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Messages - SkinnyDevil

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Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:34:42 am »
Tuesday (I missed posting a few):

50 pulls
50 chins
200 push-ups
200 sit-ups
200 squats
200 calf raises

Gotta run.......

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Push-up Challenge
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:26:25 am »
Do them every day....4 to 5 days per week.

Then do them in sets so your numbers increase (maybe 10 per set times 5 sets).

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: December 17, 2011, 12:43:26 am »
Oh, yeah! FDA is definitely among those I'd abolish!

Obama is completely beatable. In fact, given the state of the economy, republicans are gonna have to try REAL hard to lose this one. Obama supporters are largely disillusioned by the sort of "change" that came their way. He has effectively lost the youth vote.

Paul has strong grassroots support and strong moderate support and threatens to mobilize those who won't go out for Obama this time around. Romney is a "safe" candidate who is easily capable of removing Obama.

Obama is done. Republicans, then, need to focus less on "beat Obama" (their current fear-driven model) and focus more on "who is best for the country".

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 17, 2011, 12:01:13 am »

TG warm-up
weight work
220 push-ups
220 squats

Push-ups & squats as pyramid sets (5 thru 15 thru 5).

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: December 15, 2011, 10:08:12 pm »
Nobody would like me as president.

Several things I'd do....but it makes folks on the left & the right (and everywhere else) squirm.

The left says its a revenue problem (meaning raise taxes), the right says it's a spending problem (meaning cut programs), but the reality is that we have a WASTE problem that sits atop another, deeper problem (the role of gov).

Day one of my presidency would look like this: Slash corporate tax to a flat 10% and abolish the federal personal income tax.

Slash federal budget by 43% (the amount we borrow on every dollar spent) WITHOUT cutting services...meaning we need gov to be efficient. Then we need to cut it again (again, without cutting services) to account for "printing" & debt.

Bring troops home from overseas. Immediately embrace a non-interventionist foreign policy.

Immediate stay of executions. Immediately cease prosecuting  state/local-level drug crimes by federal-level authorities. Immediate pardons & release of all non-violent drug offenders from prison. End the War on Drugs.

Make moves to stabilize the currency (round table discussions of different commodity-based, silver, mixed, time, etc), audit the Federal Reserve, and 1st steps to abolish the Fed. Begin removal of all federally-supported monopolies.

End ALL corporate welfare.

Abolish FEMA, Depts of Homeland Security, Education, Energy, ICC, and more. Withdraw from NATO, UN,  NAFTA, WTO, & other alliances, nullify all laws infringing the basic Bill of Rights (from censorship to gun rights to the Patriot Act), lift all sanctions & embargos (Cuba, etc) & re-evaluate, de-federalize airports/airport security,

Begin transferring stolen powers to the individuals & the states...along with the responsibilities!

Legalize dueling & personal combat as a method of settling disputes (hahaha!).

After lunch,  we need to look at what federal-level services can be better handled by the states, localities, individuals, and/or private sector. We need to maintain regulations that protect, and get rid of regs that hinder. We definitely need to get rid of regs that maintain artificial scarcity and/or monopolies (this is the root of why health-care, for example, is so expensive).

I'd probably need a nap after that.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:25:51 am »
Tuesday evening:

200 push-ups


75 pulls
75 chins
200 squats
300 calf raises

Woulda liked a longer workout today, but too much going on.....

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 14, 2011, 12:21:16 am »
Thanx for the kind words, freezerburn.


5 sets Total Gym
200 push-ups
200 sit-ups
200 squats
200 calf raises

If I can sneak it in, I'll do another coupla hundred push-ups this evening.....

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 12, 2011, 10:26:48 pm »
alas, its gotten kind of disheartening that no one else posts here other than SD and I and the occasional one or two others.

Well, we got 80 pages...even if only half of that was decent involvement.

This may be my final week (or month) of posting my workouts.


30 pulls
30 chins
50 squats
200 calf raises
200 push-ups


TG warm-up
weight work
(total body)
50 pulls
50 chins
100 squats
300 calf raises
3 rounds heavy bag

Off Topic / Re: Libertarian-esque GARY JOHNSON in 2012?
« on: December 10, 2011, 03:03:06 am »
Let's see how good your predictions are in about 4 weeks.  Correction - Iowa holds a caucus not a primary. are correct!

A caucus differs from a primary in process.

In that case, Paul might actually win Iowa, or be a VERY close (rather than sub-20%) 2nd.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 09, 2011, 12:34:00 am »

5 sets Total Gym
100 push-ups
200 sit-ups
200 squats
300 calf raises

Off to the studio......

