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Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: August 08, 2009, 09:45:42 pm »
  I always thought it was 'interesting' that his wife,  I think Nicole, died of cancer.  In the end I heard she turned to eating bread for some reason.  I had know her from the several trips I made to their center.  There always seemed to  be such a restless quality about her. 

  Nicola,  I have only my nine year old daughter with me part time.  She eats a standard diet, like her mom.    The early seventies is when I went raw.  Twenty years ago was when I started trying 'Instincto' and for the last two years have been mostly zc.  Presently I am still finding my way into what gives me the most energy, clarity and joy day to day; and here as it relates to consuming fat. 
     I contacted a meat processor and made arrangements with him to ship me the fat.  So far it's working, but I think my days are numbered with how many more times he will continue to ship to me.  For he's not really set up to do it. 

  right now almost all back fat from bison and beef.  I go in and out of marrow.  I am trying for a few days now eating fat completely separately and then when hungry again, eating lean meat with only a little fat for taste.  So far I like how there is little if any digestion difficulties, as in, feeling sluggish after eating or feeling like you'd like to sit fir a while after eating rather than get on the go again.    But back to the back fat again, it's fresh, I get it in vacuum sealed slabs, grass fed only, and I never get tired of eating it day after day.  Same with meat.  Just have to wait till I am hungry and poof, there's that great taste again. 

General Discussion / Re: teeth and hunting
« on: August 04, 2009, 12:33:00 pm »
 To superinfinity, from a few pages back.  Just so you can think twice.  I am not fat, never have been. Didn't eat junk food inbetween my fruit meals.  You could only hope to have eaten as much fruit without junk as I've had in my life.  So the point here is I have experience eating fruit as much as probably anyone you'll meet.  Went raw in the early seventies and stuck to it, and swore by eating fruit, dreamed of becoming a real fruitarian time and time again. Try to find one who doesn't cheat.  And if you can, take a good look.  He or she won't be something you will want to emulate.  It's a mind trip many many people have fallen into and continue to do so.  And when I say mind, I mean exactly that.  The same mind that looks for perfection everywhere else but in the present,  'if I only can clean out my years of eating dead food, If I can only find the perfect fruit,  I'll reach enlightenment, or perfect health, or live forever"  Sound familiar?  Fruit and veggies have been preached for decades and decades.  There's nothing new in what they are saying.  And all will forgive the high fructose content over and over because they like sugar and they want to believe in what they believe.        When I mentioned fat burning, I meant being able to use fat a fuel source instead of carbs.  A carb eater, when blood sugar drops will satisfy their blood sugar demands using muscle stores just as readily as fat stores. Fat burning individuals have trained their bodies to burn fat in lieu of muscle.    You often point to one aspect of something and glom onto to it, making it your own reality.  To see something bigger than you actually believe, you are going to have to pull back a bit and allow the inquisitive part of your mind to guide you.   Maybe you could trust me on this point,  you don't know as much as you think you do.  What would it be like hanging out in the "I don't know region" for a while?  Ask a few questions, experiment a little, read about hormonal upsets and their relation to insulin and sugar, carbs, or fructose, however you want to call it.  Study Taubes, or Rosedale, and you'll discover info that isn't in any of the fruit books.        I started when there really wasn't the internet, and thus my exposure was highly limited, so easy to be influenced.    Even raw 'gurus' like Kulvininskus,( spelling), Clement, and Cousins all have given up on fruit.  Good luck

General Discussion / Re: teeth and hunting
« on: August 02, 2009, 02:00:33 am »
You'll have to find out for yourself.  Many have learned how addictive sugar in any form can be, and when consuming in even moderate quantities, how difficult it becomes for your body to become a fat burner, or a body that can efficiently use fat for fuel.   Something someone said onetime online was, that fruit eaters, (not just an occasional fruit eater, as in a piece of fruit like one would have a piece of candy for desert) would rather fail in health than give up their fruit.  I was that way, and then I read that line and it hit right in the face.  He was talking about me.  That's when I gave it up.  Now it tastes sooo sweet, so artificial.  I am not saying that my experience is truth for everyone.  But when I did give it up, I practically laid on the couch for several days until my body could start producing energy from fat sources. Most will never go the distance to find out what it trully feels like to burn fat instead of sugar for energy.   When we're young we can take the rise and fall of blood sugar and insulin responses over and over.  But a little bit of reading will enlighten one on the aging effects of excessive insulin exposure. There is a lot of emerging research daily.  And then we can read all about the benefits of fruit, it's antioxidents etc.... and feel good about continuing eating it.  But for me,  I only really knew when I put the stake in the ground and said 'I am going to see if what others are writing about is true".  And for the me my body stays so much more in balance by not giving it the swings that good amounts of fruit and or sugar put it through.

