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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Hair Length
« on: March 27, 2010, 08:58:22 pm »
Well could could be for the aquatic ape theory. The human would be wading around in the water in the daytime, but with no cover from trees and their head exposed our of the water most of the time they needed hair on their heads. Maybe if the bottom tips of the hair were in the water it would keep the whole hair wet. Maybe it floated up underwater making them look bigger(like shark people hold vertical rods) so they wouldn't be attacked too. Anyway, with the hair being long and silky, it would layer and act like a shield from the sun, whereas the rays would penetrate straight through shorter fur.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: When to eat.
« on: March 27, 2010, 09:43:31 am »
from your time frame I don't see why you can't have a large meal in the early afternoon, and a light meal at night.

I will try this again, having the meal in the early afternoon(as I do), but trying to make the meal at night just a very light one. It's hard to do though, to keep it light. I will try it though.

Basically this is what I was doing though("a large meal in the early afternoon, and a light meal at night"), but I don't remember what happened when I tried to make the meal very light, or how light I ever tried to make it. I think though that it still caused the negative effects... I will try it again though, still.

are you looking to eat a single meal in the evening?

No, I really don't think I could go the day without eating and then do sport. I think to do sport before eating I would have to do it in the early part of my day. I don't know though, I don't remember what my past experiences were with this. I think it would have all the negative effects I mentioned. I could not eat in the evening before sport because as I said it takes 6hrs for my digestive system to be completely comfortable with exercise after eating to satiety, and eating in the evening after it, I have the negative effects which I said about, and if it was my only meal it would have to be big.

I dont have a specific ZC answer if that is what you are looking for

It might be nice to hear the opinion of some ZC people, as that's what I am. However, opinions from anyone are very welcome, such as yourself. Thanks.

at the same time 6 hours seems not right for raw food, did you have this problem before on other diets? I don't care to do much within the half hour or hour or so, and probably not hop on a bike or run for another half hour or hour or so, and do prefer to work out before I've had any food, but I don't know what sport you are talking about. seems like a long margin though.

Um, I don't really see it as a problem, it feels quite natural to me... However, maybe it is a problem. In which case I expect it would improve with time eating meat/fat only. It really doesn't feel to me like a problem though... *shrug*.

The sport I am talking about it Judo. It would also apply to running, tennis, badminton, rugby etc though. I'm not sure about cycling as I don't do it.

Actually when I ate SAD with lots of grains, pre palaeo(~2years ago) I did have 'IBS' type symptoms towards the end, and that meant I had to sit around for a long time after eating without moving at all, and then had a short window to do sport before I would be out of energy. This never worked very well though and I'm not like this in any way now... I could get up straight after eating and go for a run. It'd be uncomfortable for a bit and then I guess it gets compacted or something and I'd be alright. Later on though my digestive system would be tired/uncomfortable for a while until it had recovered, and I would have some slightly watery phaeces. I don't see the point in eating and then doing exercise that stops me from digesting the food anyway, and tiring my digestive system out so I can eat less later as well. However, since I've not been eating late anyway I suppose this wouldn't really be a problem. My sport performance is decreased though if I have not given it the 6hours. If though, for example I were to finish eating 3hrs before sport, it may mean that I only need 3hrs after the sport for me to sleep as the digestion process is sort of 'put on hold', though not perfectly, hence the watery phaeces and mild discomfort later on too.

Damn I wrote a lot there, probably too much.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / When to eat.
« on: March 27, 2010, 08:26:47 am »

I can have sport from 18:30-20:30, 20:30-22:00, 19:30-21:00 and other similar times. The earliest I may start is 18:30 and the latest I may finish is 22:00.

It seems to generally take about 6hours after eating to satiety for my digestive system to be comfortable with exertion.

When should I eat..?

At the moment I'm finishing my meal around 6hours before sport, and afterwards, sitting around feeling energy depleted and like I should eat for several hours afterwards until I feel tired enough to fall asleep.

Although I've felt like I should eat between finishing sport and falling asleep, when I've tried it I haven't actually enjoyed the taste of the food(although it has been satisfying, just not tasty). So either I take a small bite of raw meat/fat, and eat no more; or I eat until I feel satisfied, even though it didn't taste good. If I do the latter, I am satisfied, feel comfortable and can actually go to bed fairly easily, if I do it quickly. Not that long after eating I start getting a lot of energy. If I am up when these occur, I can not get to sleep for a while. If I have already been asleep, they can wake me with thirst throughout the night and I will sweat a lot, and I get acne spots too, and some of my muscles can feel shortened the next day. When I have eaten after sport, I have also had the meal earlier in the day.

If I don't eat between finishing sport and falling asleep, I will be up for quite a long time before I can nod off and I will spend it feeling unsettled, knowing that I could be settled by eating, though that there would be other consequences to bare, the knowledge of which leads me to abstain.

I feel that the ideal scenario would be to wake up, and do sport before having eaten, and to then eat when hungry and have the rest of the day to process the food, having plenty of stored/controlled, not uncontrollably active, energy to use as the body so wills during sleep. Though due to the time of my sport, to do this I would have to live at night and I don't think that is really plausible.

