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Topics - Fenrir

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General Discussion / Eating chicken bones
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:44:32 am »
Seems pretty quiet around here, i ate a whole chicken leg quarter bone raw with the rest of the cut yesterday and it made me think of this place. I am getting great regenerative pasture raised chickens from a local farmer, havent eaten chicken much until more recently.

I have attempted to crunch raw chicken bones with my teeth before and it always seemed like they were too hard but this time it just happened i went to crunch the end and it was not too much effort so i kept going and pretty much ate the whole thing. It felt really nice when i did i yesterday but today it has felt like im still digesting it all day i can feel it in my stomach so i will likely go easy on the quantity. The chicken skin/meat is awesome but i think my stomach needs to work up to the bones.

It seems like a good food to include though i would think may be unnecessary to eat every day, i have struggled with sourcing since moving to a new town and have been eating mostly raw beef muscle and pasteurized heavy cream/cream cheese. Obviously not optimal and i realized yesterday i felt very deeply hungry and need to pursue the consumption of more whole animals once more. More organs and sinew/cartilage and other parts. Hoping i can find  good place to process local goats or sheep, goats seem readily available but no one seems to want me processing on their land.

Health / Should i be scared of hiv?
« on: September 13, 2018, 06:42:07 am »
I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago with a girl ive only briefly known, she told me that she got tested for stds 2 weeks prior and was clean and but that she had had sex with a guy shes been having sex with for quite a while a week after that but before we had sex. Shes involved in a lot of very high risk behaviors i now believe, she regularly goes out to parties and does extremely toxic hard drugs and i think often has sex with people then to her own admission has extremely little recollection after the fact. I didnt know all of this until after we had sex she said she was on birth control so thats why i didnt use a condom.

I woke up yesterday and had a terrible pounding headache for almost the entire day, it receded some at night and it hasnt been bad today, but something definitely has been going on with me i was very sore and im sick with something, i havent been sick in two years since before i started rawpaleo and im really freaking out worrying about what if i contracted hiv from her, i know that life would go on, i know i wouldnt take the pills they would offer me, but would i still have to fear my immune system collapsing if im on raw paleo? Is there anyone here who knows someone who has hiv and eats this way? I know goodsamaratin has made posts on the subject but i dont know how much personal experience he has, if your here and wanted to give me advice that would be great.

Again i dont even know that thats whats going on, if i believe the girl got tested im probably fine, i havent been tested myself, but its just very strange that all of a sudden ive gotten sick for the first time in so long in the supposed time frame someone who contracted hiv would experience acute symptoms. I know i should just calm down, i know a simple headache could be a million things, but im struggling to stay grounded.

Journals / Fenrir's Journal
« on: June 17, 2018, 04:11:53 pm »
So today I'm going to give this a shot, I feel like this is a very cool thing the journals and I've been living this way for over a year now so maybe its time. I started my raw journey on June 8th of 2017 and though I was completely raw as far as meat went right from the start, I still was eating cooked vegetables every day for the first month or two. Since then I've been completely raw minus a few social occasions with my family, those occasions only totaling maybe 3 times in the past year when I've eaten a cooked food with the 3rd time being today for fathers day. We went to a steakhouse and I asked them if they could give the steak to me raw but they told me they had to at least mark it and so I agreed, but I honestly totally regret it I should have just stuck to a salad. whenever I eat cooked foods now even like the extremely rare still cold in the middle steak I had today I can just feel it sitting heavy in my intestines and I feel like it puts a damper on me for the rest of the day, it wasn't even good meat it was a super bland regular feedlot steak with little taste other than the singed parts of the outside.

As far as my regular diet goes I am very much predominately a meat eater, some days I don't eat vegetables at all but most days I do. The foods I fill my diet with mainly are beef goat and lamb muscle meats, beef back fat, liver, pancreas, heart, and thymus. I don't eat organs every day or really focus on making sure I eat them in any specific amount I just sort of eat them when I crave them, I do however make sure I'm eating extra fat even though sometimes it doesn't appeal to me.
In terms of vegetables I like leek leaves probably more than anything else, but I include regular onions, green onions, kale, spinach, chard, lettuce and two days ago I decided to give carrots a try. Raw carrots were one of my favorite foods on cooked paleo and even as a child on the SAD diet but I don't know how I feel about them now, I've eaten one carrot each of the last two days and I suppose I will continue for now, its hard to say what effect its caused as I made the cooked mishap this morning as well.

