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General Discussion / Wild Rabbit
« on: January 20, 2010, 07:09:52 am »
Would anyone have any comment on this food, before I eat it? I just bought some from a butcher...

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:59:40 am »
I'll get some VitD supplement then. One comment said about it only being absorbed with fat but that this wouldn't happen in the gut. Is this right? So if I got powder rather than D already mixed with fat, and I ate the tablet with a fatty meal, I still wouldn't absorb most of it?

Also, what do you think about the K2 thing, what do you do/know about that?

+... If I have fruit it causes me inflammation(Skin, muscles and wherever else)... It seemed to say there that Vit.D3/K2 increase tolerance of carbs. Would that include resistance to inflammation/gout(I think that's pretty much just chronic inflammation anyway).

Another thing... I'd probably work it out through modification anyway after a while, but since going fruit-free and raw(I did them both at the same time and only recently) I have had slightly dry/cracked lips. Does anyone know why this could be..?
Since eating raw meat and no fruit(don't know if it's because the fat is raw, because I don't have sugar, or both), having much fat has made me feel really sluggish...
Ok. I did eat lots of fat before(in the beginning of having lots of fat I think I felt sluggish but then adapted, don't remember)... but it was cooked. I always had fruit if I thought I might start to feel sluggish so I would never really get that way, but by the end I had cut-out fruit and I felt amply energetic still or more so. I then went raw meat, because I felt that with only cooked meat I wouldn't get enough water-soluble micro-nutrients, and also I think the fruit was hydrating me in a way that water on it's own wouldn't. Besides, for whatever reason I felt I needed to balance out the cooked meat with raw veg, like the ying/yang idea in oriental cooking e.g. Cucumber/Chilli or something.

Is digestion/absorption/metabolism of raw fat different again from cooked fat? It feels as though the fat is going around in my blood but just hogging space and effort but not actually providing any energy... *shrug*
If I don't eat fruit, you guys think I should still eat raw vegetables? Would that include stuff like carrots/cabbage, or just leafy stuff like lettuce and.. well, leaves. You mentioned curing inflammation with charcoal.. won't it gradually go now anyway? It has seemed to be disappearing now, gradually. Will that charcoal just speed things up, or would I be left over with some if I don't do it? Isn't Dripping(like beef-dripping) Cooked?

Isn't raw-honey is high-fructose? I thought fructose(or maybe sugar or even carbs in general) was mainly what caused my inflammation?

When you said 'you'll have so much energy from the raw meat you wont notice it' what do you mean?

& Why would butter be good? Is that only if my meat didn't have enough fat?

[A lot of points/questions I know, but...]

When you say about damaging your heart, is that because you naturally need a larger/stronger heart & lung/ cardiovascular system to handle fat-metabolism efficiently without carbs?

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:18:17 am »
If I don't eat fruit, you guys think I should still eat raw vegetables? Would that include stuff like carrots/cabbage, or just leafy stuff like lettuce and.. well, leaves. You mentioned curing inflammation with charcoal.. won't it gradually go now anyway? It has seemed to be disappearing now, gradually. Will that charcoal just speed things up, or would I be left over with some if I don't do it? Isn't Dripping(like beef-dripping) Cooked?

Isn't raw-honey is high-fructose? I thought fructose(or maybe sugar or even carbs in general) was mainly what caused my inflammation?

When you said 'you'll have so much energy from the raw meat you wont notice it' what do you mean?

& Why would butter be good? Is that only if my meat didn't have enough fat?

[A lot of points/questions I know, but...]

When you say about damaging your heart, is that because you naturally need a larger/stronger heart & lung/ cardiovascular system to handle fat-metabolism efficiently without carbs?

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:58:51 am »
Ok. I did eat lots of fat before(in the beginning of having lots of fat I think I felt sluggish but then adapted, don't remember)... but it was cooked. I always had fruit if I thought I might start to feel sluggish so I would never really get that way, but by the end I had cut-out fruit and I felt amply energetic still or more so. I then went raw meat, because I felt that with only cooked meat I wouldn't get enough water-soluble micro-nutrients, and also I think the fruit was hydrating me in a way that water on it's own wouldn't. Besides, for whatever reason I felt I needed to balance out the cooked meat with raw veg, like the ying/yang idea in oriental cooking e.g. Cucumber/Chilli or something.

