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Messages - MrBBQ

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Health / Re: Sleepless...
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:30:11 pm »
Thanks for the responses, which are most appreciated.

Last night, maybe I got 5 hours sleep, which is an improvement, although today I've woken up with slight blurred vision. I just ate a meal of meat/fat/eggs and already I feel "wired" again with slight ache where my heart is.

It's as if meat/fat is stimulating cortisol release in my body and making me stressed. I'm actually becoming scared now about what I can eat anymore, given that my staple is meat/fat.

The only thing about fruit fasting is that I would rapidly lose weight and they again may affect my health negatively.

I have the feeling that my body is just giving up on everything, which is sad because I was interested in continuing to live, possibly with some measure of health (this negativity seems to be the cortisol frantically speaking).

Health / Re: Sleepless...
« on: October 27, 2010, 03:42:48 am »
Thanks Tyler - I've been thinking about that hack, even if not food-based...What was your ultimate CFS hack?

ForTheHunt, I always appreciate your wise counsel - I'm certainly trying to be Zen, even though I'm feeling/looking awful. One can only do one's best in a given situation - the rest is up to the cosmos...Sleep deprivation has its potent psychological effects tho'...

Health / Sleepless...
« on: October 27, 2010, 03:06:13 am »
Hey all,

I'm in a fairly desperate state and wondering if anyone has any advice or an explanation of what happened to me.

I'd increased my meat last week from 150g-200g to 300g and after meals noticing bloodshot eyes and general fatigue. The night afterwards (last Thursday) I was truly wired and could not drop/nod off as if I'd had caffeine or something (although I hadn't had any stimulant).

Since then, I've been experiencing severe sleep disturbances, either not really sleeping at all or sleeping and then waking at 3am/4am/5am, which is really abnormal for me (normally sleep right through).

Currently, I've been dragging myself to work like a zombie and somehow managing to pass off as a diligent professional, although I can imagine that I'm running mainly on adrenalin, which cannot be good. I look and feel terrible - like an old man with bloodshot eyes.

This event definitely coincided with the increase in meat per day, which seems to have unbalanced my neurotransmitters and/or stress hormones (e.g. cortisol).

I've been trying to benefit from some rest, but frankly, I'm going downhill fast without the regenerative REM/delta sleep that we all need.

Herbal remedies like chamomile and valerian amongst others have kept me a little relaxed, although this state will not be sustainable for long and I can imagine a visit to a naturopath soon.

Suffice to say I've scaled back my meat/fat rations to the previously prudent level.

Can anyone help me or did anyone have the same experiences with self-resolution later on? I'm getting to the point of desperation with this spectre... :'(

Thanks for your help.



It's well established that PUFAs contribute to oxidative stress, including oily fish like salmon and tuna, so eat PUFAs sparingly and one's that come complemented with anti-oxidant vitamins D, A and E.

I'd prefer to stick to ruminant meat rather than oily cold water fish whose fatty acid profile is sculpted for a different ecosystem.

A diminished intake of n-6 requires less n-3, so reduce n-6 to the minimum and automatically reduce the requirement for n-3. It's the same with vitamin E - minimise PUFAs and minimise need for tocopherols/tocotrienols (needed to protect these oily/fluid unstable fatty acids in higher temperature environments i.e. out of cold water).

Sunlight causes oxidation reactions wherever there's high concentration of PUFA in the skin - hence wrinkling (collapse of collagen, GAGs etc.) by the sun...

A good quality non-esterified vitamin E supplement might be worth it if you have high markers of oxidative stress...Saying that, best to eat less oxidative food...

Coconut oil is a mitigator of oxidative stress, if you can tolerate it (and not use it for nourishing over animal fats). Some people are recommending "coconut cream" with its full complement of nutrition, although we must remember that coconuts include the mineral binder phytic acid, which represents anti-nourishment - this is not in coconut oil (only in coconut cream/milk).

Kombucha is also a mitigator of oxidative stress, if you are in a position to consume fermented foods (sadly, they're too acidic for my teeth at the moment). Fermented food increases glutathione peroxidase production/activity, which is an awesome free radical scavenger (like superoxide dismutase).

