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Messages - SkinnyDevil

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Raw foodist women who stop mentsruating are doing raw veg. - the word from tropical jungle-type hunters is that they can't make babies unless they eat meat.

Women who eat a neolithic diet stop menstruating, they also get sick and age rapidly.

This is well known.

In this context, what exactly do you mean by "neolithic diet"?

Off Topic / Re: Is farming the root of all evil?
« on: August 10, 2009, 09:25:07 pm »
...profit motives tend to overwhelm all other tendencies, including conservative religious ones, for better and for worse.

For better or for worse. INteresting.

I am fully aware that there is along history of bashing individuals to large corporations for profit motive, but I remain unconvinced that profit motive necessarily leads to "worse" or that profit motive is inherently a bad thing...or that it somehow exists in a vacuum.

Hot Topics / Re: Why NOT low carb?
« on: August 10, 2009, 08:55:32 pm »
Interesting perspective, SI.

Also wondering, in regard to the "Farmers' thread, why you said (paraphrasing) "stop eating raw meat, it's full of parasites".

1) Assuming this to be true, do you think the human GI tract incapable of dealing with parasites?

2) Do you think parasites are dangerous to humans?

3) Do you eat raw meats?

4) What do you find acceptable from a paleo perspective? In other words, what do you think is the ideal diet?

General Discussion / Re: Do you tell your farmers what the meats for??
« on: August 10, 2009, 08:49:11 pm »
Is there some NEED to share your dietary habits with the sellers?

I've been eating raw meat for decades and I can;t remember ever sharing that info with the folks at the store. Not hiding info, just no reason to talk about it.

PS - Superinfinity: I'll direct queries I have about your above statements (specifically parasites) in the "Why Not Low Carb?" thread.

Hot Topics / Why NOT low carb?
« on: August 09, 2009, 11:45:35 pm »
New enough here to have missed round one, but I'm wondering why some folks dislike low carb.

Off Topic / Wikipedia
« on: August 08, 2009, 09:09:15 pm »
Testimonials do not replace research. One can not reputably cite testimonials.

If one instead cites magazine articles and books (even those that are just filled with testimonials), then one is citing sources and will meet the Wiki requirements.

They should have no problem with AJ or others who have written books provided, again, that you ADD TO the existing article rather than try to replace major sections.

It's all in the approach.

Off Topic / Re: Is farming the root of all evil?
« on: August 08, 2009, 09:05:56 pm »
Thanx for the reply, Phil!

Quinn is not someone I've read (though I've recently read about him), but is on my reading list. Jared Diamond is someone I've read. I especially liked "Guns, Germs, & Steel", but need to re-read his other stuff.

I like the breakdown between horticulture & agriculture. Nice cleaving.

I disagree that our world is evil, though.

That said, I think you're correct: we may see a snap-back fro organic due to population. Too bad. We keep on trying to find new ways to feed more people and hold it up as "saving lives" on one hand, but then we bitch about over-population on the other. I don;t think finding clever ways to feed more people is such a good thing. It just perpetuates the problem(s).

Hot Topics / Re: Shampoooo!
« on: August 08, 2009, 08:58:14 pm »
Why do you want to give up shampoo?

Water works pretty well on it's own, but you can always go with some sort of minimal ingredient all natural product. Dr. Bronners, Paul's Organic, etc. are good, as is Knotty Boy Dread Bar. I wonder if Ivory Soap is still natural?

You can always mix up some salt water (you know how clean your hair & scalp feel when you get out of the ocean) or even a mild abrasive (salt & sand, mud, etc) or oils.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Experiment
« on: August 08, 2009, 07:12:14 am »
Over-simplifying, but....

Last month was very little veggie & fruit (except for 4 or 5 binges on fruit) and mostly eating meats.

This month (so far, anyway) is no meat at all and 100% raw vegan.

I'm wondering how I'll feel after 30 days. My typical diet is lots of green veggies, some fruit, lots of sashimi, and the occasional binges on red meats & such. No dairy, no eggs, no grains, blah, blah.

I'm also wondering if I can go 30 days with no meat of any kind, I usually get serious cravings.