Is digestion/absorption/metabolism of raw fat different again from cooked fat? It feels as though the fat is going around in my blood but just hogging space and effort but not actually providing any energy... *shrug*

General Discussion / Re: Water
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:51:47 am »
What do you mean by
fermented foods & animal fats

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:48:06 am »
Since eating raw meat and no fruit(don't know if it's because the fat is raw, because I don't have sugar, or both), having much fat has made me feel really sluggish...

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:11:44 am »
How did he get this infection? Is it something I should 'worry' about?

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:10:10 am »
When running barefoot, after landing primarily on the ball of your foot, your heel should generally touch gently to the ground with each 'step/strike'. Be mindful of what your feet are telling you and adjust accordingly as you go. You should never have to think about your running technique as a whole, like you do with shoes, but it should be a constant feedback-adapt cycle which occurs without too much thought.

I don't know how tough the soles of your feet are now, but as long as you build up they shouldn't take too long to adapt. You may want to experiment with many different surfaces. My favourite was generally smooth tarmac as I could get the highest speed on that and overtake bicycles(and cars in 30mph zones =D), though I could run on many others perfectly well including gravelly stuff. The only surface I was really cautious of was grass... Although it's probably one of the nicest, people still let their dogs shit in there and whether or not it would really do you any physical harm, I never wanted to risk the social harm that it would do wondering home with a shitty foot >_< Especially being the only representative of barefoot running in my town!

Also you'll find, as you get better, that you're able to run with a very heavy back-pack without any shock also. Of course it will take some soft-tissue strength in the calves though.. Any Q's you have just ask..

WoW: I played Alliance Human Mage on The Venture Co RPPVP Server. Grand Marshal Ahrramin; Top Raid Guild, full Epics, Unbeatable in PvP. <-- Wtf... I feel like such a dick but I can't help but say this stuff whenever I find someone who played WoW >_<

Health / Re: Sedentary Lifestyles
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:22:48 am »
Haha! I'm big on the computer, sadly. I play World of Warcraft, watch TV (on my computer, lol--don't own a TV), computer games (along with consoles, which are, again, through my computer), searching the internet, and I love reading. I'm trying to get myself back into martial arts or some sort of weaponry. I used to, in high school, and loved the discipline. However, anything that has running, I'm terrible at. Its my shins. They burn like fire, and not that good burning. (I'm assuming its shin splints, which is probably due to unhealthy diet and bad footwear. I truly prefer being barefoot, but that doesn't go over so well when walking around stores and stuff.)

Lol I played WoW about 5years ago... What server? >_<

With regards to running... run barefoot.

You guys who squat... Is it ok to squat on your toes/ball(for long times I mean)? I can not be balanced if back on my heels... Is it only people who wear heeled shoes who can do this? The Caveman in that picture is actually sitting also..

Hot Topics / Re: Batman diet
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:13:42 am »
Steroids are not required for the kind of body he produced.

But very do-able if you're motivated and have the time, gear, & know-how.

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:01:54 am »
I'll get some VitD supplement then. One comment said about it only being absorbed with fat but that this wouldn't happen in the gut. Is this right? So if I got powder rather than D already mixed with fat, and I ate the tablet with a fatty meal, I still wouldn't absorb most of it?

Also, what do you think about the K2 thing, what do you do/know about that?

+... If I have fruit it causes me inflammation(Skin, muscles and wherever else)... It seemed to say there that Vit.D3/K2 increase tolerance of carbs. Would that include resistance to inflammation/gout(I think that's pretty much just chronic inflammation anyway).

Another thing... I'd probably work it out through modification anyway after a while, but since going fruit-free and raw(I did them both at the same time and only recently) I have had slightly dry/cracked lips. Does anyone know why this could be..?

Dude, they probably put this bastard 'Sodium Diacetate' and 'Potassium Lactate' in your beef mince to preserve it since it's more exposed than steak. I had stopped buying the shitty supermarket beef-mince because it has it in, so I went to the butcher and they told me they hadn't put anything in their so I bought it. I guess they didn't but someone else did because I could taste it and it's messed me up. Same discomfort/headache/tiredness and repulsion from eating it. I know it's the stuff, because I went to a supermarket butcher who minced the meat in front of me and it tasted great.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Photos of Your Best Cuts of Meat
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:30:54 pm »
In the supermarket where I live there is a butcher and a fishmonger inside. The butcher is only aloud to sell meat with a certain amount of fat(very very very low) and the rest, he must freeze and send away... Apparently. That's what he said.

