Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: rawcasting on April 13, 2011, 07:41:06 am

Post by: rawcasting on April 13, 2011, 07:41:06 am
 Hello Fellow Meat Lovers! I've got an INCREDIBLE opportunity for all of you.

Do you love eating raw meat like me? I can eat everything from raw fish to raw ground beef. A lot of people around me find it strange and sometimes even disgusting that I like to eat meat this way. I've tried to order raw at restaurants and oftentimes I get rejected when asking for my meat the way that I like it. I am trying to do more research about people who LOVE eating raw meat. If you or someone you know eats mostly raw and are tired of being misunderstood we want to talk to you. We're looking to explore this topic more in-depth for a documentary-style TV show. Compensation involved if selected.

Reply here or to my friend in casting - or call 818-728-7695 ASAP if interested.


Post by: rawcasting on April 13, 2011, 08:29:58 am
Thank you for all your interest and submissions! Keep them coming. We'll be holding interviews ASAP.
Post by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 09:48:38 pm
Thank you for all your interest and submissions! Keep them coming. We'll be holding interviews ASAP.
Keep us posted on what happens.
Post by: TylerDurden on April 13, 2011, 10:34:09 pm
What is the title going to be of this documentary and where is it likely to be shown? Just curious. My own experiment with an interview for a newspaper wasn't that bad, but I was lied to re the intent of the article.
Post by: raw-al on April 13, 2011, 10:38:48 pm
One of the difficulties of this situation is that if the author decides to say something no matter how ridiculous, it will be quoted from here to eternity as the truth.

Documentarians will inevitably add the lawyer inspired statements that it is potentially dangerous for your health, which of course makes it sound like it really is.
Post by: CHK91 on April 14, 2011, 12:15:15 am
Do you love eating raw meat like me? I can eat everything from raw fish to raw ground beef. A lot of people around me find it strange and sometimes even disgusting that I like to eat meat this way. I've tried to order raw at restaurants and oftentimes I get rejected when asking for my meat the way that I like it.

( (

Post by: lex_rooker on April 14, 2011, 05:37:54 am
I talked to James and declined to participate in their program.  As it was explained to me, it is a TV show about animals on one of the Discovery Channels.  Someone thought it would be interesting to have people who eat raw meat (eat raw animals to be exact) be a focus of one of their shows.  They want to create controversy so they want the raw meat eater as well as someone in their life that hates that they eat raw meat to both be on the show.  They then have a therapist there to mediate the discussion.  Sort of a "Raw Paleo meets Dr Phil"  (or is it Jerry Springer?) program.  They insist that this is a very high quality program on a major network, but there seems to be no point to the program except to leverage personal controversy between family, friends, or coworkers on the subject of eating raw meat.  The potential for taking statements out of context and doing damage to Raw Paleo as a whole as well as the individuals is enormous.  I have no interest in participating in anything like this.

If the show was to be a positive statement about the raw paleo movement with a script that could be reviewed and edited based on the input of those of us who follow this lifestyle, I'd welcome the opportunity.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Post by: sabertooth on April 14, 2011, 07:35:29 am
I have responded to one of their mails and they wish me to call them up, What do I do ???

I am just some hick from the sticks and don't really want to be involved in some type of drama show, but what if I could prove this diet to be healthy.

Even if there needs to be drama in the show just to fit the basic cable TV format, wouldn't it be possible for someone with the right flare to let the truth be known to a few million couch potatoes across TV land.

What is there to lose, even if people watching don't buy the Idea that raw meat is healthy then so what More grass fed meat for us, and if there is some one out there who has tried everything to heal from sickness and that show reaches them and gives them encouragement to try it out for them selves , then I think it would be worth it. Even if I have to  do a segment with a DR Phil type personality who rejects everything about the Diet.

The Ripley episode of AV impressed me enough to start eating high meat.

Plus  my Granny and I use to watch the Discovery Channel all the time when I was younger, I think it sparked my interest in science, and she would love to see me on TV.
Post by: riy freeman on April 14, 2011, 07:47:33 am
I guess the danger with this type of thing is to have yourself be made into an non-self-intended spectacle.
Post by: sabertooth on April 14, 2011, 07:55:18 am
My father is getting divorced and may have some free time, if I could convince him to play the skeptical and distraught father part then we may be in business( We May have to be compensated for our time , seeing that I live from week to week and could not afford to take off of work$$$$ ;)) .

My Dad is an extremely level headed type that would fit the the paradigm. I could tell about the time he visited and I was eating raw clams and he just thought for sure it would make me sick. It would be fun and a chance to spend some quality time with my Dad while he tries to separate himself from his Ex wife.

I still doubt they would let some of my more profound statements about the health benefits of this diet off the editing room floor.

I am a normally reserved introspective individual, and the thought of making a spectacle of myself seems intimidating, but what if you have already suffered a lifetime of torment, and have been freed from bondage to the health problems like I have, then it would be honorable to risk making oneself into a fool just to be able to get the word out. There are still people with the right kind of eyes and ears to make a proper judgment.

Post by: TylerDurden on April 14, 2011, 08:40:56 am
Maybe, Sabertooth, but, remember, my own experience with the Times newspaper was not ideal. They twisted what I said, and even told deliberate untruths at times, and that just resulted from a phone interview for a newspaper article. What I mean is that they could somehow selectively edit the program in such a way so as to make it seem that your wife hated your guts because of your diet or make you seem like a wife-beating alcoholic forcing your diet on your little children, thus straining your marriage through such lies.

There was that Wifeswap episode where a Primal-Diet-eating family switched wives with a junk-food-eating family. The TV people went out of their way to create controversy. When the black husband of the junk-food-eating family was offered raw chicken, the programme-makers insisted that he was told exactly how the chicken was killed so that he felt forced to avoid eating it. The raw-eating wife in question told me, later, that the black husband did actually like the raw dairy component of the Primal Diet, despite the programme's distortions.
Post by: raw-al on April 14, 2011, 08:53:18 am
I guess the danger with this type of thing is to have yourself be made into an non-self-intended spectacle.
Post by: raw-al on April 14, 2011, 09:12:58 am
Typically I am a bit of a "just do it" type of guy, but I know as TD has suggested how things can be twisted by people with agendas and as Lex said sounds like they have an agenda. Best let them play with themselves. Sounds like they are veges of the virulent kind. You will not convince them or their public as they see their little tabby or spot being eaten by you.

I worked with a guy who was interviewed by a newspaper known to be full of **sholes (Toronto Globe and Mail) The guy was a very busy man, yet he was generous enough to give up a couple of hours for an interview. The jerk that interviewed him only reported some made up trash about how his wife didn't like the town they lived in.

The interviewer came to town with his story already made up. All he needed was to squeeze a bit and in a momentary lapse of attention, he made the push.

The interview was supposedly about the huge company that he worked for which was considering embarking on the largest engineering project in North America.
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 14, 2011, 11:14:09 am
What I mean is that they could somehow selectively edit the program in such a way so as to make it seem that your wife hated your guts because of your diet or make you seem like a wife-beating alcoholic forcing your diet on your little children, thus straining your marriage through such lies.
Precisely. That is how these sorts of shows make money. Since the vast majority of people are not interested in eating lots of raw meat, regardless of any health claims, there's no money in promoting raw meat. The only way to make some dough off it is to sensationalize the story, using editing to create the perception of conflict, emotion, insanity, etc. The raw meat eater will likely be portrayed as mentally disturbed, with an unhealthy obsession with eating his meat raw that his family, friends and co-workers are disgusted by and have tried to talk him out of, to no avail. They will probably try to show the negative consequences of the practice--marital stress, loss of friendships or love interests, problems at work, financial distress, mental distress, advice from a psychiatrist talking about how the raw meat eater is "orthorexic" or some such thing, and so on. The one saving grace is that the show probably won't generate a huge audience, as the raw meat thing has been done already (a raw-meat-eating family that was portrayed as lunatics on the Wifeswap show that Tyler mentioned and Aajonus was portrayed as a lunatic on an annoying doctor show).

So if you want to be portrayed to the whole world as a lunatic, then sign up. I wouldn't advise that for anyone who has something to lose and little to gain. This sort of thing would be OK for someone like Aajonus, because he has something to gain (it might generate more business for him) and nothing to lose (he's already seen as a lunatic by the media and those of the masses that have encountered his story).
Post by: sabertooth on April 14, 2011, 02:26:22 pm
they could somehow selectively edit the program in such a way so as to make it seem that your wife hated your guts because of your diet or make you seem like a wife-beating alcoholic forcing your diet on your little children, thus straining your marriage through such lies.

I know the name of the game, but perhaps I can keep my cool and speak primarily about the health benefits of the diet and insist that a Diet of primarily Raw Animals foods is the best treatment available for a number of diseases such as diabetics, auto immune issues, food intolerance, obesity, etc . The side show that is my personal life should not become the main issue.

Just because I may seem oppressive to my wife and believe in providing my children with the best nutrition available, shouldn't keep me from speaking out.

This is just how things are done where I come from, women are kept at home barefoot and pregnant and the children are fed wholesome foods you can kiss my Ass if you don't like it. (Are we Mice or or are we Cavemen?)

My wife is in love with me, and my children are well taken care of, but you guys are right, there is the possibility of a DR Phil type of master manipulator could use the basic techniques to make me look like a terrible person or some type of fool. I could be an easy target , I wear my eccentricities on my sleeves, and have never developed the art of deception required to hide my human nature.

Post by: TylerDurden on April 14, 2011, 02:34:37 pm
Followers of unusual diets aren't always that badly treated in the media. Barry Groves got a nice little interview about his diet in the Daily Telegraph. And that Russian guy who was interviewed on TV, the one who posted here, seemed not to be badly treated, as I recall.
Post by: sabertooth on April 14, 2011, 07:25:58 pm
Times they are a changing( as my Granny would say) and there could be the potential of a raw paleo bonanza just round the bend.

Do you realize how many compliantly ignorant dietary practices get positive media coverage. Those low fat high fiber diet crazes have been out there for years and the people who follow those recommendations are often worse off than the traditional meat and potatoes traditional home cooking diets, and yet they are never recalled by the media on being ineffective even after the evidence becomes clear that the whole thing is a sham.

People have made millions of dollars marketing in diets that are simply frauds. Maybe its time for the truth to be told, and perhaps Me or someone else out there could become a media darling that brings the real deal to the fore-front. 

Post by: Brother on April 14, 2011, 07:34:24 pm
Discovery Channels....high quality program on a major network

The Discovery Channel who air programs from crackpots like Von Danicken and who finds 'Noah's ark' every once in a while? The one whose major draw is about grobrians who build hotrods/motorcycles/whatever that throw shit at each other and shout angry barely comprehensible insults at any passers by. That Discovery?

The whole set up as Lex interprets it, sounds like exactly the kind of runny stool that Discovery has turned into. It's great entertainment, but they are not in the reality or truth telling business. Fact!
Post by: Neone on April 14, 2011, 10:22:23 pm
Sabretooth, are you joking when you say all that stuff about your wife? Keeping her pregnant so that she doesnt have the choice to leave you for a man with more testosterone..? what the fucks?
Post by: raw-al on April 14, 2011, 11:14:34 pm
the kind of runny stool
LOL I gotta remember that insult!
Post by: lex_rooker on April 15, 2011, 12:39:17 am
I know the name of the game, but perhaps I can keep my cool and speak primarily about the health benefits of the diet and insist that a Diet of primarily Raw Animals foods is the best treatment available for a number of diseases such as diabetics, auto immune issues, food intolerance, obesity, etc . The side show that is my personal life should not become the main issue. 

Unfortunately these folks have ZERO interest in Raw Paleo, health benefits, or anything else positive.  The show they want to produce is focused only on raw meat eaters because it is outside "normal" social behavior.  They insist that you must bring someone who is upset with your eating raw meat in an effort to create an argument.  You will also be screened and if there is no high emotional conflict in your interactions then you won't make it on the show.

In short, you won't have a chance to speak in a cool calm way about the primary health benefits of a raw paleo lifestyle because this is not what the show is about.  It is about social deviants who eat raw meat and how they upset "normal" people in society.

I only live 10 miles away from where James and his casting crew are located.  I offered to meet with them to discuss (rationally) what I do and why I do it.  I also told them I would not bring anyone with me who disagreed with what I was doing as for me it was all about restoring my health and I go out of my way to avoid social conflicts while still being true to the lifestyle I've chosen.  They declined meeting with me and bluntly told me that I was not the type of person they wanted for this project.   

Post by: PaleoPhil on April 15, 2011, 06:55:41 am
Well said, Lex.

Lex said that it's an animal show. If it is then that means the viewers probably consider themselves animal lovers. So they are not likely to portray sympathetically someone who eats lots of animals. BTW, the thing that makes viewers most upset re: raw meat appears to be when the children are fed raw meat by the parents, especially high meat. Viewers of that raw meat wife swap show called authorities to report the parents.

"I wear my eccentricities on my sleeves"

Yup, that's likely the sort of thing they want to exploit all right. You're like a lamb ready for the slaughter.

"This is just how things are done where I come from, women are kept at home barefoot and pregnant and the children are fed wholesome foods you can kiss my Ass if you don't like it. (Are we Mice or or are we Cavemen?)"

Holy cow, they'd love you. LOL You'd fit right into the stereotype of raw meat eaters having "Neanderthal" social views. It would unfortunately reinforce the stereotype and turn more people against all of us. Radical feminists would be more likely to shoot your ass than kiss it if you spewed that stuff on TV. LOL First you F with the police, now you want to go on a TV show where they'll ridicule you and it sounds like you might antagonize the feminists while you're at it. I hope you aren't trying to martyr yourself or something. Lex's input on this looks wise to me. Never trust the people who do TV shows. They're in it to make money from controversy and sensationalism, not make you or raw meat eating look good.

"there could be the potential of a raw paleo bonanza just round the bend"

The idea of compensation and possibly parlaying TV coverage into some further financial gain probably sounds attractive, but do you have an employer? If so, what would they think about a show that portrayed you as a raw meat wacko? Did that raw meat family on the Wifeswap show make a killing from their appearance? I doubt it. Even Mark Sisson, who seems like a marketing genius, says that the money is not great and he's selling a flexible version of conventional Paleo that has a much larger potential market than strict raw Paleo.

This show is at least a good experiment in thinking about who would be the ideal representative of raw Paleo from our perspective, as someone is eventually going to volunteer for one of these things. Here's what I can think of:

1. looks good (well-muscled man or slim, attractive woman)
2. seems mentally balanced, calm
3. seems happy, smiles a fair amount (but not too much) the smile is attractive
4. happy, healthy and supportive family or single; social life not negatively affected by WOE 5. untouchable: most of the above apply and is financially independent; job or business will not be negatively effected by negative media coverage

Sensational media would probably like someone more like this...

1. looks strange and/or unhealthy
2. seems mentally unbalanced, obsessed, depressed, ...
3. family, friends, co-workers, boss unhappy about the WOE

One problem for us is, the sort of folks who would be most likely to volunteer to go on TV about eating raw meat are more likely to have that second set of traits and be oblivious to how negatively they will be portrayed and seen. Like that family in the wifeswap show who did come across as mentally unbalanced and were naively surprised that they were portrayed that way.

BTW, Lex, almost no one gets editing control. I heard an interview of a guy who got it for a movie he was asked to take an acting part for and I think the editing control was called "final cut." When he asked the director for it, the director went berserk even though they had struck up a friendship at a dinner party. The director only gave it to the guy because he thought he would be a great actor and they had hit it off. Heck, even Gary Taubes didn't get a say in the editing on the Dr. Oz show and they did the editing in such a way as to make Oz look good and Gary look a little bad.
Post by: sabertooth on April 15, 2011, 07:40:56 am
This is his wife, my name is Sarah. He'll probably edit/delete this post but I just wanted to say, I am COMPLETELY against him doing this crap but I can't stop him. I try to talk to him rationally but all he sees is this grand "opportunity".  :'(

My views mirror that of PaleoPhil's.

- Sarah
Post by: sabertooth on April 15, 2011, 08:05:07 am
Like a lamb to the slaughter you say, but perhaps I am a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Sabretooth, are you joking when you say all that stuff about your wife? Keeping her pregnant so that she doesnt have the choice to leave you for a man with more testosterone..? what the fucks?
Most of what I said about being an oppressor of women was just me putting my foot in my Mouth btw, I love women and have a genuine reverence and devotion to my wife. I swear I am not a complete ahole , I just have a weird way of expressing the dualities of the human condition.

I just got finished with talking to James and he took my information and told me he would get with the higher ups and call me back to talk about possibilities. Yes it could be a set up, so what, I may just be the Lunatic they are looking for. They want to do an interview over the computer this Monday with an executive for further screening.

Its not the Ideal role that being sold here. I will agree whole halfheartedly that it may not be wise to subject myself to the ridicule, but think on the bright side all you skeptics, it could be an a chance to whore myself out for some extra money and perhaps even get in touch with people who would finance my Book Deal. There is no perfect person out there that would look flawless at every angle, we all fall short of perfection, but that didn't stop Don Quixote from dreaming the impossible dream.

Perhaps someone could sell an Idea for a better show on the heals of the interest steered up by the first show.

Imagine, having a round table discussion over a wild boar , we all could feast and then afterward hold an open discussion about the wonders of the Paleo diet, and the moderator can guide the discussion in order to present a truly fair and balanced perspective. The show can be a success it only take the people with the money and connections to make it happen.

Is there anyone who is optimistic about there being a chance that this show could be a good thing? Please help me I need some help convincing my wife that everything will be alright.
Post by: Neone on April 15, 2011, 09:22:40 am
Sabertooth, If just on the forums here you could be seen as white trash, in trouble with the cops with a bunch of barefoot kids, cant keep a job, browbeats his wife etc...

nobody cares about your book, or your ideas for shows.

you will be made a fool of, and its not just going to affect your life, its going to affect the lives of your family members too.

even if you change the world.. the world is how it is right now, and right now its going to frown on you for feeding your kids raw meat and its not fair that your family is going to have to deal with that.

You're not getting a book deal.

I think it says it all when you're obviously refusing to listen to your WIFE. You truly do not treat her as an equal.

I think you're thinking that 'any publicity is good publicity'.. but that's not true when you're a nobody.
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 15, 2011, 09:33:07 am
Sorry Sarah, I tried. Heaven help him and you. I'll PM you Sabertooth.
Post by: sabertooth on April 15, 2011, 09:55:46 am
Ok now I think you are being a bit harsh , personal insults are not welcome here

But since you started it , I will call you out on being a eugenicist TOOL. I know what you represent and will debate you openly on any particular issue you may have, but I ask you to please not stoop to childish name calling.

I have been called white trash since I was a child and I will die white trash. My wife and I detest many of the views you have posted here,Neone,but I am respectful your rights to crap on my way of life as you see fit.

By the honor of my ancestors who lived and died on this lonely planet without a soul to remember them I rebuke anyone with such uncompassionate thinking as the pp.

I have a story to tell and always joked about sending it to Nobody Cares Publications. And if the world make a fool of me so what, I say I would rather be fool than a coward who is to yellow bellied to face himself in the eyes of others.

The universe is hostile and eventually swallows us all whole.

Vicariously, live I while the whole world dies.
Post by: Neone on April 15, 2011, 10:06:34 am
no sabertooth. I am probably more poor, and more of a bum than you are. I am not judging you. I am telling you how the world see's you, and how the world will react to somebody of your social status, or whatever you want to call it.  It sucks, its not fair, but its reality.

WHY would somebody want to listen to you? 
My mom watches that stuff.. WHY would she want to listen to what you have to say, and take you serious? what have you done that would make a stranger respect the words that you have to say?

Its fun to imagine and fantasize, but when you're making decisions like this you have to make them from a mind that's grounded in reality.

You dont think its strange that after three pages.. YOU are the only person who thinks that this is a good idea?
Post by: sabertooth on April 15, 2011, 01:02:06 pm
Believe me when I say I wasnt put here on this planet to live in bondage to other peoples good Ideas.
Dare to be stupid. That being said, I don't think its a good Idea and I am still very conflicted myself on what to do.

The world does not see me for what I am, for the world has no eyes to give vision, I wish more people would Quit trying to think for the world and begin to think for themselves.

At least my mother , grandmother and favorite Aunt all think I should do it so , and come hell or high water I know they will help me no matter what.

Its sad that no one seems to get what I am attempting to express at heart. Perhaps once you hear my voice you may be able to know me better. My views don't have to be believed for me to feel free to speak out. There are some really controversial things I say that I know not everyone will agree with and I don't expect to reach everybody.

There was this Idea I got from a book by Aldous Huxley called Jacobs hand. In it Jacob is a simple farm boy with a gift to heal the sick, but only those who truly wanted to heal could receive his gift, many in this world are sick and claim they wish to get well, while at the same time they cling to their sickness. Those people can never be helped and it so disappointed Jacob that he quit healing people and retired to the farm where he was more comfortable in the company of his animals, than with people. Hopefully I will one day give up trying to save the human race and retire to my homestead and leave the world of man to rot

The lexicon has been dumbed down and it seems we are being programed to fall in line with societal norms. I cant talk anywhere freely about these Ideas in public without being misunderstood and pigeonholed, by the silent conspiracy of silence into some stereotype.

Where are the folk heroes of today, would Johnny Appleseed be aloud to live as he had done in this day in age. I grew up around the stomping grounds of frontiersmen such as Dannel Boone, and Larry flint. Sadly no one seems to admire true grit anymore, we have become distracted by the fantasy of the idiot box and no longer teach our children to revere noble people within the community.

I am sorry for rambling so much I am just a bit uneasy, there are so many other more important things going wrong in my life , along with the documentary Drama, I am also flat busted poor, I need to move into a better place, I need insurance and tags, I have to remember to pay the electric bill, good quality meat is becoming hard to find.

Can you really blame me for wanting to get a paid vacation to do a documentary and perhaps be able to stand up for my way of life and encourage others to do the same?
Post by: KD on April 15, 2011, 01:13:31 pm
If the world doesn't see it..whoever is casting the show and reading this is probably learning some interesting things.


Particularly with the family stuff it sounds to have more potential risks than benefits. Also, wasn't this topic deleted/banned first time around? Anyway... Sounds neigh good but i'll try to hold some optimism if it goes through. I don't think there is much of chance of much positive information coming out, but I guess if you come across as 'well' the contradictions of information could I guess speak for themselves. It could be at the very least 'an experience' but there is certainly the very real possibility it would yield negative consequences.

So its POSSIBLE you could have a good time, make some cash, and get at least some people to start googling shit... but weighed against the other stuff I would consider not applying.

...I do have an 'in' at Nobody Cares Publications if interested.
Post by: TylerDurden on April 15, 2011, 03:49:16 pm
Sabertooth, if your mind's made up, you should at least hear from the Primal Dieters who did the Wifeswap episode some years ago, so you have some real idea of what to expect. I'll PM you the wife's e-mail-address. Just say it came from me, I'm sure she wouldn't mind, besides I got her e-mail address from the livefood yahoo group.
Post by: Brother on April 15, 2011, 08:53:20 pm
Sabertooth it is obvious that you are ready for combat, but do you come prepared. Do you know your enemy?

Like a lamb to the slaughter you say, but perhaps I am a wolf in sheep's clothing.

These people are professional liars and manipulators. That is to say, they do nothing but these things all day long. This is a fight you cannot really come prepared for because the power is with them entirely. They can (and most certainly will) edit everything you say to make it fit whatever emotions they want to invoke with their audience. Disgust, Hatred, Sympathy, these are theirs to do with as they please no matter what you say or how well you say it. Cut/Paste

I fail to understand why you so willingly march right into your own slaughter.


Post by: TylerDurden on April 15, 2011, 09:30:13 pm
An obvious demand re future interviews would be to insist that all interviews are done "live". This will frighten off most, but the honest ones will be fine with this as long as the interviewee is used to such things.
Post by: Löwenherz on April 15, 2011, 10:26:15 pm
Is there anyone who is optimistic about there being a chance that this show could be a good thing? Please help me I need some help convincing my wife that everything will be alright.

