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Messages - phatdave

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Suggestion Box / Re: Maybe a hygiene or cosmetic section?
« on: July 15, 2009, 08:14:25 am »
I actually stopped using rendered suet because i stopped drying out my skin with hot showers. (on a side not, the first time i rendered it i didnt 'filter' it through some kitchen paper, and I accidently got it in my hair while showering - and I ended up smelling like a dead animal for a few days! :) )

That said, once I got some nice 'pure' stuff, I was much happier putting that on my skin. And from what I can remember it worked rather well.

I'm slowly making my showers colder and colder tho, but as long as they are not 'hot' I think its preference really as your skin won't get too dried out.

Toothpaste is still something I am undecided over.... (i think im am a little brainwashed into thinking I need it, although if i ate loads of fruit I perhaps would)

And hey, we're might be mainly guys - but we still wash!  sometimes....  :P

That was a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing, (and hello :) )

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / ARMY + ZERO CARB/RAW PALEO
« on: July 01, 2009, 10:12:50 pm »

I was think about joining the british army.

I think i might have to abandon zero-carbing/raw paleoing because it would surely be impossible.

If anyone has an experience or thoughts that would be most useful.

Right now it is the only thing holding me back.



Journals / Re: cbj's change your life
« on: June 29, 2009, 06:52:38 am »
I LOVE your attitude ms cbj! This is exactly how I first reacted to eating this way. I think my interpretation was that with a more balanced mood, everything becomes better! pretty much along the lines as you describe above. I ended up going to a bartending show 4/5 days ago and got completely drunk (im 22!) and have eaten crap since. I can safely say that the difference is really really noticable with mood and everything that affects, and me overall mentally and physically. Unsurprisingly I can't wait to return to what feels right for me tomorrow now the weekend of work is over, but the last week I don't regret as it just puts things even more in perspective. :)

I was interested to read that you sleep on the floor. I know what you mean about beds. I was curious, did you bother buying a thin mat or anything, or just go super spartan on the bare floor? I love sleeping on the grass in the park on nice days and am definately going to try without my big oatmeal matress. Might by a thin mat too.

I also completely agree on clothes and cosmetics. The better I feel, the less need I have for 'stuff' to fill the void to make me feel good. Instead I have energy, and power, and feel strong - and so my need is very small. I havent used soap on my face for about 6 months now (and use very little in the way of anything else) and am so happy with how my skin has responded!

Anyways, was just happy to see someone who effectively has just written a little bit which completely mirrors my feelings. Thats whats great about these forums.

Take care, all the best (and hello!!)

David, UK

grassfed and raw is definately the way to go

For the last 2 or so weeks I have been eating rendered fat (which is not raw - but i needed it to keep / it was an experiment) and I can certainly say that I have grown from finding it mildly unpalateable to being really delicious. I found that when it was warmer (ie when i left it out of the fridge on a warm day) it was seriously delicious. I appreciate that this account is not directly relevant given that it is not raw fat, but my taste for fat generally has definately developed.

Hi again! :-) I wish we had farmers market here in Derby, I wish we had a proper summer too.
By the way how many Brits do we have on this forum? So far I've noticed 3... I hope that more people will become intersted in raw paleo diet and lifestyle.
David, when did you start eating raw meat and organs? How did your friends and family react to your slightly "eccentric" new eating habits? :-)))))))
I was quite lucky, my friends' reaction was quite positive, though they thought it was just a phase :-)

There is one!  :D But its every 3rd thursday of each month.....  -\

I count 27 british members. Click 'members' at the top.

About 1 month of raw meat/organs/fats. About 1 week of trying zeroish carb.

I'm not afraid to tell people what I eat. Not anymore anyway ;) My flatmates we're split in their opinions, but now its old news. 1 jokes with me about it, the other thinks its really cool! My family are also pretty 'cool' - it was only in our countryside pub when I refused a pint that all faces became most concerned. ".......Really?"  l)  :)

I'm glad your friend is also 'cool'  ;D

Let me know if theres anything I can help you with,


ps Do you notice how much I like these little faces? I think I might go for a world record next post..... :)

Hi David.
Was it New Zealand Lamb's liver from Sainsburys? ;) I buy it all the time and I must agree with you, it's bloody fantastic! I use loads of organic garlic and herbs like parsley and dill with raw liver, I smell of gralic afterwards but hey who cares? :-))))

I get mine from the Sunday morning farmers market in Marylebone. Haven't found a better place than the farmers markets for food so far :).

(i have tried the nz lambs liver  a while ago. I did cook it, it was great. but I have falling in love with farmers markets!)

