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Messages - Fenrir

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General Discussion / Eating chicken bones
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:44:32 am »
Seems pretty quiet around here, i ate a whole chicken leg quarter bone raw with the rest of the cut yesterday and it made me think of this place. I am getting great regenerative pasture raised chickens from a local farmer, havent eaten chicken much until more recently.

I have attempted to crunch raw chicken bones with my teeth before and it always seemed like they were too hard but this time it just happened i went to crunch the end and it was not too much effort so i kept going and pretty much ate the whole thing. It felt really nice when i did i yesterday but today it has felt like im still digesting it all day i can feel it in my stomach so i will likely go easy on the quantity. The chicken skin/meat is awesome but i think my stomach needs to work up to the bones.

It seems like a good food to include though i would think may be unnecessary to eat every day, i have struggled with sourcing since moving to a new town and have been eating mostly raw beef muscle and pasteurized heavy cream/cream cheese. Obviously not optimal and i realized yesterday i felt very deeply hungry and need to pursue the consumption of more whole animals once more. More organs and sinew/cartilage and other parts. Hoping i can find  good place to process local goats or sheep, goats seem readily available but no one seems to want me processing on their land.

Health / Re: Raw blood (lamb and goat)
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:33:24 am »
I think that if something doesnt seem right to you then it is best to pass on the blood, i have never craved the taste of the blood from the sheep I’ve slaughtered nor the livers. The meat and other organs have always been very appealing but i think trusting your body to know what it wants is best.

After two whole animals blood i would imagine youd be pretty full of the nutrients contained at that point. Will add that if the blood was kept fresh and not frozen i could see it going ‘off’ in that time, though i know some people here may have better ideas as to if that would be the case

In my experience high amounts of dairy do not benefit hurt joints/tendons, i feel much better eating raw steaks.

You need to exercise the surrounding muscles and get them as strong as possible, there are pubmed studies which propose that signaling molecules will tell tendons to break down but the accompanying muscle can tell the tendon not to respond to those signals.

I injured my wrist and grip muscles in my hand some time back and starting with very light weight exercises just holding a dumbbell out straight with my arm moving to lifting heavier weights ive made a good recovery. If i go too long without working out then it can start to act up again but as long as the supporting muscles are strong it is well.

The enemy is repetitive movements using very small muscle groups, like working as a barista pouring milk from a jug repeatedly all day, these movements dont cause muscle gain and stress the tendons and joints. Work out the larger supporting muscle group in the area to the point of lactic acid build up and muscle gain.

« on: July 20, 2023, 09:56:34 pm »
Is this average lifespan taking into account a high infant mortality that is common in many ancestral cultures? My understanding has always been many die before the age of 1 but if you make it to adolescence a long life is expected.

I know at this point in modern day the masai are a very persecuted people as well, with land stolen from them forced to move from there traditional way of life in some regards.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: March 14, 2023, 12:36:45 am »
Good luck to you in your upcoming battles saber, may the universe act in your favor.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Current view on zero/low carb?
« on: August 04, 2019, 03:53:52 pm »
Currently, nothing much varied:- bananas, blueberries/raspberries, avocadoes, watermelons, oranges, garlic, radishes, wild garlic leaves. Sometimes raw brazil nuts. That sort of thing.

What kind of quantity of fruit do you normally eat in a day, and do you ever worry about cavities from the sugars or do you brush most days? I have access to free blueberries at my workplace albeit they are not organic, and for some time I would consume approxamitly 150-250 grams in a sitting once a day 3-4 days a week but It seems on those days that I can feel plaque building up on my teeth while when I'm only eating animal foods they feel completely smooth for days without brushing.

Outside of the blueberries my diet is mostly raw beef and suet, though maybe 1 to 2 times a week lately I crave raw cheese and will go buy half a pound or so and eat it all at once, normally Roquefort is my go to. I find I just don't crave many vegetables raw anymore or if I do I only like them much if I put salt on them.

