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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: adapting to no carb
« on: February 14, 2009, 03:12:20 am »
  SilentBuddy,,   it reads like you 'should' be eating more fat in your diet.  Although,  I obviously don't know how much fat is on the meat you are eating.

  I wish I could remember exactly, but there is a very healthy group that live in the amazon area, and there staple is a type of yam or sweet potato.   Maybe someone has heard of them too?  But, somehow eat predominately cooked tubers,  they thrive. 

Journals / Re: Andrew's Journal
« on: February 11, 2009, 01:09:40 pm »
I agree with you.  I don't see Nicola trying to prove anyone wrong or right.  It seems she simply posts to add more info.  And yes, there is the privacy issue, except that forums are public in nature.  So, it has more to do with the intent.  And regarding intent again, Nicola is very active in pulling information from all over, and brings a lot of wealth of ideas that wouldn't necessarily be found in one particular forum.  We tend to support what we want to believe.  She shakes that up some.  And yes,  some forums are mainly for the support to maintain a certain discipline.  And for some who don't need that type of support, they may be 'hungry' for a more persistent truth.  And that is what mixing it up brings to me personally.     I really don't care either way, for I tend to read in other forums including charles'.  And like this forum, I feel they too have much to offer.

Journals / Re: Andrew's Journal
« on: February 11, 2009, 11:08:39 am »
  not that we're voting, and you are running this forum,  but I don't see or feel the 'flame' or the harm.  I think it's all good.  It especially helps me to condsider all the various view points.  For it is so easy to simply 'believe' I now know.  When in fact I bet most all of us in ten or twenty years will have significant changes in what we eat.  Just my viewpoint.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi there.......
« on: February 11, 2009, 01:25:31 am »
  Elainie hi.  Glad to be the first to welcome you.  This is a great site.  I'm sure you'll love it.  A lot of inquiring minds here, and experience to drawn on.  Know well you can just jump right in.  And we're, I am, always interested in everyone's past that has brought us here.  Great day!

Journals / Re: Andrew's Journal
« on: February 10, 2009, 03:09:12 pm »
  I always try to share that I am finding good results from ionic minerals from the great Salt Lake.  They have most of the sodium removed and are high in Magnesium, and Chlorides as well as almost all of the trace minerals .  They come in a liquid form that actually makes my drinking water very tasty.  That seemed to solved my cramping problems, and I have in the last month eliminated salt.  Never used that much to begin with, but it seems to have even helped additionally with any cramps. 

Hey please let 'us' know how to catch the file.  thanks

General Discussion / Re: dha hungry
« on: February 09, 2009, 08:49:26 am »
I heard the same story about not being heated until I talked to the manufacturer himself.  He then said not heated included 140F which in relative terms isn't much.  His point, when I mentioned to him about the Norwegian co. that claimed to use no heat what so ever, his comment was that was impossible,  you won't get the oil out of the fish without it or without using chemicals.   I don't know, but my bet is that if you went further than the sales people and to the source, that you would learn more.  We tend to initially believe what we want to hear.    The other factor again, is when the oil was extracted was it done in an oxygen envirorment?  or under vacuum?  If it was, air was mixed into the oil and is still there.  It's the whole thing with oils.   Nature always locks them up in nice little containers.  Then we open them, take what we want, and try to put it on the shelf.  That's again why I like the salmon egg idea.  It aint been messed with, much.  If you do pursue the no heat thing,  and if you do find from the source that the oil was extracted without heat,  I would love to know. 

General Discussion / Re: dha hungry
« on: February 08, 2009, 10:46:36 am »
 I think they ate brains.  Have read journals where they believe that is how we evolved our brains, by eating fat rich sources including dha rich brains, and eyes.  Talk to the old timers.  Most can recount on the farm where they ate brain prepared some how or other.  It wasn't wasted.  Early man's ability to take a tool and open a skull to get the brain, to crack bones and get the marrow.  As an early scavenger, the eyes would have already been eaten before he got 'there'. 
  I am not really willing to eat fish oils in capsules, for I can't imagine one that would have been cold processed if not molecularly distilled, etc.  All highly processed using extremely high heat.  Not for me.   It's interesting to read where Brian reveals in his literature how it's the heating and processing of oils that causes the omega 6's to get a bad rap, not the oils themselves.    I haven't seen Ray write that.