He's been quashed by the feds... they didn't want the secret getting out as it could be disastrous to civilisation =)

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:19:00 pm »
Paleophil: I don't get much sun; think I should follow that PaleoNu guy's advice and take 1000s IUs per day in vitD supplements? Do you know what role it plays in the body?

Doesn't too much protein without ample fat stress your heart...?

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:05:34 am »
"How Much is Too Much?
Vitamin D overdose typically happens over a period of time rather than from a single large dose. This is because, unlike most other essential nutrients we consume, the body does not excrete excess vitamin D. Instead, it is stored in the body's fat cells where it can accumulate to toxic levels over time.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for the vitamin D are as follows:

Birth to 12 months of age: 25 micrograms (1,000 IU)
One year of age or older: 50 micrograms (2,000 IU)
Studies have also shown that, taken over long periods of time, consumption of vitamin D in amounts above the UL will result in toxicity. For children under the age of 12 months, a sustained intake of 1,000 micrograms (40,000 IU) a day will produce toxicity in just one to four months. For adults, 2,500 micrograms (100,000 IU) a day may result in toxicity in a few months."



"5 Get daily midday sun or take 4-8000 iu vit D daily"


Edit: >_> I put this up because I read 'One year of age or older', as literally: 'One year of age or older'... and not what they really mean which is: 'One year of age-'adult''. However, I suppose I may as well leave it up now...

Just as I don't assume the '+100Kg' category to mean the '+100kg-When we think you're unfairly big' category =/ Or 'Absolute' to mean 'Absolutely 60-73kg'.

General Discussion / Re: How much raw meat do you eat?
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:37:02 am »
1. What does 'everyone' think about the Vitamin D issue..? Is it worth getting a vitamin D supplement if one is unable to get enough sunlight?

2. What the 'eff' is a 'cup' of cabbage/pumpkin?

General Discussion / Re: Raw Ox Heart
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:44:46 am »
Strange the taste... I wonder what that's about =/

General Discussion / Re: Raw Ox Heart
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:19:24 am »
'Suet'? Yeah it is the first. Although when I 'googled': 'Define: Suet' it came up with 'the hard fat surrounding the kidneys and loins', whilst this stuff surrounded the heart.

Yeah... Wha'gwan whid dat...? Is it just because of where he comes from they don't de-worm? In that case parasites may be a big threat, but just not many get through to our plates. I've heard of tapeworms growing huge inside people and eating their way out; or coming out of people's mouths. I've seen them come out in pig faeces and they's massive...

General Discussion / Raw Ox Heart
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:13:15 am »
I don't know if it's Just 'this Ox Heart(from Morrisons)', 'all Ox heart', or heart in general... But the fat on it tastes horrible. It's diced, and the meat and fat are in big chunks(some just muscle, vv and mixed). It's about 16% protein and 20% fat, so I thought it would be a good way to boost my fat intake as it's been quite low since raw, since I can't eat the mince meat I used to get(for cooked) raw. I've had raw fat from NZ Lamb Chops, West Country Rump & Topside, the small amount on British Braising Steak and it was all nice. This fat is reluctant to even go down my throat and doesn't taste nice at all...

Anyone know why?

N.B. I have no 'complaints' about the meat; just the fat.

Health / Re: My sickness :(
« on: January 16, 2010, 01:49:55 am »
If you brush your teeth, you actually create micro-tears in your mouth and gums which make you more vulnerable to infection; therefore it is not advised(going to a special effort to do so right before sexual activity, I mean). I would not think mouthwash would be a problem, however.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Ultimate Martial Arts
« on: January 16, 2010, 01:46:01 am »
I'll probably be able to tell you fairly soon. I don't train Muay Thai, but I do Judo daily and that includes one 105min BJJ sparring session(white-belt rules) per week.

General Discussion / Re: potassium lactate and sodium diacetate
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:23:29 pm »
I wouldn't eating from a 'roast cut', it's just that mince is a lot cheaper; so it's a shame it has this rubbish in it.. =/

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