I do include seafood in my diet but its more of a rare thing I much prefer red meat, I feel its just much more satisfying. In terms of plant fats I've found since going raw most good plant fats don't really agree with me well, I eat avocados sometimes but every time I eat them I end up with undesirable results in my feces the next day, and coconuts last I attempted didn't land me in such a great spot either. I have however recently bought some cold pressed coconut oil and I've been using it a lot externally before spending brief periods in the sun throughout the day and it hasn't seemed to cause me any problems I can detect.

In terms of salt intake I don't have it every day but maybe once every week or two weeks I do get strong cravings for it and ill eat Celtic sea salt on my vegetables, I don't feel like its caused me any issues and it doesn't seem like an addiction its something that I'm able to satisfy for a good period of time by consuming it.

For maybe 4 months I was completely zero carb but after going so long I started to get an ache in my intestines and thats what spurred me to reintroduce plants, whenever I eat plants it completely cures the ache every time, I don't really look at plants as any real caloric sustenance but I think they seem important to good health in some quantity on a regular basis.

My life this past year has been going really well in general but there are ups and downs of course, Ive been working at Starbucks for a year and a half at this point and just started the online college plan that they offer last month, I'm only taking one class right now but I'm doing really well and am very excited to be back in school its been a few years since I graduated and I feel as though I'm very much working my way towards the place I want to be in my life. As of right now my goal is to do some manner of field work in biology I would really love to travel near or far and study plants and animals somewhere, I'm particularly interested in desert and jungle environments if I got to pick somewhere that really inspires me the most but I haven't really figured everything out yet.

Right now one of my biggest goals is to figure out my caffeine addiction, I do drink black coffee every day in somewhat above moderate amounts and I feel like long term I would feel much better without it, I feel I have a very strong emotional attachment to it in my life and it makes me wonder if I really even want to stop. I quit smoking cigarettes over two years ago, and I cut down on smoking marijuana almost entirely this whole past year and have been clean of it entirely for about 5 weeks, but I feel like for the longest time coffee was a friend I believed couldn't possibly be bad for me and with working at a coffee shop I'm very much exposed to it on a daily basis. I don't really know what the future will hold for it but its something on my mind.

More than anything I feel a strong need for emotional connection in my life but I struggle greatly to connect with people in my age group, I just lack any interest in most things that most people today concern themselves with and then I've got strange facets of my life including the whole raw diet and a few other manifestations and I never really have connected well with most people before all this, I do have friends and I have been growing closer with them in recent time but don't feel a connection on any incredible level yet, and I haven't been intimate with a girl in almost a year. Its not that I'm antisocial I'm outgoing I talk to people all day long at work, I have lots and lots of acquaintances, and I get numbers of people I'm sexually attracted to all the time, its just that none of it ever leads anywhere I just don't click with anyone. I know that I don't need anybody and really my primary goal is to find happiness on my own in a sustainable real tangible form, but I get lonely at the same time.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Onion greens?
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:36:52 am »
 Lately ive been eating quite a lot of green onions and leek leaves, as well as a wild onion that grows in the woods, i mostly favor the green parts as opposed to the actual bulbs of the plants. Is there any reason i should worry about onion greens being a staple vegetable in my diet? I love the taste of them and onions are purported to be very good for raising your testosterone levels though i dont know if theres enough evidence to say thats a sure thing. They seem to be less domesticated and removed from their natural form than some other vegetables.
A girl i work with did tell me when i sweat it smells like onions though that may not be the most favorable side effect of onion consumption, but it doesnt really bother me much and i dont know if she was actually serious even, they see me eat raw onions all the time it may have been an attempt to poke fun.

General Discussion / Accidently left vacuum sealed meat out over night
« on: April 02, 2018, 01:09:39 am »
I was putting a couple pieces in my fridge to thaw and i left them on my counter to speed it up and have a little snack before i went to sleep, i cut open and ate from one of the packs and then put that one in the fridge but it totally slipt my mind i had put a second one out and i just found it this morning basically completely unfrozen at room temperature at least all around the outside of it. Its a 3 pound rump roast the only thing that worries me is i left it in the vacuum seal i know it would be no problem otherwise, i tasted it and smelled it and it seems fine am i probably safe? Im really just scared of botulism its not a big deal if i get sick but i dont want to permanently damage my brain.