Off Topic / Re: Libertarian-esque GARY JOHNSON in 2012?
« on: December 08, 2011, 12:29:03 am »
YS said
Paul has no chance to beat anybody because he does not have the finances to spread his message on national TV.

Not accurate.

2012 cycle top 5:

1) Barack Obama - $90 million
2) Mitt Romney - $33 million
3) Rick Perry - $18 million
4) Ron Paul - $13 million
5) Michelle Bachmann - $8 million

Here's a prediction for Iowa (first primary): Romney wins with Ron Paul in 2nd. Gingrich will implode due to his record and his personal baggage.

Most young people and hispanic/black who usually do not vote voted for Obama because there was hope-change frenzy created by Obama campaign.

That is why he will lose if the nominee is an inspiring individual like Ron Paul.

PaleoPhil said:
... focus on the most important thing--the potentially catastrophic debt

This is without doubt the PRIMARY issue. Anyone who doubts it can take a look not only at Greece, et al, but at Paul's predictions about the housing crisis, the bailouts, the world financial crisis.

I dislike Romney, but I'm not sure whether he or Newt is worse. Let's hope we don't have to find out.

Tyler said:
sometimes a politician needs to lie to the people just in order to get elected

Then he doesn't deserve to be elected.

Those voting need to know what a man stands for, and a man has, ultimately, only his words and deeds. All the money in the world won't buy you the respect of your family, your peers, or an endorsement of history.

We need to aspire to greatness. A politician who lies to get elected is not a man of greatness and deserves nothing but our scorn and ridicule. A man who votes for a liar is letting go of aspirations for greatness for himself and his country/community.

It is a path that lacks all honor.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 08, 2011, 12:13:05 am »
Tuesday evening:

400 push-ups

Total of 700 push-ups for Tuesday.


TG warm-up
50 pulls
50 chins
400 calf raises
3 rounds heavy bag

Off Topic / Re: Libertarian-esque GARY JOHNSON in 2012?
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:59:05 pm »
...Sadly, I suspect that the economically clueless Obama ...may end up winning unless the economy takes a dramatic turn for the worse....

He might, but I see him as a one-term guy. The economy is wrecked and, unless it improves dramatically, I don't see how he can win. He no longer inspires people to action (other than writing big checks), so I think he's done....

...unless Newt takes the nomination. Just not an inspiring guy, either.

If Ron Paul places 1 or 2 in Iowa (and is ahead of Newt), I think Newt will fall and the real fight will be between Paul & Romney.

That said, it looks as if Bachman &/or Perry may re-surge. Hoping I'm wrong on that and that is someone else is to surge (other than Paul) perhaps those who say Huntsman is about to surge are correct.

I think Paul or Romney or Huntsman could beat Obama. Hoping it's Ron Paul who gets the shot.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:49:46 pm »
too hung on politics to answer my query?  >D

Hahaha!!! Sorry - forgot. Yeah, the politics tend to distract me.

Pull-ups? Depends on the day. I have cut to doing sets of no less than 5 and no more than 10. I had been doing 10-15+ per set, but it strains my shoulders, so I cut down to "safe" numbers and just do more sets.


TG warm-up
weight work
400 push-ups

   calf raises
   TG bicep/tricep combo


Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 06, 2011, 12:09:22 am »

Hadda cut the weight work due to lack of time...

75 pull-ups
75 chin-ups
300 squats
600 calf raises
3 rounds heavy bag

Outta here........

Off Topic / Re: US Republican Primary
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:25:24 pm »
they are all clowns

I disagree.

Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, & Ron Paul all have effective ideas for how to jump-start the economy, get gov out of your personal business, save trillions in gov spending (meaning lower personal taxes AND increased services where needed), lowering health-care costs dramatically, and the like.

All 3 would march out of Iraq & Afghanistan, and would bring most troops abroad home, decreasing costs and increasing national security & defense.

All 3 would end the war on drugs.

In areas where Obama made social issue promises (and failed miserably) Huntsman, Johnson, & Paul would all succeed immediately. Obama also failed to end US militarism and has actually expanded it beyond Bush's scope. Obama promised transparency and has made gov even more closed. Obama promised to close Gitmo and has not. Obama promised to end corporatism and has expanded it.

Huntsman, Johnson, & Paul are not only running, but have long track records demonstrating they don't say one thing and do another.

Ron Paul is the only one among them at this point who is in "striking distance".

Ron Paul is the best candidate in the field with the longest track record for pro-liberty positions. He is the only one who can face Obama with plans in place to balance (& decrease) the budget, pay down the national debt, fix the economy, get the US military out of other countries, expand friendly relations worldwide, get gov out of your personal life, and restore liberties that are being lost.