General Discussion / Re: dha hungry
« on: February 07, 2009, 10:23:01 pm »
Peat claims that pufas oxidize in the body, after ingestion.     I also had ordered another salmon oil from Norway that was also cold pressed, and supposedly it was done under body temp.  It was received only two weeks after pressing.  It also affected my stomach, and within weeks in my fridge, changed to a non pleasant taste and flavor very quickly.  This experience also has happened with trying repeatedly Barleans cold pressed flax oil, that I had next day shipped only one day after pressing.  It too goes off within a couple of weeks in the fridge.  Keeps much longer in the freezer.  I don't use that all anymore.  But just to share my experiences how quickly pufas evidence themselves at oxidizing.   But then again,  I think exposed beef back fat, the soft kind, goes off within a couple of weeks in the fridge.  I usually go by my sense of taste and nose.  And in the case of the fish oils, my stomach hurting repeatedly after ingestion was a good enough warning.  And it wasn't like I was gulping it down.  But it was on an empty stomach.  So my stomach could feel just the oil without any 'distraction'.   I noticed you are using the 'Ice Blue Cod liver oil.  I also tried that.  That stuff really burned my throat.  Talked to the owner.  He said that it doesn't oxidize, but ferments in the several months that it takes to process the product.  I seriously doubt that he has a way of preventing oxidation while it's fermenting.  For that product, it appears as though it's a trade off.     That's why I am trying the fish eggs,  because they are 'sealed' with their coating from air, and frozen rather than 'cold pressed' in an air envirorment, and then when defrosted, eaten immediately.     I remember how you commented on the 'good feeling' after taking the cod liver oil.  Maybe it was the DHA present?  Most meat has very little.   Another reason why I have sought out brain.  It's not bad, and I get it a couple of days fresh.   I remember the readings about the inuit creating high meat.  I think they took whole fish and piled them in a hole, covered it and came back to it months later.  Point is they supposedly used the whole fish, covered by it skin and scales, sealed from air, light and oxygen.  Same when they eaten frozen fish  thawed to eat like ice cream.  Whole, frozen, protected from air.    And then while in Norway years back,  they were drying cod everywhere like thy have for centuries.  I tasted that fish. It really tasted oxidized, but could have been the ammonia smell too.  But my body was telling me to stay away from that.   Any thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: dha hungry
« on: February 07, 2009, 10:03:01 am »
I've actually contacted a manufacturer who claims to have the only 'raw' salmon oil anywhere.  Even it has seen 140-160 F. and gave me a stomach ache when I used it.  I am more and more wondering if Ray Peat knows what he is talking about, and if he does, want to stay away from pufa's.  Have found a source of wild flash frozen salmon eggs from Alaska.  Still debating if I want to venture there for what Peat writes.  He's quite bright, and I think his 'evidence' sounds right?

General Discussion / Re: healing cuts
« on: February 07, 2009, 09:57:45 am »
I agree on the lanolin, just didn't think anyone else would go for that.  I also like marrow, especially the soft lower leg type.  Haven't tried Walnut oil.  Tend to think anything besides fresh stone pressed olive oil in a bottle is already past it's prime, especially any of the pufa tpyes.

General Discussion / Re: healing cuts
« on: February 06, 2009, 11:11:42 am »
sometimes I can't resist,,  my experience with flax oil is that it will go rancid or oxidize very quickly, thus to expose it to heat, air and warmth in extremely thin layers, thus maximizing the oxidative potential, will force your skin to deal and absorb something not very pleasant within hours after application.  You could test this by applying a very very thin layer on a cookie sheet and leaving it in a warm sunny place for several hours to heat up to body temp.  Then spatula the thin film and collect it in a teaspoon and smell and or taste it compared to what's still in the bottle.  You'll be surprised.  Coconut oil, mostly a saturated and more stable fat seems for most a healthier alternative.  What you put on your skin will eventually go into your bloodstream.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: fat digestibility
« on: February 06, 2009, 04:14:18 am »
   I will say that my ability to eat fat has improved greatly with time.  The trick I think is to eat just enough so that it tastes good, not trying to force it.  Sometimes, and the Bear suggests this,  eat it before you eat the meat.   But also the back fat on beef tends to be easier to digest for me than even Marrow.  I only eat raw, and grass fed.  Fat will go rancid in the fridge, or at least go off, after a while.  I like to get it vacuumed sealed, then it will keep for weeks, literally.     I wouldn't go just meat,  you'll end up eating lots of carbs/sugar.

Health / Re: diarrhea
« on: February 02, 2009, 05:23:30 am »
  I agree with Lex. The problem is with juice is that one really can never know how much to drink.  For if you were chewing and sucking the juice out of the plant, you would never 'dirink' as much juice, because there would be a taste stop; it would taste very bad.  So, instead, we use our heads and think our way into the equation...  With the results being that we take in more than our body wants and tries to pass it through, thus feeding all kinds of bacteria.  This passing liquid also moves faster than the food, meat, eaten before hand, so it mixes and causes disruption in one's normal peristalsis.   The advice, eat when hungry, and stop when not,  will allow your body to teach you what it needs.  It's so hard not to intervene.   We all have thought we know what's best, only to change a thousand times over whenever we get 'another' new bit of info as to how to get 'cleaner' or healthier, etc.  For some coconut water can also cause gas or increased bacteria to form.  The water can ferment very quickly if not absorbed and used by the body.