General Discussion / Re: your strongest health side
« on: August 04, 2019, 03:33:07 pm »
I have to agree with Tyler, I've been eating 99.8% raw for the last 2 years and cooked foods make me very sick in my experience. I tried having some cooked turkey on thanksgiving because I thought what's the worst that could happen and I was with my family, within 20 minutes I experienced terrible noxious smelling flatuelance and in 50 minutes I pooped out everything in my body it was very sickening. I will say that I don't know how that turkey was prepared or what it may have been brined in before it was bought, whenever I've cooked for female friends and made dinner myself out of grass fed beef and vegetables with butter the symptoms have been far more benign, but either way I would say I never feel as great eating cooked food.

I could see how if one was eating both cooked and raw foods digestion would become more powerful for both, but I think in the absence of cooked foods the body rebels against you bringing them back in.

Primal Diet / Re: High Meat preparation questions
« on: January 01, 2019, 12:05:41 pm »
What is high meat supposed to smell like, is it supposed to smell good? I tried a while back and what came out of it was extremely repulsive smelling. I just kept some lamb in a jar attatched to a bit of bone and i opened it every day or two days and shook it a bit to let it try and breathe, the jar was in my fridge. It seems like i normally like my meat fresher whenever i thaw out a steak i think it tastes tremendous the first day or two but if i let it sit around in a glass bowl for two many days its less pleasant to me. But i really am interested in high meat from what ive heard.

I order from white oak pastures very frequently, i really love the quality of there meat but i feel something has been wrong with some of the beef theyve been sending me as of late, sometimes i get a roast thats a very dark color and when i taste it its super bland/off puting. Normally up until recently darker cuts were delicous as it meant the meat was fattier, but thats not whats causing the color in this meat i dont know what it is but i hate to order large amounts and then have 90 dollars worth  of my order taste bad.

Overall i do highly recommend them, when i ordered theyre beef up until a few months ago 100% of it was delicous sweet savory perfect meat, but now i feel like i might attempt to find a local option at some point with more reliable quality.

Health / Re: Should i be scared of hiv?
« on: September 13, 2018, 01:02:56 pm »
I watched that whole movie i thought it was beautiful its made me feel a lot better, im confident everything will be okay i feel like a lot of stress has been lifted.

I know i do need to choose my partners better if i had known everything i know now i wouldnt have done it regardless of hiv existing or not, im sure i did probably catch something from her but it will be fine i know im strong i can fight it off and whether i live 20 years or 80 more i will live free until that day.

Thank you both i really appreciate it, and you too goodsamaratin you guys are the best!

Health / Re: Should i be scared of hiv?
« on: September 13, 2018, 07:34:22 am »
Your right i know not all technology is bad there is such a thing as technology being able to do positive wonderful things. Im reading about the pyroenergen machine right now, when you say zapper is this the same thing or no? It says it doesnt kill bacteria only viruses and cancers so im guessing a zapper is different, if i only had money for one treatment in the immediate future would you reccomend the pyroenergen the most, it is something you use yourself or have used before?

Health / Should i be scared of hiv?
« on: September 13, 2018, 06:42:07 am »
I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago with a girl ive only briefly known, she told me that she got tested for stds 2 weeks prior and was clean and but that she had had sex with a guy shes been having sex with for quite a while a week after that but before we had sex. Shes involved in a lot of very high risk behaviors i now believe, she regularly goes out to parties and does extremely toxic hard drugs and i think often has sex with people then to her own admission has extremely little recollection after the fact. I didnt know all of this until after we had sex she said she was on birth control so thats why i didnt use a condom.

I woke up yesterday and had a terrible pounding headache for almost the entire day, it receded some at night and it hasnt been bad today, but something definitely has been going on with me i was very sore and im sick with something, i havent been sick in two years since before i started rawpaleo and im really freaking out worrying about what if i contracted hiv from her, i know that life would go on, i know i wouldnt take the pills they would offer me, but would i still have to fear my immune system collapsing if im on raw paleo? Is there anyone here who knows someone who has hiv and eats this way? I know goodsamaratin has made posts on the subject but i dont know how much personal experience he has, if your here and wanted to give me advice that would be great.