Off Topic / Re: Is farming the root of all evil?
« on: August 08, 2009, 07:03:52 am »
Is farming the root of all evil?

Well, it's the main source of overpopulation, epidemic disease, chronic disease, slavery, totalitarian governments, genocide, mass species extinction, environmental degradation, superbugs, fanatical religion (ex: Wahabism), suicide bombers, psychopathic killers, STDs, having to work for someone else to eat, widescale crime, prisons, and on and on. Does that qualify?

How exactly is farming the main source of fanatical religion, suicide bombers, psychopathic killers, STDs, crime, & prisons? For that matter, how is farming the main source of having to work for someone else, slavery, & genocide?

Since we're on it, in what way is farming the cause of ANY thing on your list?

I can easily see a strong argument being made for industrial-level farming of grains as a major factor in many of the items on your list, but the question didn't distinguish between large-scale corporate farming and small family vegetable farms, and neither did your answer.

I don't see how a backyard farm (or early hunter-gatherers who made the first timid steps into farming by clearing out more aggressive plants [grasses, etc.]) could in any way be linked to labor, genocide, governments & gov corruption, disease, fanatical religions, and the like.

Off Topic / Wikipedia
« on: August 07, 2009, 09:59:36 pm »
I agree with you about Wikipedia. These “gate keepers” take themselves seriously as the guardian of the scientific orthodoxy and current beliefs. But in a sense that’s somewhat understandable for an encyclopedia : we must not expect too much of it.

Actually, the gatekeepers are only doing their jobs.

If one attempts to re-write the article with a particular unaccepted bias, one will find the ne material deleted quickly. If, on the other hand, one adds a section "criticisms" or alternative views that cite plenty of reputable sources, then the information will be left intact.

"Reputable sources" does not include "because it worked for me".

Off Topic / Re: Did an ice age boost human brain size?
« on: August 07, 2009, 09:55:00 pm »
Jared Diamond addresses the climate issue in "Guns, Germs, and Steel".

Off Topic / Re: Is farming the root of all evil?
« on: August 07, 2009, 09:52:50 pm »
most of his claims re cooking supposedly "improving" raw foods, falls completely flat when one takes into account a palaeo diet rather than a vegan one.

For the record, most of his claims asserting that cooking vegan foods also falls completely flat.

Raw, in my experience, is superior to cooked whether one is vegan, paleo, or omni.

That said, "clean" cooked (primarily whole, unprocessed foods) are superior to SAD whether one is vegan, paleo, or omni. If you're gonna cook, cook whole unprocessed foods.

Off Topic / Re: "Reject basic assumptions..."
« on: August 07, 2009, 09:41:30 pm »
I actually am a fan of Austrian economics

This is a recent development! When did that happen?

Off Topic / Re: Would you become a paleolithic human if you could?
« on: August 06, 2009, 09:49:47 pm »
Beautifully said, Guitarman.

Off Topic / Re: TED: "Aquatic Apes"
« on: August 04, 2009, 11:35:04 pm »
Evolutionarily speaking (with regards to humans), how is "quantavolution" different from punctuated equilibrium or evolutionary saltation?

For that matter, in more general terms how does it differ from catastophism?

Off Topic / Re: Would you become a paleolithic human if you could?
« on: August 04, 2009, 11:22:51 pm »

You can become as "paleo" right now as you wish. You just have to get away from major urban centers and find a piece of public land (or buy your own).

Depending upon how one defines "paleo", it is not somehow UN-paleo to enjoy technology. Humans are by nature technological creatures (from fire and pointed sticks to the wheel to nuclear fusion and the WWW).

If it is risk you seek, there are a multitude of activities that can fulfill that need. But I have to ask: Is it risk in general or the rush you get from feeling risky (driving a car doesn't feel as risky as flying, but is more so)? Or, perhaps it's some specific type of risk (catching arrows is a different rush than, say, stepping into a boxing ring...which is a different risk than having indiscriminate sex or eating SAD)? If so, what type of risk do you crave?

Off Topic / Re: I'm concerned about you guys in the USA...
« on: August 04, 2009, 10:32:24 pm »
Which of course affects the US dollar's stability as the reserve currency of the world.