What do you think is the best solution for me?

N.B. There may be some +'ves & -'ves which I've missed out for different scenarios, which may tilt the balance of choice unevenly between different options. *shrug*.

Also, for the meal between sport and sleep, I have tried it both high protein/low fat and High fat/low protein in addition to balanced and neither seemed to work any better.


Tyler, can't you right click and select 'open in new tab', or click the middle mouse button on the link?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Recovery Time.
« on: March 26, 2010, 01:01:28 am »
Do you guys who eat ZC find that(1) with practise, you are able to recover faster between exercise? That is, if you had to initially have a rest-day between sports training, do you find that you are gradually able to train every, or 6 days a week?

Or, do you find that(2) whilst your strength/stamina(the energy you're able to put in to each session and the recovery from it) etc improves with practise, you continue to need the same period of rest between sessions?

OR, do you find that(3) initially, you start with scenario '2', and then once your body becomes comfortable with the training/has 'near optimum' strength/stamina for that activity, that your body then moves on to scenario '1'?

This 'near optimum' I spoke of, I would not expect to apply to sports such as sprinting, cycling etc, where the strength/stamina are SO entwined with the skill that they are nearly un-differentiable(because they involve almost a single movement repeated over and over again as opposed to the following which can involve a much wider array of situations), but more to sports like Soccer, Basketball, Judo, Wrestling etc... This 'near optimum' would be the level which allows you to develop your skill 'near optimally', and if you can maintain it daily, you can develop more skill, whereas in Sprinting I'd think you would have no 'near optimum' for training, as you would want it to increase infinitely. Alternatively, with such a discipline you have to option to do less training at each 'sitting' anyway.

I have asked this predominately to 'ZC' people, as whilst I do not know about everyone, I found that when I ate carbs the limit to my recovery was very low, there was only so much I could recover between each session anyway before I would start to decline. Twice a day I would train. Now, I find I can continue to improve over a long period of time, beyond what I was before the exercise, so I just cut it off at some point when I consider I've built enough. Atm this is every other day, occasionally two in a row, sometimes two off in a row. I get stronger with each training session, with each day of rest, and I expect that scenario '3' is closest to what will occur with time. I am not close to this however, as other signs of poor-health are still in the process of clearing-up such as now 'mild', certainly 'milder' acne.

Off Topic / Re: Get it off your chest -Things/People You hate
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:16:35 am »
Nicely said. As I get older, I notice that the distance between the bad thought and the pleasant thoughts starts reducing and then at some point you will witness yourself thinking the bad thoughts realizing that you are doing it.

That is a cool state of mind. Like you are somebody else watching yourself as somebody else........

That sounds scary...

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Hair Length
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:21:32 am »
Just some scattered things:

I have noticed people talking about their hair falling out on ZC.

It doesn't seem practical that humans would have hair growing over their eyes and eyebrows. Obstruction of vision, irritation of eyes, counter-action of the function of the eyebrows...

In their more primitive state, it would've been difficult for humanoids to cut or tie their hair.

I've seen people talking about hair being used to remove toxins.

Carbohydrates can cause many systems in the body to mess up or go on overdrive.

I can't think of any other animal(unmodified by humans) who's eyes are obstructed by their hair. Even animals who do have increased hair-growth atop their heads such as lions.

Not only head hair, but human facial hair can grow very long, which could cause problems: obstructing consumption of food; breathing; speech, and possibly hosting life which could be detrimental to the human's health. The Vulcher specifically has no hair on it's head, for when it's poking it's head around in carrion.

Humanoids would have had to become good at making cutting tools prior to our hair becoming long and obstructive(when unkempt), for it not to be a major obstruction of life, but why would it become so?

On Raw ZC, would your hair maintain an appropriate length, like your eyebrows, eyelashes etc and thus remove the need for cutting?

I haven't been Raw Carnivorous/ZC long enough to see for myself yet, as whilst improving, other long-term ailments have not yet completely faded. On ZIOH, all long-term male ZCers with pictures have short hair-cuts anyway so that gives me no clues, and I would not feel free enough to post a topic  such as this on their forum, it doesn't have the right atmosphere.

Edit: With the bit about 'hair being used to remove toxins', I was thinking along the lines of the possibility of that being why hair may grow so excessively, because it's growing out so many toxins.

General Discussion / Re: are cold cuts of meat raw ?
« on: March 23, 2010, 09:31:32 pm »
Do you think all the trolls are one person..? They all seem to select GBR as their home from my recollection, but that could easily be coincidence or false memory.

General Discussion / Re: are cold cuts of meat raw ?
« on: March 23, 2010, 06:25:15 am »

liek wut a lowbob

Just make jerky with fat, or 'pemmican jerky'... and C.Bale ate a can of tuna and an apple. Rabbit starvation is from too much protein to fat/carbs ratio... And lean beef doesn't 'always have at least 30% fat', not in the retail cuts which are what is available to us. You get some with trace fat, 5%, 10%... 30% would be very high for a retail cut at least where most people live.