Hi Sabertooth,

let them pay enough money and enjoy the spectacle!

Who cares about honesty in a TV-SHOW??

Just have fun!

The media will be full of bullshit and nonsense until end of universe. It's all about entertainment, nothing else. People here should relax. Take it with a smile. The fact that you are thinking about your first television appearance simply shows that you like this idea. And your participation could create more opportunities in the future.

Hope to see you soon on TV!   ;)

Post by: sabertooth on April 16, 2011, 04:09:53 pm
Thank you Löwenherz

I just have bought a web cam and have to set it up for a video interview with one of the executives by Monday. I feel good and am still optimistic that the truth will shine through whatever they try to do with me on the show. I would love to have a chance to show off my charm. would enjoy some of the things I . Everyone please forgive me if I somehow give raw meat eating a worse reputation than it already has. There has to be an audience who would enjoy some of the things I have to say, regardless of if they are laughing with me or at me.

My intention is not to give raw meat eating a bad reputation, I am young and full of passion about the power of this diet to help others. I am also working myself ragged to afford this lifestyle and humble home of mine, so whatever money the show would provide is desperately needed. I am not trying to be some Paleo Deva, all I want is a little bit of money so I could put a down payment on 40 acres and a mule.  

Even if things don't work out or I cant get the right terms of agreement, then I am still free to change my mind, and even if the show gets canned and never sees the light of day , I will still have my web cam, and perhaps could start posting "how to be raw" instructional videos and one day even help out with our own documentary where the forum elders would have total creative control.  

Now all there is to do is wait for the Monday interview to see what will happen from there, wish me luck.
Post by: Brother on April 16, 2011, 06:15:08 pm
The best of luck to you Sabertooth. I will tune in.
Post by: SkinnyDevil on April 16, 2011, 08:49:51 pm

You'll be fine - it'll work out great, I'm sure. I know we only met for a moment, but you're photogenic, relaxed, have a calm enthusiasm....the camera will love you and you'll do a fantastic job.
Post by: raw-al on April 16, 2011, 09:21:42 pm
If ya can't beat em join em.  ;D

Good luck! Just the fact that someone is invited means there is recognition that people eat raw foods and you are brave enough to stand the heat, so no need to get out of the kitchen.

It's better going in knowing that you have friends. Maybe we're just being cautious because we don't want anyone else to experience what we did and while noble, possibly borders on cowardice.  -[

Maybe then we can come out of the closet.  ;D Changing society's point of view does not occur because of one interview. It s the culmination of many years of people like yourself brave enough to stand up.
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 17, 2011, 12:36:08 am

Hopefully this first TV appearance will be the key for you to make further appearances.  Who knows, you could be on Oprah, then sell DVDs and books! 

Go take the shot!
Post by: laterade on April 17, 2011, 02:02:05 am
Keep it simple, stick to the facts(medical opinions are not facts), and don't try to spice it up a bunch.

"When you go without food for 5 hours the body goes into an anorexic state"
Rough quote from memory. Perfect example of parroting gone wrong.
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 17, 2011, 02:48:55 am
Sabertooth, if I had known that you were determined to do the show and were just looking for words of support, I would have gladly offered them. But instead you asked whether we thought you should do the show, to which I offered my honest opinion, as did others and I found their advice to be generally quite wise. I don't see any posts here that were meant to be insults or uncompassionate--on the contrary, just people trying to help you. We're all in this same RPD Viking ship together and we have all embarked on a radical path that strays from Mother Culture's demands. So all of us have displayed some true grit by daring to buck the system and we can all be proud of that.

It might also help to explain things if I reveal that I don't own a television and don't have a high general opinion of TV shows or movies or the people that create them. There are good shows, but some of them seem to exploit poor or naive folk for financial gain and do other unsavory things.

I also offered in my PM to you what I thought might be a useful tip if you do the show, and Tyler made the same suggestion--you can watch the raw meat wifeswap reality show episode, the Gary Taubes episode on Dr. Oz, and Aajonus on the Doctors show and maybe his Ripley's appearance again to get an idea of what happens on these shows. Taubes also blogged about what they [the Dr. Oz show staff] did to him. A wise warrior is well prepared for battle.

S: "There are some really controversial things I say that I know not everyone will agree with and I don't expect to reach everybody."

I would get the advice of Lex or some other wise counselor on what if any controversial things you plan on trying to say on the show.

S: "all I want is a little bit of money so I could put a down payment on 40 acres and a mule"

Is it possibly that you're raising your expectations up a bit high so early on? Is what they're going to pay you really enough to pay for a down payment on "40 acres and a mule" while you also pay for the other bills you mentioned?

SD: "you're photogenic, relaxed, have a calm enthusiasm....the camera will love you and you'll do a fantastic job"

Skinny Devil's words are encouraging. Pictures speak more volumes than words. If you look good, calm and happy on the show, Sabertooth, it might overcome the negative things they'll likely say and try to portray.

I wish you good luck, Sabertooth, whatever you end up doing.
Post by: TylerDurden on April 17, 2011, 04:51:54 am
Paleophil, could you please provide a link to that blog where Taubes mentioned having his views distorted by the media? Thanks.
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 17, 2011, 05:26:25 am
Sure. He was referring specifically to his experience on the Dr. Oz show and how it was staged, produced and edited. It's partly covered in a blog post that is still the topmost post on his blog as of now:

Here's an excerpt that gives some insight on how TV show makers set things up to make the host look good and the people they disagree with look not-as-good and how TV show makers prefer to set up stark, simplified contrasts because they make for more entertaining television:

The Dr. Oz Show is one part health advice and discussion and quite a few parts entertainment, as Oz’s producers kept telling me in the days before we taped the episode.  To make for what they consider good television they played me up as the second coming of Atkins  – a persona that my wife likes to refer to as “meat boy”  — while Oz got to play the role of the harvest king, extolling the healing virtues of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  This made it more difficult than I would have liked to get across the important messages from my books, but television is television and I certainly knew what they had in store for me.

My message and the message of Why We Get Fat was not that we should all be eating nothing but animal products – and certainly not the unappetizing meat and eggs that Oz’s crew prepared as props....

Shared similarities like the fact that both Gary Taubes and Dr. Oz eat salmon, berries and almonds were ignored to make for better television.

Gary goes into more detail about what was done on the Dr. Oz show in this interview on Jimmy Moore's LLVLC Show:
Post by: sabertooth on April 17, 2011, 02:58:37 pm
Thanks for the encouraging words, that's all I really needed, my original request for advice was more of a call for advice on what to do, and how to handle myself on the show, and not a question of if I should or should not apply to the casting call.

Everyone has been helpful and I understand fully the reasons people advised against doing it.

I got kind of peeved at the one response that suggested I was white trash and no one would want to hear what I have to say or read my book. Besides that , This thread has been very constructive.

I don't own a TV either and am generally opposed to most of the programing being broadcast today.

As for controversial statements, I was referring to my general stance of being outspoken. For the purpose of a show in which I may only have a Ten minute segment to explain myself, I will have to use it wisely to express the core principles of the paleo Diet instead of maniacally crusading against the atrocities of the world .I am versatile and would love to be able to stick it to the man on national television, but I am also humble and grateful to who ever would give me a chance to tell my story, so would be more than willing to hold my tongue and stick to a positive message of my own healing experience I will even play along with the programs angle of how my diet causes strife within my social life as long as I can maintain a relatively dignified persona.

The forty acres and a mule pipe dream is just me being a bit factitious. I am often a bit esoteric and/or convoluted in the creative language department and try to make statements with hidden meanings or even perhaps conflicting meanings, as an attempt to express an Idea without having to go through pages of mellow drama and stale logic to get a simple point across. Its a style that May need some fine tuning, to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

During reconstruction some of the freed slaves in the southeast were promised forty acres and a mule, only to have the order repealed. Life is disappointing and It often seems that nothing is fair. If only I could get a few thousand to put down on a place then I could pay off the rest through hard work, but in reality I will probably just have to spend what ever money I get from the show on my wife and children so will be forced to continue to rent a small home from the local land lords.

I have a lot of respect for Gary Taubes and his general message. Perhaps having the luxury of being able to access radio interviews has enhanced my perspective so that I never had to rely on TV as my sole source of info, and so have a much broader perspective in general than the average television viewer.

My message no matter how its edited could possibly reach the right people who have a little initiative and are able to do follow up research. As for those poor fools who rely on TV alone for information, without the ability cross reference what they hear, they are lost and may be beyond help. I need to focus my message in a way that is geared toward people who would have their interest sparked enough to be motivated to do further research. Its the best that could be hoped for when using such a limiting media as Television.

BTW what happened to AVs rotten meat clip on You tube it seems to have disappeared, Is there some type of censorship going on here? Possible Conspiracy against the raw diet?
Post by: laterade on April 18, 2011, 12:39:39 am
BTW what happened to AVs rotten meat clip on You tube it seems to have disappeared, Is there some type of censorship going on here? Possible Conspiracy against the raw diet?
Could be.. but the video is not gone.
Post by: Neone on April 18, 2011, 01:19:53 am
I dont know where to put this and i cant embed it but its a dumb interview anyway but

Haha, did I just hear Doctor Oz. say that if he could eat anything in the world, it would be grass fed wild meat?

Post by: PaleoPhil on April 18, 2011, 04:29:30 am
I got kind of peeved at the one response that suggested I was white trash
I took that as a warning about how the show might seek to portray you and how many people who don't understand raw meat eating might reflexively stereotype you, rather than as an intended insult. It was done to the Wifeswap family by the reality show and many of the viewers seemed to view them that way (and some even called authorities to report the family), so it's not unheard of, and, indeed, Neone already confirmed that that was basically what he meant:

no sabertooth. I am probably more poor, and more of a bum than you are. I am not judging you. I am telling you how the world see's you, and how the world will react to somebody of your social status, or whatever you want to call it.  It sucks, its not fair, but its reality. ....

Plus, Neone may have done it in a harsh way, but it is true that there is not a big audience for raw meat diets, whether we like that or not. Just look at the small number of hits on raw-meat-eating videos like the Ripley's video and the negativity of some of the comments and you'll see that to be the case.

If only I could get a few thousand to put down on a place then I could pay off the rest through hard work
You might not be so eager to acquire such debt if you read The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb and the writings of Warren Buffett, who has almost always paid for everything with cash, going back to when he was a little boy. I try to avoid debt as much as possible myself and acquiring a mortgage was not something I did eagerly. I only did so because the market and the deal and the location and nature of the property and my job and life circumstances seemed to make it the right decision for me.

That radio show clip is an interesting contrast with the TV show. Taubes mentioned that Oz was more in agreement with him and more positive on Oz's radio show, whereas TV is often about visually-stimulating things like contrasts and conflict and there is less time for intelligent discussion.

Neone, multiple people have reported that embedding doesn't work well in this forum and I just use the URL of Youtube videos because embedding is not necessary here.
Post by: CitrusHigh on April 18, 2011, 06:27:06 am
Wait, in regards to this ripley's aajonus video. Did aajonus get on to raw meat from inuit or when coyotes brought him a rabbit in the desert and he was trying to commit suicide by eating it haha???   :o  ???

Seriously though, anyone have the straight and skinny on Aaj? I've never read his first book, but I own the second, so I don't know his background except for a few second hand comments I've noticed over the years. Thanks!
Post by: CitrusHigh on April 18, 2011, 09:13:41 am
haha Ty do you actually edit things out of posts or do you just do it to screw with people?  :P  ;D

Post by: TylerDurden on April 18, 2011, 09:17:50 am
haha Ty do you actually edit things out of posts or do you just do it to screw with people?  :P  ;D

  I mentioned some months ago that I would quietly correct anybody's spelling-errors.  I was a spelling-whiz at school and it just creates an awful impression if people don't edit their own posts afterwards for correct spelling/grammar.
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 18, 2011, 09:36:14 am
Us moderators have no editing time limit.
I think there is a 24 hour time limit for non-moderators to edit their own posts.
Post by: laterade on April 18, 2011, 01:10:25 pm
Wait, in regards to this ripley's aajonus video. Did aajonus get on to raw meat from inuit or when coyotes brought him a rabbit in the desert and he was trying to commit suicide by eating it haha???   :o  ???
Seriously though, anyone have the straight and skinny on Aaj? I've never read his first book, but I own the second, so I don't know his background except for a few second hand comments I've noticed over the years. Thanks!

It is a contradiction that I noticed this time around also.
Aaj didn't say it though, and what he did say was consistent with the rabbit story, so I'm not sure what to think about it.
Post by: CitrusHigh on April 18, 2011, 07:42:35 pm
haha would you like me to use the king's english as welleth Ty?

Yeah, I figured it was probably a media spin, but was hoping someone had heard it first hand from Aaj and could relay what really started him on this path. Thanks actup.
Post by: raw-al on April 18, 2011, 09:05:20 pm
Us moderators have no editing time limit.
I think there is a 24 hour time limit for non-moderators to edit their own posts.

Sometimes spelling errors are intentional, but a joke with a certain mis-spelling in one linguistic group might not make the cut somewhere else in the world.

It amazes me how people who come from other linguistic groups that post here do so well with English.

Also American English uses different spelling and pronunciation than Canadian/British English. We spell colour and they spell color for us Z is Zed and for 'mericans it's Zee. (American standard is the Webster dictionary and Canadian is the Oxford) You can travel across the border and people living very close even have different accents, laws and social norms although we are essentially the same.
Post by: sabertooth on April 18, 2011, 09:49:28 pm
I kind of view Av as a folk hero who perhaps has told  few tall tales, but we should love him anyway out of compassion for what he went through. Perhaps when he was very ill and wondering around Alaska became somewhat delirious and does not clearly remember the exact facts of how he came to eat high meat. He was sick and out of it for a long time and after he recovered he invented variations of the story to fill in the holes in his memory.

Plus, Neone may have done it in a harsh way, but it is true that there is not a big audience for raw meat diets, whether we like that or not. Just look at the small number of hits on raw-meat-eating videos like the Ripley's video and the negativity of some of the comments and you'll see that to be the case.
You might not be so eager to acquire such debt if you read The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb and the writings of Warren Buffett, who has almost always paid for everything with cash, going back to when he was a little boy. I try to avoid debt as much as possible myself and acquiring a mortgage was not something I did eagerly. I only did so because the market and the deal and the location and nature of the property and my job and life circumstances seemed to make it the right decision for me.

Based on your recommendation I have been flipping through the black swan, in the evenings on my porch while the kids play in the yard, and I have found that I am in agreement with much of what Taleb says about the randomness of life events and how it may not be a good Idea to tie oneself down with debt, and to tell you the truth thats what I have been doing for sometime. But I live by a different set of values then the men who live to accumulate money. I chose long ago to live to accumulate original experience detached from monetary control.

Taleb said that his book about uncertainty was ironically, released about week before 9/11

Before 9/11 occurred I was working as a bus boy an d dishwasher for a nice Italian restaurant, working to pay rent in a small apartment were I lived alone for a year after I moved out on my own. This was before I began to study in cyber space and so I spent much of my free time reading library books or wandering around without direction . Something began to really bug me about how life seemed be going and how everyone was caught up in some rich mans game that wasn't any fun. I began to really detest materialism and all its manifestations, to the point where I decided to give up my job and apartment to go on walkabout across the country to see for myself how things are in the real world. (All who wander ane not lost )

When 9/11 occurred I was in the court house with my traveling pack , just paying off my traffic tickets so that I could wonder freely about without any warrants on my head. Then a woman came in crying hysterically saying I couldn't believe it, and then in the lobby on a TV I seen what had happened. I immediately new that it was a staged operation , even before ever studying conspiracy in depth, I just knew that it wasn't the master plan of men in caves somewhere in Afghanistan and that the TV was spinning lies as it has always done since before the Kennedy assassination. There may have been the element of randomness involved in all of this, but I tell you that I had some strong intuition that began to peak just right before 9/11 happened and it drove me to set out across the country with nothing more than a back pack and some camping gear, as a personal protest against what was happening. I had the adventure of my life while people in Babylon were going through turmoil.

I guess the moral of the story is
I was a bit of a crackpot long before becoming ill and curing myself on raw meat, only now I feel that there is actually something that I can do that will have a real impact and improve the quality of life for people who have been doomed to suffer because of ignorant dietary practices.

No one is free from the dark influence Ignorance, lord knows I had fallen hard for many of foolish ideals in my youth, but perhaps I can hold up this candle of truth in regards to the miraculous power of this Diet that will shine through the fog even if I have to risk shot down with ridicule, and losing face with the community here.

Post by: raw-al on April 18, 2011, 10:48:41 pm
I kind of view Av as a folk hero who perhaps has told  few tall tails, but we should love him anyway out of compassion for what he went through. Perhaps when he was very ill and wondering around Alaska became somewhat delirious and does not clearly remember the exact facts of how he came to eat high meat. He was sick and out of it for a long time and after he recovered he invented variations of the story to fill in the holes in his memory.
I agree, well said.
Post by: CitrusHigh on April 19, 2011, 12:45:12 am
Yeah, I'd agree with that kind of, in the sense that I don't care how Aajonus evolved, only that his ideas or discoveries, or observations, whatever, have really had a huge impact on my life and so I'm interested. I probably wouldn't expose every nuance of my history, still, this is kind of pertinent to his life's ambition, or at least this particular one.

Thank you Aaj! Not just for setting me free, but working towards food freedom and exposing misinfo, mistruth, and lies all over the place.

And Saber, since this is your thread kind of, I think it's courageous of you to put yourself on the line like that. Your piece will get chopped up and glued back together, only a small portion of actual footage. They will be going for shock value and even though they may have tricked themselves in to thinking they're doing something beneficial they of course are very unlikely to give an accurate portrayal of your message. In spite of all that, I think it can have good outcomes, if it causes even one viewer to snap out of it and think then you've won! And that is a surety imho.

So, prepare ahead of time, stay calm, and spread the good word!
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 19, 2011, 09:46:03 am
Here's the news story about what happened to the wife swap raw meat family that I hope might help give whoever goes on the show an idea about what to prepare for/try to avoid:

Wife Swap' appearance sparks child abuse calls for Iowa family
By Christopher Rocchio, 02/22/2007
Post by: sabertooth on April 19, 2011, 11:36:29 am
Its good to know we still live in a free country.

I have had the most interesting day.

I took off work so that I could apply for copies of my kids medical cards, and wait for the show to call for the interview.

I went driving around for a couple of hours looking for my 40 acres, then I saw a sign. It said Erick and Sarah (which is ironic because my name is Derek and my wife's name is Sarah) and the sign had an arrow that pointed down a street, at the corner of the street was a sign that said home for rent, so I called it up and got the address. Its located right in the middle of farm country with pasture Angus everywhere. I talked to the only neighbor around and he is raising chickens and has a horse, his son tells me that he can get calf's for 75 dollars and his grandfather has goats. The home is small but decent and has about two acres with it( there is a larger pasture that surrounds the place), and for the low price of 375 per month.
Just as I called my wife to tell her that I found a place to move to, James from the show called to set up the interview.

I got back home and did the interview, It went well, and they said at the end of it that I was their favorite, but they need me to get some relation to come on and add a back story of controversy. I think that they were completely open to the Idea that this diet is healthy and even mentioned that its been getting big all over L.A, which is promising, in regards to the outlook of getting positive coverage. They had me prepare a dinner plate , I had some beef heart , with some ground beef , lamb fat, and an egg. They were interested in the lamb fat, and I explained that I get about 70% of my calories from fat and that most grass fed meats are too lean so I eat raw fat trimmings to get the proper balance.

All in all  everything went good, although the show would come to me and I would only get 400 dollars  Its not enough for a down payment on 40 acres and a mule, but Ironically its enough for a deposit for 2 acres and a Goat.(always look on the bright side)

Post by: CitrusHigh on April 19, 2011, 12:14:20 pm
That is kick ass sabertooth, stick with that attitude and if you aren't where you want to be now, you will be in no time!
Post by: sabertooth on April 22, 2011, 07:49:52 am
The news is that they are real interested in doing a show and now are talking to my closest family members and wanting me to do a physical for the show. They offered me 500 dollars which I need, as well as a free physical. James claims that the network people love me and are wanting to do a pilot.

This means they will film for a show, but the show may or may not air.

Please consider this a beta test,that the raw community can use to see if there is a serious effort to discover the truth behind the health benefits of this diet. If I post here on this site that the pilot episode was filmed and I believe that it went well and that the doctors exam and blood work proves that I am "officially healthy" and they don't air the show, then one may assume that there is cover up going on. On the contrary if they selectively edit and try to portray me in a negative light while ignoring the fact that my health is good, then I will personally apologize to everyone on this forum who tried to warn me, that they would do that.

No matter what the outcome is I think its still good to test the waters , and you all can use how I am treated as a way to decide for yourself on how open to be with the media or public in general. If I am treated fairly then a precedent could be set for more of us to come out in the open, but if I am set up to look like a wacko then we all will know to go back to our little cave and wait a little while longer.

My optimism must shine through for me to be a successful in getting news of this diet out to people and if they work to smear me in the editing room then I will just give them credit where credit is due and continue to be myself till the end(live and learn)

If they chose to hold me up and let me freely express my enthusiasm then I will praise them openly and be thankful for the opportunity to shine. I hope the people up there in executive land know what potential profits are to be made here, with a whole raw paleo series.

 I assure everyone I have nothing to hide and hope that when they discover that I am not a lone weirdo and that the truth I represent cannot be discredited. I am honest about my newly gained well being and hopefully the physical ,which includes blood work will prove that I am healthy. (at least Physically)
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 22, 2011, 08:53:51 am
Congrats. Even the Ripley show and doctors show didn't contradict Aajonus' claims of benefit from raw and high meat, just claimed it is too dangerous for everyone else (why it's supposedly only OK for AV they didn't explain), so maybe some good will come of it. Good luck.

Will $500 cover your travel expenses and any other expenses incurred as a result of doing the show?
Post by: sabertooth on April 22, 2011, 12:24:25 pm
Lucky for me they are coming to Kentucky to do the filming, so there are no expenses for travel, If I have to take off any work I will lose 120 dollars a day.

They are looking around the general area for a doctor to do a complete physical with blood work. Its something I want to do anyway, but could never afford.
Post by: laterade on April 22, 2011, 12:40:33 pm
.... Its something I want to do anyway, but could never afford.
Another facet of the pharmaceutical industry, there to make sure no one goes undrugged.
AND... They want to rape you with their fingers. I will never go there, NEVAR!!
Post by: TylerDurden on April 22, 2011, 01:58:29 pm
Congrats. Even the Ripley show and doctors show didn't contradict Aajonus' claims of benefit from raw and high meat, just claimed it is too dangerous for everyone else (why it's supposedly only OK for AV they didn't explain), so maybe some good will come of it. Good luck.
Yes, that is often the attitude SAD-eaters have with me. They have been told a million times that people die in horrible agony within days/weeks of eating raw meats, so when they come across someone who is in great health "despite" eating raw meats for years, thus contradicting this nonsense, they try to pretend that while he is somehow magically immune, others aren't.
Post by: sabertooth on April 27, 2011, 07:18:07 pm
I have been talking to the filming director and he is coming to Kentucky this next week. He seems on the level as far as filming a far piece and we have been talking about setting things up.

He said they may even provide the money for me to buy a whole calf, so they have a freezer full of food to film. I told him all I had was a few packs of meat left, and he offered to buy a whole animal, so that they could get more impressive footage. My butcher said he could get me a calf with the head on it for about 400 dollars, now I am waiting for the OK by the network to go ahead and order it. If all goes good I may have a whole calf by the weekend.

Post by: CitrusHigh on April 27, 2011, 09:17:07 pm
Saber that sounds more like shock value than education, are you sure that's a great idea? A lot of people don't take too kindly to killing cute little calves. Having a freezer full of meat is one thing, but a calf's head laying around?

