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Messages - chucky

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General Discussion / Re: lime disease
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:22:41 am »
That's goodsamaritan website . You should contact him on this forum and see if he has read the book and has better answers.

General Discussion / Re: Question about beef liver
« on: August 28, 2010, 12:07:46 am »
Show pictures

I cut it half and ate one half of it. Freezed the other. But I will keep it in mind to make pictures in these situation.

General Discussion / Question about beef liver
« on: August 27, 2010, 02:01:26 am »
Wanted to know if there is anything wrong with the liver if the holes in the liver are more like white/white-grey ? When I have bought beef lifer then the holes have had the same color as the liver itself. It tasted sweet like always but just curious.. It also has a white matter, a connection tissue ?

When I saw the whitened holes and white thing (it's strong almost like hard fat and flexible) on the liver, I started to think that what would happen when you accidentally eat cancerous animal organ ? I don't want to be pessimist at all, just curious.

Have you tried eating raw thyroid? If you can't get a hold of it fresh, then theres plenty of grass-fed freeze dried thyroid online.

The delivery costs will be huge to Estonia. I will probably stick to Lugol's iodine from now.

Health / Re: Need help loosing 20!
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:59:03 am »
I was a gainer on zerocarb/lowcarb. I have found few others who have gained instead of lost weight with this type of eating. It could be iodine deficiency (low thyroid) but I also started to use Apple cider vinegar. Thing is that I hardly gain anymore after I started to use tiny amounts of iodine (from the salt but just ordered Lugol's iodine from ) and taking organic ACV 3x a day. Works wonders :)

Health / Re: Your thoughts on longevity?
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:44:15 am »
Maybe if I can pass on this collective knowledge we have, my children will live up to 150 and my grandchildren up to 200.

There will be people walking around 150 soon enough by raw diet or science. You might look closer to this website. It's kind of research and community dedicated to unlimited lifespan.

I did experience it and went 6 months with it. When I was at home I was at the best but when I had to go out I experience racing heart and facial blushing (extreme). I started to think it was because of the diet but couldn't find anyone with these health problems eating the same. I had lots of theories that failed until a week ago I started to use iodine (probably Vitamin A too). Right next day, I did not experience any racing heart nor blushing. Even iodine in minimal amounts from iodized salt has helped with this. I think it's related to thyroid not able to produce hormones (thyroxine) as not enough iodine was available. But remember this that thyroid also needs Vitamin A to produce these hormones. As I was taking Cod liver oil regulary, I did not see any difference from Vitamin A from CLO alone.

I hope it helps someone with the same health problems.

Primal Diet / Re: Spoiled butter?
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:47:27 am »
This happens when butter is salted. Buy a salted butter from the store and smell it/ try it. It will probably taste the same.

Health / Re: How effective a woman summer nap
« on: July 12, 2010, 10:45:31 pm »
I love naps but rarely do it. Always after taking a 20 min nap (especially not longer than 45min or less than 5 minutes) I will feel fully energized and have better functioning that I have in the morning. Some famous people like Einstein, Edison, Napoleon etc. took naps during the day (actually Napoleon could have slept 2 hours with 4 hour gaps.) It would be interesting to know what is so much behind the nap. When we sleep during the night our body heals and builds. But as I am functioning much better after a nap does the body work more on the mind ?

General Discussion / Blood ammonia
« on: June 28, 2010, 11:39:57 pm »
 Well it's said to cut down on meat when you have high blood ammonia. Is there any research done with raw meat and blood ammonia ? Ammonia is byproduct of the meat and is produced in the colon. I wanted to try lactulose but it gave me tremendous gases. As I want to try and find some solution I'm going to eat oat bran as the beta glycan lowers the ammonia in the colon and see how it goes. The liver damage should be the culprit for higher blood ammonia but I was taking accutane for my acne about a year ago which could have caused this damage.

General Discussion / Re: bad mistake
« on: June 28, 2010, 11:27:05 pm »
    One reason is the raw meat is not constipating.  Combining those two could be confusing to your digestion.  Your digestive system recognizes it's getting great raw meat, and maybe you'll detox (the sausage).  Also the cooked sausage will be good material to encourage detox "caused" by microbes.  There's so many reasons I don't think it's good to combine the two, but there's a start.  If you have a choice of all cooked, or cooked sausage and raw meat, for me, the healthier choice would be to include the raw.

What about people ordering medium-rare beef in restaurants ?

Personals / Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
« on: June 06, 2010, 01:52:20 pm »
Because I never want to have children. I have known since I was young that I never want to be a mother. I don't hate children, but they interest me as much as NASCAR, which is to say, not at all. I want the DINK lifestyle. I now have the INK.  :D

What about SINK ?

Ok, I'm just joking. I haven't heard these words before yet.

In case someone didn't know: DINK - Dual Income, No Kids

General Discussion / Re: Curing OCD?
« on: May 24, 2010, 02:23:08 pm »
I think OCD can be a valuable thing, if geared toward a useful purpose.

All you need to do is figure out a positive way to use it with the same strategy. I'm sure a good NLP practitioner can help you with that.

Anyway, grains are bad! We should make a banner for that :)

These are two different things. One is uncontrollable doing of things and other is will and discipline.

