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Messages - majormark

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Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Horse meat and horse fat
« on: September 23, 2010, 04:10:46 pm »

Do you have a separate place where you keep the aged meat or do you keep it in your house?

I cant keep it for more than a week in the fridge because of the smell.

General Discussion / Re: African Hunting Videos
« on: September 23, 2010, 04:01:07 pm »
Yes I agree with you. In my last post I was saying how people have lost the way of respectfully killing animals. Now it is just merciless and brutal.

I think the cattle gun is the easiest and painless way to kill them. Shooting them 2-3 times with rifles does not seem like an effective way to do it.

"The principle behind captive bolt stunning is a forceful strike on the forehead using a bolt to induce unconsciousness.
With cattle, goats, sheep, and horses,[3] a penetrating stunner is typically used since it destroys the cerebrum while leaving the brain stem intact; this results in a more consistently reliable stun, and ensures the animal's heart continues to beat during the bleeding process. Captive bolts allow for meat trimmings from the head to be salvaged. In some veal operations, a non-penetrating concussive stunner is used in order to preserve the brains for further processing."

PS: I first learned about it from this movie lol:

Personals / Re: My dad won't let me eat raw meat, help w informing him?
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:01:21 am »
Scientific stuff, reason or logic will not help if he thinks the way he does.

All you can do is prepare a stake tartar and say that restaurants serve this too because it's the safe way to eat it. Case closed.

Health / Re: Salmonella food poisoning
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:46:51 am »

Inst it possible, that you people actually got those symptoms from eating sick/poisoned animals and not "salmonella"?

I think that bacteria is supposed to be in high meat anyway and I did not hear people complain.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 22, 2010, 05:11:47 pm »
... This is where my anger stems from, no matter who you are or what you believe in you just can run against the type of machine that is in place, and expect to be effective, there are forces greater than the heart of the people at play.

I think this is actually the wrong attitude to have, because being angry about something only consumes your energy in vain. Not really productive.

There IS something you can do right now and that is to live with moral integrity. This also means to stop associating with people that have self contradictory beliefs which do not agree with the non-aggression principle. Ask them, face to face: "Do you support the use of violence against me if I choose not to pay takes to support a war/law x,y,z, etc?". If enough people will start doing that, the concept of a state will become history. The state is just an effect of people's willingness to attack each other ("divide et impera" comes to mind).

The real progress begins on the personal level and nobody is going to do that for you.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:46:02 pm »
Gary Johnson is the only example that comes to mind in terms of the executive office (though there may be smaller-scale examples of mayors who are libertarian or libertarian-leaning).

However, at the national level, there are 2 groups of interest.

It would be interesting if any of those groups grab some significant power. However, changing things at the national level, would be much harder.

Many politicians today (even in my country) talk about reducing the size of the state because they probably realize it's not going to last forever.

Here's an interesting read of what happens when government tries to influence the free market:

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:22:01 pm »
I am pretty certain that some of my raw horsemeat in Italy was responsible as that was most of what I ate there as regards raw animal foods.

Maybe your eating a large amount of meat at a time could also contribute to that.

I remember Aajonus was talking about the parasites being needed for cavemen because they ate more rarely and they ate a lot in one sitting. They would aid with digestion.

Of course, if they spread too much it can be unpleasant. Have you tried eating garlic/onion/horseradish?

sunbathing doesn't have any side effect, but oil pulling does have a side effect.

What's that side effect? Have you experienced it? What kind of oil have you tried?

Off Topic / Re: 65 Million Yrs Ago My A** - time to revise the time scales
« on: September 20, 2010, 08:05:35 pm »
In addition, both studies found similarities between the dino sample and the bone collagen of chickens, providing molecular support for the hypothesis that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs.

You mean dinos would taste like chicken?

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:53:13 pm »

Surprised? Here's real-world proof: Gary Johnson.

If there were no pink ponies it doesn't count lol.

Ok, I'm not surprised but actually more interested in details. Do you know other examples?

Primal Diet / Re: Yahoo group
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:34:47 am »
You also have to mention that you read the books.

That group is kind of passive in the last months, but it's a good resource if you want to search for various tips that people posted in the past.


Interesting pics, it shows how much we have devolved in terms of physical fitness on average. Those were probably regular people in their tribe.