Put yourself in the viewers shoes and play the game. What would make this style of eating most visually appealing to you? Probably not dead baby cow, but maybe a variety of delicious looking meats like tuna, salmon, game hens, duck, *pretty stuff!*

In order to get the shock that the network is after they're going to try and evoke some intense emotion. What does a freezer full of dead baby cow evoke? Gross, sick, ewww. Your foods should be made to wow, as if you were a culinary artist and the food and your life is the canvas. Besides, why not let them pay for a freezer full of a variety of foods, ie a proper paleo diet?

Those are just some thoughts, don't forget the goal here, I'm sure you'll make the right choices!
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 27, 2011, 09:36:35 pm
I have been talking to the filming director and he is coming to Kentucky this next week. He seems on the level as far as filming a far piece and we have been talking about setting things up.

He said they may even provide the money for me to buy a whole calf, so they have a freezer full of food to film. I told him all I had was a few packs of meat left, and he offered to buy a whole animal, so that they could get more impressive footage. My butcher said he could get me a calf with the head on it for about 400 dollars, now I am waiting for the OK by the network to go ahead and order it. If all goes good I may have a whole calf by the weekend.

Yummy,  don't forget the calf's liver... that is extremely rare and powerful medicine.

Post by: PaleoPhil on April 28, 2011, 05:55:20 am
Yay, cowhead reminds me of the funny Reggae song Weekend Cowhead by The Ethiopians:

Why, why, Liza come out
Why, why, what dat you do
Why, why, Liza come out
Why, why, what dat you do

Liza go a market go buy weekend cowhead
Carry town fi boil ina bell a gut
Everybody dry yahd a wait
A wait pon them weekend cowhead
But one mistake them never look no wood
Fi catch a fire, fi boil bell a gut
One mistake she never look de wood
Fi catch a fire, fi boil bell a gut
Before wood look, de cowhead smell
Everybody pull up them head
And start to shout "Liza come out"

Why, why, what dat you do
Why, why, Liza come out

Liza go a market go buy weekend cowhead
Carry town fi boil ina bell a gut
Everybody dry yahd a wait
A wait pon them weekend cowhead
But one mistake them never look no wood
Fi catch a fire, fi boil bell a gut
One mistake she never look de wood
Fi catch a fire, fi boil bell a gut
Before wood look de cowhead smell
Everybody pull up them head
And start to shout, "Liza come out"

Why, why, what dat you do
Why, why, Liza come out
Why, why, what dat you do
Why, why, Liza come out, gyal
Why, why, what dat you do now


Cowhead is real food for real people.
Post by: sabertooth on April 28, 2011, 07:38:53 am
Being able to Shock and awe is just an added benefit of getting the word out. If they want to see whole chunks of animal for dramatic effect then why not, we aren't in pre school here we all know that meat comes from dead animals.

We made a compromise today, they will buy half a calf, but luckily its from my butcher who will let me have the head as a gift. Its good to have such friends in this world. I will pick it up Friday. It was desperately needed, because I was running low on food, and I have a ton of other bills to pay first before I would be able to buy anymore.

My wife is going ahead with her promise to boycott the whole charade, and most likely she will stifle any real attempt to make the type of show that the producers want. They want to have a family style intervention when the blood test results are read so that they can use it for dramatic effect. My Mother , Father and Brother have all agreed to take part in it, so hopefully we can still do something .

I stand by her decision to want to keep her and the children out of the scene, my children are precious and wonderful to us and they shouldn't be used for a back drop to some TV drama. Perhaps in a few years when the children are more grown and if I can get a book out or a real independent documentary crew to work with then it may be possible to show off my wonderful family without worry.

Call it providence or what every you will, but I still think things will work out. I just hope there isn't any angry gods out there that may try to smite me in my efforts to publicly rejoice in the slaughter and consumption of Animals.
Post by: CitrusHigh on April 28, 2011, 11:52:30 pm
Saber can you explain to me why shock and awe is beneficial?

Consider some empathy, you're operating from your own perspective, one that has had a lot of the illogical blinders removed, but unless you're just after the money (a pittance) or your 15 minutes, then you ought to be every bit the marketing/PR whiz that the networks are employing. You have a few minutes worth of footage to work with, why wouldn't you want to make the most of it?

Like I said, whatever choice you make is the right one, but really consider what you're trying to accomplish and the best avenue for it.

Buona fortuna!
Post by: sabertooth on April 29, 2011, 02:03:47 am
Its beneficial in the respect that it impresses the network executives enough to allow me to get my message across, the Ripley video tried to make High meat eating unbelievable, but it still allowed AV to present his Ideas.

What can truly be accomplished by my dramatic debut may be up to the almighty to decide, but I am personally thrilled at the opportunity to get paid to be myself (from an infinite possibility perspective)

I am operating free of many illogical blinders, but instead of catering to the ignorance of the world and trying to coddle up to those with false perspective, I chose to transcend it( brazenly and bold), by explaining my beliefs in plain English. Expose the lies head on and do not deviate from the message.

The idea that eating raw meat is not healthy is a complete falsehood that has no scientific  bases in reality. The fact that I am seen stuffing my face with various raw and rotten animal foods should be enough proof for those who aren't completely blind.

To tell the truth it is now become more about money and fame than me really believing that I will be able to get a clear message out there. I am not sure that I have been very clear on the issue of my financial struggles. I work week to week and live a fairly meek existence. This diet, 4 kids, and my wife take most of my life's energy to provide for. If it wasn't for the compensation I would have no way to accept such an offer . I still contend I could get my half a calf, 500 dollars, 15 minutes of fame, without compromising my principles, and perhaps I could impress the right network executive enough to go to the next step which is a television show dedicated to my story of healing on a diet of raw meat.

More money more problems. The whole deal has already complicated my already hectic life to the point where I am still not sure if I do want to go to the next level, and of course it all depends on the type off offer they will give me after the pilot episode is evaluated. I also fear that I may lose my cherished obscurity, and be publicly recognized for being different may also have some negative effects.

Please don't judge me too harshly and pray that all goes well. I will be moving today, and my computer is  down from tomorrow to Monday, and the crew is filming  on Tuesday. So everything will happen Tuesday and Wednesday. I have to devote the next few days to getting ready. I get to pick up my half calf tomorrow and should be feasting like a beast for the show.

Wish me luck.

Post by: TylerDurden on April 29, 2011, 02:10:59 am
No, you're just getting paid to be a caricature of yourself. Well, it has been said that even bad publicity is good publicity, so something useful may come from this.
Post by: Brother on April 29, 2011, 04:21:36 am
Remember to come prepared:


Post by: laterade on April 29, 2011, 05:14:00 am
Don't let them do to you what they done to goatse!
Post by: sabertooth on April 29, 2011, 07:19:40 am
goatse... ?

I don't think they will need to do that type of probing, Brother.

Although they do want me to poop in a cup. :o

They called me not long ago and set up some extensive lab testing, I think they are going to look for parasites as well as doing a comprehensive report on my blood work.

They are going to look for signs of parasitic infection as well as indications of negative metabolic effects from to much fat and protein. The people who are setting up the show seem genuine when it comes to studying the details behind the diet, I should get the results back by Monday so that I can share them with the forum even if it never airs on a TV show.

I feel good so I won't get too out of shape if they notice anything that's not completely normal, but it would be good for my peace of mind to know if I am deficient or have parasites. These tests are expensive and there would be no other way of me to have this done if the show wasn't paying for it.

No, you're just getting paid to be a caricature of yourself. Well, it has been said that even bad publicity is good publicity, so something useful may come from this.

I still think I can sell the Idea for a paleo cuisine series, and you could be invited as an expert raw food critic. Or if only we can find a raw food version of Steve Erwin to go through the out back and feasting on fresh kills (you know how much money could be made and fun could be had making that type of show). So what if I had to invent a character and put on an act - if it meant being able to live this Paleo life to the fullest then yippee.... I'll wrestle a croc if I have to.
Post by: laterade on April 29, 2011, 09:10:55 am
They will most likely tell you that you have parasites in your stool.
I would make sure they recognize how this plays no ill effect on your health.
Post by: CitrusHigh on April 29, 2011, 12:10:27 pm
Hey Saber, I still support the idea fully, don't get me wrong, I'm just bouncing ideas off you because I care. And no one ought to be judging you, it's your life, no one owns the paleo diet, so rock on, do your thing and enjoy it! I'm excited to hear the results of the lab work and stool analysis!

Also if there ever was a steve Irwin type show (Crikey! RIP) then I would be all over that, and I'd like to be part of the cast!

Hell, we should pursue that idea even if the networks aren't interested, that's what the internet a personal HD cams are for!

cheers mate!

I wish the thread owner would chime in! They must be reading this, what are you thinking rawcasting?
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 29, 2011, 12:28:08 pm
I support you!
How can we send our support?
Can you ask the producers if we RPD forum members, your friends, can send in greetings via YouTube?
Post by: Löwenherz on April 29, 2011, 12:44:33 pm
They are going to look for signs of parasitic infection as well as indications of negative metabolic effects from to much fat and protein. The people who are setting up the show seem genuine when it comes to studying the details behind the diet, I should get the results back by Monday so that I can share them with the forum even if it never airs on a TV show.

Yes, such a lab report would be interesting to read. I guess most of us don't visit a doctor anymore. Perhaps you could compare the results with Lex Rooker...

Post by: goodsamaritan on April 29, 2011, 06:18:57 pm
Yes, such a lab report would be interesting to read. I guess most of us don't visit a doctor anymore. Perhaps you could compare the results with Lex Rooker...


I don't bother with lab reports since we are all doing something vastly different, raw paleo diet, something humans haven't done in several hundred years, means our lab tests should be different from the standard averages. 
Post by: sabertooth on April 29, 2011, 08:26:43 pm
Just use Steve Irwin as an example of what one man with enough enthusiasm can do for a good cause.

He went all over the world and harassed animals in their natural habitat, but he did use money he got from wrestling crocs, to support the conservation movement. Money that would otherwise be totally wasted on something else. He didn't save the world, but he still had an impact, and was entertaining to watch at the same time. He used sensational antics to get the lime light in order to get his Ideas of conservation across.

Sadly he was one of a kind and I doubt anyone could truly fill his shoes, but even If someone could do a reasonable job emulating his enthusiasm and gearing it toward spreading the word about Raw paleo Nutrition then who knows what could come of it.

The profits from such a show could be used to set up Paleo refuges, or even paleo treatment clinics where chronically ill people can go to get the paleo treatment.

Such a show would be a smash hit , (prime time material), trust me. If you look at all the lame shows that are on nowadays... can't you just see there is a market for the type of show I am envisioning.
Post by: Brother on April 30, 2011, 01:26:53 am
Sabre I'm a cynic bro  ;D I can fully understand your decision, and in your shoes I would most likely have made the same decision. No, my problem is with the media. But this is a deep and general loathing and a pet fetish I will beat at every chance I get in crual and unusual ways. Instead of serving us actual information, fact, keeping our back against immoral people with megalomania, they have become the wagging tail. A mind numbing drug harder than crack cocaine. And the worst part is that these fucking people actually appears to take pride in what they are doing. It simply boggles the mind.  -v

Post by: goodsamaritan on April 30, 2011, 07:09:35 am
Sabre I'm a cynic bro  ;D I can fully understand your decision, and in your shoes I would most likely have made the same decision. No, my problem is with the media. But this is a deep and general loathing and a pet fetish I will beat at every chance I get in crual and unusual ways. Instead of serving us actual information, fact, keeping our back against immoral people with megalomania, they have become the wagging tail. A mind numbing drug harder than crack cocaine. And the worst part is that these fucking people actually appears to take pride in what they are doing. It simply boggles the mind.  -v

I know why the mass media does what they do.
They are ad supported.
Ads targetted at the masses of consumers of those ads.
And those masses of consumers have a certain mindset, which is usually... DUMB.
The people with the lowest IQs.
The media has to satisfy this market.
This is what their market wants.
This is what satisfies the multinational companies paying for the ads.

Some people grow up and out of that mindset.

Post by: sabertooth on April 30, 2011, 07:40:08 am
The television studio reality is for keeping the herd from free ranging in free thought. I think Timothy Leary talked a lot about the type of fake reality that was set up around TV culture.  Many people like their fake reality and would rather be lied to than be forced to face an inconvenient truth.

I personally can't ignore the media's power to influence, being heavily saturated with it from an early age. Although for some reason I was able to read between the scripted lines of drama enough to develop a greater view of reality that surpassed the narrow commercial vision that was being sold. I remember always questioning the validity of news programs, and even before conspiracy theories became all the rave, I kind of got an uneasy feeling when I would hear stories about Prince Diana's "accidental death", or how JFK JR. died in a plane crash.

There is a huge force behind the propaganda that is interwoven within the mindless programming that constitutes the majority of television programing, but once you learn to recognize it , then it loses it power over your mind.

In general I do believe more than an hour of TV each day has negative overall effects on mental functioning and health regardless of what the programming consist of.

At least some truths that don't threaten the money men do get to be told on television. Scientific programs that talk of abstract things are considered to inane to be censored. Like Carl Sagan's Universe or James Burkes connections, which can spark a curiosity for further consciousness. If you watch enough of these programs that contain pieces of truth, and then further feed your curiosity with reading books, then you can do a fair job at creating a world view that isn't completely dominated by falsehoods.

This freaky diet documentary may fall under the radar of what needs to be censored, and I may get a chance to be seen and heard by people who would have never believed that anyone on TV can live as I do and be healthy.

Post by: Neone on May 02, 2011, 07:22:11 pm
Going on TV?, just isn't paleo....

Post by: TylerDurden on May 02, 2011, 07:25:16 pm
So, when exactly will this documentary air?
Post by: sabertooth on May 02, 2011, 08:53:28 pm
Going on TV?, just isn't paleo....

Neither is trolling through cyberspace, but here we are.  

So, when exactly will this documentary air?
It may never air, they are filming a pilot episode, which means that they have to evaluate it for further consideration and they may not be able to get the OK from the higher ups to film a final cut.

My wife has boycotted the endeavor so they wont be able to get the family shots that make for good TV, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve, and hope that I can put on a good show.

They are coming tomorrow and will be filming for two days. They are going to take me to a Doctor for a full physical examination, as well as go over my lab test results. Then they are going to have me talk with a Therapist. I am trying to set up my mini barn with my deep freeze full of meat, and may even set up a fridge as a meat locker for my aged meats. They want my family over for a dinner in which they will be eating standard junk with homemade desserts, while I will eat my own foods.

A lot of it seems cheesy made for TV drama, but I may be able to wow them enough in the initial interview to convince them to allow for a more cerebral program, that's dedicated to validating my claims that this diet can restore good health.

I have been going through so much trouble just to get to this point that I hardly think it may be worth the 500 dollars, half calf and two rabbits that the show have offered to me.

I stood up in my church yesterday and told the congregation about my struggles with moving and having to replace the stolen service cable, and how I may not even get electric on at my new place before the show. A lady came up to me after the service and asked if she could help me in some way and I said the family is doing all right but until the show pays me I wont have any money to live on. She asked me what kind of diet I was on and I told her "mainly raw meat". She looked totally appalled, but then I told her about how it cured my of my health problems she settled down, and ended up giving me 400 dollars. Ironically she is a vegetarian.

So I have come out in the open to my whole community and told virtually everyone that is important to me about this totally flamboyant raw carnivorous lifestyle, which may be a better way to spread the word than doing a documentary. If more of us would live this openly and honestly tell people about how this diet can heal the sick then word would spread like wild fire and those who are in need of this message would have access to it.

I wont judge my success based solely on getting on TV or not. I think just the Idea of me going on TV has stirred up the thinking of people in my own community which is an accomplishment in itself. Even if things go wrong with the show I will still have a fairly large number of people who will stand by me regardless and accept what I have to say.
Post by: goodsamaritan on May 02, 2011, 09:05:30 pm
I'm excited for you.
Post by: TylerDurden on May 02, 2011, 09:48:19 pm
Well, even if things go wrong, we would appreciate any feedback as I suspect that there will be more such raw food documentaries in the future. We've already had 1 and a half TV documentaries  so far, along with a few newspaper and radio  interviews, mostly done with Aajonus, but one with me, and others here.
Post by: Löwenherz on May 03, 2011, 04:25:16 am
I don't bother with lab reports since we are all doing something vastly different, raw paleo diet, something humans haven't done in several hundred years, means our lab tests should be different from the standard averages. 

Yes, this could be. Nevertheless it would be interesting to see these numbers. Lex Rooker's lab tests show pretty normal results, btw.

Post by: Löwenherz on May 03, 2011, 04:27:45 am
Going on TV?, just isn't paleo....


Yes, maybe stone agers had no TVs, but something better! Numerous telepathy channels etc. Who knows?  ;)

Post by: Löwenherz on May 03, 2011, 04:33:01 am
Well, even if things go wrong, we would appreciate any feedback as I suspect that there will be more such raw food documentaries in the future. We've already had 1 and a half TV documentaries  so far, along with a few newspaper and radio  interviews, mostly done with Aajonus, but one with me, and others here.

Isn't it incredible how FEW people go public and talk about eating raw meat?

I was heavily influenced by Aajonus in 2002/2003. And today, 9 years later there is still only Aajonus?? Instincto is dead. Any other authors today? Therefore this forum is a big step in the right direction...

Post by: TylerDurden on May 03, 2011, 04:52:38 am
Yes, maybe stone agers had no TVs, but something better! Numerous telepathy channels etc. Who knows?  ;)


  There was a book of fiction by the author of "The Lord of the Flies", "The Inheritors" about how the Neanderthals supposedly lost out to modern humans because the Neanderthals were telepathic so didn't need speech or technology.
Post by: TylerDurden on May 03, 2011, 04:54:50 am
Isn't it incredible how FEW people go public and talk about eating raw meat?

I was heavily influenced by Aajonus in 2002/2003. And today, 9 years later there is still only Aajonus?? Instincto is dead. Any other authors today? Therefore this forum is a big step in the right direction...


Well, Instincto is not dead as it is certainly alive in Germany, at the very least,
 judging from online info I get. And we have had Carol Alt the supermodel, in recent years, as a sort of RVAF diet guru. And Dr Mercola also qualifies.
Post by: PaleoPhil on May 03, 2011, 05:04:24 am
and Denise Minger seems to have developed a decent following
Post by: Löwenherz on May 03, 2011, 05:07:25 am
Well, Instincto is not dead as it is certainly alive in Germany, at the very least,
 judging from online info I get. And we have had Carol Alt the supermodel, in recent years, as a sort of RVAF diet guru. And Dr Mercola also qualifies.

I still would say that instincto is more or less dead. The book of GCB is not available any more and the instincto movement lost most of the followers as far as I can see. The instincto forum is dead too, someone told me.

OK, Mercola, you are right, he could push the movement. Unfortunately he likes raw milk a lot, if I remember correctly. Due to his snake oil sellings and fish oil jabbering I signed off his newsletter. Would you say he is on the right track?

I didn't know Carol Alt so far. I will google/have a look...

Nevertheless, Aajonus plus Mercola plus Carol. Three persons on this planet, not too many. hehe. How many billion grain eaters? O meu deus!

Post by: raw-al on May 03, 2011, 05:18:09 am
What is the monument on your pic?
Post by: Löwenherz on May 03, 2011, 05:23:52 am
What is the monument on your pic?

It's Cristo Rei Lisboa:

Post by: Löwenherz on May 03, 2011, 05:27:36 am
and Denise Minger seems to have developed a decent following

Thanks, it's a very nice blog!

I think that fruitarian madness (801010, durianriders and others) will bring a lot more people to raw paleo in the future...

Post by: Neone on May 03, 2011, 07:01:30 am
Is it common for raw meat eaters to keep their diet a secret?
Post by: CitrusHigh on May 03, 2011, 07:07:16 am
I have kept it pretty hush hush until recently, now I'm finding all kinds of opportunities to share my experiences. And if you do it passively, without trying to proselytize someone, they get real curious and even if they think it's strange, they get to wondering. And I can't tell you how many times they will say, oh yeah, I eat a little bit of raw meat here or there when I'm cooking, I'm like what? You don't make any sense! haha, seriously though, with the right attitude, intention and delivery, people are surprisingly receptive.
Post by: TylerDurden on May 03, 2011, 07:08:32 am
I still would say that instincto is more or less dead. The book of GCB is not available any more and the instincto movement lost most of the followers as far as I can see. The instincto forum is dead too, someone told me.
  Dead wrong:-
Post by: laterade on May 03, 2011, 07:36:16 am
Is it common for raw meat eaters to keep their diet a secret?

I did, until people began noticing changes in my appearance and attitude.
Now I am quite open about it, speaking and sharing often.

If it truly bothers someone, they are most likely not someone I want to be around.
I get a lot of shocked faces, but I have opened a lot of people up. That makes it worth it.
Post by: goodsamaritan on May 03, 2011, 07:43:39 am
I still would say that instincto is more or less dead. The book of GCB is not available any more and the instincto movement lost most of the followers as far as I can see. The instincto forum is dead too, someone told me.

Instincto lives!
We have an instincto section in this forum.
GCB's book is available for free in the instincto forum.
And several of us, including myself are gravitating towards instincto in some ways.
Post by: PaleoPhil on May 03, 2011, 07:54:37 am
Is it common for raw meat eaters to keep their diet a secret?
Is Neone your full, real name?
Post by: Neone on May 04, 2011, 06:54:15 am
Paleophil.. on the internet, you too can be anyone! haha

But no, my wife and I have never kept what we do a 'secret'.
I told my family straight up from day one what we were doing, (one) because its interesting, and (two) (and probably the real reason) was so that if we started to die horribly, at least somebody knew what we were doing. Since we 'look great' and stuff they know its obviously not detrimental (except for parasites, which we have had a few times) But after the initial excitement of the diet, i have learned to not talk food with other people (unless they obviously want to).  
When you suggest that somebodys current diet is not the 'best', then you're pretty much saying they are !WRONG! and thats when it all goes downhill.
I always make sure to say 'hey, this is just whats working for me, its not the ONLY diet, since people are obviously thriving on all kinds of diets, if yours is working for you then it sounds like you're doing pretty good."  Whereas before id try give them the 'facts' about why they are !WRONG!, nobody wants to listen to that person.

First day at our new job, my wife and I whip out our 'pirate lunchboxes' (just raw meat and some spice and codliver oil) and have lunch with everybody. After the few usual questions we're back to doing what we were before. Its no big deal to them, i guess because its no big deal to us, we're just having lunch.

Everyone i get my meat from knows as well, since everyone always ask(ed) 'how do you cook it?' and I just say 'I dont'.  And they're not about to argue with their best customer.. haha.

I think one of my butchers said a few weeks ago that they were skeptical at first, but almost 3 years later we're still going strong and she said 'yeah i dont think its weird anymore, i guess i just got used to it', since im always in there telling them the meat inspector is a bitch because she wont let me have the brains, and how to leave the adrenal glands in the fat for me when they take it out.. haha.

Another reason we're just up front is because people always offer you food/drinks, and when you just always shoot them down with no explanation they might think you're being a dick. Instead they say 'Id offer you a sangwitch, but you would probably prefer some like... raw sausage or something! haha!'.

I dont know, mabye we just have a good attitude.. like if you're insecure about your diet people can tell? i dont know.

Or mabye its just because my wife and I did this together, whereas most people seem to be doing it solo and their partner still eats whatever. So when you have two people doing it it helps make you more sure, and secure in/of what you're doing?

Post by: PaleoPhil on May 04, 2011, 10:08:59 am
Paleophil.. on the internet, you too can be anyone! haha

But no, my wife and I have never kept what we do a 'secret'.
I told my family straight up from day one what we were doing, (one) because its interesting, and (two) (and probably the real reason) was so that if we started to die horribly, at least somebody knew what we were doing. Since we 'look great' and stuff they know its obviously not detrimental (except for parasites, which we have had a few times) But after the initial excitement of the diet, i have learned to not talk food with other people (unless they obviously want to).
Yeah, I think that applies to most people--telling certain select people but not others. Sabertooth is going well beyond most of us by revealing what he's doing on TV.

When you suggest that somebodys current diet is not the 'best', then you're pretty much saying they are !WRONG! and thats when it all goes downhill.
Yup, many people think you're attacking them when you say anything bad about their food or their cooking/baking. They seem to see modern foods as part of their culture and their very being.