General Discussion / Re: Pork Rind
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:00:21 am »
I do not eat pork meat raw because it is not recommended. If I avoid the meat, should I avoid Pork Rind for the same reason? Or do the reasons why raw pork is not recommended not apply to pork rind?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Resources for getting into exercise
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:52:52 am »
Swimming pool water is horrible, all the chlorine... not that it would be nice without the chlorine either, unless it's a private pool. =/

General Discussion / Pork Rind
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:38:35 am »
The only fat I can get at the supermarket which is raw is pork rind, called 'Pork Rind for Crackling'. Today and yesterday I pretty much starved for fat, had cold feet, ache etc as the meat, even the fattiest cuts are ultra-lean and I wasn't able to get fat from the butchers on sat, and sun they're closed. I didn't buy the Pork Rind because I wasn't sure if it was ok, or if it even had much fat in it anyway. It looked like it was a lot just skin. Is it safe though? Nice? Good source of fat if I can't get beef/lamb? They had HUGE slabs of beef fat right there, and I was starving for it and they wouldn't give it to me. I genuinely considered coming back in after I'd bought my meat and grabbing it while they weren't looking and running out with it. Alternatively I considered challenging the butchers to fight for it... They are areseholes they could just give me the fat no one would care except me. I spend so much money at that damn super market butcher I wanted to teach them a lesson for their rudeness at least.


General Discussion / Re: Any problems with ground beef?
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:58:30 pm »
I am currently starving for fat =( For several days.

General Discussion / Re: Fat from Butcher
« on: March 20, 2010, 01:11:53 am »
What examples would you give for fat which you would consider 'inedible'?

hmm 'Pemmican Jerky'? =)

I would eat the meat straight out of the fridge, and put what you don't eat straight back in when you're done. It's much nicer fresh, there's no need to let the bacteria breed and reduce the quality of the meat...

When people say Jerky, don't they just mean air-dried meat with no additives whatsoever?

If you have acne, it's likely you'd have to eat meat, fat & water only, for it to go away and stay away. With raw meat/fat I have no desire for fruit/veg at all. That's why I started eating raw, because I could tell the fruit was affecting me badly(inflammation etc) but I think I needed to balance the cooked meat out somehow. I could only put off raw fresh food(which would be fruit) for so long, before I had to have it. No such need when I'm eating my meat raw.

As far as going to the long effort of making 'Jerky' so that you can eat it when you're 'on the run', I'd think you'd find you'd be much better just eating more fresh meat & fat at the sittings you can manage, and you'll probably find you won't need to cram snack jerky in before you can get your next meal as the fresh meat/fat will probably be able to satisfy you for many hours.

The thing to make Jerky for would be if you're going on a long journey and won't be sure when you'll next be able to buy/hunt fresh meat. So it's a good reserve to keep you going.

General Discussion / Re: Fat from Butcher
« on: March 19, 2010, 03:08:22 am »
How would you decide it's inedible?

I've had a cough lately. Basically the fat I'm getting now is the same as what I was getting from the other butcher, except this stuff does not smell strongly of chemicals(I can't tell if there is a faint smell or not) and I asked them before I got it and they said there shouldn't be any. I'm hoping the cough is just from the chemicals in the fat I was getting, as they did hurt my throat, but I can't tell for sure. Maybe it's an infection I've got, but as a result of my throat being weakened by them. This fat from the new butcher seems to dry my throat out, but then I think fat always does that, makes me want water, but it's just confusing because I have the cough still and it's still a bit sore, my throat. Also I slightly associate this fat badly because of my experience with the other butcher. I'll just have to wait and see if it clears up. I'll ask the new butcher about back-fat and suet too.

Hot Topics / Re: WOW! Watch this tapeworm video.
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:54:08 am »
It's something the dr. put inside him to save him from poisonous spider bite or something apparently... I just read the comments.

General Discussion / Fat from Butcher
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:43:58 am »
You know how butchers have these buckets where they chuck all the fat trimmings as they cut them? Would you guys eat the fat from here? They offer this for free. Or do you think I should offer to pay them to specifically save fat for me, trim out the not-so-nice bits and put it in a bag for me to collect?

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: March 17, 2010, 05:32:47 am »
!!!! It's true! About carrying the shoes..

Health / Re: Jaw problems?
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:04:46 am »
Any popping/clicking sound when moving a joint is usually from inflammation.

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:02:28 am »
Where do you live Stig? Good choice with going barefoot, you done much already?

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked Starches
« on: March 16, 2010, 10:34:55 am »
I'd think before accepting the words of 'a man with a seagull on his head', he's bound to be talking crap at least some of the time... But yeah, in the olden days they used to put all grains through a lot of processing before they'd eat them. Soaking, Heat, Fermentation etc...

Health / Re: Skin.
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:10:12 am »
Could it also possibly be a problem that the CLO contains only A&D, and not the C which would also occur in the whole liver? Could it be necessary, whilst supplementing with CLO, to also add vitamin C? Without carbs I shouldn't need much, but I am aware that the vitamins have ways of interacting, or do fat and water soluble vitamins not interact?

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