General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs: whites and yolks.
« on: August 02, 2009, 12:17:30 am »
great points.  Eggs are seasonal though.  So in any fashion they would have come by them only in parts of the year.  But more importantly is that fact that eggs for us now come from birds that eat grain.  Even free range birds mostly eat grain, and not very healthy grain at that, for chicken feed is usually cracked, old, rancid, inorganic, highly void of minerals and omega threes like insects and green plants are, which is there natural diet.  My thought is that the grain fed produced egg can't be much more than the food the bird ate. 

General Discussion / Re: Niacin flush
« on: August 02, 2009, 12:09:09 am »
Grass fed fat from animals in the north is really only gotten in the fall when the animals have had time to put on fat.  So,,, try to line a source/rancher etc. and make arrangements to have them vacuum seal in 3-5 pound or less bags of back fat for you.  The processor can freeze it as they collect it for you, and then ship or pick up all at once.  Usually any extra fat earlier in the year from grass fed animals is used to mix in with their leaner parts to make hamburger tasty enough to sell.  I have a deep freeze.  They aren't very expensive and cost little to run.  When you get it vacuum sealed in smaller sizes it doesn't go rancid in the fridge after defrosting and sitting in the fridge.     Incidently,  this lack of fat in animals for most of the year has always made me wonder how primitives living in the north survived year around.  Yes, there is pemican that can be stored for 'leaner' times, and far far north there are seals and other ocean animals full of fat.  But in the cold northern interior, what must of they done to avoid rabid starvation?

General Discussion / Re: Colostrum
« on: July 31, 2009, 01:27:31 am »
Organic pastures' colostrum is nothing like first milking colostrum.  First milking colostrum is thick and creamy, and sweet.  OPs' is more like third milking.  Remember,  the cow or goat builds and stores the colostrum for days if not weeks just prior to birth.  After the first milking, the animal makes or fills the utter in a matter of hours.  That first bit is what kick starts the newborn to get going with sugars and hormones, seals it's intestines and provides the anitbodies needed for life, as well as providing and energetic quality most don't consider ( some feel that after about four hours, milk has lost an energetic quality). 

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:02:30 am »
My speculation as to why Charles has ‘problems’ with raw is two-fold.  First, he eats Wall mart meat, from animals which aren’t healthy to begin with.  I suggested to him to simply go to a feedyard and use his senses to judge how healthy the animals are that he is eating.  The whole animal, and not just its intestines, is full of the garbage from which it eats.  Then it is butchered and processed in meat processing plants which sees hundreds of other similarly toxic animals every day.  The likelihood for bacterial contamination is almost certain.  Charles also eats a lot of ground beef.  Another source of potential contamination.  For who knows what went into the mixture, and from how many contaminated ‘cutting boards,’ and or mixers etc….  Then as I have posted before, I have had the enlightening experience of having gone through a cleansing when I started to eat raw tuna several times a week, and not just an occasional eating out at a sushi bar.  What happened was that for over a month I passed copious amounts of mucous filled runny stools, three times a day.  Literally cups of mucous, stringy material.  I thought my intestines were falling apart and were passing into the toilet.  I had eaten from the age of four, canned tuna at least three to four times a week.  My body was heavily built from the cells of heat damaged, canned tuna.  When given a chance, by eating raw fresh tuna, my body exchanged raw healthy ‘cells’ for the damaged cooked ‘cells,’ or, it cleansed itself.  Normally people think of fruit and vegetable juices as nature’s cleansers.  But many, including myself, believe that raw proteins are far more aggressive or effective at ‘cleansing’ the body.  I would have quickly stopped with eating raw tuna had I not had the support of the Instincto group in France to calm me down when I would call them, telling me that indeed it will pass, and everything will normalize; that everything will be fine.  So I understand how most can’t or won’t go through this experience. For we want to think that this particular something or other is causing the problem, when it actually exists inside of us.
   And then there’s the thought that one could start slowly eating say a teaspoon of raw the first day, and increasing and or substituting more raw for cooked each day.  This might help one more gently ease into a raw diet and not experience all the reactions at once.  But I don’t know, I haven’t tried it.  I went raw overnight in the early seventies.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: July 30, 2009, 07:15:44 am »
  Lex in regards to your earlier post re. needs for organ meats, you might want to try to eat according to taste desire.  I continuously go in and out of wanting different organs.  If it doesn't taste good or appeal to me, then I don't include it.  It's interesting, when it's on my plate, and when I 'want' it,  my fork goes to it all by itself, as it seems.  Very interesting to witness, and then to notice the appeasement in the mouth. 