What about things with high ORAC values like goji, schisandra, rooibos tea etc.?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: October 15, 2010, 05:29:04 am »
Also, you can melt butter in the dehydrator until the white solids sink to the bottom and you can pour the oil off to separate out the allergenic buttermilk proteins. I call this low temp ghee...not quite Green Pasture stylee but almost!

Another thing is that meat is a good source of Ca/Mg...Maybe up that, if your metabolism can handle it...

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: October 15, 2010, 05:23:08 am »
I'm glad this thread has still enjoyed some activity, mainly because I'm trying to harmonise with my deteriorating teeth.

First of all, I've been grinding dried bones of venison, which is very easy - the only caveat is that this practice seems to make my teeth feel over-hard/brittle and I've easily chipped one of the front teeth ever so slightly from a piece of silt not washed off my salad. It seems to me that bone meal delivers a disproportionate amount of calcium to magnesium, which I blame for the brittle feeling. On this basis, I'm not sure I recommend bone meal, although strangely enough, I always found gelatinous bone broths to not deliver unbalanced minerals along with the gelatin, so maybe the range of minerals dissolved in the water was better available. This would be my conclusion on broth vs meal, although sadly, the excitotoxins (free glutamates from hours of cooking) in broth trash my (overexcitable) neurons. Another vector for healing my gnashers eliminated (story of my healing path!).

Silica from horsetail and oatstraw, combined with "nourishing infusions" of nettle definitely started to turn the tide for me and some of the lesions on my teeth started to "close in" (craters becoming only lines) pretty quickly. The only caveat is that these herbs are diuretics and despite what Susun Weed says, I was pissing out potassium because I had the cracked lips to prove it. Another vector for healing the teeth quashed. However, you've got me thinking on the coriander/cilantro tip now and I'm sure an infusion made from 100g coriander per day would be mineralising. Coriander is a chelator of heavy metals too, so maybe it would be an extra bonus or downfall. Dried coriander leaves costs me £10 per kilo...

Do you know any negative effects of coriander? If not, this could be combined with a good source of silica for best effect.

The next thing I've dabbled with was silica G5 (so-called organic liquid silica), which yielded amazing results initially - tooth sensitivity disappeared sharpish in a couple of soft spots, which was profound at the time. However, there seemed to be a honeymoon period and then things went the other way. I did a half-arsed VCO oil pull, which must have left something dodgy in my mouth (I was biking for an early train) and since then, the gums around varying teeth have been bleeding, painful, infected etc. My teeth feel like a terrible mess recently and I don't feel I can get on with other things until I can somehow strengthen them...

Michael, where do you buy raw butter from - red23? Or did you find their source for Jersey butter?

One other thing I'm just procuring from the US is a vitamin D lamp, mainly for the winter, so I can avoid having to dose supplements for my body weight etc. I avoid fish oil now (F-CLO), plus I don't think the D3 supplements work for me (or maybe I'm overdosing on them).

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: How much meat and how much fruit?
« on: October 15, 2010, 04:49:20 am »
Hmmm, you're pretty lucky - eating that much meat (from memory) would always give me a burned out feeling and stingy eyes (like needing to rub them).

I think my body constitution does not suit large doses of protein - maybe my kidneys aren't functioning optimally...

Do you eat any amount of supplementary fat or just what comes on the meat? For example, would you cut 50g suet into slices and eat that? I always had the impression that you don't do this kind of thing, unless eating marrow...

Health / Re: Underweight...
« on: October 15, 2010, 04:43:53 am »
Good suggestions from everyone, although 500-600g meat is almost double my maintenance dosage for protein.

I reckon I'll try 300g meat per day and notch it up to see how I feel (and the general impact on my metabolism, like yawning throughout the day etc.).

Isn't it better to overeat fat and keep protein moderate? I know my kidneys start to tire of the nitrogen and metabolic acid clearance...I was wondering if the bubbly piss was actually due to higher bicarbonate content (produced by kidneys) for acid buffering - it really got me thinking (like carbonated water).