Again i dont even know that thats whats going on, if i believe the girl got tested im probably fine, i havent been tested myself, but its just very strange that all of a sudden ive gotten sick for the first time in so long in the supposed time frame someone who contracted hiv would experience acute symptoms. I know i should just calm down, i know a simple headache could be a million things, but im struggling to stay grounded.

General Discussion / Re: ground meat still good? 2days sealed
« on: September 06, 2018, 07:22:49 am »
Its hard to say for a fact, i honestly dont like ground meat at all even when its fresh, but if it tastes fine i would say its likely fine. The only meat ive ever had that i think was bad tasted absolutely terrible, i bought 6 half off grass fed steaks in vacuum sealed packs from tom thumb that were supposed to go bad that night because i was out of meat from my normal supplier, two of them tasted like the most repelling thing ive ever put in my mouth i wouldnt even feed them to my dog i threw them out. I feel like in most all cases your senses can tell you whats not safe to eat, though that might not always hold true. If its bitter than i say get rid of it for sure, i theorize that the steaks fell to imporper temperatures and that combined with the vacuum sealed packs caused the bad growth if they had had air or been colder im sure it would have been fine

Journals / Fenrir's Journal
« on: June 17, 2018, 04:11:53 pm »
So today I'm going to give this a shot, I feel like this is a very cool thing the journals and I've been living this way for over a year now so maybe its time. I started my raw journey on June 8th of 2017 and though I was completely raw as far as meat went right from the start, I still was eating cooked vegetables every day for the first month or two. Since then I've been completely raw minus a few social occasions with my family, those occasions only totaling maybe 3 times in the past year when I've eaten a cooked food with the 3rd time being today for fathers day. We went to a steakhouse and I asked them if they could give the steak to me raw but they told me they had to at least mark it and so I agreed, but I honestly totally regret it I should have just stuck to a salad. whenever I eat cooked foods now even like the extremely rare still cold in the middle steak I had today I can just feel it sitting heavy in my intestines and I feel like it puts a damper on me for the rest of the day, it wasn't even good meat it was a super bland regular feedlot steak with little taste other than the singed parts of the outside.

As far as my regular diet goes I am very much predominately a meat eater, some days I don't eat vegetables at all but most days I do. The foods I fill my diet with mainly are beef goat and lamb muscle meats, beef back fat, liver, pancreas, heart, and thymus. I don't eat organs every day or really focus on making sure I eat them in any specific amount I just sort of eat them when I crave them, I do however make sure I'm eating extra fat even though sometimes it doesn't appeal to me.
In terms of vegetables I like leek leaves probably more than anything else, but I include regular onions, green onions, kale, spinach, chard, lettuce and two days ago I decided to give carrots a try. Raw carrots were one of my favorite foods on cooked paleo and even as a child on the SAD diet but I don't know how I feel about them now, I've eaten one carrot each of the last two days and I suppose I will continue for now, its hard to say what effect its caused as I made the cooked mishap this morning as well.

I do include seafood in my diet but its more of a rare thing I much prefer red meat, I feel its just much more satisfying. In terms of plant fats I've found since going raw most good plant fats don't really agree with me well, I eat avocados sometimes but every time I eat them I end up with undesirable results in my feces the next day, and coconuts last I attempted didn't land me in such a great spot either. I have however recently bought some cold pressed coconut oil and I've been using it a lot externally before spending brief periods in the sun throughout the day and it hasn't seemed to cause me any problems I can detect.

In terms of salt intake I don't have it every day but maybe once every week or two weeks I do get strong cravings for it and ill eat Celtic sea salt on my vegetables, I don't feel like its caused me any issues and it doesn't seem like an addiction its something that I'm able to satisfy for a good period of time by consuming it.

For maybe 4 months I was completely zero carb but after going so long I started to get an ache in my intestines and thats what spurred me to reintroduce plants, whenever I eat plants it completely cures the ache every time, I don't really look at plants as any real caloric sustenance but I think they seem important to good health in some quantity on a regular basis.