I frankly don't care what others think about what I eat. My girlfriend is horrified that I reveal it when asked. She thinks what I eat is crazy and she thinks that letting others know who ask is also crazy. I just laugh when she frets over it. I'm not interested in proselytizing others either. If someone asks for info/help, then I help them, otherwise I generally leave them alone, so food doesn't often come up.
Post by: raw-al on May 04, 2011, 07:58:32 pm

Diet can be a pita to talk about.

I was a vege for many years. Once I went to a dinner being hosted by a contractor doing work on our plane. It was a steak house and I ordered no steak. They felt really bad that they assumed I wanted steak and were embarrassed and one of their employees got rude with me because I had ordered some soup that had a small amount of chicken in it. It was the only soup on the menu. This guy got really upset like he wanted to start a fight. Go figure.

Anywho I just wanted to have a peaceful meal and this idiot wanted me to justify my diet and maybe my existence ;D .

In a couple of weeks I will be going to a worksite to build a strawbale house. Food is provided, so now I have to decide if I bring my own (major undertaking) or just roll over and eat cooked. Most people think raw means salad.

Yeah I know I can just put my stake in the ground, say fuckit I'm gonna stay true to my standards but sometimes the PITA factor steps up to the plate. Problems problems problems  ;D ;D ;D
Post by: sabertooth on May 06, 2011, 10:53:08 am
Its all over, except the editing now.
Holy cow , what an experience this has been.
I gave them one hell of a show, what they do with it is up to them.

Filming took two days.

I did three interviews with the director

One very deep conversation with a medical doctor while going over my test results(which were perfectly normal) Everything was well within normal limits, except my Good cholesterol which was 145. They claim its "high" but from our more enlightened perspective higher LDL is an indicator of good health. Its the best lab results I have ever had. The parasite screening only showed that I had Blasocystitis hominis which is a common single celled bug that is prevalent even in totally healthy people.

A segment in my meat shack, where I had a meat locker, deep freeze and cabinet with high meat. I prepared and ate a meal for them, and talked about my goals of raising my own food.

They had a shopping segment with me and my brother. We meandered through the store while carrying on a conversation, the whole thing was a little odd. There were some quaint moments and I hope it all gets presented well in the pilot.

We had a dinner at my grandmothers which was about as normal of a family gathering that I could recall.

They had me do a session with an accredited therapist and it was a very rich experience to be able to openly discuss this diet and intelligently with a good conversationalist. With time perhaps I could gain credibility and with practice I could develop the rhetorical skills needed to take my Ideas to the forefront.

Then we had a family session with the therapist, which was surprisingly a positive experience and it seemed to go well.

Its almost too much to take in as it was happening and I was on cloud nine much of the time, being juiced up on some over ripe cow heart. I did do high meat openly on camera and for repeated takes, while washing it down with raw eggs. I also showed off some maggot meat.

I am still too busy to get all the results posted but I will be working on at least posting my lab work as soon as there is time to find a scanner.
Post by: CitrusHigh on May 06, 2011, 11:02:13 am
I'm so glad to hear it went well Saber!  8) Can't wait to see it!
Post by: CHK91 on May 06, 2011, 11:03:56 am
Bravo! Looks like everything went better than expected. I look forward to it. :D
Post by: PaleoPhil on May 06, 2011, 11:05:33 am
Congrats! Maggot meat, eh? Well, I guess that might generate ratings. ;D
Post by: raw-al on May 06, 2011, 07:12:07 pm
"accredited Therapist"

Which variety, or method or whatever. Do you mean a nutbar determiner? LOL
Post by: sabertooth on May 06, 2011, 09:09:48 pm
The director made the distinction of "accreditation" in regards to the TV ready therapist. In all actuality the therapy session went well and although I conceded that there may be some ego eccentricity's other than my seeking wellness at all cost, that drove me to discover such an extreme way of life. For the most part it seemed I was able to express the heart of the paleo mans spirit that I feel becoming awakened within my renewed being and how embracing this paleo lifestyle is helping me in very real and noticeable ways.
Post by: SkinnyDevil on May 06, 2011, 09:13:45 pm
Good on ya, Sabertooth!

Hey - were you shopping at the Co-op?
Post by: sabertooth on May 06, 2011, 09:18:34 pm
Yes it was the Co-op, the director set it up with the management and we went through the store and did a very good segment at the meat counter, where I got some marrow bones and lamb organs all from local grass fed sources.
Post by: TylerDurden on May 06, 2011, 09:33:09 pm
Therapists can be really devious. On the surface, they can seem fine, on the other hand they can get people to create fake, artificial memories of things which never happened and the like. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he suggests, in the documentary, that you are a potential serial killer due to your raw-meat-interests etc.
Post by: raw-al on May 06, 2011, 09:36:03 pm
Funnily enough therapists don't make any money off of "normal" people.
Post by: sabertooth on May 07, 2011, 01:51:08 am
This therapist is a veteran of the TV talking head circuit who has appeared on shows like Nancy Grace. She covers a wide variety of subjects including the Michel Jackson trials. She is accredited; well as much as anyone can be.

The question of violence and psychopathic killing never came up, and I promise you that my demeanor is totally non violent and my disposition is of a man of learning and tranquility, to the point that it would be absurd to suggest that I may be a serial killer.

Of course Ted Bundy was a nice and charming man at first glance, so you can never be totally sure >D

I think I made a good impression and she referred to me as an intellectual and even suggested off camera some things to read that I may find interesting. Of course who knows what she told the camera for her final interview.

I would be curious about her candid prognosis regarding my maniacal meat eating fervor, or my all consuming quest to maintain the ultimate peak of genetic expression through attaining optimal balance of the mind body and spirit.(ego maniac?, or neanderthal sweetheart?) A lot of the complexity of my mind may have been cultivated out of a need to circumnavigate such labeling. Of course I am sure there is a pathology behind much of it, but so what, as long as its focused in constructive endeavors then such quirkiness could be an asset, especially when trying to build up an original character such as this Sabertooth persona.

The discussion was fairly complex and at times intense . I hope the exchange will be revealing to those with the vision to understand it righteously. Regardless of what the consensus view, of the issue of my normality (or lack there of), the network could be able to cut me into something that's value is beyond entertainment.

With my feet in the air and my head on the ground
the show goes forward
Post by: sabertooth on November 18, 2011, 12:02:09 pm
New update on the show.

I received a call from the network earlier today, I was informed that the documentary that they  shot pilots for has been picked up by Animal Planet. Its going to be part of a series of shows about animalistic behavior in people.

They still want to do a show based on my diet. I still am not 100% sure about the final angle they will go with... so now what do I do?

I am curious about how it all will go.

I wonder how much to divulge, especially in regards to the forum here. I could bring some mainstream attention to the forum .

If all goes well, I could use the show as an opening to a youtube channel dedicated to educating people about the raw paleo lifestyle . Maybe even  LINK to a raw paleo manifesto.

Any way, I am excited and still optimistic in general. If anyone has some words of encouragement as well good advise in regards to the show and how one could best represent the paleo diet from an animalistic angle they may want to go with, then feel free to chime in.

Post by: goodsamaritan on November 18, 2011, 12:52:25 pm
Divulge all.
Divulge this forum.
Post by: eveheart on November 18, 2011, 12:57:30 pm
Its going to be part of a series of shows about animalistic behavior in people....

I read your post and started wondering about the words animalistic and animalism. To me, these words have limiting and negative connotations; they imply that our behavior is indifferent to or lacks any but an animal's instincts.

My own raw-paleo-ness is quirky, too, but not in an animalistic way. Instead of being indifferent to my humanness, I am expressing awareness of what it means to be human with simplicity. In contrast, the animal instinct nowadays is the Standard American Diet, and the animalistic human is like a bear at a campground, rummaging through the over-processed, taste-tantalizing waste that masquerades as food.
Post by: Inger on November 18, 2011, 07:03:24 pm
I totally feel the same Dorothy.

How much I appreciate Nature, and love it from all my heart, I truly feel like a part of it - but I also feel so Human.
It is mystic. -X
I love animals, but I do not feel like I am one, even if I feel we do have so much in common.
Maybe.. are we 1/2 Animal 1/2 God or something? -\

Post by: sabertooth on November 18, 2011, 09:57:56 pm
We are animals that possess the capability of being self aware. This self awareness gives one the illusion of being separate from nature and can complicate ones wellness. I am not exaggerating any of my claims in regards to how this diet has helped me hone my instinctive drives and has lead me to a greater sense of connectedness with nature . A man who makes a beast of himself forgets the pain of being a man. By embracing and living this new religion based on living in harmony with the animal within, along with adopting a diet that nourishes my animal body so that is in tune with its natural design, I believe that I have discovered something of value that would be a great benefit to those in need.

This whole raw paleo experience has given me a new perspective on what life is and what it is to be human. The trouble that is facing me now is , how should I articulate these thoughts in an entertaining way that wouldn't be completely over the top loony in the eyes of the average viewer.

There is this greater perspective forming in my mind of life being a great journey and that all organisms are at the frontier of a universal evolution . The DNA molecule works in magical ways and as long as we honor our beings with the optimal nutrition, and are connected to a more naturalistic lifestyle then I believe the spirit that lies within the molecule of life will carry us on to newer and more evolved forms.

This is a message of hope for all who feel that their being has been damaged or that humanity will somehow degenerate in mass. Its not easy from many like myself to have hope for humanity , in the wake of this  evolutionary atrophy caused by the over reliance of technology, coupled with the environmental and dietetic insanity of our age. But if one works at an individual level to purify ones own body and restore it to the balance of our evolutionary nature then I believe that health of the mind , body, and , spirit, can be restored. One can then begin to enjoy and appreciate both the humanistic and animalistic sides of life in accordance to their own individual spirit.

My main testimony should be focused around the theme of wellness , All my rhetoric and philosophy should be tailored to support the idea that one may achieve and maintain an optimal being with a personally tailored raw paleo diet. Hopefully the message will show through whatever constraints the show may place on it.
Post by: goodsamaritan on November 18, 2011, 11:13:02 pm
There will always be a difference between:

- what you are trying to convey
- and what the particular audience understands

For example, when I appeared on national television on raw meat for healing, one co-parent in our PTA had a discussion among her friends and they thought that I had gotten well from my illnesses due to my sheer will power, not because of my raw paleo diet.  Of course I think they are idiots.  But, it is what it is.

Go for it Sabertooth, just do the best you can to convey what you want to convey.

Post by: Inger on November 18, 2011, 11:49:57 pm
Great Sabertooth.
I think your ideas are great. :-*
I say as GS, go for it - if you feel you should in your heart. You have the skills, I see. ;)

Post by: eveheart on November 19, 2011, 03:11:50 am
Knowing that the show is going to be about animalistic human behavior tells a lot. This doesn't sound like the message you want to convey.

It is common for someone who is following a high purpose to have to turn down compromise offers. It's a test of your determination and sincerity. In my own experience, when I turn down the wrong offer and hold true to my purpose, the right offer is not far behind. In the meantime, my light burns brighter for the waiting.
Post by: cherimoya_kid on November 19, 2011, 04:40:20 am
Tell the world about us, man!!  rofl
Post by: sabertooth on July 17, 2012, 09:56:00 am
Just found out that my show was canceled, So I wrote Facebook note to rant about it, Because its time for bed, I will just paste the note to update the forum.

 If you do not already know, My life is a bit of a science experiment. I have been living primarily off of raw meat for the last three years. I believe following a Raw Paleolithic diet has greatly improved my health and overall well being. Naturally, I want to share this discovery with others who could benefit from adopting similar dietary and lifestyle changes. I am in the early stages of developing a holistic approach to restoring the elements and conditions of good health, from an evolutionary perspective. It centers around a very proactive attitude that if the proper environmental conditions are restored then the power of our genetic code to repair itself and restore the full rejuvenatory power of the body would be released.   
The Animal planet canceled the production of the primal behavior series, in which I would of been a star. They shot a pilot episode with me last year and everything was approved for production when the animal planet executives decided to shelf the whole series.  I had my blood tested and everything came back perfectly normal. Did a number of interviews, talked with a doctor from UK and an accredited physiologist on camera. I ate raw meat, maggots, putrefied meat, drank blood with no ill effects. We even went on a rode kill scavenger hunt. The show would of been fabulous.     
The only problem I could see with the show, is that perhaps my message was a bit too real, and there would be no way for the network to filtered out the profound implications of my personal experiment. This type of censorship is Representative of everything that is wrong with Television today. Most people already in the know, may have figured out that much of the television programming of today is a bunch of dumbed down tripe that is used as a backdrop for advertisements and outright propaganda. The biggest contributors to the TV networks are pharmaceutical cartels, and of course they don't what anything aired that would shine a light on the truth that most people can restore health through dietary change and exercise alone.
The major heads of the capitalistic corporately controlled Television networks, are mainly looking for circus sideshows and freakshows that are full of fluff that is just interesting enough to keep someones attention, but isn't profound enough to encourage independent thinking. Its OK to have asinine shows about wrestling gators, staring a caricature of a wild man, but when it comes to having a real life urban caveman ripping out the heart of a fresh kill and eatting it raw, while the blood is still warm; they don't want anything to do with it.     
Perhaps its all for the best, maybe the masses are not ready for such a message at this time, and our masters are doing the world a favor by hiding certain truths..  All I can do is continue the great experiment openly and with gusto.  Hopefully the results will speak for itself and the message be get out through the grass roots.
Post by: eveheart on July 17, 2012, 10:54:29 am
The only problem I could see with the show, is that perhaps my message was a bit too real, and there would be no way for the network to filtered out the profound implications of my personal experiment. This type of censorship is Representative of everything that is wrong with Television today. Most people already in the know, may have figured out that much of the television programming of today is a bunch of dumbed down tripe that is used as a backdrop for advertisements and outright propaganda. The biggest contributors to the TV networks are pharmaceutical cartels, and of course they don't what anything aired that would shine a light on the truth that most people can restore health through dietary change and exercise alone.

Exactly! The only use that television has for someone like you is to make you look like some kind of crazy idiot so that viewers will come to gawk at the freak show and boost the ratings. You have a rational message and you are true to yourself. The right outlet for your story will also be rational and true.
Post by: TylerDurden on July 17, 2012, 08:36:27 pm
In future, I hope people will insist on doing everything "live", rather than the interview being recorded/edited afterwards.
Post by: sabertooth on October 13, 2012, 03:28:12 am
The TV show called today. My episode got picked up as the series primer and it is in editing right now. I am going to be on National television eating raw meat!

They are just going to use the original footage and it could be on air in the next few months! Let us all pray that the editing gods are kind.
Post by: Brad462 on October 13, 2012, 05:36:36 am
That's great!  Congratulations, looking forward to seeing it.
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 13, 2012, 10:24:14 am
Let us know when it airs.

I hope they make reference to this forum.  We need some new members that AREN'T just durianrider and padraig and other raw vegan trolls.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 13, 2012, 03:09:17 pm
Since they are out to attack raw-meat diets, they won't dare mention rawpaleoforum. I tried to advertise it in my interview but the bitch journalist didn't bother.
Post by: sabertooth on October 13, 2012, 09:13:56 pm
I may not be able to plug the site directly, but I could attach links through youtube.
It could go super viral and bring in a lot of interesting and new people.
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 14, 2012, 09:49:01 am
I may not be able to plug the site directly, but I could attach links through youtube.
It could go super viral and bring in a lot of interesting and new people.

That's what I'm talking about!!!
Post by: raw-al on October 14, 2012, 10:55:10 am
When the show is aired there will no doubt be some place on the site of the channel or station where you can leave comments.

As soon as it comes up, if one of us grabs the link and advises us  all here, we can all go on there and discuss the forum.
Post by: jessica on October 15, 2012, 05:05:46 am
wow, i hope its not like the raw family on wife swap and there ends up being youtube videos of you pole dancing or anything strange, lol!

hope that the show turns out well and they do a fair and accurate portrayal of your life, health and diet.

maybe i dont have the same urgency to help others through diet or maybe i dont share or understand the motivation but why is everyone interested in promoting this forum and the raw paleo diet?
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on October 15, 2012, 05:19:31 am
The more people know about it and practice it, the more accepted we will be, food quality may improve, etc.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 15, 2012, 06:07:59 am
maybe i dont have the same urgency to help others through diet or maybe i dont share or understand the motivation but why is everyone interested in promoting this forum and the raw paleo diet?

Personally, there are a lot of people who desperately want / need this information.  Tons of people who are to be weeded out of the populace because they require raw paleo diets to run properly.

I'm one of them.  My children are some of them... and already at their young ages peer pressure prevents them from embracing raw paleo diets unashamedly.

My brother needs to be on raw paleo diet himself... his own children react to wheat and MSG.

Think of all the people that were saved by writing about raw paleo diets.

A bunch of readers, lurkers and participants here.

A bunch of those who read raw paleo diets of GCB, Aajonus, Geoff Purcell... even the bunch of readers who read my own blogs... and those people I treat temporarily on raw paleo diets.

Post by: Alive on October 15, 2012, 06:37:31 am
@Jessica, from my point of view it would have been great to have this information and access to all these RPD experiences 30 years ago, rather than just the raw vegan stuff. So while most people I talk to about RPD think I'm a nutter there is always the thought that there must be others like me out there who would value this information. Maybe it is also the idea that the information we are exposed to everyday is false and I want to be part of spreading the TRUTH! Sometimes it seems that asserting RPD convictions help strengthen me against modern expectations.

But another part of me suspects you are right, that I would be best off just doing the best for myself and not pushing my beliefs on others, rather just answering any questions others may have about my diet and health honestly and leaving it at that. Most people don't want to change, so it is probably best to talk to them about other subjects.
Post by: sabertooth on October 15, 2012, 08:48:28 am
Its about ones personal perspective, I think the human race is in need of a paleo-centric visionary. Someone who can sense deep down that the path of most modern humans is culling off some of our finer attributes, much in the same way that wolfs were eventually domesticated into tea cup Chihuahua. Its all about perspective, some people like tea cup Chihuahua, as do some people like living as vegans. Different strokes for different folks.

There is so much at more stake than convincing people of the benefits of raw vs cooked. Given the current state of affairs if someone does not speak up and protest strongly about the broad range of issues, then the masses will just keep eating GMO and the feeding their kids horrific diets and people will no longer be permitted to live up to their true potential. This isn't some far out prophecy, its something that is happening right now, and needs to be addressed urgently. . I addressed the essence of modern mans dietary problems in good detail in the interviews...If they don't allow the heart of the message through the editing process then it is humanities loss!

I gave them a performance that was truly unique, there are elements of the good,the bad and the ugly, I didn't hold back and did some outrageous things. I am truly nervous about the final cut, and am especially self conscious about how I will come across, being so unrefined, just a simple man from Kentucky with a bit of a southern drawl. But even if they portray me as a backwards hillbilly, meat headed nut case, I look healthy enough, and speak rationally enough to make some people reconsider what they have been told about diet and nutrition.   
Post by: Dorothy on October 15, 2012, 11:41:52 am
Sabertooth, how does your wife feel about your putting yourself out there in terms of herself and her children at this point?

I didn't see this thread before. This has been a long time in the making.

My husband once gave a very simple interview for a newspaper on photography. The interviewer did a long interview and got tons of interesting information and photos that could have been used. Instead though, halfway through the article they, or whoever finished it, just made it up - I mean totally. It didn't even make any sense - it was jibberish. There was no financial or logical reason not to write down what was actually said..... but that's not how media usually works. It made Brian sound like he had no idea what he was doing as a photographer. He should have known better being in the business to know that it's all about advertising, effect and that it would have no basis in truth. The media is not about truth. He was taken in even though he was one of the people responsible for making up what was desired to be seen. It's all about giving what is wanted, not about reality.

Be prepared Sabertooth. What you presented is very likely not what is going to be seen. You probably will barely recognize it because it's not your interview that will be seen, but what it is edited into - even word by word or small movement by movement - and it will probably be edited into other footage not from you that you've never seen taking place and perhaps voice overs designed for the greatest emotional and controversial effect. I'm praying that it is something that won't hurt your family and that you will be happy with. If you didn't have a family to take into consideration, it could be just fun, some money, any exposure is good exposure and perhaps effect a few people well with no harm done. But we are living in close to a totalitarian state at this point when it comes to children and families in America. How I hope there is no harm!

I'm sending you light and hoping for miracles. Wouldn't it be amazing if somehow they acted like honest journalists?!

If we can do anything to help, to either soften the blow or come up for support in commenting on what is shown to put it in the best light or to make it more in the population's view if it does turn out positive - please make sure to let us know how to do that.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 15, 2012, 01:46:24 pm
In the future we will be making our own videos, made from our perspectives.  That may be the way to go.

Although the tv feature they did on me I thought was pretty good. 


As to Sabertooth's wife, she made a public comment on Facebook I'd rather let Sabertooth reply to you about it.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 15, 2012, 03:51:37 pm
Sabertooth, how does your wife feel about your putting yourself out there in terms of herself and her children at this point?
She was not happy at all, judging from past remarks on this thread. She quite rightly fears that he, and maybe his entire family, will be made to look like dangerous cultists and the like. When that raw Wifeswap episode was shown years ago, there were tons of  deranged people complaining to the authorities, insisting that the children of the raw-meat-eating family should be taken into care etc. Fortunately, that didn't work, but it only has to happen once.
Post by: sabertooth on October 15, 2012, 09:35:27 pm
Me and the missus are no longer together, She has betrayed me in everyway possible, and discouraged me every step of the way, not only in the paleo diet, but in many other aspects of life in general.( G.S.- knows exactly what I am talking about) She is engaged and will be moving out in the next month(Poor bastard has no idea what he is in for). My family is already broken, the tramp is much more heartless than I have ever portrayed her in my post. She has changed into a person I can no longer love. I have nothing to lose now.

It doesn't matter how they portray me, I have faith that what I am doing is right. Anyone who meets me and the children in person will not be able to criticize. For those who will watch the program and place judgment based solely on what they are shown, I have little respect for anyway. 

The show will go on even without her support , they will just blurr out the children's faces in the final cut. My children exist, they are a real part of my life, they are doing fine and there is no reason to hide or blurr their beautiful faces, in my openion. I believe that what I am doing is right.
Post by: LePatron7 on October 15, 2012, 09:43:17 pm
In the future we will be making our own videos, made from our perspectives.  That may be the way to go.

Although the tv feature they did on me I thought was pretty good. 


As to Sabertooth's wife, she made a public comment on Facebook I'd rather let Sabertooth reply to you about it.

I like the idea of making our own videos.

We could make a "raw paleo diet" youtube channel.

There we could load links of people eating, for example, grass fed beef, lamb, buffalo, etc. And explaining what kinds of meats to try raw.

For example, on a video, "hi blank here, this is grass fed beef liver. Its a great source of B12 and Vitamin A. When eating raw beef it's important to look for grass fed, and antibiotic free. Antibiotics lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria, so its not really safe to eat. Its also grass fed, so its nutrient levels are much higher" Etc.

We could also get into high meat, sourcing good meats, and even discuss the VLC or ZC, primal diet, and instincto.

I think it would get a lot of attention on youtube.

There's a whole lot we could discuss. Something most people don't realize (non-rpd eaters) is that by getting grass fed, wild caught, etc.. Were being a lot more humane. The animals are living in much better conditions, and I think that will appeal to a lot of people.
Post by: Dorothy on October 17, 2012, 06:52:37 am
Me and the missus are no longer together, She has betrayed me in everyway possible, and discouraged me every step of the way, not only in the paleo diet, but in many other aspects of life in general.( G.S.- knows exactly what I am talking about) She is engaged and will be moving out in the next month(Poor bastard has no idea what he is in for). My family is already broken, the tramp is much more heartless than I have ever portrayed her in my post. She has changed into a person I can no longer love. I have nothing to lose now.

It doesn't matter how they portray me, I have faith that what I am doing is right. Anyone who meets me and the children in person will not be able to criticize. For those who will watch the program and place judgment based solely on what they are shown, I have little respect for anyway. 