What says you?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: How much meat and how much fruit?
« on: October 15, 2010, 04:31:57 am »
1kg meat = ~200-250g protein...that's a lot of protein, or are we talking very fatty meat? Surely, beyond maintenance requirements...

Do you reckon this much meat is prudent, for example, as a source of minerals like calcium and magnesium?

Health / Re: Underweight...
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:16:23 am »
@ys: 1-1.5 lb is still more than I eat...1.5lb = ~680g...What percentage of that is fat?

When you say recover digestion, are you talking about recovery through food choices or other means?

Health / Underweight...
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:50:11 am »
Hey all,

I'm currently more underweight than I'd like to be for my height (1.7m @ 58kg) and I'm wondering how I can gain weight without having to include starches, which seem to screw me up in excess (my teeth/gums especially get a messy sensation about them).

I've been eating 200g fat + 200g meat, along with some fruits (maybe a few pieces per day), although I'm cold and struggle to maintain weight (especially with any physical exercise) at this measure.

It seems to me that I'm not getting enough calories from my diet (to create an energy excess) and the best thing I can think to do is increase fat (too much fruit is not good and too much protein is not good for me).

I've been trying to consume 300g fat per day and I was wondering if anyone else consumes this much fat (in the form of animal fat).

Did anyone particularly struggle to maintain weight thus far and find a resolution in more calories? I seem to think my body just burns calories like crazy (fast oxidiser), even though I lead a fairly sedentary personal/professional life.

Currently, I'm avoiding excessive physical activity (even though I love it) just to conserve energy.

Please help me...


General Discussion / Re: Vitamin D UV Lamp
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:53:00 am »
I love crazy weirdness too - the quirkier the better and especially if it's rationalised in a convincing, charming way...And really, who cares what "they" think - after all, they'll be dead and buried sooner or later, swept away like everything...Nothing lasts...

As soon as your shadow is longer than you, you aren't photosynthesising vitamin D, hence the height of the sun in the winter sky is not sufficient...

I manage to escape my office for half an hour's nature walk around the back of my company (even wild hare running there), which I'll definitely be continuing through winter, although at minus temperatures, I seriously doubt that exposure would be long or extend beyond my arms and face. Still great to get out though...Find some mad walking sticks or something. I wish there was a lake nearby for skimming stones or walking on the ice...

I used to mountain bike to work and the sunrise was often an amazing sight on winter mornings. I agree that the sun (and moon) is the perfect therapy...

The vitamin D lamp is part of my effort to remineralise teeth without having to resort to cod liver oil, which some say is toxic - even the "sacred" fermented stuff.

General Discussion / Re: Vitamin D UV Lamp
« on: October 13, 2010, 01:26:22 am »
What's your point?

General Discussion / Re: Vitamin D UV Lamp
« on: October 12, 2010, 11:34:25 pm »
I don't really like the ambiguity when it comes to cooking myself on a daily basis - I'd rather pay the premium for a human-ready/intended version...In my opinion, it's worth the peace of mind that it delivers...

I've f*cked myself up plenty by cutting corners and being daring, so in the case of UV radiation, I'm not sure I want to be that edgy this time...

What says you - do you have much experience in this endeavour?

General Discussion / Re: Vitamin D UV Lamp
« on: October 12, 2010, 05:43:29 am »
Sweet avatar...Where's that from?

Specs/example please...If I'm bathing my skin with a UV lamp, it'd better be calibrated with full professional (re)liability...

I'd rather pay for assurance...What says ye?

General Discussion / Vitamin D UV Lamp
« on: October 12, 2010, 04:26:26 am »
Hey all,

Has anyone used these Sperti vitamin D lamps during the winter time?

I generally avoid cod liver oil, plus I'm skeptical as to whether the supplements I've tried before are actually an optimal dose, so I was considering this lamp for the winter, now that "my shadow is longer than me" on midday walkabout.

I'm thinking about importing this lamp for myself and family members, but I thought I'd gather some sensible consensus from my paleo contemporaries as a preemptive strike...