Health / Best way to detox after cooked meal?
« on: March 24, 2018, 09:14:58 am »
Today i went to a cookout for a friend/coworkers birthday, all of my coworkers know about my eating habits and i could have just not eaten and it would have been understandable but in the moment under peer pressure i ate maybe 8-12 ounces of cooked beef, i wouldnt have felt so bad about it i know that one cooked meal is not the end of the world but after i ate it i found out it had been marinated in beer as well, and consuming grain derivatives on top of the cooked beef makes me more uncomfortable.
The only other thing i consumed was a substantial amount of homemade guacomole which i presume was raw and i assume mostly paleo friendly assuming i didnt accidently eat a piece of someones chip that had broken off in it.

My stomach just feels kind of heavy now and i know that i really shouldnt stress about this because thats probably more dangerous than the minor amount of gluten and other toxic compounds i consumed at least in this small comcentration. I just want to know what other people might do in this scenario? Should i fast the rest of the night to give me body a chance to deal with the toxins? i know that this one meal isnt going to set me back in health any noticable amount logically but i just wish i hadnt broken from my dietary ideals even momentarily.

What do you guys do when you attend a social event do you just bite the bullet and eat cooked food as long as its still within paleo guidelines or do you only eat what minimal raw paleo options that happen to be available?

Part of my problem is i was out of meat until this afternoon i received more fresh, so when i attended i hadnt eaten all day and my resolve was weakened if i had had meat i think i could have eaten a meal before going and i would not have been hungry and weakened to temptation.

Health / Cystic acne
« on: November 01, 2017, 01:54:43 pm »
I was just curious if anyone has had an issue with cystic acne but only concentrated on the back and on the neck? Back in the days i used to eat a SAD diet i would get it terrible on my face, back, and neck, since changing my diet to cooked paleo i had gotten rid of it on my face mostly, and after switching to raw its been basically nonexistant like my face is as clear as can be. But after all this time even though my back has improved it still has a enough that occurs that it makes me wonder if i could be doing something better.
Ive thought of the sun factor i definitely dont get as much sun on my back as i could but a couple times a week ill go out and get an hours worth, i walk or bike several miles most days and so my face always is able to get a good bit of sun but i dont know if thats whole issue.
Right now ive been doing zero carb for a couple months i think it was july 23rd i started, my only cheat is occasional roquefort cheese or katamala olives but i havent even eatan those in quite some time. My typical day is either beef or goat as well as beef back fat at around 3 or 4 o clock, then around ten o clock ill eat either more beef and fat or an organ of some kind or fish. Im definitely getting enough fat i eat quite a lot of it, i could probably stand to drink more water and i do have about 4 shots of espresso every day. I tried to quit drinking espresso but i work with it and i was so angry all the time and i ended up just starting again but with much less than before.
ive had some strong cravings for the cheese and olives lately but ive realized that both foods are very salty and so i may be primarily craving that, i salted my meat yesterday and plan to incorporate it more but im not sure if that will help.

Health / Eye Infection??
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:29:04 am »
Greetings all of you, so i have been raw for several months now and am doing very well, ive been mostly zero carb for about a month and i do have some questions as far as that regard but that is for another time, right now my most urgent need is to know if i need to be worried about an infection in both of my eyes?
Yesterday they hurt when i rubbed them and did not feel great but today its even worse and they are both extremely swollen. Im pretty much entirely positive its from rubbing my eyes after touching raw beef without washing my hands, this actually happened before maybe 3 weeks back but to only one of my eyes and it never got so bad as to where it was very swollen, all i did last time was put diluted apple cider vinegar in my eye and it got better after 2 or 3 days. I just want to know if you guys think i should be worried about this enough to actually go to a medical establishment or if you think it will be fine if i just do what i did last time?
My thinking is that right now my body is not entirely accustomed to the bacteria found in the meat and this sort of thing will become less common after my body has built up an immunity to the germs, im already ingesting them without issue so i would think that should help since my body already fights them off fine internally, but do you think i may have an underlying immune system weakness from eating zero carb that may be why its happened twice in relatively short time?
I like eating zero carb a lot of other foods ive tried seem to stop me up i can feel them sitting in my intestines the next day, meat never does this though on the contrary i feel as though i do not have a complete fecal evacuation all the time im hoping that will fix itself in time.