The show will go on even without her support , they will just blurr out the children's faces in the final cut. My children exist, they are a real part of my life, they are doing fine and there is no reason to hide or blurr their beautiful faces, in my openion. I believe that what I am doing is right.

I'm so sorry for your troubles Sabertooth. :( 

It is best that the children's faces will be blurred out because that will prevent possible repercussions for them at their vulnerable ages. When they get to be the age of consent they might choose to make their own videos. :)

You are indeed now a free agent. Perhaps it is for the best. You believe so strongly in what you are doing and are a maverick desiring to change the world for the better. It's a risky business with a wife that doesn't agree or support and with children that could be harmed.

What did you work out in terms of custody of the children? You are totally right that it won't matter what they make into your footage without the children to be taken from you and with their faces blurred - except perhaps in their relationship down the road with you - but hopefully you can act along the way to nullify any harm.

The more outrageous they make it, the more exposure it will get and perhaps the more notoriety and ability for you to come forth and prove how they portrayed you incorrectly. You might choose to make your own Sabertooth youtube channel from the notoriety with GS and DaBoss's suggestions. On your own - you could possibly make just about anything they do into a positive.

You are now free to make your way, to make your dreams and goals a reality. I hope the program is your first step - no matter how it turns out.
Post by: wodgina on October 17, 2012, 10:13:31 pm
I'm so sorry for your troubles Sabertooth. :( 

It is best that the children's faces will be blurred out because that will prevent possible repercussions for them at their vulnerable ages. When they get to be the age of consent they might choose to make their own videos. :)

You are indeed now a free agent. Perhaps it is for the best. You believe so strongly in what you are doing and are a maverick desiring to change the world for the better. It's a risky business with a wife that doesn't agree or support and with children that could be harmed.

What did you work out in terms of custody of the children? You are totally right that it won't matter what they make into your footage without the children to be taken from you and with their faces blurred - except perhaps in their relationship down the road with you - but hopefully you can act along the way to nullify any harm.

The more outrageous they make it, the more exposure it will get and perhaps the more notoriety and ability for you to come forth and prove how they portrayed you incorrectly. You might choose to make your own Sabertooth youtube channel from the notoriety with GS and DaBoss's suggestions. On your own - you could possibly make just about anything they do into a positive.

You are now free to make your way, to make your dreams and goals a reality. I hope the program is your first step - no matter how it turns out.

Are you for frickin' real woman?

Paraphrase 'You have a right to do what you are doing but think it's wrong and I will passively condescend, shame and guilt trip you'

Post by: intrigued on October 17, 2012, 10:37:18 pm
Are you for frickin' real woman?

Paraphrase 'You have a right to do what you are doing but think it's wrong and I will passively condescend, shame and guilt trip you'

To me it seemed a lot more like 'I hope this goes well for everyone involved, but it's obviously a risk so even if they spin it really badly for you, here's some constructive feedback on how to turn that situation into a good thing".  It's certainly realist, but I don't see it as condescending or guilt tripping.  Considering the nature of television in general and these types of shows in particular, a healthy dose of realism seems like a good thing.

Anyway, I'm very interested to see how it turns out, so hopefully people keep up with this thread so I don't miss it.  As has already been said, even if they spin it wildly into the negative, there will be some viewers who can see tv for what it is, and question it further.  Just seeing someone eating raw meat who isn't racked with disease or already dead could be the start of more questions for some.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 17, 2012, 10:51:03 pm
Are you for frickin' real woman?

Paraphrase 'You have a right to do what you are doing but think it's wrong and I will passively condescend, shame and guilt trip you'

Dorothy was merely stating what she thinks Sabertooth's EX-WIFE may have been thinking.  I know from experience that is what a "normal" non RPD woman would think.

By experience (with a good number of women), social standing and blending in with the herd is important to them and their children.

Me and the women in RPD know this and Dorothy was merely explaining to the men here (who have no experience with marriage and children) why...

... please don't paint Dorothy bad over this.  She is just trying to explain to us men the woman's point of view.


I was unlucky enough to have caught that outburst by Sabertooth's EX-WIFE on facebook and I thought that kind of outburst should have been reserved in their own PRIVATE conversations.
Post by: Dorothy on October 18, 2012, 12:52:49 am
Yes - I'm for real. But I am not condescending, shaming or guilt tripping. Interesting that you read that in what I wrote. Thank you Intrigued and GS.

Parents have to decide what they think is best for their children and how much risk they are willing to take for themselves as well as how much risk they are willing to expose their children to while pursuing and balancing that with what they feel is right. In the United States today putting oneself on television stating that you eat raw meat could easily bring out all the crazies demanding that the children be removed from such parents. That's just the sad reality. I understand why Sabertooth believes it's worth the risk and I also can understand any spouse, woman or man, raw paleo or not, refusing to go along with it. It is my impression that Sabertooth believes that all the risks are worth it because he's doing what he feels he needs to - following his heart and what he feels is his mission in life. I can respect that. Some things in life are worth any risk.

I'm not on facebook so all I know is from this thread. What I see here is a man that seems to have a real calling that had a wife without that same calling and who would not take the risks or actions necessary to stay with him and support him - which is understandable to me. I of course don't know any of the other details or factors - but just a spouse who is determined to be in the limelight as a raw paleo spokesperson would make any spouse with children stand back and take stock of their own priorities. Sabertooth needs a partner with his same values or at least enough love and commitment to get through anything that might arise from him going after his dreams.

I'm trying to say to Sabertooth that it's a good thing really even though it might feel crappy now. He is free of a woman on a different path that would hold him back if she could and his children are safe no matter what he feels he must do to spread his message. He can now act freely in making his dreams a reality. Without his wife in the mix it doesn't matter what they do with the footage - he can make it work to his advantage. There is no longer any downside for him. Endings can be really tough. This ending though seems from an outsider's perspective to look to me like it is for the best.   

I'm suggesting that he seize this new opportunity and run with it. Blaming his wife or anyone else or getting stuck in the should haves will only hold him back. He and his wife were simply not a good match. He's a maverick, someone ready and willing to take chances with a door opening for him. All's clear now. I'm excited to see what he will do with the new opportunities.
Post by: raw-al on October 18, 2012, 01:00:20 am
Good luck Saber, our thoughts are with you.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 18, 2012, 01:40:20 am
He and his wife were simply not a good match. He's a maverick, someone ready and willing to take chances with a door opening for him. All's clear now. I'm excited to see what he will do with the new opportunities.

Sabertooth's failing health then recovery on RPD is what made him a maverick.  As did most of us here.  Me too, me too. 

I had a lot of tension with my wife when my health was failing, business was failing...

Not much tension on raw vegan and raw fruitarian... but they were saying that i was getting too darned skinny.

Then more tension with the beginning of RPD... when raw red meat was added to my diet.  Raw sea food and raw eggs were culturally acceptable, but not raw red meat.

I'm lucky though when my wife and in laws saw me get well, and I started healing people with RPD, and my kids themselves get well predictably on RPD... they understand that yes, RPD works, RPD will be there when they need it.  My wife is not on RPD because she has tummy problems on raw sea food.  But she can eat rare or seared beef well.  My wife is now a health nut herself exploring cooked paleo diet, all organic, more raw, more alkaline, more fat... and she likes anthroposophic medicine.

As for TV appearances, like when I appeared on TV, in the Philippines we do not have big dumb government taking away our children because we eat different from the populace.  I appeared on TV by myself.  But I have a few youtube videos with the kids. 

I wish for Sabertooth to eventually find a loving RPD lady partner he can do his thing with.  Hey, if that fruitarian Durian Rider can partner with a Free Lea girl... Sabertooth may find his. 
Post by: Dorothy on October 18, 2012, 04:59:07 am
.... a meat-eating Free-lee without the boob job. ;)

Sure GS - what you and Sabertooth have experienced and others here it probably feels for most of us like we've found a powerfully positive thing that could truly help others. Saber has the courage and temperament it takes to put himself out there like he has. Not everyone has what that would take - especially with what we are up against in this country. People really do feel like it is not only their right but their responsibility not only to tell you how you should live but for the sake of the children to butt their noses into other people's families in nasty ways. It's culturally accepted. It's not just about the government. Individuals will call the police or social services if they think any harm is occurring to a child - and they think it's up to them to decide what is harmful. We passively let the government take more and more of our right to choose away. For instance the FDA doing what it does can only happen if the populace allows it. So many Americans really do think that our population must be protected from itself. Some people might go so far as thinking we have the right to eat raw meat and milk and other foods for ourselves as adults, but when it comes to feeding it to children even they can freak out because of their conditioning.

In order to withstand what the public will inevitably throw at us as raw paleos in public, it's very important for the spouses and entire families to be of one mind and supportive when "coming out of the closet" I would think. It's hard enough doing this on one's own by oneself in private just breaking our own social programming - let alone doing what Saber is doing. In a sense we are all mavericks for going raw paleo in the first place! You and Saber though are mavericks that stand out in a community of mavericks. ;)

I think many people from the US have reported here that although they have healed miraculously from their diets still their families, friends, coworkers etc. won't accept it. It's funny that we consider ourselves an open and free country, but so few people are willing to go beyond the accepted norms - and can get even aggressive when someone else does. Hopefully if the mavericks amongst us get enough people to recognize the benefits the diet itself will help heal the problem. If 30 years ago you told me that most people I talked to would have heard of a raw food diet I wouldn't have believed you. Everyone told me that I was going to die or that I was crazy or just laughed at me. Now what they are calling raw veganism is fairly well accepted. It's wild that there is actually more than one kind of raw diet and people argue over which one is good or bad, right or wrong. It's possible that one day eating raw animal foods will become the new fad diet like raw veganism is. It all has to start somewhere - someone has to be willing to take the initial assaults.

You and I are lucky that our spouses are so open-minded GS. It truly is a blessing. Neither me or my husband would want to be a public figure though. I'm glad that your wife supports you in that desire.
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 18, 2012, 11:08:13 am
I'm sorry to hear about your divorce, Sabertooth. I went through a similar situation back when I first got into raw foodism about 11 years ago.  Fortunately my ex-wife and I have an amicable relationship, and we have been able to work out custody issues with few problems.

I do wish my daughter had been raised all-raw or mostly-raw, but...she's a smart kid, and she can make her own choices when she grows up and moves out of her mom's house. At least she's got me as an example.

Be strong, man.  Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint, and it's those who keep forging ahead that actually accomplish things in life.  You've got the right idea about a lot of things.

It's like Dorothy said, she and you are on different paths. That's all there is to it. One of these days she'll be sorry she let you go.  Don't trust her again, though, is my opinion.  Keep her at arm's length.  If she'll betray you once, she'll do it again.
Post by: sabertooth on October 18, 2012, 05:11:15 pm
Are you for frickin' real woman?

Paraphrase 'You have a right to do what you are doing but think it's wrong and I will passively condescend, shame and guilt trip you'

Yep, I am used to that by now. I kind of need a woman to make me walk the line every now and then, but when I tell you I think I am right then there is no changing my mind, so you might as well wish me well.

They told me that they are possibly going to air the show as soon as January.

Lucky for me we wont have to worry about the show causing any trouble with my children!

Apparently a bleeding heart vegetarian facebook friend of mine who lives up the street, made an anonymous call to CPS at 8 AM yesterday, and a sheriff came to our door and notified us that we are under investigation. He said the tip was regarding pictures of me butchering animals, with the children present,. It also seems that my compost  heap of bones constitutes some kind of environmental hazard(Go figure) Tomorrow I will have to meet with a social worker and try to explain that I am on a paleo diet and I butcher my own food. The compost heap is perfectly natural and organic and the chickens peck at the bones. The circle of life is going on in my backyard, is that so wrong. I just hope they actually send somebody out who is intelligent enough to understand concepts such as "permiculture" and "holistic".

I will not be told how to live by some government worker!!!
Are we mice or are we Cavemen? Dammit!!!

Post by: Alive on October 18, 2012, 05:27:09 pm
Don't you hate those fucking interfering 'well wishers' !
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 18, 2012, 06:28:19 pm
So what Dorothy said was true about your current culture. 
If that were reported here, the government inspector would be going home with bones for his dogs and big cuts of meat for a feast... And he would be your new buddy.

Prepare some cooked good smelling dish the inspector may sample!
Post by: Projectile Vomit on October 19, 2012, 12:15:44 am
Wow, Sabre you seem to be on quite the rollercoaster ride at the moment. Before I checked in today and read through this thread, I recall you and your wife had agreed to try an open marriage with her going after another man and you teasing another woman. I wonder if that played a role in your separation?

I responded to an advertisement from The Learning Channel some months ago about wanting to feature people who have alternative lifestyles. I went through a few phone interviews, but the more interactions I had the more I sensed I was being misled and the risk of being mischaracterized was quite high. They wanted to come to Vermont to film me for a few days, but I turned them down. I think the idea put forward earlier on of teaming up to do YouTube videos or perhaps even collaborate to make a documentary would work out much better. It would give us control over how we're portrayed, rather than giving someone else control who is looking for a sensational story to sell to advertisers.

As others have said already, I hope this works out for you. I fear you're about to lay your neck across the chopping block though, and I hope your performance doesn't make it more challenging for other raw foodists to be taken seriously in the future.
Post by: Dorothy on October 19, 2012, 03:03:15 am

You do not have to let them in your house! Seriously. It's not your legal obligation to do so.

I would never let one of those kinds into my home with children. Once you let them in they will have the right to remove your children from you! I know that finances are an issue - but I'd find some way to contact a lawyer if you can. Anything you say or they see at your house can be used against you - even things that have nothing to do with the allegations. There is even the chance of charges of reckless endangerment for you. This is dangerous business for you and your children. Be as prepared as you can be. I'd get rid of those bones NOW! If they ask you if you have butchered an animal in front of your children - you had better know if there is a law against such a thing where you live. You need to understand the laws. You need to know if they will have the right to take your kids or put you in jail and what would give them that right and avoid allowing them access to places or information about anything that might conclude with such a tragedy. Are there any lawyers on this forum? You need a lawyer to get copies of the charges and not permit the government workers access to anywhere in your house besides places that relate to the charges. You might get someone sympathetic or someone that isn't. You need to be prepared.

Sigh. Yes, GS, I wasn't making it up. I've known too many people that have reported on their neighbors. They think that everyone should live the way they do. It's escalating rapidly. No one wants to confront someone directly any more. They just call in someone else. I'm living in a country of cowards.

Post by: sabertooth on October 19, 2012, 03:10:50 am
My wife stopped giving me respect, love and affection long before we agreed to an open marriage. I gave up fighting to keep her true partly because she became so lame in bed as well as indifferent to me as a person. She spends so much of her time focused on other people and pleasing herself that I no longer felt loved.

I consider myself single now and am weary of finding a new relationship . I just want to find a casual lover. There is this girl in pole dancing that seems crazy about me, maybe she can teach me some new moves..

My running head fist into this TV show while fighting tooth and nail just to survive on the brink of poverty is very wreck-less and I wouldn't advise it for the weak of heart. In my defense, I was driven to the brink of don't give a shit long ago, and posess an understanding that deep down , we only have this one life and I have made the choice to go out in a blaze of glory. So what if its for some cause long forgotten around the time of the agricultural revolution. It was genocide for our paleo ancestors. The hunter gatherers where scattered to the edges of the earth by the rise of agrarian empire and most were either wiped out entirely or made to assimilate into what is called civilization. Though some of us have still managed to keep their rouge spirit and carnivorous apatite alive.   

No guts no glory!!
Its the kind of spirit that can bring out a lot of hatred from those who do not understand. I am the bastard son of that mean old bitch we use to refer to as lady liberty. I can stand my ground with the best of them. The director of the project called me a wicked debater and if any of that spirit can show through then we are going to have one hell of a show. Even if they spin it toward the negative, and make me into a primitive beast. I tell you there is no such thing as bad publicity.

 Seeing the Ripley piece about AV convinced me about raw meat being safe , even though the spin was in the negative. Seeing is believing!!
Post by: TylerDurden on October 19, 2012, 03:27:19 am
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca the Younger

I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence. - Doug McLeod

Since the Bible and the church are obviously mistaken in telling us where we came from, how can we trust them to tell us where we are going? - Anonymous

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish. - Anonymous

Faith means not wanting to know what is true. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut

Geoff the Cynic who doesn't believe in Faith.
Post by: sabertooth on October 19, 2012, 05:07:21 am
The complaint was made by a vegetarian woman who lives up the street who has been trolling my facebook , the cops know that I butcher my own animals, and that my children are unvaccinated, and I have kept my 5 year old son out of kindergarten. There is nothing illegal about any of that. This is persecution.

Just got visited, The sheriff came out with the social worker, Basically the complaint was against me only and they forced Sarah to sign a safety agreement in which I am not suppose to stay with my own children. If she hadn't signed the agreement the sheriff told me he could arrest me right there for neglect. Its classic CPS tyranny, (they got me by the balls). She signed the paper that allows her to keep custody while I am investigated. Now we have to play their game. They took all my information and are going to do a thorough investigation. Bring it on I have nothing to hide. Its better to get it out of the way before the show airs, anyway.
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 19, 2012, 07:28:34 am
My running head fist into this TV show while fighting tooth and nail just to survive on the brink of poverty is very wreck-less and I wouldn't advise it for the weak of heart.
I agree with you, and I also wouldn't advise it for anyone who doesn't  want to lose visitation rights with their children or risk going to jail, especially given your record of motor vehicle/insurance infractions and contempt of court, IIRC, and your lack of funds to pay for a good lawyer, bail, etc..
There is nothing illegal about any of that.
Have you checked, or are you assuming that? You might be surprised how many odd old laws there are on the books. The police can find a way to put just about anyone that pisses them off in jail nowadays.

Odds are that you won't listen to anyone, yet it's painful to watch your self destruction and as Eric pointed out, by going out of your way to make a stink and behave erratically you may make things more difficult for other rawists, so I'll give a shot at trying to help--Dorothy is right that you need legal counsel. Since you don't have money, I guess you'll have to find out if you can get pro bono help. Re: the butchering, bones, raw meat and alleged negative effect on the children, I suppose you could try the Institute for Justice that is helping the Paleo blogger who was silenced (but they haven't had any luck (, or the ACLU, but you'd probably have a better chance of staying out of jail and seeing your children by cleaning up your yard, getting an ordinary lawyer, forgetting about the soapbox stuff and just focusing on getting along and proving that you can be sensible. If you want to survive, stay out of jail and see your children, wouldn't it make sense right now to chill out and do as few things to piss off your neighbor, wife, police, and society as possible and let lawyers make your freedom of lifestyle and speech case for you instead of risking jail?

In my defense, I was driven to the brink of don't give a shit long ago
If you want to stay out of jail, see your children and get out of poverty, is that the attitude that's going to accomplish it? Given that ignoring other peoples' advice has not worked out well so far for you, isn't it time to try a different approach? After all, Narcotics Anonymous said that "insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results" (it's not quite the real definition of insanity, but close enough).

I have made the choice to go out in a blaze of glory.
Do you want to die? Have you sought any counseling regarding these feelings and your recent course?

I have kept my 5 year old sun out of kindergarten. ...
Are you the one teaching him? Do you know your state's laws and requirements re: homeschooling? I'm hoping that "sun" was just a typo, yes?

I wish you and your family well, Sabertooth. Dorothy, Eric and Tyler seem to be giving generally good advice. I hope you'll listen to them.
Post by: Dorothy on October 19, 2012, 07:28:43 am
The cops are allowed to lie to you about whatever they want. They are not by law mandated to tell you the truth. They can say whatever they want to get you to do whatever they want. That is why you need a lawyer. If everything you have done is legal, then he was simply lying to you. You did not have to allow the police nor the social worker onto your property without a warrant. You are giving up your own rights.

Post by: PaleoPhil on October 19, 2012, 07:35:55 am
Sabertooth, even if you disagree with Tyler about relying on faith, remember also that "God helps those who help themselves."

Beware any who might encourage you on a "blaze of glory" path. They don't have nearly as much skin in the game as you. At best, they may be misguided and don't have to consider the risk of harsh consequences like you do and at worst, the Internet has plenty of the sort of people who get a kick out of encouraging people to jump from buildings and are entertained when they fall to their deaths.
Post by: sabertooth on October 19, 2012, 08:04:41 am
The sherriff was deceiving me and never cited a single law, he exaggerated the complaints and tried to give the impression that he could take the kids away if he wanted to.. Here is where the trap lays. The social worker isn't bound by law. All the sheriff has to do is see a little dirt on the children and then he can say to the parents if you don't sign this agreement to allow CPS to investigate then I will take the kids right now for negelct. Dont you see how wrong that is. No judge or jury, all it takes is an accusation. We are gravitating to a more and more litigious society, in which the way I want to live is deemed crimial. I refuse to go along, ("Civil Disobedience" by Thorough, If you haven't read it then I highly recommend it) . Dont be supprized if they drag me kicking and screaming from my home some day!

 Message to Phil, God forbid you ever walk a mile in my shoes.

Its so easy to criticize. To answer you, Yes I am teaching my son, and I dont think I have done anything that puts my children in jeopardy or retards their development. I am setting them free!

The problem with the law is that they cannot differentiate between a deviant and a saint. I am protesting openly against the overly litigious society of today's world.
CPS would take the baby Jesus from mother Mary(no one could argue against it). Does mother Mary need a fucking lawyer? Ha! She was only 14 at the time so Joseph would be doing time in prison for statutory. Then Baby Jesus would have to go to foster care! "Ah what a world we live in".

As of now I am a free man who is just under investigation, and once they find out I am a supper genius who was just misunderstood the authorities will admit for their mistakes and award me a medal(thats the ticket) Seriously Phil.. do you know whats really going on in the world today, it makes my blood boil thinking about the nanny state my children will have to live in, They want to shoot my kids up with drugs and indoctrinate them in government run indoctrination camps. I am making my stand now, living my life as a protest, and triumphantly cherishing every day that my children can spend under my guidance.BTW, I dont plan on truly martyring myself until after the children are grown, and if the grandchildren need me bad enough I may even put it off until they are grown. Then at age 80 or so I will find some clever way to go out with a bang. (HA)

Can anyone  appreciate what I am tring to do?
Post by: Projectile Vomit on October 19, 2012, 08:24:19 am
There are times for being gentle with people, but when the wellbeing of children who can't choose wisely for themselves comes to the fore I'm less inclined to be gentle. I've reached a point after reading this thread more thoroughly, and particularly after reading Sabertooth's reactions and statements about "going out in a blaze of glory", that he probably shouldn't be allowed to interact with his children. I'm all in favor of eating raw foods and butchering one's own animals and even allowing children to participate in these activities, but what did you expect by advertising these activities with the defiant attitude you seem to carry? You're well on your way to earning the label "Doesn't play well with others." That's a dangerous label to carry, in any community. Don't deceive yourself into believing that you're a genius, when what you seem to be is anti-social and self-absorbed.

The sense I've gotten is that you've backed yourself into a corner with a long succession of poor decisions. It also sounds like it's time to answer for those decisions. I hope the TV show you'll be featured in treats you gently, and I also hope it's possible for the raw food movement to live down whatever foolishness you portray.

Post by: goodsamaritan on October 19, 2012, 08:44:36 am

You can do all that kind of truth stuff in my country.

Seems your defiance as a single person of truth will be met with Nazi persecution in your country.

I would think you had best follow Dorothy's advice and experience on this.

Made me remember why I stopped renewing my US Visa.

Post by: PaleoPhil on October 19, 2012, 09:05:05 am
There are times for being gentle with people, but when the wellbeing of children who can't choose wisely for themselves comes to the fore I'm less inclined to be gentle. I've reached a point after reading this thread more thoroughly, and particularly after reading Sabertooth's reactions and statements about "going out in a blaze of glory", that he probably shouldn't be allowed to interact with his children.  ....
Well said, as usual. I gave the helping approach a shot, but I had a feeling that Sabertooth would completely miss my point, along with the good advice from you, Dorothy and Tyler, and take it as criticism when it obviously wasn't. I was bending over backwards to cut him slack and try to help him, but you're right that so far he has only demonstrated that it's all about him and his self-glorification at the expense of everyone else, including all rawists and near-rawists and even his own family, and I suppose I was too easy-going and too willing to overlook the nonsense. I found his wife to be perfectly reasonable and to instantly get what I was trying to say, but Sabertooth seems to get the opposite meaning out of whatever I write. It seems that he must drop to the gutter before he snaps out of this martyrdom complex, if ever. Thanks for putting this in perspective and for putting the children first.