Hello fellow brits, hope you are having a nice summer!  :)


ps. Hmm, I am yet to try high meat! I think vans point sounds very reasonable, will have to experiment myself!

good plan, do you air you high stuff?

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Gravlax
« on: June 17, 2009, 06:28:46 am »
Thank you satya!!!  ;D

this is something i sent to a particular paleo someone.....hope you all feel lucky to be included  ;)

(or of course 'un' lucky (depending on if you are a half full/empty kinda person :) )


i'll tell you one thing, liver smoothies were definately a phase! One i dont think I'll repeat!

Liver is such a treat, it utterly defeats the point of doing all that to it. Essentially I was trying to mask the taste, and in the end it was horrible!

I think raw liver is such a mega food, I wouldn't eat it everyday. You can tell when you've had enough, and if you imagine killing an animal, the ratio of liver to the rest is fairly small! I think this animal/ratio logic isnt a bad idea to get a vague balance of what to eat. But even better than that is getting back to being in sync with your body....

Sorry I actually wasn't intending to say all this at all! Instead I was actually going to say that today I had raw liver, and it was FANTASTIC. Having bought a lovely lambs liver from a happy grass fed sheep, I.....

-Got a medium pan, put about a couple millimeters of water and heated till it boiled, than turned off the heat. I than put 1/3 of the whole liver in (about a decent handful pieceish :) ) I popped the lid on, and left it for 5 or so mins. I did turn it over and left for a few minutes.

This is not to cook it in anyway, but warm it.. (body tempishish/warm meat of ANY sort is better. Think about it :) )


-I then cut the liver into very thin slices using an incredibly sharp knife....and made a nice circular arrangement on a plate with them....

-I then sprinkled sea salt, ground black pepper, paprika and garlic powder to taste into the used water, and added a bit more water to make about a cup of 'broth'. The simpler the better, maybe next time no chilli...

-I poured this into a beautiful blue, handless cup - which i placed in the centre of the plate.

I ate with chopsticks (2 skewers!), savouring and sipping whilst listenning to my flatmate recording her beautiful music, while thinking about the universe and how we're are all part of a big picture. Oh, and really relishing the soft textures/flavours with the peppy/salty broth.

It was both delicious and spiritual. Super, mega good for mind and body.

So there we go. Never again am I going to soberly take for granted something that has such wonderful potential. Or rather IS wondeful.

Each to their own of course :)

Hope you had fun reading this, I had fun writing it.

David A-C


Journals / Re: Liana's Journal
« on: June 17, 2009, 05:54:16 am »
Liana, that is such a compliment!  I am amazed that my ramblings are of value to anyone.  I suppose it may help that I am new on the zero carb journey, and thus, I have some excitement to share about the excellent benefits about this way of eating.  Truly, I stand on the shoulders of people like Lex, Andrew, Nicola, William and others, who all figured this out for themselves some time ago. 

For me, after about 2 weeks on zero carb some time ago, I could care less about eating fruit.  I truly could take it or leave it.  Summer or not.  I really don't care.  So as you could well imagine, talk of honey sandwiches from PhatDave has me totally flummoxed.  I could just not imagine eating such foods.  In fact, food has taken such a back seat in my life that I cannot help but want to shout from the rooftops: "Freedom!"  I really don't care.  My son, nearly 16, is totally and completely zero carb by his own choice.  He does not notice the sleep improvement that I do, but he won't cheat; doesn't want to.  It's only food, after all.  There are far more important pursuits in life.

So many people have compliance issues on this eating plan or that.  But I find that a semi raw, all carnivorous one just feels like a soft glove that fits so well.  I will never care about plant foods again.  That is not to say I won't have a salad or some cherries on rare occasion in social settings.  But it's not like I feel cravings or need for these foods to somehow feel right. I really don't care much about food anymore.  But what I will never do is eat non paleo foodstuffs ever again; and that's because zero carb paleo has given me whatever discipline I need to do whatever I want.  Freedom!

har har! my honey sandwich adventures have affected you too satya!!  :D

ps. love this post

thanks alot, i like you star lady.

And Josh, know what you mean mate - I'm sick of repeating history.

Hi, my names David Ashley-Cowan and I am British, and currently live in London. I recently turned 22.

The change to my diet and lifestyle in the past few weeks to that of RAF etc. have been incredible, but like most I find that because I dont 'have' to hunt for my food I unsurprisingly find myself eating honey sandwiches, smoking joints and drinking mojitos. Sure thats all gravy, but I'm old enough and wise enough to know that what goes up must come down, and ultimately me feeling crap the next day/next moment is surprise surprise, a direct result.

So, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, am I going to keep going round and round for the rest of my life?". I figure the only way to mold my otherwise jelly-like will into something of substance is to make a plan. Rules like this suck, but than so did having to hunt everytime you we're hungry - so it is a fair compremise.

1 Month plan:

1)Diet- Anything edible that is; ripe, seasonal, wild and truely native to Europe. (fruit/nuts/herbs/misc) + (land/water/sky/misc)
2)Exercise - Any exercise, but must be daily and varied. ( is comparable)
3)Lifestyle - Think "would a homo-sapien be doing this?"

All the usual.

I will have to be constantly making compremises, but if cheat no-ones loses but me.

Someone once said to me, "It may not be the easy way, but its the right way. And thats why it makes you happy."

Well, I figured without a plan I will simply repeat history. So thats it.

Should be easy, I love this stuff :)


Journals / Re: Liana's Journal
« on: June 12, 2009, 08:36:43 pm »
GS, why not sub VCO for raw animal fat like suet/marrow? Surely that would be even better considering it would have no 'potential' plant nasties.


General Discussion / Re: Meat to Veg/Fruit ratio?
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:36:43 pm »
No worries satya, you can post whatever and whenever you want! I'm lucky to get all this great stuff for free anyway from you lovely people. Just like to add that I 'experimented' the last 2/3 days eating crud and I can safely say that I feel/felt absolutely lame!


ps. does any one else notice how differently they look at girls? Eating balances mood I guess, but I find myself less and less attracted to all forms of fake beauty....or fake anything for that matter. :)

Have a nice day.

General Discussion / Re: Meat to Veg/Fruit ratio?
« on: June 12, 2009, 08:16:35 am »
I definately agree with these peeps. I ate according to all sorts of weird cultish diets that did nothing for my health. Never been squeamish of raw animal foods coming from a real foodie/chef family with raw beef/fish/eggs as I grew up in the country, but truely started eating MAINLY animals - meat/fat/organs etc. and very little else about 2 weeks ago. About 1 large meal a day, later in the day more if hungry. For me, this is totally brilliant. Balanced mood, feel strong, bloody awesome. The people on this website are really great, some in particular are really really great in regards to balanced, sound advice. It takes some time to get use to physically, and it definately does take some time mentally. The hardest thing was actually realizing the drug like effect of cooked food! I try and trick myself and convience myself its good when i know its not. Not because of what people TELL me, but because of how I feel when i eat raw vs cooked.

Finding this 'diet' if you can call it that is the best damned thing to happen to me. However its only 2 weeks so I'll keep you guys posted! Oh yeah, and also doing my own research into history of man and diet/health/evolution too! may even study it as a degree if all goes well! ha!

But for me mate, its all about the animals. I definately do best like lex with bare minimal carbs. Like a supplement at most. but everyones different, tis just me :)/ People give some good advice in regards to how much of what, but I think if you look at an animal and what there is edible on that animal, you get a vague idea of the preportions of organs/fat/meat. Read some peoples journals, I found Lexs' useful.

Good luck mate, have fun! Its really crazy!

David, 22, London

General Discussion / Re: Am I fat adapted?
« on: June 11, 2009, 08:49:32 am »
A bit of a stretch if you ask me.  My tools are sharp sticks and rock shards and I'm going to carry handfuls of little bitter olives to a tide pool that washes things away with every high tide, so I can let them soak for 6 months to wash out the taninns to make them edible - yup that's the ticket.   

Personally I don't think olives OR coffee beans are a paleo food, but hey, each can decide for themselves.


Damnit I love this man.

General Discussion / Re: how do you feel when/after you "cheat"?
« on: June 11, 2009, 08:19:56 am »
Well after eating raf for a little while now (couple of weeks perhaps) I have experimented a few times with cheat/shit foods....

1-When I cooked and ate a decent ammount of very fatty lamb, I had a stomach upset! Which is funny because when I ate raw beef/fat, liver, eggs, 'ripe-ish' blood, and lamb shoulder (that was a couple of weeks old) I felt great.

2-When I went home last weekend I ate alot of cooked meats (prawns, lamb, chicken, salmon, ham) and also some whipped cream + brownie. I had another stomach upset (which i feel was the overload of cooked meat mixed with carbs and dairy! (which I never eat!).

3-I smoked some weed today with a friend who returned from holiday and in turn went to the pub...I ate 2 burgers (no bread) with sweet potato chips and drank 1 1/2 pints of guiness/IPA (ale-ish kinda stuff) I had another stomach upset! followed by strong carb cravings and manically eating 1/2 a pack of choco biscuits and a load of chocolate which altered my amazingly balanced mood for the worse AND made me feel disgusting.

So. I have learnt.