General Discussion / Re: Raw Bone Meal
« on: October 12, 2010, 04:15:34 am »
As a regular consumer of homemade bone meal, I thought I'd chip in and contribute to this thread, even though I'm not strictly raw at the moment (I can't eat more than 200g raw meat without some kidney stress, plus I can't maintain a handsome level of body fat on only meat+fat+organs and fruits - so I choose to cook some vegetables and tubers/roots right now, especially for the added magnesium content, although it's not completely free of problems, I acknowledge).

Anyways, I'd consume bone broth, but frankly, every time I start consuming it, I get severe headaches and strange trance-like spacey consciousness feelings, not to mention insomnia. This phenomena is the death of neurons through over-excitation by the freed glutamic acid in the broth (glutamic acid along with aspartic acid is one of the excitatory neurotransmitters). Some people's brains cannot handle this much free glutamic acid as it crosses the blood brain barrier (either with serious magnesium, B6 etc. deficiency to keep the calcium channel under control into the cell) and I have a tendency towards ADHD, even after maintaining non-cheating rawness for quite some years.

Nevertheless, I currently buy dried bones from a local venison farm, which are very easy to handle (they are bone dry!) and file down with my big horsey rasp. Bone meal does not harm my delicate brain like bone broths, plus I know the minerals are being uptaken because I get calcium-magnesium antagonism cramps when overdosing. The other complication is that my bowel tolerance for magnesium salts is very low, so I can't even complement the bone meal with clay or something because I tend to get loose stools and severe dehydration (I've even gained new wrinkles in my skin from the severity of electrolyte loss effecting the collagen/GAGs losses, so I don't want to f*ck around with magnesium anymore, except as food).

Incidentally, as a means to obtain a source of raw collagen (to fix some wrinkles), I've even tried chewy spinal discs and other tough/spongy parts, but they faithfully produced severe indigestion.

From overdosing on venison thyroid to almost having a stroke from synthetic vitamin K2-mediated blood overcoagulation, not to mention trying bone broths many times after break periods, I can safely say that I'm a pseudo-paleo wreck, who has lost the plot with all healing paradigms.

From palmitic acid-mediated physiological insulin resistance (from high fat meals) to only consuming food-based nutrients, I'm really between the devil and the deep blue sea at the moment in my personal healing (or self-destruction) journey.

Health / Re: Importing Dr. Ron's -> UK
« on: September 22, 2010, 05:24:47 am »
Nice one. So don't you utilise raw glands now?

Health / Importing Dr. Ron's -> UK
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:48:58 am »
Hey all,

I've just placed an order with Dr. Ron's for Organ Delight and Thyroid+Liver, although they mentioned that Organ Delight might be tricky to get through UK customs - has anyone here imported Organ Delight into the UK (and with any trepidation)?

Also, did anyone do the adrenals test with shining bright light into the eye and checking if the pupil can stay small? My pupils have always been very large since I can remember and they seem to struggle to stay small when shining bright light into them, which some say is indicative of adrenal dysfunction.

I'm pretty inactive around here at the moment due to a busy livelihood and supplementing my RAF and fruit with cooked vegetables (so my mindset is a little off exclusively raw). It would be nice if I could spend more time on here, but it's just not doable at the moment.



Hot Topics / Re: The Great Fish Oil Experiment
« on: September 07, 2010, 12:57:40 am »
Eating more than 100g salmon/tuna gives me a dodgy "free radical burn" nowadays so I stay away from concentrated PUFA sources, whether n-3 or n-6. Actually, n-3 is more prone to lipid peroxidation...I feel best on lipids originating in my own ecosystem rather than cold waters.

This is one of the reasons why I choose to get my retinol from land liver and cholecalciferol from sunlight/supplement, rather than F-CLO, although I'm not sure if it's a valid synergy like F-CLO...

I've still not actually fathomed Peat's stance on dietary arachidonic acid (AA) because he advocates liver and eggs to some extent.

There's a question of what's best - minimise PUFAs to the limit or increase complementary antioxidants like vitamin E (tocopherols/tocotrienols, which PUFAs deplete through endogenous lipid peroxidation). Peat states that the excess PUFAs are anti-thyroid and therefore anti-metabolic, which the populations relying on fish countered by eating fish heads (particularly including the thyroid glandulars). In that case, eating the whole animal was essential, although maybe still not optimal.