Sabertooth, I wish I could help you, but I suspect that you are beyond help at this point and will continue on your path of self-destruction. Right now my sympathies lie mostly with your children, who do not seem to be your primary focus right now--I hope that's not the case. How sad it is that your obvious physical improvements via a raw Paleo diet will go largely unnoticed and even be denigrated because of your other behaviors.

Yes, this is a police state and the Empire sucks, but do you really think that just giving it the finger and daring it to destroy you is in any way effective? Come to think of it, GS's posts makes me think that if you don't mind never seeing your son again, it might be a good time to bug out and head to the Philippines, if they'll make you a citizen.
Post by: sabertooth on October 19, 2012, 09:08:12 am
Eric you talking smack, God forbid you have to walk a mile in my shoes.

Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor, dammit. Dare to be stupid! Dare to dream the impossible dream. Anyway I think you are misunderstanding a nerds attempt at humor." I understand how difficult it is for intellectuals to lower their ego defenses and make real loving connections and compromises within a community of other like minded fellaheens. Also, I am more aware of my short comings than you could ever fathom, I am also aware of my gifts, and want more than anything to use what intellect I have left for good purpose, but sadly there are a lot of hateful people who would discourage any attempt to break out of the Box. This type of thing is happening right here and now and not only in my situation, but throughout the course of human events. I want to talk of love and friendship, but as soon I begin to open up, I get hit with cynicism and doubt from all sides(TD). One often has to laugh to keep from crying"Dostoevsky

Then again you may be right Eric (from a jerks perspective).
I am like a wild animal battered and confused that is backed into a corner and tring to claw its way out of hell.  Though, Saying my struggle is simply due to poor decisions is oversimplification. You have no Idea of what hell I have been through buddy!

Any of you guys are more than welcome to make a pilgrimage to see for yourself the real me, meet my children and see for yourself that they are well and taken care of. I need friends now more than ever. There has to be someone out there who sees that my heart is in the right place.
Post by: sabertooth on October 19, 2012, 09:12:59 am
I hear you Phil, its just that I have been going through a hard time and much of this talk is just a way of venting stress without getting violently angry. I appreciate ever ones advise and patients.
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 19, 2012, 09:14:41 am
OK, you seem to be speaking reasonably, Sabertooth. Maybe you just had to vent off steam. So what is your number 1 priority and goal--your children or your political agenda or what? If it was me, the children would come first, so that's my bias and if I seem harsh, that's probably why. As I get older, politics and glorious causes interest me less and human beings and simple things more. I could be completely misguided, of course.
Post by: sabertooth on October 19, 2012, 09:50:37 am
Nothing but peace is enough for me!

Its not about politics, its about being free to live and let the children be who they will be. The trouble is that politics get in the way. There is a world of people who think they know how my children should be raised. My children are new to this world and dont need to live up to any ones ideals. To simply be alive and be at peace with the world is my only particular goal. My mind is often stuck on whatever philosophical approach I am studying at the time and as of late I have realy gotten into Zen. There is the idea that you don't have to force anything. The children will learn by simply being engaged with the routine activities of daily life. What more do they need?. The idea that you have to force a 5 year old child into academics is appalling to me. I prefer taking them out to a park and while on parade we learn about life in the real world. Sure there is a place for academics but you don't have to start them so young. There is anxiety that comes from attempting these kinds of pragmatic and Ernest discussions with people who just don't care to recognize that there are a million roads to travel, so I often never have the time or patients to explain myself fully.

I am not some rebel without a cause, I am a scholarly man who has studied the sciences of human development, nutrition, and have dabbled a little in mysticism. I have my own unique view of the world that I want to share and develop more fully. My other main goal is to ensure that my children have the same freedom and opportunity to do develop  their own view under the direction of more natural influences . Does anyone see what I am tring to do now?

I never usually speak of the children , not because the are not a priority , its just that announcing to the world that we chased a group of thirty geese into the pond yesterday isnt much for internet chat. Its hard to bring up all the little joys and journeys of fatherhood within the context of these big and serious discussions here.   
Post by: Dorothy on October 19, 2012, 10:35:28 am
Sabertooth - I have written before and I will write again that I see you as a man wanting to do what is right, attempting to follow his heart the best he can.

I see what you see in our country. The big question is, how does one fight the good fight?

The one hope I see for us is not the standard media because it is already part of the problem. I see forums like this and others on the internet as one of our last stands of freedom - one of the few ways to find some truth. Our way to break out of the shackles person by person. A slight openness and desire for health can open a mind and lead to healing and larger freedom of thought. This place is not controlled. There can be people in the media that will also gain great strides. You might be one of those people. Being in that spotlight can come with some great costs though.   

What you are going through at the moment must be outrageous! The stress of a marriage breakup and big brother at your doorstep.

It can be hard to gain a footing at such times. Anger and fear and all one's survival mechanisms as well as overwhelm can get in the way.

I hope to be a voice from afar gently asking you to stand outside of yourself and ask what your priorities are. If the number one thing you truly want is to retain your children and keep yourself unincarcerated - then you will need to let go of your fight for now and strategize your way out -- working with and around the system as it is at present. You need help. Your number one priority in such a case is to find yourself a lawyer to help you through the maze that is our country's laws. Someone to help protect you from the lies and manipulation. There are ways to get free legal advise. I wish I could direct you, but perhaps Phil could help more than me in that regard. If you had listened and not let those people into your home - you would probably be better off right now. You have people here trying to help you. We are not in your situation so can perhaps see some things that you aren't able to because of your proximity. What I read the most repeated and what I have felt since reading this thread the first time was a sense that the children could be in jeopardy.

You could let your children be taken from you permanently, let more people in your home even though they have no legal standing to do so, you can be manipulated and tricked into serving a prison sentence - and perhaps then even do a great deal of good by plastering your case all over the media. I'm not judging. It might be what you want or your purpose. It might be the greatest good. It might be best to let your wife take full custody. I am in no position to state what is "best" for them or for you.

What I do see however is the timeline. I've seen you setting up this situation. I just want you to be aware of what you are choosing each step of the way. If you stay on the path you are on at present, the most likely outcome will be you losing control and perhaps even contact with your children.

Again, seeing their father standing up hell or high water for what he believes, spitting in the face of the establishment, going out in a blaze of glory, might be why they chose you.

They also might really gain a lot from having their father with them day in and day out with you on a youtube raw paleo station instead.

These are big moments of choice for you.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 19, 2012, 10:55:26 am
... that he probably shouldn't be allowed to interact with his children.

Funny how you caught this embedded statement CK.

It's precisely why people need to butt out of other people's business.  He's the dad and has ultimate authority of his own kids... from my point of view.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 19, 2012, 10:59:30 am

Your point of view on academic education resonates with me.

This is why my wife and I chose Waldorf Education for our children.  Let kids be kids.  Academics has its due time.
Post by: jessica on October 19, 2012, 11:13:36 am
i agree that sabertooth has been nothing but open this whole time about his relationship, feeling, family, emotions, habits.  and that for that he is nothing but a regular man going through a bit of a difficult time.  many couples and families separate, many couples stay in painful relationships for way way way tooo long and assume that its best for the family, forgetting that children are so highly aware and intuitive that it is best to end a relationship when it is over, or at least take time apart, and get on with being as healthy and appreciative of life as one can be.  i think his honesty is costing him much judgement from all of us right now.   i think the fact that sabertooth is very aware of his situation shows that he is not in the least bit disfunctional.  if others want to be suspicious of him because of his personal habits that is their ignorant choice and prejudices.  i know that in my own life i was accused of "Being a witch" because i collected feathers and pebbles and cool rocks from my hikes and lined my garden with them............really?!  in the 20th century?  yes people are this immature and intimidated at anythign that isnt quite vanilla.  i am sure in kentucky of all places there are many close minded folks who dont have a life of their own and would love to imagine all types of stories about the neighbors who arent exactly average, but harmless none the less!  i think its in the best interest for the kids faces to be blocked out so that adults and children alike in their community wont single them out for being different, but i do not think there is anything wrong with saber trying to explain his life style to a larger audience.  if the production company wants to pervert his message then it is up to him to be able to defend his real intentions and way of life through whichever means he can.  none of us really know the outcome of all of this right now so to cause so much angst through speculation is kind of absurd
Post by: Dorothy on October 19, 2012, 11:57:25 am
The angst is about the very real situation that Saber is in right now Jessica. You might have missed it -- He has been coerced by a neighbor, a  police officer and child protective services to sign away his parental rights. It's no longer about what could happen with crazies calling in to demand his children be taken away because of a television show, but what to do now that it has already happened because of a meddling neighbor.

One of our own has had their parental rights taken away (or more accurately manipulated away from him) because of his practice of the raw paleo diet.

He doesn't send his child to KINDERGARTEN but that is obviously not the issue. There has never been a law demanding a child to go to kindergaten in any state that I know of. In Kentucky before the age of 6 there is no law mandating school attendance. Here is some information regarding home-schooling in Kentucky. Kentucky is not an easy state to homeschool in. Each state has its own laws. BUT  a five year old any way you look at it is legally allowed to stay home with his parents without any kind of schooling. (

If Saber weren't feeling angst right now and the rest of us with him - there would be something wrong. Saber has to make the decision how to approach this. He has to figure out if he wants to play the game enough to get his kids back or not. That's a massive decision. What he does now will effect him as well as all of us. What he is suffering is something I know I think about. What do we do in the face of people insisting that we live the way they feel comfortable with but that goes against our core beliefs and what we know to be right and true?

Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 19, 2012, 12:03:06 pm
I feel that you are well intentioned, Cherimoya, but if you ban Eric then you will lose me also. He is one of the most brilliant and helpful folks on this forum. Sometimes with bitter fruit comes wonderful health and knowledge and sometimes just chiming in and agreeing does not really help anyone.

As the Dalai Lama said, :"Our enemies provide us with a precious opportunity to practice patience and love," and Eric could hardly be called an enemy of Sabertooth. On the contrary, Eric tried to help the children. Even if he were completely wrong, the sense I get is that he has the best interests of Sabertooth's children at heart, which seems like a good thing, yes?

Could your irritation be in part because a vegetarian fanatic attacked Sabertooth? If so, I can understand your contempt for such dogmatic veghead nutters who steered both you and me wrong in the past, but please don't let that dictate your attitude toward Eric, who has proved himself time and again to be one of the most able and helpful contributors to this forum.

I think that Dorothy's and Tyler's advice was also well-intentioned and helfpul, even though they didn't just affirm what Sabertooth was saying. Of course, that's easy for me to say, given that I wasn't the target of it in this case, but that's my take, FWIW.

Phil, you've got no kids, have never been divorced, and have never had authorities meddling in your life, right?  if that's true, leave the man alone, and let those of use with CHILDREN and DIVORCES and USELESS AUTHORITY-MEDDLING in our backgrounds help the man out.

Or just sit back and judge him, Oprah/Dr. Phil style. Whatever.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 19, 2012, 01:09:54 pm

I just had lunch with my in laws and I told them about your predicament.

From our point of view it's amusing and ridiculous. 

They said the same thing, if some sheriff or social worker knocked at my door because:

- we slaughtered our own animals  :o
- I had a pile of bones  :o
- my children were watching  :o

I'd have new best friends who'd come for dinner and took home large nice cuts and bones for their dogs.

Maybe we can tell this same story to the rest of the NON-USA world and make fun of your ridiculous US laws.

Tell this story to the Arab world.  They slaughter their own goats and sheep, it's family tradition.  Our member Sully has pics in his trip to his family in Jordan and they were slaughtering their own sheep with children watching.

Maybe can pick up the story.  Or some libertarian group can pick up the story.

My 2 sister in laws now remember why they didn't renew their US visas as well.

Maybe world humor and world condemnation of ridiculous US laws will do you some good.

Post by: aLptHW4k4y on October 19, 2012, 02:13:45 pm
GS that was my reaction too, and I'm in Europe. Raising my own animals and slaughtering in my backyard is illegal? It's absolutely ridiculous. And kids watching (and learning) something as natural as preparing your food? Like watching all the crime and killing people and similar crap on TV is better. I hope those weak and irrational vegetarians stay away from our "undeveloped" countries, just for a little while more..
Post by: TylerDurden on October 19, 2012, 02:29:24 pm
Hmm,  I wonder if   all this is a cynical attempt by S's wife to get custody of the children?

Incidentally, California recently banned homeschooling. Disgraceful, but there it is.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 19, 2012, 04:20:20 pm
Hmm,  I wonder if   all this is a cynical attempt by S's wife to get custody of the children.?

Incidentally, California recently banned homeschooling. Disgraceful, but there it is.

Hmmm.... that's another angle.

Although from my point of view again in my country, if a girl wants "custody" of children. 
And me husband treated as a criminal with only days of visitation "rights".
Hell, I'd give zero child support. And leave. And not care.
And establish my own new family somewhere far far away.
I can make my own new children.
I'll stay where I'm wanted.
Post by: aLptHW4k4y on October 19, 2012, 08:50:30 pm
Eric, it's pretty easy to "ban" yourself if you want that.
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 19, 2012, 09:05:00 pm
If you live in the USA and want to survive, you'd best be aware that you can get fined or jailed for a lot of seemingly minor things. I knew an elderly lady whose neighbors alerted the authorities and was threatened with fines because she wasn't mowing her lawn and trimming her bushes and trees regularly enough and throwing food scaps into her bushes (because she thought it would provide fertilizer, but she didn't understand that it needed to be mulched first). There was even talk of possibly condemning her house, which had sustained some hurricane damage, and thus forcing her to move. I also know a Youtuber whose neighbor complained to authorities because the neighbor could see him butchering animals like chickens on his property, so now he does it behind his trees where no one can see him.

Sure it stinks, but it's the law in many towns in the USA that you can't do these and other things. As populations grow and people live closer and closer together, the laws and regulations also grow and grow. It's one of the downsides of the population boom that GS advocates and of modern civilization (aka Mother Culture) in general.

At least two people tried to fight the law on lawn mowing in court on constitutional grounds and lost ( ( If they can fine you for not mowing your lawn often enough they can certainly fine you for piles of bones in the yard, butchering animals within view of neighbors, teaching your children in a way that the authorities decide doesn't abide by the laws, and a lot of other things. Animal rights fanatics read up on the laws, statutes, regulations, and ordinances re: animals so they can nail people with them that they believe are mistreating animals ( ( Forewarned is forearmed.

As the guy who now butchers his chickens behind trees says, "If you don't want to survive, don't listen to me."
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 19, 2012, 10:41:19 pm
Let's all keep cool  and remember we are trying to empathize, help Sabertooth think / get ideas on how to get out of his current predicament.
Post by: Dorothy on October 20, 2012, 12:41:57 am
What Eric said was useful. If even some or one of US feels that way, imagine how prevalent such feeling could be in the general public. Our country is moving towards the general consensus being that we all are responsible for all the children and can step in when we think there is something being done that we think might harm them in any way. We think that in general we should dictate how others eat, think, live. We think that because our property value might go down, we can dictate what happens on someone else's property. We think we should dictate even if it doesn't effect us at all directly. We talk about general medical care being the responsibility of the whole now so we have a right to say how we think you shouldn't allow yourself to get sick or injured. You must wear your seatbelt or helmet because I might have to contribute to your healthcare if you get injured. Your children even more so, because your children are my responsibility. Employers are starting to dictate if a person can smoke or not or how they eat AT HOME!

This is what Sabertooth is up against. It is a rare person in our society that will entertain that eating raw meat is good - but even worse - it is taboo! Killing one's own animals even more taboo - in front of children by so many that feel like their foods comes from a box in the store - it is considered to be needless trauma.

We have moved so far from community, dealing with each other as human beings in need of assistance - into so much selfishness and distance from each other, our food and even basic common decency and common sense that if Sabertooth gets into such a tide I'm afraid what could happen to him if general judgment, anger and frustration of the masses gets directed at him.

I had thought what Tyler said about perhaps this was something his wife could have orchestrated - but even if it was - it's not really. Sabertooth himself opened the doors. It's just happening now instead of later. Wifeswap probably had a reason to protect its participants in order to get more participants later. Sabertooth is not on a series with a particular network. He has gone ahead against his wife's wishes. One way or the other, these issues were bound to come up. He gave his wife all she needed to make sure she could take the children. He gave the populace all they needed to demand his children be taken away from him.

How to help him at this point?! That is the really big question.

It all depends on what his PRIORITIES are. Is his priority getting back the custody of his children or is it making a stand against our sick culture? Is his life mission to make raw paleo known to the world? This could be his opportunity. It all depends on what is the most important to him. 

Post by: ys on October 20, 2012, 12:55:52 am
These are not ridiculous US laws.  These are ridiculous municipality laws. Many incorporated towns and villages ban slaughtering animals in the backyard as well as imposing tons of other stupid rules.  Don't agree with it?  Move to the unincorporated area.

Back to the children issue.  While slaughtering animals may be allowed where Sabertooth lives scattered bones around the house will always work against him during custody battle.  Clean up the mess. A judge won't have any issues with slaughtering animals if the place is clean.  Remember, it is Sabertooth job to prove his is a fit parent.
Post by: Iguana on October 20, 2012, 02:17:25 am
if Sabertooth gets into such a tide I'm afraid what could happen to him if general judgment, anger and frustration of the masses gets directed at him.

In France, we know very well what happen in such cases. Families with children on raw paleo are nowadays carefully hiding the way they eat. Going on TV and trying to show the masses how we eat (and moreover telling them that’s the right way, implying their own standard diet is wrong) would be suicidal.

scattered bones around the house will always work against him during custody battle.  Clean up the mess.

Sure. I take care to leave no bones around, not because of the neighbors who wouldn’t notice it in my poultry backyard, but because it attracts foxes and dogs.
Post by: Inger on October 20, 2012, 02:18:24 am
There are times for being gentle with people, but when the wellbeing of children who can't choose wisely for themselves comes to the fore I'm less inclined to be gentle. I've reached a point after reading this thread more thoroughly, and particularly after reading Sabertooth's reactions and statements about "going out in a blaze of glory", that he probably shouldn't be allowed to interact with his children. I'm all in favor of eating raw foods and butchering one's own animals and even allowing children to participate in these activities, but what did you expect by advertising these activities with the defiant attitude you seem to carry? You're well on your way to earning the label "Doesn't play well with others." That's a dangerous label to carry, in any community. Don't deceive yourself into believing that you're a genius, when what you seem to be is anti-social and self-absorbed.

The sense I've gotten is that you've backed yourself into a corner with a long succession of poor decisions. It also sounds like it's time to answer for those decisions. I hope the TV show you'll be featured in treats you gently, and I also hope it's possible for the raw food movement to live down whatever foolishness you portray.

I see you Eric. I see what you try to say. I am thinkin they are wise words.
In this world today we need to be very wise. Careful. Especially when having children. Or we might suffer greatly.
Humility, great wisdom and fortitude are needed... we need to see the whole picture. To get fixated by the idea to convince people could be dangerous. It is not about having it right..
Post by: TylerDurden on October 20, 2012, 02:49:52 am
Rationally, I am worried that SB is being punished solely for being human and that only clever subterfuge can win the day -  emotionally, I wish he had the power/ability to warn the authorities to back off or die.
Post by: Dorothy on October 20, 2012, 04:09:18 am
Rationally, I am worried that SB is being punished solely for being human and that only celever subterfuge can win the day -  emotionally, I wish he had the power/ability to warn the authorities to back off or die.

I'm agreeing with you here Tyler. It's why I keep on asking what Saber's priorities are at this point. Saber has given the impression that he wants to fight for what he believes is right, that he has been willing to take all the risks. His actions and attitudes will need to be very different depending on his goals. If it's ok with him that his wife takes full custody of the children so that he can be in the limelight and set himself ablaze to perhaps make a light that will be seen from a far to try to change things - in an attempt to help humanity - what he does now would be quite different from a priority of getting custody of his children back no matter what he has to do to accomplish it.

People on the forum have been warning him all through this thread that he might have to face just this. Does he still have the same desire to spread the word as he did before?

If he wants to get his children back - he needs to somehow get legal advise, get rid of the bones, clean up and look like he is willing to play the game.

If he wants to make a big statement a totally different approach might be warranted - then perhaps it is best to contact the media. Perhaps he should contact the people that did the story for him to document the further story. Perhaps he needs someone with a video camera to document it all and put it on the internet to start more debate on what his rights are, aren't or should be in a free country.

YS is right, our country is still caught in it's struggle for independence with the state rights up against the federal government laws with even more confusion due to smaller municipality laws - and then even home owner's associations. All these things are good fodder for debate, intrigue, drama and perhaps social change.

We really need to hear from Sabertooth if and how this new development has changed things for him in order to know how to advise him.

Iguana lives in a place where people have to be in hiding to eat well. If Saber wants to stand up to that tide in our country and perhaps take a part in protesting here at any risk I will fully respect that and try to help. If he wants to put keeping his children above all else, I fully understand and respect that too and hope that he will take advise on how to do it.

Such a big moment of choice.
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 20, 2012, 05:08:05 am
I have my own unique view of the world that I want to share and develop more fully. My other main goal is to ensure that my children have the same freedom and opportunity to do develop  their own view under the direction of more natural influences .
OK, so you have those two goals of spreading your message and raising your children with home schooling and your influence, plus a third stated goal of finding a casual lover, possibly the pole dancer, and a fourth goal of getting "out of hell," yes? Do these goals seem in harmony, or do you see the 1st and 3rd goals as potentially reducing your chances of achieving the 2nd and 4th goals?

Do you think Dorothy might be right about needing to make a choice about which goals you're going to prioritize? I noticed the same apparent conflict between your goals. Doesn't Dorothy and Tyler's advice to play nice to try to recover custody of your children, get the authorities off your back and create a healthy environment for your children make sense? I hope things work out for the best for everyone involved.
Post by: sabertooth on October 20, 2012, 07:23:10 am
Jessica and Dorothy, thank you ladies for the supportive comments.

Iguana, It sounds like you are a bunch of pussies over there in France who are afraid to stand up for who they really are. Dont feel bad it looks like America isnt too far behind.

Phil, You sure have a lot to say, and I take it or leave it. What Eric said was wrong and insulting, but you are free to defend him if you please. I sometimes wonder how much you have actually lived. Unless you have had the experience of taking care of four small children and managing a wayward wife, you couldn't possibly know what you are talking about or know what I should do . Have you been dumped and betrayed by the only woman you have loved and then been forced to live apart while under investigation. As far as my priorities! Its been 3 months since I have been laid, so of course I want to go out and hook up with this hot little pole dancer. Whats a man suppose to do? I need love now more than ever.

That brings me to Tyler,
Rationally, I am worried that SB is being punished solely for being human and that only clever subterfuge can win the day -  emotionally, I wish he had the power/ability to warn the authorities to back off or die.
We are living in a gelded age. People have become pussified. Its seen as criminal or at least a sign of aggression to contradict an authority when being questioned, even if you are just stating the truth. You cant be confident , assertive or humorous at all in the face of false accusations or else they label you as belligerent. My own family and people around me just think I should shut up and role over. Lick the boots of people who dont really care for the well being of my family. Its just natural for a male lion to rear up and get viscous when his pride is threatened. Some of the most viscous animals take the best care of their young. The protective instinct is the primary source of my need to confront this world head on. Its an overdeveloped primal drive that kicks into action and compels me protect the tribe against the first signs of threat. I have associated much of modern life as being hostile to the well being of my children so I instinctively lash out when I am confronted by idiots who try to interfere with the way I Shepard my flock. Its a problem of mine that some people think I must learn to control.