My life this past year has been going really well in general but there are ups and downs of course, Ive been working at Starbucks for a year and a half at this point and just started the online college plan that they offer last month, I'm only taking one class right now but I'm doing really well and am very excited to be back in school its been a few years since I graduated and I feel as though I'm very much working my way towards the place I want to be in my life. As of right now my goal is to do some manner of field work in biology I would really love to travel near or far and study plants and animals somewhere, I'm particularly interested in desert and jungle environments if I got to pick somewhere that really inspires me the most but I haven't really figured everything out yet.

Right now one of my biggest goals is to figure out my caffeine addiction, I do drink black coffee every day in somewhat above moderate amounts and I feel like long term I would feel much better without it, I feel I have a very strong emotional attachment to it in my life and it makes me wonder if I really even want to stop. I quit smoking cigarettes over two years ago, and I cut down on smoking marijuana almost entirely this whole past year and have been clean of it entirely for about 5 weeks, but I feel like for the longest time coffee was a friend I believed couldn't possibly be bad for me and with working at a coffee shop I'm very much exposed to it on a daily basis. I don't really know what the future will hold for it but its something on my mind.

More than anything I feel a strong need for emotional connection in my life but I struggle greatly to connect with people in my age group, I just lack any interest in most things that most people today concern themselves with and then I've got strange facets of my life including the whole raw diet and a few other manifestations and I never really have connected well with most people before all this, I do have friends and I have been growing closer with them in recent time but don't feel a connection on any incredible level yet, and I haven't been intimate with a girl in almost a year. Its not that I'm antisocial I'm outgoing I talk to people all day long at work, I have lots and lots of acquaintances, and I get numbers of people I'm sexually attracted to all the time, its just that none of it ever leads anywhere I just don't click with anyone. I know that I don't need anybody and really my primary goal is to find happiness on my own in a sustainable real tangible form, but I get lonely at the same time.

I really love thymus they are very savory and creamy, i also like pancreas a lot though its much more tangy almost sour but not really and in a good way. I think those two are my favorites though i do enjoy liver occasionally.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Frozen versus Fresh Meat
« on: May 19, 2018, 01:26:48 pm »
Though I feel its very likely that fresh never frozen meat does taste better I haven't been able to try it yet, I would have to say the benefits of eating a raw diet will still be drastic regardless, ive been eating frozen meat shipped from white oak pastures in Georgia for the entirety of my raw diet experience which will be one year as of the 7th of next month and I always think it tastes amazing. I order fat from them which sometimes sits in my freezer for several months depending on how much I stock up but I haven't ever been able to tell a difference in it I can't explain with normal variation.

 I really do love the quality of their meat but they've all of a sudden raised the prices on everything 125-150% and I don't think I'm willing to pay that much if I can find a local alternative that supplies good quality meat, I know buying local is far more responsible anyways. I'm hoping to find a rancher with grass-fed goats or lambs in the north Texas area I'm willing to travel to aquire it if its a reasonable price, I don't mean to derail the thread but I've seen 80-90 pound whole lambs listed online for around 320 US dollars is this around what I can normally expect to pay?

Ill send some but its not a lot! I put it through paypal.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Onion greens?
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:36:52 am »
 Lately ive been eating quite a lot of green onions and leek leaves, as well as a wild onion that grows in the woods, i mostly favor the green parts as opposed to the actual bulbs of the plants. Is there any reason i should worry about onion greens being a staple vegetable in my diet? I love the taste of them and onions are purported to be very good for raising your testosterone levels though i dont know if theres enough evidence to say thats a sure thing. They seem to be less domesticated and removed from their natural form than some other vegetables.
A girl i work with did tell me when i sweat it smells like onions though that may not be the most favorable side effect of onion consumption, but it doesnt really bother me much and i dont know if she was actually serious even, they see me eat raw onions all the time it may have been an attempt to poke fun.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« on: April 07, 2018, 12:53:56 am »
My experience doesnt have to do with dairy but i would also think that if you get diarhea after consuming something it would be allergy/intolerance to it and even if its possible to reduce your reaction through extended consumption it still doesnt mean it would end up being good for your health.
One thing ive noticed is every single time i eat raw shellfish i consistently get diarhea the next day, i love the taste of shellfish whether is shrimp, scallops, octopus, lobster or squid, i think they are delicous and they used to be one of my favorite cooked foods, but they seem to not agree with me now that everything else im eating is great quality raw foods. Fish doesnt ever give me diarhea its specifically shellfish and mollusks. I would think that over time in your life or throughout generations your body could become accustomed to eating something like shellfish or dairy and it would perhaps end up being something you could thrive on given time but i would have to feel like it would never be as good for you as the foods you were adapted to to begin with.

