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Messages - SkinnyDevil

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Personals / Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:30:06 am »
Perhaps I was less than clear, Lex. Like you, I prefer face to face contact with others....and I suspect most others do, too.

But that isn't always possible, and it is very easy to speak to my entire immediate & extended family almost daily via e-mail, cell phones, & the web. I can't do that face to face given that we're quite literally all over the map.

My mom & dad (late 60s & early 70s, respectively) don't use the web, but they sure do use e-mail & cell phones. Personally, I don't view social networking sites (like facebook) as significantly different than cell-phones (whether talking or texting) or email or even many web forums.

Personals / Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« on: June 30, 2009, 10:53:39 pm »
I'm having enough trouble doing all the things I want to do in my real life. Beyond a forum or two I have no interest whatever in creating and maintaining a virtual life.


I can't speak for others' use of social networking site, Lex, but I never saw these tools as aids to creating a "virtual life" (whatever that may actually be).

Tools like e-mail & social network sites like Facebook allow one to keep in touch easier with relatives & friends across the state, the country, the planet. I'm in the US with immediate family members scattered from the north to the south, friends scattered from east to west coasts, and distant family, friends, and business contacts & industry peers across the planet.

Phones don't work so well across multiple time-zones, letters are slow, and fax is inconvenient in an age where everyone I know has a cell phone, a computer, and a high-speed connection.

Text, web, & e-mail are fabulous tools that make it easier than ever to stay in touch, strengthen connections, make connections, and remove impediments to business & personal contact.

I'm self-employed and very busy - I have no time for a "virtual life" (again, whatever that is). It's hard enough just to make time to hit sites like these to gather & share info.

Health / Re: Myth Busting: Salmonella
« on: June 30, 2009, 10:38:11 pm »
I'll find the links, but scientists are finally catching up - docs are now studying salmonella as a cure for cancer. Here's one link:

Health / Re: Are you taking prescription drugs? What, why, what for?
« on: June 30, 2009, 10:36:23 pm »
Nope - no drugs at all. No prescriptions of any kind.

Personals / Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« on: June 29, 2009, 08:45:55 pm »
Facebook and sites like it? Myspace is good for music, tribe for community, and facebook to keep track of friends.

I don't particularly like the facebook format, but one can get used to it. The groups don't function well because the interface is designed to keep people in one-to-one contact, not based on community like tribe.

TWITTER, on the other hand, completely confuses me. I don't use it and haven't used it and in truth can't imagine using it. I've gotten dozens of those "so & so wants to follow you on Twitter", which I suspect really means "I want you to follow me on twitter" (hahaha!). I just can't see why anyone, regardless of what I do for a living, could possibly be interested in what I'm doing from moment to moment every day.

Personals / Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« on: June 29, 2009, 10:02:57 am »
Done...and come join our RAF group at facebook (brand new)!

General Discussion / Tiger Diet?
« on: June 26, 2009, 02:07:55 am »
What the hell is the tiger diet?

Off Topic / Re: World's oldest(palaeolithic) musical instrument
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:11:18 pm »

Though I suspect the oldest (other than the human voice & body) was a rock or sticks to pound with/on.

Nothing like pure vocal & percussion music!

Off Topic / Re: who knows you eat this way?
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:09:25 pm »
I'm not at all secretive about it. I don't advertise, but a rough outline of my dietary habits is on my biz web-site as well as my facebook page & other places.

My entire family knows, my friends know, and anyone the slightest bit interested in me usually finds out pretty quickly.

General Discussion / Re: Priority: Raw, paleo, or organic?
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:04:58 pm »
Adaptation to ketosis? Please explain.

General Discussion / Raw Jerky? Raw dehydrated meats?
« on: June 24, 2009, 11:54:48 pm »
Anyone know how to dehydrate raw meats?

What are the concerns of dehydrating meats?

I'm looking for a raw meat answer to raw food bars (Larabars, Organic Food Bars, etc.).


General Discussion / Re: Priority: Raw, paleo, or organic?
« on: June 24, 2009, 11:43:21 pm »
Yeah, I had to ponder that as well...though oddly I don't ponder it at all when faced with circumstances.

I NEVER eat breads of any kind or dairy and such, or junk foods. Beyond that....