In this age it seems that many humans have reverted back to weasel logic and many of them think that its best to hide who one truly is . Our society is full of rascals who live one way and portray who they are as something different. I had the crazy Idea that I will try to find out who I really am and then ware the "real" me with pride on my sleeve as a badge of honor. Some people hate that, and feel like its wrong not to care enough to pretend to play their games, those people feel its their duty to persecute and punish those who wont play by the same rules. I grew up fed up with stupid games and the burdens of role playing. It pains me to not be able to connect with people heart to heart because of how we are all rapped up in our roles, just let go. The truth is that the real me is in part a constantly evolving conflicted mess. Most deep thinkers are full of contradictions and emotional inconstancy, this is why people build up a persona, to smooth over the rough edges and present a more acceptable self.

It may be a bit grandiose, as usual, but I believe that people are still very much persecuted today much in the same way they were through history, for just being themselves. Cast that first stone if you will but I have harmed no one. My children are beatific, healthy, happy and strong, and yet there are those who feel it their duty to force me to live in line with what is deemed acceptable in order to protect them. Protect them from Greatness and condemn them to mediocrity. People have become cowards who would just stand by and watch as a good man has his life ruined by a few ignorant, misguided and hateful dorights.


Post by: Dorothy on October 20, 2012, 09:52:35 am
Well Saber - it is clear where you stand. Thank you stating it.  I can respect your choice. Licking boots is nasty business. It is true that begging for a lawyer and fighting from within their rules would be in a sense giving in.

I'd like to make a suggestion to you. Right now, at the beginning before the biggest effects, I suggest that you write a letter to your children explaining why you are taking the actions that you are and give it to at least three trusted people - even people on this forum if you like, to give to your children later.

With CPS, the police and the general public -- when you act as a lion out of instinct with ferocity and telegraph your "radical" beliefs across the airways and to their faces you will most definitely be giving them all the ammunition for the guns that they will need to take and keep your children from you. To be more accurate - they do not have to take anything as you are in a sense giving it to them like when you let them into your home and signed that paper even though it was not really mandated that you had to. Your wife whether she engineered this or not will likely be able to keep your children completely from you without visitation rights if she requests it. She and her new husband will be your children's parents and will raise them. Therefore, your children might never know why you did what you did because their new set of parents might not tell them. In your situation I would try to create early a way to let them know - even if it's when they come of age - what really happened from your point of view - as they might not be allowed to get your point of view until someone outside their sphere can reach them.

If I were giving up my children for my beliefs I would do everything in my power to get the most coverage, the most exposure, the biggest audience in order to make the most impact.

It all might backfire and do raw paleo more harm than good. It's hard to know what will be the result. But - it's what you are choosing to do and it's your right as a human being to not submit and to fight any way you know how. It will be a fine line between negative pride, ego and illusion and holding true to your self-worth and having positive pride and doing a service to humanity. Only your own soul will be able to know where that line is.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

Post by: sabertooth on October 20, 2012, 10:40:45 am
There is no plan to sacrifice, reason will prevail. My children are still with me and I put them to bed every night. I have a whole community of people who know for a fact how much I do for them. I called the main office of CPS today and complained about the way the social worker and sheriff came in and intimidated Sarah into signing the papers, and stated to her that the investigation stemmed from false accusations.. She was very understanding and told me that she has dealt with similar complaints. I talked with her for over a half an hour about the situation, she was really intelligent and respectful and she told me that she would get a copy of the report and call me back to let me know exactly what they are investigating. I told her that I am willing to participate with the investigation and do whatever it takes to prove that the children are well taken care of.
Post by: Dorothy on October 20, 2012, 11:13:38 am
Oh - Sarah signed the papers and not you! I didn't realize it was only her that signed. That's much better than if you had signed them.

You are calling up, cooperating, reaching out to individuals that can help, speaking unconfrontationally and have said that you are willing to do what is necessary to prove that children are well taken care of. You are enlisting the help and support of your community.

That's what I would have chosen too. Add to that -  I would ask if the state is able to provide a lawyer for you if the woman you spoke to today isn't able to close the case stating that the allegations were false.

Reason prevails. Deep sigh of relief.
Post by: Iguana on October 21, 2012, 02:42:03 am
Iguana, It sounds like you are a bunch of pussies over there in France who are afraid to stand up for who they really are. Dont feel bad it looks like America isnt too far behind.

I perfectly understand you, Sabertooth. You just got to be careful because the state institutions are much more powerful than any single individual.

Here I have no problem myself telling the truth, that I eat everything raw or even telling that I eat the “instincto way” if they know what it is. The problem is for people who have children: they’d better not shout from the rooftops that they eat all raw (or even worse: “instincto”  >D) otherwise they would have to face the inquisition and their children could be taken away from them.
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 21, 2012, 04:06:27 am
Sabertooth, I only meant that it might be wise to be discreet, not to become a monk, and that was the sense I got from what Tyler wrote too, and you can of course do as you please, and you know the details of your situation better than I do. It's good to see that you're already doing some of the things that Dorothy suggested and things apparently aren't quite as bad as it seemed from your earliest posts.

You have a lot to say too, but I'm not sure I understand it all. You're not suggesting that Iguana and Tyler are pussified cowards, are you? Is the language just coming across more strongly than you intended?

Eric doesn't need defending, as he has shown that he can defend himself. The sort of toughness you've talked about would include not letting his remarks bother you much, yes?

I hope things work out for the best for everyone.
Post by: sabertooth on October 21, 2012, 07:30:00 am

You have a lot to say too, but I'm not sure I understand it all. You're not suggesting that Iguana and Tyler are pussified cowards, are you? Is the language just coming across more strongly than you intended?

To answer your questions Phil, I am not sure. I am not a doctor and don't have enough information to make the proper diagnosis of vaginitis in the cases of our French and English compatriots . Though there seems to be plenty symptomatic evidence. From what I am seeing one could even say that we could be on the verge of a pandemic.

It may be looked at as a strong accusation, perhaps, but it is in no way nearly as insulting as for someone to tell me that because of what I have expressed,  my children need to be taken away. I remember as a child being called a pussy by the older kids who would play a little too rough on the football field. Its easy to forget that not everyone has been through the same school of hard knocks, so please forgive some of the insensitivity, my French and English contemporaries.

All joking aside, I don't know for sure if there are any truly brave souls in our midst. Its so easy to defend ones ideals online when there is no risk or repercussions. Its easy and sensible to give patronizing advise that is peppered with prudence while absent of gonads. What I want to know; Is there anyone out there who can be brave in the real world. I have always stood up and spoke out when confronted with ignorance. I have confronted the great lies being spouted by teachers in school, judges, lawyers, doctors and even the BS of my own family and community of friends. I did three days of interviews where I put my self and family on the line for what I believe in, and confronted head on many of the issues that most people are afraid to deal with in the public arena. 

Also, being from the southeast, I grew up with a lot of people who were from an extremely proud and unbridled heritage. There have always been trailblazers from this part of the world. People like Danial Boone, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and much later Wendell Berry, Charles Manson, Larry Flint, and of course"Call of the wild man" they all came from my neck of the woods. This area of the planet was called "Dark and bloody ground" by my Indian ancestors.
There wasn't anyway until the internet came along for a person like me to communicate with the rest of the world. But like in the story of Horton hears a who, I trumpet out from the watchtower "We are here we are here".
Perhaps the rest of the world runs by different sets of ethics, this must be where most misunderstandings arise and what I express as my rights and beliefs may work well only for my own kind and does not necessarily translate well into other regions where people have had much different heritages. Much in the same way the Native Americans were never understood by the settlers who often referred to them as savages. Or the Romans who referred to the various European tribes peoples as Barbarians. To this day the same misunderstandings persist even in the midst of the information age. There will never be a one world unity, it would mean absolute tyranny to even attempt such a beast. With forums like this mankind has been given the greatest opportunity to work together and build a bridge of greater understanding between the many different worlds we inhabit today.   
Post by: sabertooth on October 21, 2012, 07:49:49 am
The whole vaginitis comment may be taken out of context, unless you have seen this edisode of south park. So just to clear up any missunderstandings.LoL
south park vegetarians suck (
Post by: sabertooth on October 21, 2012, 10:32:36 am (

To tell you the truth I am still hoping on this TV show working out for me. They told me that my pilot interviews were used to get the whole series picked up. The casting director said the Animal Planet Network loved me. I should be in the premier episode of the primal behavior series that could air as early as January. Can I get a Yeehaw? If turtle man could be given a show then why not yours truly?
Post by: Dorothy on October 21, 2012, 12:00:52 pm
Saber - did you hear anything from the woman at cps today?

You do know that it is your LEGAL right to know what you are accused of? She will most likely tell you she will get the information for you, but never call you, because she must tell you that she will give it to you as it is the law. She cannot deny you the allegations, but it is also quite rare that you would be able to get hold of them yourself without a lawyer. They play games with these things if you don't have a lawyer. A lawyer would already have all the paperwork in his hands - along with the report that the cps worker made and the police report.

I know little, but I know these things. A lawyer would know much more.

Sometimes I see you as a sabertooth tiger or that lion you described fighting a man with a gun with your jaws. What you need is a man with a gun on your side too or the hunter could just shoot you and put your cubs in a zoo - no matter how valiantly you fight lion style. Get some good hunters on your side Sabertooth! The head of your church, a lawyer, anyone with connections - whoever you can.

I agree with so much of what you say my friend. I see so much cowardice around me - but most of it is because people are too sick, too tired and frankly - often not smart enough to even know that they should be fighting any way that they can figure out to the max of what they feel able and according to their skills and temperaments.

As far as I'm concerned every person here is fighting by first DOING and being an EXAMPLE of standing up against the dictates of others. This internet thing is my hope. The fact that you and I can be talking - you in Kentucky and me in Texas and no one is censoring this is a miracle to me in this day and age. Tyler and Iguana to me are brave men fighting the good fight by coming here and helping to guide others the best they can in a world that would otherwise be without guidance and support for the likes of you and me. I am glad that you want to fight more broadly, more publicly and with more risk, and to me someone just eating raw paleo and sharing about it here has already proved that they have courage in my eyes.
Post by: Alive on October 21, 2012, 12:57:12 pm
A huge YEEHAW from me to Sabertooth - you're the ANIMAL (compliment), really looking forward to seeing your show :)

Hey Dorothy - re Texas I was just watching a vid on evolution and they mentioned that changes to rationalise animal classifications have not been adopted in Texas because those in control there feel uncomfortable being classified as apes, lol...

Human Evolution: Did We Come From Monkeys? (

So humans are members of the ape family, apes members of the monkey family, monkeys are mammals, mammals are reptiles etc
Post by: jessica on October 22, 2012, 06:25:10 am
If turtle man could be given a show then why not yours truly?

you may have too many teeth?  far as i can tell alls ya need is a theme song
Post by: Dorothy on October 22, 2012, 06:46:13 am
You've gotten it confused Alive - The classification "Texan" goes back before American and even before human, ape or monkey. Texans are Texans before anything else. ;)
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 22, 2012, 06:50:43 am
Sabertooth, I still don't understand your talk of Iguana and Tyler having pussified vaginitis and all, but I guess it's supposed to be funny. The video clip was mildly funny, but I'm probably too old and too old fashioned to get the full hilarity of the joke, and you've gone through a lot of hell lately, so I'll not bother you further about it.

I come from people who were still influenced by an ancient culture, and was strongly influenced by them, so this may make no sense to anyone nowadays, but here's the sort of thing I'd expect to see from a man who doesn't want access to his children severely restricted, which I hope will explain where I'm coming from, though perhaps not, as the generation gap seems too broad to bridge: "Screw the bone pile! My children come first. I'll clean up my yard if necessary and do whatever else it takes to keep custody rights to my children and try to give them a good upbringing. TV show? What TV show? What is TV? Fame and glory? Pole dancer? Why are you talking about those things? Don't distract me. My mind's not on those things right now, it's on my children." If you said stuff like that, then I'd happily praise you for being a tough, mature, responsible man. You don't have to agree with me and I recognize that this is an old way of thinking that has been discarded, but I hope this explains why I'm not yet inspired to give a hearty cheer.

Some of the young folks here seem excited about the TV show. Maybe part of the reason I'm not excited by the TV show is that I've never owned a TV, rarely watch TV, and am only vaguely familiar with Oprah and Dr. Phil, so talk about the wondrous things that will be produced by a TV show is mostly foreign to me (though I do like the Internet, because it gives more control to the individual and let's me learn new things and interact with real people like you--and, yes, Eric, Tyler, Iguana and Dorothy too). Again, I hope that it all works out for the best for everyone involved, especially the children.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 22, 2012, 08:05:36 am
My experience with being featured National TV in a top rated show was that, in the wet market I frequently go to... where I go frequently enough the sellers there think I own a restaurant... is that they know me even more now. 
Post by: sabertooth on October 22, 2012, 08:22:51 am
Alive. that clip just reminded me of the movie
Inherit the wind. The scopes monkey trial. It seems the man is a monkey debate rages on still, though the complexity of the logistics have evolved, the new science seems to prove without doubt that we are direct ancestors of monkeys.
Inherit the wind: what is holy? (
I was steeped in evolutionary theory from an early age. I was about five years old and remember watching the movie with my mother, who would often quote  "If the lord wishes a sponge to think it will think"it was a general reference she would make when confronted with the general stupidity of many of life's hopeless situations. It was years before I could understand the depth of the scene.

Dorothy, today is Sunday and I celebrate the Sabbath by taking my children to church. It was the blessing of the animals day, In honor of saint Francis. People brought in thier pets and had them blessed. The children played afterward with the typical band of pagan children, the day was beautiful. I talked to the minister a little and am going to have to wait to first thing Monday to call and request the report.

Phil, so you are a bit of a stick in the mud and don't appreciate my comedy. The whole episode was hilarious, but if you don't like television I respect that totally. I don't own one either and limit my viewing to about a half hour or so of youtubing things of interest in the evening.

My children are not going to be taken a way, I am not on trial, there is an ongoing investigation which will not be able to produce the evidence of negligence needed to take my children. I have an entire community of people who will back me up in court if needed.  As for the bone pile, it is irrelevant, because they made us move out of the old place.

You are now criticizing my character, which is a completely different subject. Those children were with me all day, they hang off of me, and say daddy daddy daddy for most waking hours I am on beck and call to them. I have deep conversations now with my five year old who is now maturing on an emotional level. He said to me earlier"are we in the future"I told him that "yes right now we live on the edge of the future, and when you grow up you will be still be in the future" He then said" you are hurting my head" that's his response now when I begin to talk to deeply. When I am being silly or sappy he will say" be quite you are making me go to sleep". A way of saying that I am boring him.

My children are who they are because I am who I am. They see me full of life and wonderment and it inspires them. I am not ashamed of going out for a couple of hours twice a week to learn a pole dance routine, which BTW I will try to let you all see some of my moves after the showcase next month. Nor am I going to play down the fact that I will be on the Animal planet talking about the Raw Paleo diet. These things are a part of who I am and just because I am currently under persecution doesn't mean that I am not going to talk about the things that interest me. Its not like I am going to tell the social worker these things anyway, and as far as doing what needs to be done, I will do, but in the evening when the children are in bed I am going to kick back and do what I have always done which is what ever I fucking want. Which now that I sleep alone is not all that exciting.

So Phil ,What does excite you? What do you think about the movie scene, its much more high brow? Its difficult to get a picture of who you really are. It seems your heart is in the right place. I can kind of tell where you are coming from, and some of my more belligerent responses are not personally against you, but instead a way of tring to confront the general attitude of defeat. Just for you information, I hate being told that I am suppose to act a certain way, if I don't want my children taken away. I don't have to act, there is nothing to hide. I am often self absorbed and prone to daydream, and waste my time arguing with the wind, so what, there are some admirable traits , and some screwed up ones, but all in all the effect that my being has on my children is unmistakably positive. You would just have to see for yourself to know what I am talking about.

Post by: PaleoPhil on October 22, 2012, 06:59:02 pm
So Phil ,What does excite you? What do you think about the movie scene, its much more high brow? Its difficult to get a picture of who you really are.
Heh, that's understandable, because I like both high brow stuff like that and so-called "barbaric" stuff like "Mongol," and even South Park to some extent.

It seems your heart is in the right place. I can kind of tell where you are coming from, and some of my more belligerent responses are not personally against you, but instead a way of tring to confront the general attitude of defeat. Just for you information, I hate being told that I am suppose to act a certain way
I appreciate it. I wasn't trying to tell you what to do. It was an attempt at helpful counsel, similar to the way tribal elders would counsel young braves or a friend would warn not to watch out for the quicksand.

, if I don't want my children taken away. I don't have to act, there is nothing to hide. I am often self absorbed and prone to daydream, and waste my time arguing with the wind, so what, there are some admirable traits , and some screwed up ones, but all in all the effect that my being has on my children is unmistakably positive. You would just have to see for yourself to know what I am talking about.
That's good to hear.  Good luck with it.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 22, 2012, 10:27:00 pm
I just wish that certain members could be genuinely Libertarian rather than Liberal/Marxist/Communist-but-pretending-to-be-Libertarian.
Post by: Dorothy on October 23, 2012, 12:21:27 am
What can make a forum interesting sometimes is differing opinions and personalities. Everyone agreeing can get boring. ;) Most people that come here are strong-minded. It goes with the territory. You don't go eating raw paleo in our modern world without being strong. Often I find that strong-minded people expressing their opinions can come across as arrogant, condescending etc. even if they have no intention of it and aren't really. Everyone of the same politics or opinions or people being censored or banned (or being threatened or chastised) for having a different way about them I think could quickly become a negative spiral. One can disagree without threatening or attacking. Eric stating that Saber's kids perhaps should be taken away I disagree with - but it is also what many people in the world would think and perhaps even what others think here even - so it's good to respond to it - but threatening him for that opinion I think makes for a less safe environment for such a delicate subject. I personally believe that people expressing why they think he is wrong for such a statement would better serve all of us. 

This is a highly emotional topic - the possibility of putting the ones we love at risk for our beliefs, for our way of eating, for talking about it in public. 

This is also not only theoretical, but is about a real family in the middle of dealing - so the stakes are higher. The members that are responding also very well could have real life reactions based upon the things that have happened to them and all those emotions in response. Anyone that has lost someone, been attacked by a government agency or someone who has acted to do what they think is protecting someone against a member of their family or society by reporting to or working for an agency - even someone who cares deeply about how raw paleo is perceived - will likely have a strong emotional response along with strong opinion. 

It could be too easy to start fighting with each other with such a subject. I don't see that doing anyone - especially Saber - any good at all. Talking through all sides without making it too personal though - that could do him a great deal of good in my opinion as that might help to prepare him (and perhaps the rest of us) for what might have to be contended with.
Post by: Iguana on October 23, 2012, 04:29:36 am
Everyone of the same politics or opinions or people being censored or banned (or being threatened or chastised) for having a different way about them I think could quickly become a negative spiral. One can disagree without threatening or attacking. Eric stating that Saber's kids perhaps should be taken away I disagree with - but it is also what many people in the world would think and perhaps even what others think here even - so it's good to respond to it - but threatening him for that opinion I think makes for a less safe environment for such a delicate subject.

I totally agree with everything you wrote in the above post.
Post by: goodsamaritan on October 23, 2012, 05:44:48 am
What can make a forum interesting sometimes is differing opinions and personalities. Everyone agreeing can get boring. ;) Most people that come here are strong-minded. It goes with the territory. You don't go eating raw paleo in our modern world without being strong. Often I find that strong-minded people expressing their opinions can come across as arrogant, condescending etc. even if they have no intention of it and aren't really. Everyone of the same politics or opinions or people being censored or banned (or being threatened or chastised) for having a different way about them I think could quickly become a negative spiral. One can disagree without threatening or attacking. Eric stating that Saber's kids perhaps should be taken away I disagree with - but it is also what many people in the world would think and perhaps even what others think here even - so it's good to respond to it - but threatening him for that opinion I think makes for a less safe environment for such a delicate subject. I personally believe that people expressing why they think he is wrong for such a statement would better serve all of us. 

This is a highly emotional topic - the possibility of putting the ones we love at risk for our beliefs, for our way of eating, for talking about it in public. 

This is also not only theoretical, but is about a real family in the middle of dealing - so the stakes are higher. The members that are responding also very well could have real life reactions based upon the things that have happened to them and all those emotions in response. Anyone that has lost someone, been attacked by a government agency or someone who has acted to do what they think is protecting someone against a member of their family or society by reporting to or working for an agency - even someone who cares deeply about how raw paleo is perceived - will likely have a strong emotional response along with strong opinion. 

It could be too easy to start fighting with each other with such a subject. I don't see that doing anyone - especially Saber - any good at all. Talking through all sides without making it too personal though - that could do him a great deal of good in my opinion as that might help to prepare him (and perhaps the rest of us) for what might have to be contended with.

I think it's amazing how we get strong opinionated people together, and global too.  I learn a lot from all you guys.

I'm sure the opposite ideas are good intentioned from their point of view.  It just may need further explanation since many things are lost when the communication is not face to face.

Post by: sabertooth on October 23, 2012, 06:15:49 am
There is a lot of emotional turmoil right now with my situation, and this seems to be a safe place for me to vent out much of my frustration as well as somewhere to look for a good word that may help guide my next move. I'll leave all the politics for you guys to battle out, "I am just a caveman", and my primitive mind cant grasp such concepts as political correctness.

There are so many angles to look at, and there are going to be disagreements, that is a given. The issues I am going through need to be discussed openly and passionately, for there to be any hope of legitimizing to the mainstream our common beliefs regarding the basic tenets of the Raw paleo diet. There are other people out there who are making the choice to go raw paleo, but are worried about the same kind of persecution, especially for those with families with small children.  If I am allowed to live openly and proudly and have my story told on national television, then it may encourage others to quit hiding in the shadows and allow for exponential growth in the raw paleo community.

Then again, if all you "nay slayers" are correct and I am thoroughly destroyed by this ordeal then it could be a sign to everyone to go back and hide in your caves. Much in the same way a groundhog seeing his shadow signals 6 more weeks of winter.

I often have the same feeling that fake "bleeding heart libertarians" are everywhere, and am glad that I live in a place were there are many genuine libertarian values still held. 

I talked with my old martial arts instructor the other day, He is a genuine libertarian, and has known me since I was 17. He is in total agreement that if you are not harming anyone then there is no reason for the law or meddling vegetarians to get involved. He has a huge heart and knows all about the troubles of the world, but he also knows how limited people are to actually get involved in other peoples "problems". There is often negative blow-back and unintended consequences that occur when government agencies and other social institutions try to regulate how human beings are suppose to live. We have some lively talks about some of the most off beat though relevant subjects. For example. Some people think that Honey Booboo is being raised in a retarded fashion, and she is being given a warped sense of self worth, but its her mothers right to raise her however she wants. If her mother wants to hop her child up on caffeine, and have her parade around on national TV, who are we to tell her she cant. I see a light of hope with honey booboo, because if she is free to be as she is, then there is no reason that the rest of us cant be who we are.
Dr. Drew Tries Honey Boo Boo's Go Go Juice (

This may be my farewell message for a while because I am going to have to leave where I am squatting, soon. I will be out of internet contact for the foreseeable future, and have so much to do, that all distractions will have to cease, but as soon as my living situation is worked out, I will return.
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 23, 2012, 08:00:57 am
warn not to watch out for the quicksand.
Oh bother, "I meant warn to watch out for the quicksand." Wish I could edit older posts for dumb mistakes like that.

Good luck to you Sabertooth. Your frustration is understandable given the circumstances. If I were in your shoes, I might feel the same way. Here's hoping you prove right and all goes great for you and your family.
Post by: intrigued on October 23, 2012, 08:43:40 pm
Interesting.  So to boil it down entirely too far, and probably offend someone by oversimplifying it, it seems like the libertarian philosophy espoused by sabertooth's friend is first do no harm, and if that is fulfilled, no one has authority to tell you not to do something, or specifically not to raise your children a certain way.  I probably don't understand it all the way, so if anyone wants to clarify or direct me to the right thread (searched and didn't find anything definitive).