Actually, what effects the dollar's stability is constant borrowing, fiscal irresponsibility, printing more on a whim, toying with interest rates by the Fed, and lack of a a commodity currency in favor of fiat currency.

I could go on for hours about this one.

Off Topic / TED: "Aquatic Apes"
« on: August 04, 2009, 10:13:30 pm »

Off Topic / Re: I'm concerned about you guys in the USA...
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:28:26 pm »
What is crap ? The pages I provided the links for ? Did you at least have a look at it ? What is for you  “a very long time” ? 20 years ? 200’000 years ? 2’000’000 years ?

My comments were not directed specifically at you (or the links you provide). I was referencing the original post as well as the general mood of such reports.

Please note that I also said "...This is not to say we should ignore economic problems (or environmental problems or whatever). We should still work for positive change. We should still fight to educate our fellow man...."

Of course it will. Every country, every empire collapses one day. Only the fireless paleolithic lifestyle was perhaps sustainable.

The fireless paleo lifestyle collapsed. QED.

Sure, some will adapt - the hard way. 

I agree, which is why I specifically said "...there will be a reckoning. It will happen when the dollar continues to devalue, robbing people of their savings & their earnings, and perhaps even collapses. So what? Will it suck? Sure. Will it be hard? Sure...."

But I stand by my other statements, too - like the comments on "Future Shock" and "Entropy".

Off Topic / Re: "Reject basic assumptions..."
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:01:42 pm »
Great responses.

My list (I've never written out a comprehensive list) includes things like:

Get up in the morning, go to bed at night.

Cook your food, 3 meals a day, brush your teeth.

Go to school, graduate, go to college, get a job.

Everyone thinks like you do. If not, there is something wrong with them.

If you're sick, go see the doc or the pharmacist.

Get married, raise a family.

Buy a house & a car.

Convince them of what?

That they've been brainwashed? Or what they should be thinking?

What is the "proper" alternative to the Leninist-Marxist ideas he talks about?

Off Topic / Re: I'm concerned about you guys in the USA...
« on: August 04, 2009, 08:51:37 pm »

I'm old enough to have read this sort of doom & gloom crap for a very long time. From biblical apocalyptica to economic apocalyptica to environmental apocalyptica....

YES, we have some idiots in power with voodoo economics (in the sense that their ideologies drive their economic policy rather than hard data - in fact, it is often in blatant opposition to the data) and their foolish welfare plans (whether it's corporate welfare in the form of bail-outs and subsidies or individual welfare n the form of useless stimulus packages and increased social safety nets)...and there will be a reckoning. It will happen when the dollar continues to devalue, robbing people of their savings & their earnings, and perhaps even collapses.

So what?

Will it suck? Sure. Will it be hard? Sure. Will the entire country collapse? No.

Remember "Future Shock" or "Entropy"? They were wrong then (we're still here) and they're wrong now (8 months in to 2009 and we still aren't seeing rich businessmen leaping from tall buildings or the unwashed masses carrying torches & pitchforks to the White House &/or Wall Street).

This is not to say we should ignore economic problems (or environmental problems or whatever). We should still work for positive change. We should still fight to educate our fellow man. But the pessimistic approach of "the sky is falling" is silly and counter-productive and ignores key facts like the human ability to innovate and to adapt.

The glass is half full.

Off Topic / Re: "Reject basic assumptions..."
« on: August 02, 2009, 09:56:28 pm »
Well, actually TD is generally viewed as being a neo-paleolithicist with references to hunter-gatherers around the ruins of Sears Tower etc(well corn is mentioned but even so...)

My list of basic assumptions is I suppose vaguely based on Schoepnhauer's relatively Buddhist beliefs.

For the record, Chuck called his character an "anarcho-primitivist".

Great responses so far - keep 'em coming!

Hot Topics / Re: The Word
« on: August 02, 2009, 09:46:36 pm »
Recent experience shows that ancient languages were more complex and sophisticated than modern, in Europe anyway, and if this were true of paleo times it would indicate that paleoman could differentiate between food and non-food much better than us.

What experience?

In what way were they "more sophisticated? Word count? Grammar?

Assuming such an assertion is true, what led to the decreased sophistication of language?

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