General Discussion / Re: Colostrum
« on: July 28, 2009, 09:46:57 am »
  I used to think it was God's beverage or food of choice.  Big difference between goats and cows.  Cow's is great tasting, especially if you get the fist milking and skim off the fattiest portions that separate to the top.  Problem is that it is very rare to find grass fed cows just having given birth.  But energy wise it was great, and I pretty close came to be addicted to it.  Second or third or fourth milking is truly inferior stuff and can be more like milk than milkshake like first milking.  I didn't have anything to heal, so I can't comment on it's healing properties, but certainly didn't do any harm.  I tend to not do dairy at all now, and have no idea as to how it would sit.  I searched it out when I was relying on my own grass fed goats milk/kefir/yogurt in raw preparation.  If one was trying hard to put on weight by exercise or other, I would think one could gain appreciably with colostrum.     Stay away from inorganic non grass fed grained cows that get medication or drugs. 

Journals / Re: Martins journal
« on: July 22, 2009, 10:42:08 am »
the how much fat vs protein can be a mental process.   I like to eat fat first till I no longer want anymore and then do the same with meat.  takes the 'guess' work out of the mix.  I find my body/taste know best, or is at least a place to start.  The interesting thing is if you pay close attention it's different each time, just like one might think it should be.  But then there's that thinking thing again....

General Discussion / Re: Raw Glandulars
« on: July 15, 2009, 09:25:48 am »

  I am eating maybe two or three ounces of raw pancreas at the start of each meal.  From Bison.  I must really need it, for to me it tastes great.  Really seems to help with digestion.  But it has to be one of the ugliest things out there. At least to others.  I would try to eat only grass fed organs, and from healthy grass fed animals.  Try to know your source.

   Yes, I am sure they are not proliferating as normal and dying off without their food sources of carbs.  But also with blood sugar levels in check your hormones are balancing out and your body is probably healing in many ways.  Excess insulin is one of the most damaging things we can do to our bodies and minds.  Can you try to find some Back fat to ad to your fat intake?

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: July 15, 2009, 09:15:54 am »
Goodsamaritan,   what works well for me....  when I was eating wai etc,  there was a lot of thinking about when, what, how much etc.... or else I would lose weight and energy....  So first thing, eat ONLY when hungry, charles says only eat when you think you could eat a whole steak.  This will help with thinking about eating at certain times and certain foods.    You might want to forgo the coconut water for a while. Or at least forgo the idea that it is still necessary for your hydration or health or whatever....  I have lived near the equator and have also used it alot.  But I never thought it sat well with longer digesting foods like fat and meat.  It can ferment very quickly.   Plus there's always the tendency to follow the minds thoughts, like,  'It's morning time,  I need to hydrate"..... if you are thirsty, drink water.  It won't trigger an insulin response and cause false hunger.  If you can, exercise before eating your fist meal.   Then, when hungry, you might like to take the Bear's advice and to start with fat, and when it no longer seems tasty, then start with the leaner portions of meat.  Look for the stop.  That stop will teach you each time you eat, how much fat, and how much meat or protein your body needs at that time.  Acute listening for me has given me a lot more energy.  Presumably from not having to digest and eliminate excess fat or protein.  I eat twice per day.  But once again only eat when truly hungry.  Snacking will alter your perception of true hunger and make it more difficult for your body to become a fat burner for energy.  Especially if every time you think you need a pick me up from a bite of fruit, that you give in.  You might want to look into that phenomena.  Having come from a BIG fruit background, that was a most difficult habit to change.  I totally agree with Lex, in that it can really take months to take full stock of the change.  But one think you can pay attention to right away is the effects of keeping blood sugar stable throughout the day.  It can become your Bible for longevity.    Hope this helps.  I have been following your entries for some time and appreciate your willingness to look for what is true for you.    Van

YOu might want to check in with yourself and your opinions and see how many come from your experience, and how many have come from books or lectures etc...   Promise you,  there are a lot of us here who had the same concerns as you have.  We had acquired them just as your probably have.   My suggestion, either let go and try something new for yourself, if that even feels right for you, or find a group that supports your way of thinking.  Theories  and concepts abound.  There will always be those who believe what you believe.  Most here aren't much interested anymore with concepts,  more so with practice or experience.