Eating pasta in the evening will get me OCD next morning.. Grains are bad and those lucky ones who can handle the grains and can thrive on them are in worst trouble.

General Discussion / Re: Curing OCD?
« on: May 22, 2010, 09:41:41 pm »
Right now it's difficult to let go of grains. Without them, it's hard to get filled up and I get strong carb craving. Raw meats are the only food that doesn't give me problems but doesn't always make me full. Fruit is hard to digest and causes problems for me as well as making me more hungry due to the irritation.

I also didn't get quit filled up by just eating meat and this called for overeating and weight gain.  What I did was I started eating sauerkraut which filled me up with meat and gave the feeling of fullness which lasted longer.

I strongly advise against the grains.

General Discussion / Re: Curing OCD?
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:24:16 pm »
OCD will usually clear up when wheat(and other grains), milk, soy and monosodium glutamate are taken away from the diet. Definitely make sure your omegas are right. I suggest taking omega 3

Hot Topics / Re: Chewing meat. What's your take ?
« on: May 22, 2010, 01:58:01 am »
That's just how reptiles are.  Snakes do the same thing. I don't know if it's because they have extremely small/primitive brains, or if even an intelligent reptile would do the same.

Nah, I don't think these creatures swallow things because their are stupid. It's more about digestion and oesophagus. I don't know if komodos have oesophagus but if they do it expands.

Hot Topics / Re: paleo dairy
« on: May 21, 2010, 01:47:32 pm »
No its been shown that as a whole, humans generally lose the ability to produce lactase after age 5.

But therefore raw milk has plenty of bacteria that mimic the presence of lactase. For myself I still haven't figured out if I can tolerate raw milk. All my symptoms with foods are mental and not physical but also with some delay that makes it difficult.  Eliminating all vegetables and eating mainly meat has given me incredible good mental health and self-realization.

The ph of your body. Basically the article says that baceria and viruses are naturally present in humans from birth. Usually they remain harmless but when your body becomes acidic more of the cells in your body die sooner than if basic and the bacteria then is able to grow and attack your body.
It means the meat is more acidic and in turn makes your body more acidic.

What you mean with "your body is more acidic". Do you mean blood ? But doesn't the body lower/increase PH when needed ? How does the acidic meat affect the body ? If it gets to the stomach the stomach acid which has ph already about 2.x starts to break down the food. Stomach acid is acidic! More meat you eat more HCL needs to be secreted.
Colon is acidic. Bacteria produce acids to keep colon acidic otherwise fungi will get control of it. Fungis live in alkaline environment.

(I might be plain dumb right now as my brain is fogged. Last time I felt foggy mind was before paleo).

Although I don't fully agree with all of the article, the ph theory does make some sense to me. The main reason I believe the Ph theory is because grass-fed beef. Why is it not dangerous to eat grass fed beef? Because cows have a neutral ph when eating grass but when they're fed grain, they are more acidic and the risk of e coli greatly increases.

I read about that also. Cows who eat grains have more acidic meat. But I read about it from suppliers website.. What it even means that meat is acidic ? Produces more acids in our body ? In what way ? I have heard that it leaves acidic ash?? behind..

I would strongly advise that you eat only high-meat from 100% grassfed sources, if possible. It's a really bad idea re e coli issues etc. to eat grainfed high-meat over time.

There was an article about "dangerous" bacteria like e. coli and others. I don't remember if I read about it in this forum or somewhere else but it was proven that those "toxic" byproducts those bacteria like e. coli produce actually fight against cancer and some other diseases.

About the article. He talks about the ph of what ? I am sorry if I didn't follow the article closely but it is well known that body regulates it blood ph in any way and keeps it in constant state. But it's different story with the colon. Colon needs acidic environment to keep away fungis like Candida (in his article he said that fungis develop in acidic ph ?). That's why candida gets out of control if colon lacks of acid producing bacteria such as bifidobacteria.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Calming foods?
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:11:15 pm »
Have you tried dates ? Plenty of tryptophan and natural glycose and when combining dates with some protein might make you less anxious.

Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 14, 2010, 02:42:40 pm »
I know that anything that has more fructose than glycose causes problems for me. I can eat table sugar just fine but no fruit with higher fructose ratio to glycose.  Symptoms vary from pain to mental childness ( very annoying ).

Hot Topics / Re: Chewing meat. What's your take ?
« on: May 13, 2010, 11:06:11 pm »
A little bit offtopic but I found this article about the dinosaurs gulping down their food:

Hot Topics / Re: Chewing meat. What's your take ?
« on: May 11, 2010, 01:39:55 pm »
Very cool article.If this is true than why according to the article is there more blood amino acids in people who chew their meat rather than not?
I found this interesting also. There are several factors in this article (like the age, type of meat and probably that it's cooked meat) that should be considered..

But the bottom point is that chewing versus not chewing made difference. Only question is how does it affect the raw meat.. But klowcarb seems to be thriving when chewing it. Klowcarb, did you chew your meat well through from the beginning ?

Hot Topics / Chewing meat. What's your take ?
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:42:08 am »
Lions swallow big chunks of meat. My dog swallows meat and chews vegetables. Is it human nature to swallow meat and chew vegetables for amylase ?

But here's a bit of research:

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