1)do not make sudden changes to your diet (most important)
2)if you start messing with your body, it can snowball (ie drugs.........drinking....then eating crap.......then bingeing on chocolate)
3)carbs are truely addictive and mood altering
4)certain food 'combining' (like perhaps small amounts of dairy+fruit+brown+ice cream+coffee AFTER large ammounts of cooked chicken+salmon+ham+mango+pasturised butter) definately is a no no, once your gut bacteria has somewhat altered.
5)that when you eliminate certain foods, addictions and cooked foods, you slowly require them less and see them as they are without that mental attachment.

6)eating raw meat/fat/organs (in smaller ammounts) is the best for me right now, without any carbs/drugs/cooking. full stop.

I will learn from my mistakes. Its not easy. Particularly the idea of raw meat tomorrow after having a stomach upset today (today was the burger day) is a bit scary. But it wont take long to get my taste back for it. I was really getting a taste for it! For the meat, and for the lifestyle. Everything. Can't wait to jump right back in! Its hard, but I know its right. I think you do about most things. Its so bloody weird that I get ill from what I've been eating for my whole life, but I know its from chopping and changing.

:) I have a date tomorrow! I might feel like crap, who knows! I dont care because with each step I am getting closer to the state in which my body thrives! Which means I am slowly getting happier and stronger. Which rocks.



General Discussion / UK equivalent to SLANKERS?
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:40:20 pm »
After reading some of 'Lex's Journal' I had to find out what his 'Dog and Cat mix' was......sounds great! Slackers looks like a absolute gem, and I am very envious of all you US peeps! I guess I should be happy for you, because after all I want everyone to be eating good meat....  :)

I get my meat from London’s farmers markets which are awesome; I love ‘em. Only problem is that the farmers I talk raise an eyebrow at the mention of the lesser known cuts/organs like 'spleen' etc and I would love to find somewhere similar to slackers that might better set-up to cater for such demands (and many even supply such ground mixes with a bit of everything like the before mentioned 'Dog and Cat mix'!).

Of course give the size of the UK this may not be possible, and I would still nevertheless consider myself lucky to have the great choice offered at the markets in London. I should of course keep asking around at the markets and try to befriend some of the farmers!

Any ideas/sources would be much appreciated.

Thanks and all the best!


Off Topic / Re: Herbal medicine issue
« on: June 09, 2009, 05:53:28 am »
Which specific herb/plants would you prepose as to having a significant place in the history of man Mr Durden? (as of course in the supplemental form as suggested)

....if one could suggest any specifics that is.

Journals / Re: Sully's Journal
« on: May 28, 2009, 05:42:37 am »
If you started when you were born, you might be healthier stronger. But perhaps at the loss of other things that are benefitial.

but crytic, i kinda just meant, "oh well, but it was probably fun anyway" kinda thing.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Liver smoothies
« on: May 28, 2009, 05:28:42 am »
yeah borough markets a rip off. was 'desperate'.

ps i do think liver smoothies is perhaps a bit disgusting. if your going to eat a raw liver, just eat it.

but then again maybe next week i'll have to unquenchable thirst for one. mmm braiinnnnsss.


Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Gravlax
« on: May 28, 2009, 12:10:22 am »
wow that looks good. how do you make gravlax? :)

fish plus...dill?...


Display Your Culinary Creations / Liver smoothies
« on: May 28, 2009, 12:02:08 am »
Have made 2 liver smoothies now.

1st) Lambs liver that was grass fed, but finished on grain, and 3 duck eggs - both from borough food market in London. ('Ginger Pig' butcher for the meat)

-Just some Celtic sea salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper
-Made approx. 1/3rd of a litre, or maybe around 10oz glass (or a little under of both) and of a perfectly glossy consistency.
-Rich and Delicious, a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Taste was powerful.
-Disgusting to your first reactions, but ignore the bad habits you've learnt and really listen to your body.

(Takes some mental strength to re-train yourself to eat something so radically different.)

2nd) Lambs liver that was entirely grass fed (225gs), with whitish marrow from similar grass fed lambs (50g/5dspns)- both from Marylebone farmers market in London.

-Just a pinch of salt, and some fresh ground black pepper -- plus 1 chunk of both ginger and fresh red chilli (1/2 inch cubed..), splash of filt. water to whiz.
-Made approx. 1/3rd of a litre, or maybe around 10oz glass (or a little under of both) and of a very thick dessert consistency.
-Rich and fatty, substantial and nutritious. Milder, but with spicy undertones.
-Delicious and pudding like, ate half with spoon / other half blended with some water and downed - refreshing and nourishing.

(100 grass fed tastes better)

1 per week for me at the moment, these shakes make me feel incredible. Might experiment with cacao  .....

All the best.


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