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Messages - chucky

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Hot Topics / Re: Dietary Fiber & Volume of Digestive Tract.
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:06:00 am »
   After the first seventeen years vegan I had to start squeezing.  The squeazing didn't work though, and lots was still stuck.  With raw animal foods, so far, it seems peristaltic action always takes care of it.  Yes, after the first month clean out, there is less volume.  The first month there was still so many toxins stored in old cellulite etc that during that time went down the toilet.  Also (raw) cheese and (raw) kefir can slow things down, and (raw) eggs and high-meats can quicken things, none are necessary though for most people.

Raw kefir slows things down. Does it slow detoxifying? or elimination ?

General Discussion / Re: Bleu cheese and mold on cheese.
« on: February 13, 2010, 05:31:51 pm »
OK Cherimoya.

Heh. Bought butter made of goats milk yesterday. It was on sale 3x cheaper of it's actual price. I knew that there must be something with the butter otherwise it wouldn't be so cheap. So I checked the best before date and it had todays (13th) date for best before. So I took one to try it out. Hehe, it tasted just like the blue cheese I ate day before yesterday. It didn't have any mold on it but the taste was the same. Before I found the forum I would probably have discarded it but I ate half of it yesterday.

   It it true one can make blue cheese out of (raw) butter?  Would there be special steps to take to do that I wonder.

I think I just found out. If I let it sit for a week or a month it will probably get some mold on it.

General Discussion / Re: Bleu cheese and mold on cheese.
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:11:34 pm »
I have always thought that salt is vital. Meat has salt but does it have enough to "maximize" the quality of life ?
Even the 22# looked interesting.

Blue cheese is way too salty.

General Discussion / Re: Bleu cheese and mold on cheese.
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:12:37 pm »
I think I found my answer: It's a product but there has to be some logical explanation to sell it.

Product description:
"(Penicillium roqueforti)

Roqueforti helps restore gastrointestinal tract symbiosis cases of dysbacteria. This remedy is also effective for treating helicobacter pylori, enteritis, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the mucous membranes."

General Discussion / Bleu cheese and mold on cheese.
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:30:40 pm »
My mother bought some gorgonzola that is full of blue mold. I was wondering if it is healthy to consume blue cheese and every other cheese with mold ? I have read about blue cheese being unhealthy but the those same people would probably say that high-meat will kill you too.

So, do any of you consume blue cheese ?

*I read the label and it was aged with Penicillium roquefortii.

Impatient.. Already ate some. I have eaten it before and I remember experiencing not so great days after eating it but it didn't stop me to try it again. I feel a bit foggy after eating it. Doesn't happen with normal cheese.

Hmm anyway to control the taste of the ferment from high meat?

How ? Liquid high-meat enema :D OK that could be some crazy stuff but I have heard people making kefir enemas.....

Is it possible to mix it with milk and make a high meat smoothie ?
Hmm, what happens when milk kefir is made with high-meat ?

Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:31:37 pm »
Maybe this helps explain how the traditional Inuit were able to avoid D3 deficiency. I figure that diet must at least partly account for it, given they survived through months of no sun every year and they didn't limit their intake of fish to puny rations like moderners strangely do.

Science has started to catch up on Vitamin D and they have found out that Vitamin D3 might be a "miracle drug" (in their words). I wonder if Vitamin D3 is a huge contributor to Inuits good health as they are "overdosing" the D3 on fish :P

Are there any other foods really high in D3 like herring? Here is a list. I think you can't find anything so high in Vitamin D3 other than fish.

Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 10, 2010, 10:50:36 pm »
Is there anyone here who eats one herring a day?

I have been eating herring fillets. Is it bad to eat herring a day ?

Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 10, 2010, 07:49:56 pm »
What is your source for that? Nutritiondata claims just 460 IUs (

Looks like I am overeating the herring if 1oz is the normal serving size :). You were looking Vitamin D content of 1oz serving size. Change it to 1 fillet 184g. 1 Fillet has 3000IU make it a whole herring you get 6000IU add liver and you might get a lot more I think. Let me know if I was wrong.

Hot Topics / Re: who's "the bear"
« on: February 10, 2010, 07:39:48 pm »
I read somewhere, that a lion has an acid stomach, so that any bacteria/parasites would be destroyed upon entry. Is this true?

If this is true: After eating raw meat, would a human gradually develop this feature?

