job of the slaughterhouse is done.

The slaughterhouse we visited was very clean.  The smell of the cow was very good.  It all smells like fresh raw beef in there.  Taste smell for raw animal food eaters like me.

Next my cousin and I take a short nap and at 3:30 am go to a meat seller in Novaliches that gets its meat from the same slaughterhouse.  I buy 1 kilo for a souvenir and my cousin and I taste a raw piece each.  Very good.

Then we move on to a big market, Farmers’ market in Cubao, Quezon City.  At 4 am, the trucks from some other slaughter houses have just unloaded the cow carcasses and the the butchers are very busy cutting away and classifying them according to the meat part you are going to buy.  The meat parts are hanged and arranged by 4:30 am.  You can arrive earlier and buy what you like even before that.  But mind you, the butchers are very busy at this time.

So the responsibility of clean handling also rests on the butchers in the market.  Know your butcher.  See if he handles meat properly, practices good hygiene.  Everything is open so you can see.  I bought my own sirloin souvenir at Farmers Market that day.  We also did some sea food marketing.  At 5am I was home.

I lost 1 good night of sleep, but the first hand information I gained knowing my family’s beef is cleanly handled was worth it.  The beef was never heated up, the beef was never frozen, the animals were humanely handled, sanitation was a natural common sense approach.  Now I know when the butcher at Farmers Market says his meat is FRESH and just died a few hours ago, it is true.


General Discussion / Raw Paleo Diet and pregnant. Anyone?
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:28:15 am »
It would be informative to hear from any of our beautiful RPDers who are pregnant, have been pregnant before and after.

Better if you had a point of comparison from previous pregnancies.

It must be an awesome experience to be on the original human diet and giving birth to new life.

Next time we will have rpd children from the beginning.

General Discussion / Post Price / Cost of Fruits in your locale and sources
« on: September 10, 2008, 12:10:16 pm »
For example:

Big Saba Bananas cost: 10 pesos for 3 pieces in Marikina Market

Durians: 120 pesos / kilo whole in Tiendesitas

Rambutan in season: 50 to 60 pesos / kilo in Marikina Market

Will make a separate thread for fruits and a separate thread for vegetables.

For example:

I live in Manila Philippines.

Raw fertilized organic eggs, native eggs: cost 10 pesos / egg from Jackie Dellota

Raw fertilized organic eggs, native eggs: cost 14 pesos / egg from OPTA

Freshly slaughtered a few hours, never frozen beef sirloin cost: 260 pesos / kilo from Farmers Market in Cubao, Quezon City

Health / Please help me gain weight on RPD
« on: September 09, 2008, 06:02:21 pm »

I've been on RPD for 9 months now and my weight gain seems to have stopped. 

I hover between 120 - 124 lbs.  I am 5' 5" short. 
In the BMI scale if I input 123 lbs I have 20.5 BMI which is in the normal range of 18.5-24.9 BMI.

My ethnicity is Filipino.

I feel I could add 5 to 10 more pounds.

How do you gain weight on RPD?  How much meat do you eat?  How much fat?  Do I add more carbs?  What kind of carbs?  How much exercise and what kinds of exercise and how often do you suggest?

I'm a web developer.  Sedentary type.

I'm open to all suggestions.  Keep them coming.

Thanks in advance,

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