I hardly see that as a "clown".

Off Topic / Re: Libertarian-esque GARY JOHNSON in 2012?
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:12:31 pm »
Would you care to comment on the plusses and minuses of Gary vs. Ron?

Thank you for the kind words, Phil.

Johnson v Paul?

I don't find either to be the perfect candidate, but at the time of writing I preferred Johnson. As of this moment, I prefer Paul. That is based soley on one stance Gary took recently regarding taxation. Namely, he endorses Fair Tax (a system that does away with income tax and replaces it with a 23% national sales tax).

Stupid plan that has, for some odd reason, gained a lot of traction. Possibly worse than Cain's 9-9-9 (though it would depend on real-time rates of inflation, cost of living, etc).

By contrast, Paul wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it with nothing.

Johnson ultimately wants that, too...and both want to lower or eliminate the corporate tax (which both rightly point out is a double tax [at least when there is also a personal income tax]).

A big reason for my original stance was because I like Johnson's ideas on immigration better, and he's served in the executive branch for 8 years (Paul has served longer, but only in the legislative branch). I also thought that Johnson would make a better inspirational figure because of his back story. Both come from not-rich homes, both built successful businesses in the private sector, both have little personal baggage, and both are in excellent physical condition  (something I think a role model & inspirational figure should value). But while Paul hits the gym 5 days a week, Johnson is a triathlete and has scaled Mt Everest (he did so with a broken leg).

Doesn't get much more inspirational than that.

My position NOW is that Paul is a charismatic figure who has inspired a large movement, forced issues on the table that are now becoming mainstream (audit &/or abolish the Fed, end costly wars overseas, end the war on drugs, etc), and that his fiscal policies need to be implemented NOW. If not, we may be looking at a financial collapse of epic proportions. If that happens, any disagreements I have with him over immigration and the like (or disagreements others have with him over foreign policy or health care) won't matter.

No one wants to hop the border to a country with no jobs, and no terrorist will waste time, effort, & money attacking a nation that has collapsed, and no one will worry about health-care (free or otherwise) when they aren't even sure how they will house & feed their families.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 03, 2011, 10:28:38 pm »
Missed Friday (studio all day)...


3 sets Total Gym
30 pull-ups
30 chin-ups
100 squats
300 calf raises

Gotta run......

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: December 02, 2011, 12:04:14 am »

TG warm-up
weight work
(total body)

Spent about 30 minutes on weights today.

Gotta get back on some tabata & such tomorrow.....

Off Topic / US Republican Primary
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:05:21 pm »
For those who care about politics in the US......

You might also comment on if you want Obama to win re-election, any 3rd party you may be considering, who you'd like to see as prez (and VP), and the like.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: November 30, 2011, 11:50:01 pm »
Tuesday evening I managed 400 more push-ups...for a total of 1000 push-ups on Tuesday and 4700 for November!

Wednesday...taking it easy:

30 pulls
30 chins
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
200 calf raises
3 rounds heavy bag

Push-up total for November challenge: 4800 push-ups

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: November 30, 2011, 01:05:04 am »
Monday evening:

50 pull-ups
50 chin-ups
100 push-ups


3 sets Total Gym
600 push-ups
200 calf raises
200 sit-ups
300 squats

Hoping to squeeze in 400 more push-ups today for a one-day total of 1000.

4300 push-ups so far this month with one day to go.....

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: November 28, 2011, 11:36:46 pm »

Weight work (total body)
50 pulls
50 chins
240 push-ups
200 sit-ups
1000 calf raises
1 round heavy bag
(hey - 45 degrees and raining!)

That puts me at 3600 push-ups for the month.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: November 26, 2011, 03:16:32 am »
After a Thanksgiving of eating salad, raw cranberry sauce (I make it with raw cranberries & whipped fresh pineapple), and smoked turkey.....


TG warm-up
weight work
(total body)
200 push-ups
200 sit-ups
400 calf raises
5 rounds heavy bag


60 pulls
60 chins
100 squats
100 calf raises

3360 push-ups for the month....

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: November 24, 2011, 10:53:46 am »
ah well, looks like you missed your target again. :)


Jason Momoa adopted a workout which targeted less exercises but aimed to do more sets of reps with very little rest between sets and exercises, so that he would build muscle but stay agile and quick at the same time. If done correctly the Jason Momoa workout will last for approximately 30 minutes in which time you will have completed 330 repetitions of three different exercises.


I didn;t get an actual work-out today, but managed to knock down

100 pulls
100 chins
100 push-ups

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