What were you saying ? That humans don't have acidic gut ? Humans gut ph is something about 2 which is pretty acidic and kills most bacteria/parasites if not diluted with juices.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: 'Beer gut'.
« on: February 10, 2010, 07:35:25 pm »
If the constipation is a problem, it could be impacted colon or largened colon that is making the belly look larger. On the other hand, it is easy to touch the belly to know if it's fatty or not.

a little fact,  kefir is a community of about 20-30 different bacterium and yeasts that really know one knows where the original colonies came from.  Some like to speculate that they came from outer space...
  One thing in common to all the varieties is that they all have been grown on lactose.  That's not to say they could be persuaded to shift their food source.  But let's see what happens. 

Hehe, outerspace bacteria. I would be interested a lot in an alien bacteria in my gut. People have reported miracles from drinking kefir.

About fermenting suet or pigs fat. It really does need sugar. I am not sure if the bacteria grow only on lactose or on every sugar. But if fermenting plain fat with some sugar does not work out, mixing the fat with some milk should work!

But the thread started asked about fermenting the fat without the grains. You could try fermenting fat with high meat ?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Estonia
« on: February 08, 2010, 04:39:39 am »
I have Lard here in Estonia that has no additives and comes from quality source. Like William said, it's soft on room temperature, a bit tougher but extremely sticky when refrigerated and hard enough to cut with knife when freezed.

I tried eating lard (rendered pigs fat) by it self... It would be better if it's enough to just rub it on your skin and you will absorb everything.. The taste was not peasant at all. Haven't tried spreading it over my meat though..

Butter does contain hormones, but its more likely due to the increased vascolur activity of the butter, in the same way viagra induces erections, but on a smaller scale, ie through increasing the supply of blood

Actually it's interesting. Got the same result from eating ground beef. Although, I don't have that kind of erection with that butter anymore.

Kefir is a community of microbes, looks like bits of cauliflower; the only name I know for the product of that fermentation is "arjan" (Turkish language), pronounced Aryan. Deprecated, because it is politically incorrect to say anything good about that people.

There is no kefir in saliva, but I read that because there are plenty of microbes in saliva if you just spit in milk at room temp., it will ferment and you get something sour - I don't know about thick.

In America we get kefir from those who have it for the price of postage - there are internet lists. There's also a man in Australia who will ship wordwide - name is Dominic Anfiteatro ---

Thank You for the links. Sent out few mails.

So it is possible to make kefir using saliva. The difference would be probably the different bacteria ? But the question is, do we actually need some other bacteria to be put into our guts as it's done with kefir from kefir grains. Would our saliva provide the needed bacteria or the saliva does not contain the wide varity of bacteria like kefir grains ?

    Majormark, we used wheatgrass on my son to do that, before me and him knew anything about primal diet or raw animal foods.  It took at least a year to get the feeling back.

    Roony, what do you mean a couple of weeks?  Where did you get that?  From who?  I don't know how many times it's been done, but from my sources it takes months, close to a year.

    You can use lots of stuff to make kefir.  Why don't you use your own bacteria, maybe your fresh saliva.  Meat and dairy's microorganisms are different from each other.  Have you ever heard of mesophilic, thermophilc, aerobic, anaerbic, hydrophilic etc?  Each organism has something different it tends to grow on.   

I just recently found a source for raw milk. Drank a liter in 2 days. Never had raw milk before. Taste was excellent! Now I am considering making kefir and the saliva idea got me interested. However, I couldn't find any information for using saliva to make kefir. Do you have any source for this ? I have never made kefir so I can't compare if saliva worked out or not. If it does will the milk get sour and thick like with kefir grains I have read about ?

Primal Diet / Re: The Inuit diet - detoxing or not?
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:23:24 pm »
I tried that. It didn't work.  I used to eat tons of shrimp, but that didn't get the job done. Besides, I'm allergic to shrimp now.  I average about 3000-5000 IU daily of D-3.  I don't know of many foods that have that much Vitamin D-3.

Eat a herring a day for 5000 IU

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:17:45 pm »
From "QI" Chit-chat on tv: In the past, poor people have been the most susceptible to tapeworms. These people would be thin, despite eating lots of food. (This came about because they were discussing diet, and after seeing this effect, there were some rich people who wanted to be thin like the poor people, so consumed tapeworm eggs).

Does this not worry you, how many people had tape-worms, and how it affected them? It is just that I am worried that perhaps, the people here who are saying that tapeworms are not a problem, are saying so because they have similar mindsets to the people who consumed those eggs intentionally... That they wouldn't mind, or may even like to have a parasite leeching their energy supply and making them thin.