For example, friends in from out of state the other day. We play a gig, then head to a restaurant where they want to eat. I order a big veggie salad and a cut of steak (and say "as rare as the law allows" since they won't bring me slices of raw). The chef is great - basically did a quick scorch on each side and it's still cold in the middle. Custom made my salad (no cheese, no croutons, no dressing, all raw, all fresh). The waitress is perplexed when I tell her to not even put the potatoes or steamed veggies on my plate. "But, it';s really good...". And she kept trying to give me free bread "But it's free...".

That said, I suspect NONE of it was even close to organic.

I often try to steer folks to some place where I can get sashimi & salad.

I dislike processed foods, but I keep a few Larabars handy at all times when not at home, or some other type of organic raw food bar.

Odd, because I would have said "organic" if someone had asked and I answered without thinking about it. But it looks like raw is closest to the top of the list.

General Discussion / Priority: Raw, paleo, or organic?
« on: June 24, 2009, 09:35:08 pm »
Just wondering, if a choice had to be made, what is the most important factor to you?

Raw, paleo, or organic? And why?

Not asking just to ask. I'm wondering due to concerns people have over how to prioritize when traveling, holding long work hours, etc.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Abdominal fat
« on: June 22, 2009, 09:52:27 pm »

I've never even heard the term "insulin resistant fat".

I'd be interested in seeing any such studies.

I don't have a hard time believing the average paleo-man could outperform the average neo/modern-man. However, I find it extremely unlikely that the top level paleo-man could outperform a top level modern athlete at ANY Olympic event.

Hot Topics / Re: Favourite raw-foodist quotation debunked
« on: June 21, 2009, 08:11:02 pm »
Not sure about quotes, but I'd LOVE to hear something regarding DETOX.

I never had any detox and have no idea what people are talking about, but I note that it becomes a catch-all for anything that doesn't seem to be working with raw foodists in general, or even when something usual pops up like catching a cold or being tired.

General Discussion / Re: Rational for various Paleo approaches
« on: June 19, 2009, 09:38:29 pm »
I have no idea what my blood type is.

Any input on other lifestyle facxtors?

Care to elaborate as to your average daily intake (meat, veggies, dairy, etc)?

General Discussion / Rational for various Paleo approaches
« on: June 19, 2009, 08:56:49 pm »
I see on this forum a wide variety of paleo approaches and in my short time here have already seen hot debate of certain key issues.

Zero or low carb, or not low carb.

Fatty meats or lean meats.

No dairy or minimal sporadic dairy (or lots of dairy).

Paleo man ate mostly meat or he didn't (ate meat sporadically - only at successful kills).

Organ or no organ meats.

Without trying to kick off an argument, I'm just wondering the rational for each of these approaches - NOT from a web-site, but from people who actually eat that way.

Also wondering about other lifestyle factors, and if you only eat paleo or if you try to implement (to grater or lesser degrees) other paleo lifestyle factors?

Thanx in advance!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Abdominal fat
« on: June 19, 2009, 07:34:17 pm »
Many women have to go strict zero carb (meat and water only) to get rid of insulin resistant fat.

Insulin-resistant fat?

Never heard of this. Please explain.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Zero carb Euphoria
« on: June 19, 2009, 07:31:21 pm »
I have also read on the zero carb forums that sugars are the only thing bacteria can feed on to cause cavities; yet I have never had a cavity in my entire life... until I tried zc.  They shrunk and I only have one small dot on my back right molar now... after I added carbs again.

Query: How long ago was this, how many cavities did you have?


Why do you consider it paleo, though?

Can you give a quick overview of what it entails, and why you consider it "paleo"?

General Discussion / Re: Blogs, Sites, & Paul
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:04:08 pm »
Yeah...and I found those journals you cleverly hid in the "journals" section.

Clever devil....

General Discussion / Re: Meat to Veg/Fruit ratio?
« on: June 17, 2009, 12:33:36 am »
Satya - Thanx for your very informed opinions!

Good Samaritan - So fat is the key? Cool - I hadn't thought of that!

Tyler - Nice riposte. I suppose the jury is still out (re: the dif between your view & Satya's views), but it's great to hear both sides of the issue from such informed participants.

Lex - Can you add further to this discussion?

General Discussion / Blogs, Sites, & Paul
« on: June 17, 2009, 12:29:54 am »

Thanx for adding our Facebook RAF page to the "journals" section here at Raw Paleo!

As I was looking at the list, I wondered how many people HERE have blogs & journals? I'd love to read some of that and gather information.

Also wondering if Paul Lundkvist is a member here. Haven't spoken to him in a LONG while. I'll have to check his site to see what he's been up to!


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