General Discussion / Re: All Suet Is WHITE?
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:52:06 am »
you just haven't seen yellow suet then.  Slankers, being in Texas does not have that many months of green green grass growing conditions that will allow the cow to store carotean in their fat.  And sometimes it's older cows that store the yellow stuff.

General Discussion / Re: healing cuts
« on: January 27, 2009, 01:29:01 pm »
remember that repeated applications of iodine will actually retard new skin cell regeneration.  So,  after the first initial germ killing full dose application, use a watered down version that looks like a dark tea.  And 15-20 minute soakings really go deep to get the deeper bad boys/girls.

General Discussion / Re: healing cuts
« on: January 23, 2009, 11:05:34 pm »
  Yes again, soaking in a dark tea looking solution of iodine and warm clean water for twenty minutes at a time 2-3 times a day, will allow the germ killing action of the iodine to go deep.  I used it on my hand and dogs ear when he got attacted by a pit bull.  Pretty neat stuff.  You just have to let it soak a long time.

General Discussion / Re: healing cuts
« on: January 22, 2009, 08:18:00 am »
 ah perfect, I was wondering who else I could get to try this new potion I have.  First, if you suspect infection,  I have had great results using enough tincture of iodine, drops, into warm water to end up with a dark tea looking solution.  Soak the affected part directly in a bath of solution for twenty minutes a couple of times a day.  It goes deep into cuts and tissues.    But the latest one, is to cut up garlic into very fine pieces, like 4-5 cloves, and put into a jar of eight oz with lid and fill with clean water.  You can set it out for a half day and then keep in fridge.  Then with an eye dropper or spoon, drip liquid onto wound several times a day.   whole garlic or straight iodine will irritate skin to the point of disrupting new skin cell formation.    if you try it let me know what you think, please.

General Discussion / Re: Hydration
« on: January 22, 2009, 01:18:27 am »
  thanks for taking the time to teach, and explain.  especially since at times you ways are pointed out as 'different'

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi all
« on: January 22, 2009, 01:10:33 am »
  for a fairly intact description of zero carb look up ' zeroing in on health'  Charles runs it.  Pretty interesting.  Yes, there are some carbs in meat etc, but what they are talking about is less than five carbs per day, and thus reducing insulin levels substantially.  Worth looking into.  I am trying it for some time now. 

General Discussion / Re: raw fats, raw pig fat
« on: January 21, 2009, 10:54:52 am »
  My suggestion would be to look at the literature regarding grass fed fatty acid profiles as compared to grain fed.  Pigs are really mainly fed grains, I suppose some tubers or beets, but the grains that built their fat stores will mostly determine their fat profile.  Try to get beef grass fed back fat.  It's good.  sometimes we like something so much, we want to believe in it.  that could also be said of me regarding my liking of back fat.

General Discussion / Re: Anarcho-primitivism
« on: January 11, 2009, 04:28:31 am »
 Ok, time to jump in.  The expression,  'can't see the forest through the trees',  I think applies here well.  Looking to counter Tyler through the mind will only verify it's belief.  And as long as you think about it you're perpetuating planting trees.  A place to begin then might be would be to inquire as to how natural the mind truly is, or to go even deeper, are there different facets or observations of the mind that are more natural or harmonious than others.  You mention you can only be yourself, but is that true, is that really our limitation as it reflects to what we can or have experienced with our minds?  I hate to sound like I know what I am talking about, but the mind in full speed ahead with little awareness of itself has little to do with being one's true self or nature or harmony or whatever we might call it.  And can create and do many things completely unnatural.
  But then,  watch how quick it is to ask 'then can ANYTHING it does or creates be defined as natural then'.  And the answer once again,  has a lot to do with the forest and the trees expression,  and or letting something else besides the mind immediately define what is to be true.   
  It is very rare to watch two philosophizers in debate actually go silent, quiet, for any length of time.

General Discussion / Re: dha hungry
« on: January 03, 2009, 02:41:18 pm »
  thanks Tyler,  I hadn't read that about marrow.  All I keep getting is that 'there are some organs  that have elevated levels'.  But can't find out which these might be.  Hopefully my source for sheep brains will come through and I can report any differences noticed.  So, if you do have a reference for dha in brain or marrow etc., I'd love to read it.

General Discussion / Re: Skulls and Bone Meal
« on: December 31, 2008, 03:26:54 am »
I have filed ( a couple of tablespoons powder) leg bones for years.  So far the best file I can find is a flat ferrier's file that is used to trim hoofs.  I eat or make it twice a day.  For I think that way back when they ate animals small enough to eat the bones, like birds, rabbits, mice etc.  Even house cats will eat the entire mouse, save the head and assorted small organs at times.  Botton line, entire animal with all it's store house of nutrients packed away in different body parts.

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