You have a good point about the tapeworm leeching the nutrients. Some rawfooders here have the mindset that parasites are good and even tapeworm is beneficial. If tapeworm robs our nutrients and makes us weaker how can it be good ? Or when tapeworm does make some good then is it's life cycle lessened when a person consumes raw zero carb or VLC.

I think The Bear said that inuits live to old age unless they are not killed by the accident or trichinosis.

aajonus has a protocol for growing back fingers, which is similar, lime juice, coconut cream -i'd replace the cream for suet or lard ... honey, & a thin slice of beef, to regrow

Basically the regenerative medicine, uses enzymes & scrapings or a matrix from pigs intestines, they trigger the growth receptors in a finger to grow back

aajonus method is far superior, as the lime juice prevents white blood cells from preventing the wound to scab over, while the honey & coconut, act as antibiotics & tissue nutrients, while the slice off beef, provides the matrix to trigger the growth receptors,

as a result the finger can grow back in a matter of a week, or two, while the regenerative medicine, takes a month or two

aajonus also used a similar method to regrow & reattach his dislocated leg, in a motor accident, without surgery & recovered in 6 months, the usual recovery rate with surgery is over a year & extends to 7 years to 25 years, depending on how crap the surgeon is ...

erm can you use suet or animal fats, like lard to use as cultures? or pigs intestines, like tripe? to make kefir?

Probably I am not the only one hearing about Regenerative Medicine/herbicide .

Interesting videos:

Sorry for posting a bit of offtopic, but this is first time I am hearing something like this. Something like StarTrek or future technology but just natural way of doing it...

General Discussion / Re: intelligence
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:04:59 am »
I feel that I have more energy and at the same time can be very calm, which leads to an increased ability to focus on things, ideas etc.

I did not hit the intelligence jackpot (yet), but the amount of time when I can concentrate has probably doubled or tripled during a day.

Also I feel more intuitive (subjectively).

I can also be more intuitive now and can understand people more. It's something like getting into ones head and knowing what he/she might be thinking or feeling. Why one did or say something.

But I was experiencing the same thing years back when I was food combining.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Estonia
« on: January 31, 2010, 11:07:31 pm »
Maybe you're reacting to some hormone in the raw butter?

Interesting... Butter full of testosterone ? Almost works like Viagra!

Besides that, we don't have any raw butter in Estonia. We can get raw milk directly from the farm but any of them seems to make raw butter.

Primal Diet / Re: Question about the Aajanous's meat
« on: January 31, 2010, 11:04:36 pm »
I've had grainfed raw marrow and it tastes so bland it's disgusting.Grassfed marrow is great, though.

Interesting that AV did recommend grassfed meats on the radio, I don't think he  mentioned it in his books(perhaps in the latest edition?)

Interesting, my supermarket marrow tasted great also. Although I am suspecting the source to be grassfed.

Primal Diet / Re: Question about the Aajanous's meat
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:35:37 pm »
Exactly the same question. Why no marrow ? I was enjoying my Bosso Bucco today and ate the marrow which tasted great. It was like a butter what I could spread on the meat :P

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Estonia
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:32:19 pm »
When I first started with paleo and very low carb diet, I was consuming only one kind of a butter. Every time I ate decent amount of this kind of butter I got minor erection. It was pretty funny. Whenever I ate this butter, I got an erection  8) . But later when I switched the brand of my butter, unknowingly I didn't have the erection anymore as I ate the butter. I thought it was something my body was adjusting to and it was done with it. But today I ate the same butter I was eating at first and got an erection. The butter that gives me erection is probably from better feed, probably grass fed. Although, I am not sure about the other butters.

Is there any explanation to this  :) ?

Primal Diet / Question about the Aajanous's meat
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:58:32 pm »
Is he consuming grass-fed meat or meat that is fed with organic corn ? Because from this video, it seems that he prefers chicken that is fed on organic Corn.

General Discussion / Re: Honey
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:45:14 pm »
I used to order their cappings, but I kept finding wooden pieces of the frame in them.  I got tired of worrying that I would bite down on a piece of wood.

I think there is nothing to worry about biting down a piece of wood. Probably they are not even sharp. And besides that, paleoman/caveman would drop their meat onto the ground and some pieces of wood they ingested wouldn't cause any harm. If it's wrong please tell me.

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