The obvious problem here is that "do no harm" is great on paper, but can be extremely vague and difficult to achieve in practice.  Who is the one who gets to decide what "no harm" means?  Does everyone really agree that the way she is raising "honey boo boo" is not harmful to her, or does it just not cross "the line", where "the line" is different for every person?  I don't know that there are good answers to these questions, but it seems like if you agree that children could be taken away for ANY reason, then it seems hypocritical to say someone else doesn't fall under the same generalized label (libertarian) because their viewpoint differs in degrees.  Again, I'm probably just not understanding the libertarian philosophy fully, so I'd appreciate any insight.

I also wanted to add that I consider posting something around the same time as Dorothy to say roughly what she said, but never would've done any justice compared to what she wrote.  One of the better posts I've seen in my years on the internet.  100% agree.
Post by: Projectile Vomit on December 22, 2012, 02:46:58 am
Anyone have any news on when (or whether) the episode of Primal Behaviors that Derek (aka Sabertooth) filmed for will air? He mentioned as early as January 2013, but I've seen no mention of this on the Animal Planet website.
Post by: sabertooth on February 19, 2013, 06:57:42 am
Extreme Animal Obsessions on Vimeo (

This is not the actual episode. My cousin found the original pilot that was somehow released on the web, there still no word on if an actual show will be aired. The interviews were cut to shreds and the editors put their own spin on the show, but overall they didn't portray me too badly.
Post by: jessica on February 19, 2013, 07:14:05 am
ha dude seriously........this is amazing, they totally tried to make a very weird tale out of your diet.  hey guess what, you can die from eating SAD too, hey guess what, theres a chance you can die from life.....

gotta admit that was pretty weird to watch though, producers are so good at eliciting emotions

you look really healthy here, did you get other results besides cholesterol and parasites? 

really sorry to see how your family reacts to you though saber, i would be so disheartened if my family werent 100% behind ANYTHING that they though would make me healthy and happy, i hope you find a place filled with more open minded people who value your authentic self, gotta find your tribe brother
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 19, 2013, 07:31:05 am
Awesome! A new hero is born!

Do they know about this raw paleo diet forum?

Do they know you are not alone?

If it will help you communicate with your family, we should all shoot our personal videos about why we are doing raw paleo diets.

You looked handsome on video.  The most beautiful glowing family member hands down.

The follow up video should be you doing your pole dancing!
Post by: raw-al on February 19, 2013, 08:01:58 am

I second your post!


You stood up well. Like the rest of us, you are in a battle that really all you can do is hold off the naysayers. You'll not convert them. You stayed patient and pleasant. Excellent.

Too bad the others in the family didn't get a blood test. That would probably be an eye opener. Unless they are being looked for, parasites etc, don't show up in blood tests.

All of us are full of bacteria and parasites. The difference between a healthy and sick person is that they don't get a chance to take over. But you know that.

I was hoping you would mention your illness and how the Doctor's medicines did nothing, but the diet brought you out of it.

Good job.

I don't tell my family. Too much trouble.
Post by: intrigued on February 19, 2013, 09:58:36 am
Pretty good.  I've been following this thread and was really hoping I would see an at least semi-finished product at some point.  I agree with what the others have said, if nothing else you look far healthier than everyone around you who is advocating other diets.  There's certainly a lot of agenda pushing, but your case is stated pretty clear and simple, and it's plain to see that you are on this diet and not having problems (in fact, solving a bunch that you had).  If there is a finished product that is give or take the same as this, I'd call this a definite success.

Splaying out the high meat at the dinner with everyone else was a little much for me, with all the shock factor/gagging, but it seemed obviously staged, and I think that will come across to anyone who is willing to challenge their beliefs on this kind of stuff anyway.

I thought it was interesting seeing the woman (sister? I didn't catch it) that didn't seem as concerned about the raw piece, and just wanted you to pull fruits/vegetables into the situation.  I didn't expect to hear that view on it.
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 19, 2013, 11:03:09 am
I myself have not tried eating maggot infested meat.

With just the stink of ageing meat in the refrigerator my mother in law complains already.

At the beginning of my raw paleo thing the family and in laws did not complain about raw fruits, raw vegs and raw fish.  They only squirmed at raw red meat.   

Then I would demonstrably heal people they knew first hand with temporary raw paleo diets: my kids, my mother in law's boss, my in-laws' driver, my driver, our plumber, etc... so the entire raw paleo diet paradigm has proven itself to be worthy of recognition in the family and extended family.

These days they don't complain as long as I don't stink up the dinner table, and I eat civilized looking.
Post by: TylerDurden on February 19, 2013, 02:50:48 pm
I've just watched a bit of the video and was impressed. I suppose, like with that wifeswap episode, you will get morons phoning the police to complain, but still. I love the gnawing on that large carcass! It's so offensive to prudish, limited people.
Post by: Löwenherz on February 20, 2013, 09:25:44 pm
This is not the actual episode. My cousin found the original pilot that was somehow released on the web, there still no word on if an actual show will be aired. The interviews were cut to shreds and the editors put their own spin on the show, but overall they didn't portray me too badly.

Very professional! They produced a nice TV drama about your lifestyle. It's very smart to start the show with a roadkill shocker.

Little to nothing is said about the possible health benefits we can get from raw animal foods. But who expected this?

I hope you got a suitable amount of money from the producers..

Post by: intrigued on February 20, 2013, 09:37:13 pm
Well there were the constant overtones of "bad bacteria this, parasites that, it's only a matter of time until one of these awful things causes your entire body to explode, etc.", but there is also the story of how awful he was doing on mainstream food, how he was wasting away and couldn't keep it down, but how he is now doing much better and having none of those problems.  I think the good was definitely represented, even if quietly and overshadowed a bit for the folks who will take it at face value.
Post by: Projectile Vomit on February 20, 2013, 09:45:08 pm
If this piece airs as presented, then I think Derek has done a great disservice to the raw food community. You sold out man, you accepted whatever pittance they offered in return for letting them butcher and sensationalize your story. They made you out to look like a sullen nutcase who's slipping off the deep end. Which, admittedly, you might be.

I don't understand how anyone can watch this piece and see anything positive in it for the raw food community.
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 20, 2013, 10:04:10 pm
Seems we need to make our own videos then.
Post by: intrigued on February 20, 2013, 10:06:17 pm
Eh.  I definitely don't think it's the best way it could be portrayed, but I do agree with the sentiment that some others have that at least you're getting it out there that there's a person that's doing this, and they're not immediately dying, in fact they're solving a lot of their health issues with it. 

If this airs, there's a lot of people who will see this and think it's gross/disgusting and that he's crazy, that's for sure.  On the other hand, some people will see it and it will make them think, and may challenge their ingrained beliefs that raw meat = death.  They may search around the internet and end up on this forum to learn more. 

I think that's the best you can hope for really right now with the current norm attitude to this thing, if you have any interest in reaching out to people who have never considered the diet before.  On the other hand, if you want to just shell up and not be noticed by mainstream society, this is certainly a bad thing.

To me, though, the major points that seemed like they were meant to attack him, failed pretty hard.  1) a doctor told him he had some parasite, which could harm him if he weren't healthy... duh, and that there's all sorts of "terrible bacteria" on this meat that he's eating... and somehow it's making him healthier, 2) the family got all grossed out by him eating at the table, this is just shock factor/sensationalism for tv, anyone who has any chance of questioning their beliefs on something like this shouldn't fall for that anyway, 3) the psychiatrist at the end trying to diagnose him and bring the family together, he mostly stood his ground, but made some compromises to work with his family, and the questioning she was doing was just a bunch of bull anyway.
Post by: Projectile Vomit on February 20, 2013, 11:04:45 pm
Eh.  I definitely don't think it's the best way it could be portrayed, but I do agree with the sentiment that some others have that at least you're getting it out there that there's a person that's doing this, and they're not immediately dying, in fact they're solving a lot of their health issues with it. 

Why is it enough to just 'get it out there'? Why can't we hold ourselves to a higher standard? I think some raw food enthusiasts have become so accustomed to being ignored that they think a little press is always good. I guess I disagree with that sentiment. I think for press to be good it needs to be good press, and this isn't good, no matter how anyone looks at it.
Post by: jessica on February 20, 2013, 11:20:52 pm
I dont think its a disservice, neccessarily.  I'd have to admit that parts where Derek talks about "becoming an animal" and having an alter-ego of a sabertooth is pretty weird to me.  If i werent already hip to eating raw meats, that's the point where I would stop listening.  But you have to understand that the producers want to tell a personal story about someone who is different, so we can all gawk.  And so they highlight what about that person is strange(thinking one is becoming more animal) or unconventional(eating raw meat).  If it were me, and even if I thought that, I would certainly not express it to the media, and just focus on the benefits that have accumulated through a raw food diet and a more "natural, wholistic" lifestyle because in truth we ARE animals, so portraying ones self as going more back to nature doesnt seem as weird as saying "im becoming an animal!".  Its definitely all about presentation and stringing together a great story, you can draw folks in and convince them of anything if you are clever enough.
Post by: intrigued on February 20, 2013, 11:41:51 pm
I guess it all depends what your goal is.  To me, it's more important to get the information out to people who can actually use it, maybe help a handful of people challenge their beliefs and find a better way of life.  I guess if what you're looking to do is improve the popular mainstream opinion of raw, this video could be seen as a negative.  Even then, at least you're getting out that people DO eat this way, and you start to let the shock value of that wear off.

There might be ultimately "better" ways to get it out, but I don't think this is a bad one, again depending on your goals.  I don't think in this current climate you have any hope of getting something less sensationalized than this out to a large audience.  People could be creating videos that shine a better light on it, and some even are, but I'd say the most views on those are coming from people that area already aware/interested in eating this way.  It's more of helping those that are already interested along the path, versus showing new people that it's possible.
Post by: TylerDurden on February 20, 2013, 11:49:26 pm
If we are to gain any presence in the media, we will have to endure this sort of thing at first. As someone once said re truth:-"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Post by: eveheart on February 21, 2013, 01:32:11 am
If we are to gain any presence in the media, we will have to endure this sort of thing at first. As someone once said re truth:-"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

I like that concept of the stages of truth, but I also feel that the perspective of the film was sensationalism because there was no discussion of the benefits of eating uncooked food. I saw a portrait of a family torn apart by the delusions of one member who believes he is a wild animal. I have a family who eats cooked food, and I never parade my raw food in front of them, nor do I find that I am separated from family because of what I eat.

There's another saying: "You can either be a shining example or a dire warning." This film is a dire warning of how not to talk about eating raw meat. There are excellent movies about paleo-style eating, and I would prefer to see a documentary about eating raw food that was informative and sensationalism-free.
Post by: raw-al on February 21, 2013, 02:41:20 am
 I listened to a book not long ago that told of a young woman who signed up for a makeover show. She would get a free cosmetic surgery. Her family had previously not mentioned their sister/daughter's facial issues and were very supportive, but somehow the camera crew managed in an interview, to get them to admit she was ........... not attractive.

The young woman was in another room separated by a 1 way mirror during that interview. Anyways now she was 'wound up like the proverbial 2 dollar watch' to have this operation and when she was suddenly dropped from the show, she committed suicide 4 months later.

The latest is that her family is suing the show. (
Post by: van on February 21, 2013, 06:29:12 am
hey Derek.  I felt compelled to write to you.  When I first started watching the video, I said to myself,  "oh no".   But then that all changed, and I was there supporting you.  I found you to be most genuine, and amazingly centered without judgment or anxiety; two traits that healthy people have.  I cringed for you when I saw the manipulation set upon you by the therapist.  They should have simply called her a mediator, at best.    I could see the love your father has for you, and your mom too.  Brother and sister appear to be lost in their beliefs and fears, but also it's clear they love and care for you also.  I do think, that it would be showing compassion for them to follow through as mentioned and eat 'safer' foods in front of them.  And or if you bring foods to their houses to eat, bring the most acceptable  and presentable foods you can,  maybe something of a sushi presentation, maybe a few carrot strips, or sliced tomato, avocado on your plate all nicely arranged with maybe thinly sliced layed out meat.   I would have loved if somehow you could have found out the doctor's chlorestorol, and even better to have looked at the 'good and bad' levels she had.    And again, I thank you for your honesty throughout the presentation.  And the complete lack of any aggressive rebuttals towards the nay-sayers.    I hope your family as time goes on can accept your way. 
Post by: Alive on February 22, 2013, 02:28:42 pm
Thank you for posting your groovy video Derek - you come across very clearly and look super healthy. Well done for solving your teenage health problems so well, on your own, and standing up for what you believe in. You look the healthiest by far out of all of the people in your family! I will be interested to hear if you do change your road kill & maggot meat eating practices, and start eating some tomatoes & avocados  ;)
Post by: wodgina on February 22, 2013, 07:21:09 pm
I thought it was great. I laughed out aloud all the way through.
Post by: cherimoya_kid on February 22, 2013, 09:16:33 pm
I found it odd that Derek's family seemed to not notice or mention the increases in his health. 
Post by: eveheart on February 23, 2013, 03:34:05 am
I found it odd that Derek's family seemed to not notice or mention the increases in his health. 

This genre of programming is not scripted to portray a balanced point of view.
Post by: LePatron7 on February 23, 2013, 07:27:30 am
Where's the link to the video? I'd like to see it.
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 23, 2013, 07:31:15 am
I found it odd that Derek's family seemed to not notice or mention the increases in his health. 

Hey Derek,

What do your family members feel or know about your recovery from illness?
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 23, 2013, 07:33:46 am
Where's the link to the video? I'd like to see it.

If your browser has no flash you cant see embedded videos in this forum.

Here's the link Extreme Animal Obsessions on Vimeo (

Click below.
Post by: LePatron7 on February 23, 2013, 08:58:08 am
I think it was definitely sensationalized or portrayed to be more than it really is.

But Sabertooth/Derek didn't help in making raw paleo seem like something that could be a part of 20th century living. I really think the high meat and maggots would've been best left out.

I definitely would've stressed how important it is for the animal to be healthy/grass fed/wild. For example, when the doctor reading him his test results explained about the dangers of the bacteria. I'd have mentioned how with conventional meats, stressed antibiotics, hormones and unnatural diets. And likely have given a visual by mentioning Food Inc. That with those there's dangers eating them raw. But with grass fed meats, there's little to no risk.

As bad as I think it'll look to most people, and make people have little/no interest in raw paleo. It's clear to someone who's paying attention that Derek recovered from a health crisis, and looks much healthier than the rest of his family.

Again though, overall, he made raw paleo look bad. Even like a reckless, careless, and dangerous practice (partially due to the directors).
Post by: raw on February 23, 2013, 11:05:56 am
Sabertooth, I just seen ur video on facebook. Wow! U look amazing from the rest of ur family members. Thank u soo much for ur maggots meat. I m looking to make it myself to consume. I take one ball size of high meat without maggots everyday and I will do with maggots now. Don't worry about what others saying, all we could prove that , even living 100 yrs old as an active elderly person, without going to doctors. Our brain is not foggy like others. Since the 1st day I try raw meat, I m loving it. God bless to all my raw paleo friends
Post by: TylerDurden on February 23, 2013, 05:15:33 pm
I think sabertooth was right in showing himself eating maggoty high meat etc. One of the big myths of current so-called "dietary wisdom" in the media is that one  gets food poisoning automatically from eating heavily rotten meat and that one dies pretty quickly after eating such meat for some months. So someone who's been eating it for years without issues can make people realise that raw meat-eating isn't really all that dangerous, after all.
Post by: Projectile Vomit on February 24, 2013, 01:16:12 am
I think a well done video on raw food could work wonders for people's perceptions of where disease comes from, and what disease actually is and is not. Unfortunately I don't think handing the responsibilities of scripting to producers at a major network can lead to a well done video, and I also don't think having the 'star' of a video acting like a boy trying to gross people out is strategically wise. Hopefully the video will end up buried, few will ever see it, and it will not become too much of a burden.
Post by: sabertooth on February 24, 2013, 01:54:55 am
Believe it or not we are on the same side ERIC.

I agree that we need to have our own documentary produced from a pro paleo perspective. I find your lack of understanding of what I was attempting in the show by playing along with the mainstreams game, a little obtuse. The show that the network will air is completely neutered of all the most powerful testaments and they twisted my life story completely.

This was a given!

We all already knew that it would happen this way. My main goal in going along with the freak show that the network wanted, was that My physical presence; being alive and well after years of eating raw and rotten meat, would make an impression upon millions of viewers, regardless of how it was spun.

Thank everyone else for your  support. I have been so busy working and trying to make "ends meat" that I haven't been able to devote much time to the paleo cause. There is still no word on if they will actually air any of my story on national television, The corporate overlords may not ever allow for it.
Post by: eveheart on February 24, 2013, 03:05:27 am
I agree that we need to have our own documentary produced from a pro paleo perspective. I find your lack of understanding of what I was attempting in the show by playing along with the mainstreams game, a little obtuse.

Well then, call me obtuse, too.

We all already knew that it would happen this way. My main goal in going along with the freak show that the network wanted, was that My physical presents; being alive and well after years of eating raw and rotten meat, would make an impression upon millions of viewers, regardless of how it was spun.

I didn't get that impression at all; after all, it is the spin that gives the impression. I suggest you work with a writer if you have trouble expressing your point of view. Perhaps you are overestimating the power of your physical presence. In addition,you are way too young to let your health speak for you without quantifying your health problems and recovery.
Post by: Alive on February 24, 2013, 05:17:33 am
I showed Sabertooths' video to my wife, who is not RP, and she liked it. She said it looked to her like Sabertooths is an outlier being persecuted by his family, and she said you looked great, but your brother looked pretty sick. I'm thinking she will have a lot more compassion for my new RP habits as a result of viewing the video - Cheers Sabertooth  : )

I think sometimes when people see an extreme it can make them accept a more moderate situation more easily. For example last night I was talking to a woman who heard that I ate raw meat through her daughter's friend (some shocking gossip), and she says after seeing AVs video of eating high meat she says it was really cool that I was taking my own 'radical' steps to take responsibility for my health.

So the more that healthy, coherent & energetic RP people like Sabertooth are in the media, the stronger the case becomes. The broader the range of experiences that are made available builds credibility.
Post by: goodsamaritan on February 24, 2013, 06:43:52 am
I showed this Sabertooth's video to my 2 boys aged 11 and 9 and their immediate comment was that the people and the docs saying Sabertooth could die from raw paleo diet were wrong. 

The boys were pretty biased because although they are not on raw paleo diet today.  They both have experienced raw paleo diets temporarily several times to save their necks.  More months with my 11 year old.  They said raw paleo diet saves lives. Gives life.
Post by: sabertooth on February 24, 2013, 08:04:25 am
Well then, call me obtuse, too.

Ok, your obtuse then. The point is to reach the mainstream anyway possible. I don't need to prove to the masses that I am healthy or even sane. If I shatter the paradigm that raw meat is somehow deadly in the minds of a few million people, then I will do more to progress the raw agenda, than an underground blog youtube post out there, which may only reach a few thousand.

So yes if you cant see what I am attempting to do then you are being obtuse.

Where is the love for a fellow raw enthusiast.
Paleo Diet Demo w/Sabortooth (
Post by: eveheart on February 24, 2013, 09:28:45 am
Now who's being obtuse? The cooked-food mainstream isn't the same as the raw-paleo audience. I have learned much about raw whole-animal storage and preparation from you, but persuasion is a delicate skill. I would hate to see someone with your expertise be diminished by sensationalism.

You are capable of more - this raw paleo diet demo is proof of that. And don't underestimate youtube - it is a driving force.
Post by: wodgina on February 25, 2013, 05:21:59 am
Now who's being obtuse? The cooked-food mainstream isn't the same as the raw-paleo audience. I have learned much about raw whole-animal storage and preparation from you, but persuasion is a delicate skill. I would hate to see someone with your expertise be diminished by sensationalism.

You are capable of more - this raw paleo diet demo is proof of that. And don't underestimate youtube - it is a driving force.

In other words you think what he did is wrong. Then you say he is capable of more. Wtf. You sound like Dorothy.

By the looks of his video he does whatever the hell he wants to do.

Post by: goodsamaritan on February 25, 2013, 09:58:16 am
Wodgina, we can all have our disagreements.  Remember we live in different parts of the world even if we are raw paleo dieters.

Sabertooth, nice new video with cracking the bones and getting at the marrow and the brain.  You keep producing the videos, post them here, I'll post your videos on my blogs and facebook and twitter.

I'm so spoiled.  The butchers here do all that for me.
Post by: Löwenherz on March 03, 2013, 08:50:00 pm

thanks for your video. Hope to see more from you soon!

Post by: Löwenherz on March 03, 2013, 08:58:32 pm
Sabertooth, have you thought about writing an e-book about your story, your healing process and raw paleo diets? You could sell this book on a special website, for example, like Aajonus..

It would be an very interesting read for many health seaking individuals.

Post by: ys on March 08, 2013, 05:13:05 am
Here is Yuri's video.  Some local channel did a mini report last summer.

The editors of course added some BS comments.

You might want to pause to give more time while reading the translation.

Post by: goodsamaritan on March 08, 2013, 08:44:46 am
Here is Yuri's video.  Some local channel did a mini report last summer.

The editors of course added some BS comments.

You might want to pause to give more time while reading the translation.


Go Yuri!!!
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 08, 2013, 08:50:13 am
Thanks, GS. Excellent video; the people who made it did it in a much less negative way than the those who did the video on Sabertooth, though they did include the negative comment from the physician and the "one case out of a hundred!" remark at the end, and Yuri did an excellent job. Congrats to Yuri. They even called him "our hero"! :)  Good to see that he's doing well.

Both videos portray the WOE as minimizing "the amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet." It would have been nice if there were mention of raw omnivore dieting too, as this gives a somewhat skewed representation of raw diets that include animal foods, but most people already consider raw fruits and veg to be healthy and most RPDers seem to be relatively low carb, so it's not that big of a deal.
Post by: PaleoPhil on March 11, 2013, 07:17:39 am
Oops, I meant thanks ys, sorry.
Post by: raw-al on March 11, 2013, 08:37:16 am
Thanks YS for the Yuri Vid. I haven't noticed him on here these days.
Post by: Wai Kai Zen on March 19, 2013, 06:44:19 am
Respect for you Derrick!
I think your very intelligent from what Ive read on this forum.
I do get the point some people here are making and that is you coming across as weird.
Now, let me state that I do not think you are weird, but when you started talking about being a beast (sabertooth) I understand why other people might think this about you.
Maybe if you would have given some more info about the benefits you have gotten from eating this way you get taken so much more seriously, even more if you talk about what cholesterol etc does in the body.

Let it be clear that I admire you alot!! And I have respect for you and you come across as a very very nice person.
So what I stated above is just my vision on it, but please take it lightly.
I do feel you should do whatever you want and keep living for you.
I myself try to balance my lifestyle with the social component by keeping my diet/food away from people and dont talk about it. Just living life and not letting diet rule it, its just a tool so we can live a happy healthy life.

Post by: FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on October 10, 2014, 08:42:35 pm
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« Reply #249 on: February 23, 2013, 11:05:56 AM »
Sabertooth, I just seen ur video on facebook. Wow! U look amazing from the rest of ur family members. Thank u soo much for ur maggots meat. I m looking to make it myself to consume. I take one ball size of high meat without maggots everyday and I will do with maggots now. Don't worry about what others saying, all we could prove that , even living 100 yrs old as an active elderly person, without going to doctors. Our brain is not foggy like others. Since the 1st day I try raw meat, I m loving it. God bless to all my raw paleo friends.

Many Might Make a Meal of Maggot Meat and Maggot fish!   Raw meat or raw fish once really nice and rotten is improved by maggot’s external digestive system, making it far more rotten and giving it a strong and pungent flavour which tastes so good!   The maggots seem to explode in the mouth which is a bit disconcerting, but reassuring as they go down the hatch!   Flies landing on your rotten meat or fish are such a welcome sight, so encourage as much as you can to provide fine clusters of writhing maggots.   Eyes closed, mouth open and enjoy!