I think they would have more fat on them if they lived in a colder climate.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:24:40 am »
Watch this video where Stef explains why one cant limit the power of the state by using politics. He thinks libertarianism will be achieved when future generations will wake up more and more to be able to recognize how immoral it is to have a state. Maybe paleo diet can speed things up a little by providing healthier brains.

If (planets being aligned) Ron gets elected, he can:
 - Cave in and ignore his campaign statements (same old, same old)
 - Follow his agenda to limit gov starting a massive riot because it would step on many toes (with people wrongly concluding that libertarianism = chaos when things return to "normal")
 - Somehow, magically, manages to overcome any obstacle and implement his plan (everyone is happy and pink pinnies jump around with joy, or not!)

Which one of these is more likely to happen?

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:49:39 pm »
KD, let it go dude, you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to libertarianism. Comparing vegetarian's fanatic attitude with the rational principles only shows your confusion. That's why I suggested you get informed first.
Quit throwing irrational, hate replies here.

And, pioneer, the words "anarchy" and "chaos" are do not have the same meaning. One is "no rulership or enforced authority" and the other means "lack of order or predictability" (from Wiki). I used to think they are the same.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:13:46 pm »

It seems that you would rather play along with the current system and are not interested in rational arguments. It is than pointless for us to debate about libertarianism.

And, to stay on topic, let us know your ideas on how to improve human society (if you believe that it's on an adequate structure) or how to create a better one.

Off Topic / Re: Raw Paleo Fashion :))
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:46:00 pm »

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance Lyrics
15,038,287 views on youtube

I'd say she is popular.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 15, 2010, 04:52:38 pm »
I was hoping to see more people actually commint on the zeitgeist movie I think that you should watch it major M an KD, If you really want to understand the true magnitude of some of the most profound Revelations in the world. I watched it a year ago and it set my mind free, at first I began to tell everyone about the issues the movie brings to light, but eventually discovered that people don't want to know how terrible the whole thing is( the turning away)[\b]

I think people already know but they are more comfortable living the illusion that they are actually free. It is too painful to admit it and, if they are relatively sane, they have spent their entire mental development period accepting or painting nice contradictory beliefs that allows them to live with it.

Now, here is what are the best possibilities/alternatives, in my opinion (presented in my own words as KD suggested):

1. A system of government where taxation is replaced by donations.
2. A voluntary society where property/money do not exist and people share the resources.
3. A libertarian society, based on the non-aggression principal, were property/money exists and people are only following rules/contracts that they personally agreed with.

I think the absolute best society would be the 3rd option because that would allow for competition to regulate markets, to maximize human's potential for creativity in solving complex social or economic problems. In short it would allow the maximum progress that humanity could achieve and it would create an environment where humans are motivated to express their creativity for good purposes.

The problems that I see with other concepts of society are the following:

For the government one, the very fact that giving a small group of people the power to control weapons and to give laws is like asking for trouble. The great progress with taxation being replaced by donations would come from the fact that the people would simply choose not to pay if government would pass ridiculous laws that people do not agree with.

At this moment I think this could be a way to transition to libertarianism, therefore supporting people who have the intention to minimize government's power and give more freedom of choice to people sounds like a good idea. I'm not convinced that R. Paul would be a good representative for that, but even if he is supporting a constitution (which is in fact a piece of paper) it seems like a better idea to endorse him if he is willing to reduce all laws to that paper. I'm not saying to endorse such a person from a moral perspective, of course, but from a "less evil" one.

As for the voluntary, common property society idea (which I believe the zeitgeist movie is promoting), it sounds good too. The only flaw would be that people are not really that motivated for progress in such an environment since there is no notion of property and competition would be pretty much pointless. I believe that humans are more motivated by the possibility to conquer/hunt for something intellectual or physical and this kind of society would not provide a valid way to address that basic need.

There is also a logical contradiction in this society. Do you see what is it? If not, can you share your kidney with me? You don't own it, after all.

PS: My current libertarian thinking trend is not new. I was never interested in politics or agreed that taxation is ok. I always viewed politicians as a bunch of notorious liars (which is what they are), but I did not think about possible solutions, until recently.