What do all of you do if you aquire an infection? Herbs to boost immunity? Sea salt externally? Ive used acv many times for wounds in other parts of my body and it has always worked to stop any infection from occuring my main concern is i dont want to go blind if it doesnt work now that the infection is already set in.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / New to this and looking for feedback
« on: July 22, 2017, 07:47:14 am »
The first thing i want to say is greetings to all of you and thank you for everything youve made this place to be! Ive been browsing this forum for maybe 2 months now and this is the first post ive created.
For the past 3 years ive been on a health journey which started with little improvements going onto mostly cooked paleo for the whole last year, though i felt a lot better eating cooked paleo i still could tell that something was missing. Ive been dealing with hemorroids that started while i was working at a mexican restaurant and eating a lot of fried foods as well as mounds of nuts when i wasnt working, i stopped eating the fried foods around 10 months ago and i quit that job entirely around 8 months ago but up until around 5 months ago i would still gorge on nuts from the grocery store bins. I know about the huge amounts of rancid omega 6 they likely contained and i could feel how terrible they were for me i would get terrible gas and stomach bloating and my hemorroids just wouldnt heal so i gave up the nuts and for that last 5 months my diet consisted of about a pound of muscle meat, several tablespoons of either butter, coconut oil, or olive oil; and large quantities of organic vegetables of all different varieties, as well as maybe 1-2 fruits each day. But my problem was the hemorroids still wouldnt heal and i just still wasnt abounding with energy like i knew i could be i knew something still wasnt right with what i was doing but i didnt know what. I knew that i needed to have alot of fat in my diet but i didnt feel the fats i was eating were of enough quality to get 70% of my calories from and so i experimented with bringing up the amount of starches i consumed from sweet potatos but that just made matters worse. I actually at this point read about sabertooths story in vice online and also about the adventures of stefansson in the arctic before i found this place and browsed through a good quantity of information you have here.
Starting on june 7th i basically jumped right into the world of raw meat and i havent looked back since, i truly for the first time can eat and feel like im just given incredible amounts of energy. ive been ordering all my meat online its all grass fed pasture raised beef, basically my diet each day now consists of: Black coffee unsweetened upon waking up but otherwise fasting until sometime in between 3-6, at that point i eat around a half a pound of raw beef usually chuck, rump, or shoulder, and about 1/3 a pound of raw beef back fat. After this i usually wait until around 10 at night and i eat another portion of similar quantity of both beef and raw fat then 1-2 hours later i eat more raw fat but this time mixed into a bowl of some microwaved broccoli or kale thats also containing raw garlic, either green onions or regular ones, and raw jalepeno or cayanne from some plants ive grown. I dont know the exact amounts of what i eat because i never actually measure anything but im pretty positive i get at least 95% of my calories from raw beef and fat. I also incorporate organs several days a week switching between liver, heart and pancreas. Ive felt really great doing this but i still have a few concerns and this is why i make this post.
1: all of the meat and fat i eat has been frozen i dont have the room in the fridge to hang my whole months worth of meat as i share the fridge and this is also the way it comes to me, is the meat being frozen entirely detrimental to ones health do i need to seek a farmer nearby and get fresh meat even though it will cost more? If you all think i would see much more improvements in health eating unfrozen then i will find a way to make the logistics work but it would be rather difficult.
2: do i need to have more variety in the kinds of fats i consume is having the foundation of my diet raw muscle and back fat dangerous long term? I have about 15 pounds of suet in my freezer but i literally cant stand the stuff unless i warm it up, its just so waxy and flavorless compared to the back fat thats chewy and creamy and melt in my mouth, but is this because the back fat is more pufa than the suet an is that an issue or no because it should still have a balanced 3-6 ratio?
3: though all my meat is entirely raw i dont like most cruciferous vegetables that way they taste so much better cooked, i know most people here recomend omnivorous over carnivorous but what kinds of vegetables do you eat raw? The only ones i really enjoy raw are cauliflower, onions and carrots, though i also like mushrooms raw, i would be open to eating more fruit but at the same time it seems like sometimes it causes me more digestive issues.

I really love eating this way and i dont plan to go back to eating cooked paleo my primary concern is trying to heal my digestive system and i suppose my colon as of right now, ive contemplated going zero carb but if my problem is simply that the vegetables im eating are cooked not raw ill switch to entirely raw omivore instead and see how it goes. If it helps to know some backround on physcial characteristics im ~150 pounds, 5'10'', 20 years old, male, and very active i workout around 3 days a week with weights and walk 3 miles a day 6 days a week, i dont need to lose any weight and im not really trying to gain any more muscle than i already have i just seek healing and immunity from the ails of the improper human diet.
I apologize in advance for this wall of text or if this wasnt the best place to put this! Hopefully i didnt beat around the bush with unimportant information too much i look forward to hearing back from some of you.

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