Off Topic / Re: Raw Paleo Diet Forum Statistics
« on: April 03, 2018, 01:16:56 pm »
Now there seem to be a rotation of newcomers who again disappear after a while and are replaced with new ones, who in turn soon disappear again!

Though im sure its not always the case i would hope that new people dissapear after a while because their health improves and they just dont feel the need to ask as many questions often anymore. I have to say im incredibly thankful for everything that all of you and that this forum have done for me, eating this way has changed my life, but i am definitely guilty of dropping off the radar after i first came here and was present at least lurking every day even if not posting.

I wish i had better connections with more people here i feel as though i have not contributed as much as i could but i have only been doing this less than a year so i feel im not always capable of giving the best advice, i suppose that should be no reason not to participate when i have the time though really.

Awesome it tastes totally fine so thats good to hear! Thank you guys!

I live with my grandma so i have yet to be able to hang my meat up i plan to get my own fridge in the future i know its said to be the way to do it, right now its sitting on a plate i cut it open as soon as i found it.
 Ill make sure i flip it throughout the day to get the air on all sides, i know its impossible to say if theres no risk but you would say the risk is minimal? It has to have been cold for half the night it was complately frozen rock hard at 0 degrees farenheight when it started and only sitting out for around 12 hours.

General Discussion / Accidently left vacuum sealed meat out over night
« on: April 02, 2018, 01:09:39 am »
I was putting a couple pieces in my fridge to thaw and i left them on my counter to speed it up and have a little snack before i went to sleep, i cut open and ate from one of the packs and then put that one in the fridge but it totally slipt my mind i had put a second one out and i just found it this morning basically completely unfrozen at room temperature at least all around the outside of it. Its a 3 pound rump roast the only thing that worries me is i left it in the vacuum seal i know it would be no problem otherwise, i tasted it and smelled it and it seems fine am i probably safe? Im really just scared of botulism its not a big deal if i get sick but i dont want to permanently damage my brain.

General Discussion / Re: aged cheese much better than raw beef
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:32:17 pm »
I myself cant speak from the stance of having poor stomach acids, i can see how beef protien may be hard to digest for some people, but i would be weary of replacing it with even raw dairy products.
The one thing ive noticed that really speaks to me is the amount of tartar build up on my teeth, when i was eating dairy just occaisionally in the form of raw roquefort i would end up with a large amount of tartar where my gums have eroded a bit on the inside of my bottom teeth, but since cutting out dairy the tartar production has been drastically reduced.
Overall both ways my dental health has been good thats the only thing in my diet thats changed between my last two dental visits, i dont think raw dairy will give you cavities and rot in your mouth the way many non paleo foods do, but i feel it could cause a greater imbalance in your ratio of calcium to other minerals perhaps causing who knows what kinds of issues where ever in your body long term, maybe none other than tartar buildup but maybe many in all manner of places?

Overall i think raw dairy is a better food than cooked foods but i truly think if you can get your body to the point its capable of digesting raw meats efficiently youll be far better off in the long run.
As to how to get to that point hopefully theres someone with more experience than i, i would think at the least you should get pure fat sources of raw meat you can digest such as back fat or marrow or suet and then use those for most of your calories and at least minimizing your dairy intake that way.

Health / Re: Best way to detox after cooked meal?
« on: March 25, 2018, 05:14:47 am »
That makes sense, thank you for your help!

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