Primal Diet / Re: how much organ meat to muscle meat?
« on: July 10, 2009, 01:52:37 pm »
  raw adrenals are powerful, so eat small amounts and then increase.  There should be no rule as to how much, each of us will desire or need different amounts at different times.  Let your taste/desire guide you.  There is a stop.  In the beginning you may have to encourage yourself to try various organs.  Then when acclimated your body will steer you towards or away from each.  I do find bison organs far superior in taste.  Try North Star bison, they ship most reasonably. 

Health / Re: Foot Fungus
« on: July 10, 2009, 01:47:16 pm »
  soak your foot in baking soda warm water bath.  the fungus usually will go systemic, hence the suggested low sugar diet and possible repeated baking soda soaks.  Make it a concentrated solution, and the longer the soak the better.  It also takes care of dandruff, or the fungus related to dandruff.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello! I have Newbie questions...
« on: July 04, 2009, 10:39:25 am »
 Lex hi.  Once again,  appreciate you taking time to help another.    The Samoans, my guess is that like many, they could eat all the fruit they wanted and not get fat if it were not for the cooked grain starches, and taro, etc.  Although I can remember years ago when starting how I would gorge on Cheramoyas and meat.  I never got fat, but I did gain, something that is most hard for me.  But I agree, not very healthy, especially for the long run.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Confuzzled...
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:53:28 pm »
  I get raw pancreas and liver which is very wet, drippy.  Those I put in glass bowls.  Sometimes I let the liver drain and put on the wire rack too.  I used to have the idea of cross contamination.  But not know.  I just have a shelf for the meat.  Often two shelves.  YOu might simply want to start with a piece of meat on a rack.  Test it out.  I bet you'll find that everything will be fine. 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Confuzzled...
« on: July 03, 2009, 12:05:40 pm »
  unlesss  well vac. sealed, I always with meat get it out of the plastic and let it stand alone on stainless steel wire racks in fridge.  With a good fridge it will last until it turns to jerky.  Well, it still is good, just dried out.  With fat, again, unless in vac. sealed bag, I get it out of plastic.  But the outside layers will oxidize and I believe is not ideal.  You can scrape and rinse in warm water to get of that outside layer or simply shave off that thin layer, exposing fresh underneath.  Get bones out of plastic quickly, and let air out in fridge, they go off the fastest.     But note, I am not one for high meats.  Others may have different valid ways. 

Personals / Re: Money in raw meat eating consultations?
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:51:08 am »
  I like Cheramoya's response.  It should be for the giving.  And besides, look how many times each of us has changed the way we eat, what we think is the 'right' diet.  So in practice, really non of us know for  sure.  But we think we do.  So if anything,  guidance to find out for one's self should be primary. 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Stefansson's book online
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:47:54 am »
excess carbs also cause the same, if not more.   Heart disease was hardly a factor 80 years ago. 

  fine tuning.  then try stopping the eating of fat before the stop occurs.  Wait 20 - 30 minutes, and then eat lean meat.  In the beginning I ate too much fat along with meat.  My body just couldn't digest it.  I love the taste of big pieces of fat eaten along with pieces of meat, but for me there is no real stop, just eventual fullness.  Hence my body has no way of signaling me at to how much fat/energy and meat/protein I need at any one meal.  Again,  right now,  just cut down on how much fat you eat, wait a bit,  then eat meat.  Also you might want to try to add an additional meal to your daily plan, and make each meal smaller than they are now.  If I know I have to be active right after a meal, I will eat half as much, and not worry about whether or not it digests well.    My two cents.

  source out fresh back fat from strictly grass fed cows.  It keeps vacuumed sealed for weeks in the fridge.  I slice it like butter and eat it first, followed by meat.  Eat it only when it tastes good.  Then wait for the stop.  There will be one if you watch.  Then you know your body has had enough.  I then do this with the lean grass fed beef.     

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