Off Topic / Re: Raw Paleo Fashion :))
« on: September 15, 2010, 03:43:29 pm »
If Lady Gaga would start eating raw meat, than this diet could skyrocket in popularity. No scientific paper would be able to promote it better than that.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:45:31 am »

You actually believe that proposing "a functional system of government that would serve as a replacement" would work? Libertarianism proposes no government because a government is just immoral.

I tried to read your constitution but just could not go further than the part about taxation. I think no constitution is better. How can some dudes locked in a room think they have the moral right to steal from everybody by just writing it on a piece of paper and putting some lipstick on the pig by calling it taxation. Seriously, if you don't believe that taxation is stealing than I would like to know your definition of stealing.

I still recommend you actually get informed about libertarianism before you say it's naive. This is also because I don't want to write pages after pages to explain libertarianism to you. Maybe I will, but right now Champions League is starting lol.

And, pioneer, I did not have time to check those videos yet but I will say this: the fact that Stef seems arrogant or English to you is just a statement of personal preference and not a valid rational argument against his ideas. It's his ideas and moral integrity that I'm interested in actually.

Off Topic / Raw Paleo Fashion :))
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:04:54 am »
Top that!!!

Do you guys realize that raw paleo diet will be the next big thing?

All those raw vegan gurus will become raw paleo dieters.

I'd like to see that happening, but that would mean to have them admit that something they fought for with such passion is just wrong. Few people can do that.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 13, 2010, 07:33:27 pm »
If I had a single point it was that the idea of true 'freedom' (the good the bad and the ugly) of nature is not made easier or more accessible by a libertarian agenda. This is a fantasy and it only tries to mimic this by having a survival of the fittest type of mindset which I actually believe is a simplistic way of seeing nature itself .

It does not seem like you know much about libertarianism, judging from the above assumption. I suggest you at least check out some of the free books from to get a better perspective on it.

Secondly, your points regarding public services have been addressed in the video I previously posted.

The system has to be set up so tyranny can not happen. There will always be a level of duality in politics. There will always be good guys and bad guys, but the system has to be set up so ultimate power can not occur. More regulations on the power of corporations and big industry. Last but not least, to get to the real heart of all this, secrecy and deception must be forbidden. That is after all why we are all duped into following a bunch of corrupt, self serving banking clowns and becoming serfs in the first place. Ron Paul wanted to abolish all the secrecy. There should be strict, enforceable rules on secrecy. That is really the big issue. As long as nothing is kept secret, the people will always have the most power. And if they know what's going on and choose not to do anything about it, well, thats their own fault. However, we all live in a sad time where we all think we are at fault. Yes, partly, but a bunch of wise guys behind closed doors planning depressions is whats really going on. They knowingly allowed mortgage loans to be sold to just about anyone.

I don't know much about Ron Paul but it seems that Stef does not view him as a very consistent libertarian. I have to check it out.

If you know more about him, maybe you can confirm if the criticisms in this video are valid:

Also I heard that your constitution is written more like a religious book and is quite fuzzy in some places, so relaying on an ambiguous document is kind of illogical to me. I'll have to read it when I have more time.

My view is that, as we discover the truth about the immorality of the state, we can not pretend to play along because this means that we lie to ourselves.

 The idea that one day a CCTV or sat camera may catch you and your kids eating raw meat and as a consequence you could get arrested for "poisoning them" is not very pleasant. Your kids  would be put on a "healthy grain diet" recommended by all knowing state approved doctors and the world will say "justice has been made". The only way we can prevent the that from happening is we can stop fooling ourselves in order to  believe in statist propaganda as if that will protect our freedoms.

Interesting. I wonder if AV is registered here too?

Ok, I confess, I'm AV and I came to teach you the wonders of raw dairy.  ;D

I imagine he has at least checked out this forum as a guest if he spends as much time on his computer as he claims.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Only 2 of 12 Tribes Consumed ANY Dairy
« on: September 09, 2010, 08:20:43 pm »
I don't doubt that a few people are genetically adapted to raw dairy and might well live till old age(but probably with brittle bones like many dairy-drinkers)..

How did you came to this conclusion?

Do you have an estimate on how many people you've seen (on internet or in person) reporting brittle bones while drinking raw milk?

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: September 09, 2010, 08:12:41 pm »
I think the best chance you have to make something happening quick is to run an add in your local area to all people interested in joining for a co-op.

You can tout the health benefits of organic farming, but do not mention raw paleo (until maybe later) as that could scare most people away.

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