With minimal n-6s, the need for n-3s diminishes - Peat even states that the n-9 mead acid is biologically active enough and more stable (stress-resistant) to replace these PUFAs.

Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:30:49 am »
Hmmm, there is a context for healing and I do not know if I'm in context. I agree about priorities though - maybe minerals are being deposited on my legs and spine, who knows?!

Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:43:41 am »
@Inger: I agree, completely. I ventured down this same path of nut munching, although the idea is to learn and adapt through direct experience - muss es sein? es muss sein!

@actionhero: Thanks for relating your experience. Do you consume fruits that're fully ripened, so as to minimise organic acids on the teeth? I've tested many fruits by swishing sodium bicarbonate in my mouth before hand and feeling the fizz sensation for different fruits, although there are few that actually don't create a fizz - ripe mango, ripe papaya, ripe melons, err...Most berries create a fizz and especially citrus fruit, of course! I try to avoid acidic fruit to spare my weak tooth enamel.

I have transparency at the edges of some of my teeth and very tiny chips due to various accidents, so maybe I was malnourished from early times. I eat liver, heart, kidney, marrow, bone meal + clay, muscle meats, different cuts of fat (minced or chunky) up to maybe 300g per day. I have noticed the teeth/jaw becoming more solid, but the cavities did not improve and the transparency/chips are still there with active nerve pain in some teeth. I also supplement D3 and K2, as well as consuming raw butter oil (the only neolithic food I consume in small quantities with no reactions).

I've had straightening braces to pull my massive fangs down (I'm a true carnivore!) and some x-rays, so maybe they harmed my teeth - who knows? I swish my mouth twice per day with VCO+neem before brushing.

Maybe it will take a bit longer than a year or so for me to undo the damage, but I'm here for the ride! It seems like the best approach is just to stick to the plan and enjoy what may transpire.

Off Topic / Re: Yet another reason to go rawpalaeo
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:26:00 am »
Apparently, dream recall is associated with vitamin B6 - I've experimented with this theory before by supplementing with B6 sources before bed (hi-pollen honey, pollen, brewers' yeast) and I definitely find a more lucid, deep identification with the dreamscape and its potential relevance/association.

Dreaming is/can be an awesome, creative process. Substances (e.g. cannabis sativa) that impact neurotransmission before bed can be very welcome potentiators - even an easily digestible form of tryptophan can catalyse mindscapes that one could barely even envisage.

Does anyone here practice lucid dreaming?

General Discussion / Re: Eating the same cuts/organs every day?
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:17:31 am »
@ys: What do you mean "for a while I was ok"? Did you suddenly become "not ok"? ;-#

I've eaten liver, kidney, heart every day for a while now, along with marrow - as my evening meal. I typically eat just muscle meats (preferably tougher cuts) with melted minced fat as my lunch.

I find it's best to rotate textures for some variation, so different preparations are the key to sustaining daily organ meats. Sometimes, I'll make a paste by getting the organs out of the freezer and grating the frozen mass with the fine side - that's the best method to reduce organs to a smooth paste (juicing organs leaves the stringy bits intact, so it's best to freeze and grate).

I also buy air-dried "pet treats", which are useful for snacking on - you can slice the organs and jerky them in a dehydrator if you have one (I find them less potent though).

Of course, it's nice to leave everything chunky sometimes.

Eating the whole animal is important though for balance, so don't avoid the tough cuts. I've even tried chewing on intervertebral discs to get some collagen, but it doesn't seem to agree with me.

Also, you can combine bone meal (long bones seem to be best for rasping) with some clay, if you're prepared to make it.

Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 17, 2010, 05:30:22 am »
Another thing I was wondering...Any kind of sugar in my mouth causes nerve pain in my cavitated teeth.

Is it possible that sugar in the mouth can glycate tissues (i.e. the protein matrix) in the tooth if it doesn't have a protective enamel/dentine barrier? Maybe this is why RZC is necessary for tooth healing, as opposed to even VLC...

Does anyone have commentary? Are there any RVAFers that have healed tooth enamel, or is it just RZCers? I don't mean increase in bone density, I mean healing teeth...

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