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Messages - eveheart

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Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 19, 2015, 12:25:27 pm »
Give Americans jobs?

Isn't that an oversimplification of the role of the president?

Off Topic / Re: Black Parents have white skinned red haired child!
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:40:18 pm »
It's just genetics, GS. Recessive genes do exist. I know plenty of cases, including my college friend who is a white-skinned, flaxen-haired, blue-eyed offspring of brown-complexioned, brown-eyed, black-haired parents.

It happens regularly. What's so amazing about this?

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 18, 2015, 12:26:15 pm »
eveheart, you're talking about SCOTUS when even in your quote it says POTUS. Remember that guy? The one who makes public comment on criminals' funerals, blaming the white people and police, causing tremendous instability within their communities.

Yes, sorry for my hasty reading mistake.

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 18, 2015, 10:35:23 am »
From what Ive been seeing and reading. The current POTUS is already a dictator.

Exactly what do you see the Supreme Court "dictating" outside of its function to interpret the constitutionality of laws? We have layer upon layer of courts in our local, county, state, and federal judicial systems. They all do the "judicial thing" and nothing else. They rule on disputed issues, the way courts are supposed to. They listen to all the factors in each case, inasmuch as those facts are presented, and they wade through passionate and often contradictory rhetoric to try to reach some semblance of judicial wisdom. They are no more or less infallible than any other human endeavor, hence, they have supporters and detractors. I see you are a detractor, but I beseech you to make some sense instead of making outlandish and unfounded fantasies about what someone else told you is going on.

Wow, just out of curiosity. what did you eat during your vegan days?

Vegetarian, not vegan, because I ate honey, cheese, and eggs at times. For decades, I ate whole grains, soy-based proteins, robust salads, stir-fried vegetables, volumes of sprouted seeds and legumes (and, at times, only sprouts), fruits (and, at times, only fruits).

IMO, vegetarianism is the path to needing a cane to walk, and canes look so cool. The grandchildren just love snatching grandma's cane and playing with it. I do not need a cane anymore.

I was a model vegetarian! I ate whole vegetarian foods, minimally processed. With strict adherence to a plant-based diet, I developed obesity, diabetes, severe arthritis, high cholesterol, constant lethargy, Hashimoto's and several other autoimmune disorders. It was great! I was so proud of the fact that I was eating like the apes, my ancestors.

How did I decide to take the other side in the herbivore/omnivore debate? Dogs and arrowheads convinced me that it was in my evolutionary nature to eat meat. Dogs because, as "man's best friend," they show that man's companion animal was the carnivorous wolf; symbiotic eating relationships exist throughout nature, like smaller carnivores watching vultures to locate prey and then tear it apart for the vultures. Arrowheads (and other hunting implements) because it would be pointless for mankind to develop a whole technology for hunting if meat-eating was not the object.

I don't need to settle the debate. My regained health settles it for me. My doctor wishes that her other sick patients would agree to eat like I do and regain their health, as I have.

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:09:54 pm »
We've always had "distraction" candidates. "Miss Piggy for President!" It's part of the American sense of humor. "Bert and Ernie for President!" We love to make fun of everything, even our highest office. "Pat Paulsen for President!" Complete freedom of speech allows us to be playfully irreverent. "Snoopy for President!" Sometimes we get ultra-rich candidates with sensible-sounding platforms, but we're still being playful. "Ross Perot for President!" And some ultra-rich presidential candidates have platforms that could only be implemented by a dictator who disbands our Congress and our Courts. "Donald Trump for President!"

"You're fired!"

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:53:50 pm »
Considering the topic and the author (you), I smiled anyway.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:00:08 am »
No, mercenary - professional soldiers... of love. It's just a variation of bringing marriage-minded womenfolk to men in Alaska.

Or maybe missionary - guys on a "mission."

I see the point you are making about these issues in the Philippines, but with the large group of Philippine immigrants living in my area, I fail to find anyone else who shares your views.

Here in the US, California in particular, I see no big push for polygamy. Homosexuals here have no agenda except to form legally-recognized unions and avoid hate-crimes against themselves. There is no public discussion of population control, either pro or con, and people are free to have as few or as many children as they want without any fanfare.

With the laissez-faire attitude towards personal choice that I experience in California, it is hard for me to see the reason for all your posts. People here tend to fraternize with like-minded people, so there is no need to pontificate, and when you do, nobody really listens or changes their mind. It's just a show, and when the show is over, we go home and live our own lives.

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:33:19 pm »
At some point self-curated subscription via the internet will prevail, we might already be there. It's hard to tell. How much of middle America is on the internet? How many elders are on the web? How many are already fully engulfed? Very interesting questions.

Yes, VERY interesting! Consider that, even now, internet videos that "go viral" are featured on the television news, and there are daily shows that feature videos that are trending on youtube.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:29:36 pm »
Perhaps all red-bloodied, able bodied, single males should make a bee line for the Philippines and help them out!!!!

Now, there's a new definition of mercenary! (Where's the ejaculating emoticon?)

I will believe those ideals once The Powers That Be legalize polygamy.

Perhaps reform for polygamous union will come.

I fail to see why you don't understand that the issues supporting legal acceptance of same-sex union are the same issues that will support polygamous union. Just as same-sex union existed long before it was legally recognized, so does polygamous union exist now, but without the sanction of legal marriage. Now, after the first wife, subsequent wives are denied the legal protection of marriage.  Now, spousal benefits such as health insurance are denied. Now, upon the death of the husband, only the first wife is recognized by the state and the insurance companies. It was so similar with same-sex unions: spouses were denied their legal status. When you understand this connection, you will be the loudest supporter of the SCOTUS decision.

GS, don't you realize that YOU are the powers that be?

GS, I don't see the pro-homosexual U.S. empire that you see. Our Supreme Court has no agenda except to interpret the U.S. Constitution as it applies to U.S. laws. In the case of the ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, the ruling was entered to prohibit exclusion of same-sex couples from the benefits of marriage. Allowing all citizens to enjoy the same rights is a strong component of U.S. philosophy, and it has been this way since the country was founded. Recognizing ways in which the U.S. falls short of its ideals and correcting those shortcomings has been an ongoing process, and I expect that it will continue as we struggle to realize our ideals.

Homosexual people have the same human needs as people who are not homosexual, and these needs include being in various relationships with other humans (committed partner, parent, etc.). Legal recognition of same-sex unions does not "promote" homosexuality or depopulation. Homosexuality is a personal characteristic, regardless of whether society accepts or ostracizes that characteristic.

The idea of ostracizing a class of people is very cruel. I can see no personal benefit that anyone would gain by acting against another group of people. In other words, the U.S. is promoting kindness and goodwill to humankind, not homosexuality.

General Discussion / Re: Is slow cooking on low temp ok?
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:23:58 pm »
...Even the two authorities im appealing too on this raw meat diet experiment disagree greatly: AV eats shit loads of dairy, and Sabertooth cant eat it at all.

Why would you trust an "authority" when you have enough information to gather your own results? I can't follow AV, either. My conclusion is that I'm not him! No debate needed.

Personally, I settle all debate with what's reasonable to me in terms of an ancestral diet. In other words, I eat what I imagine I would be eating before all the authorities came along with their conflicting dogma.

General Discussion / Re: Is slow cooking on low temp ok?
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:34:09 am »
As a side note, slow cooker "low" and slow cooker "high" both bring food to the same boiling point. The only difference is speed to attain boiling. "Low" heats up more slowly, the object being to have food ready in about 8 hours. "High" heats up quickly so that food is cooked in about 3 hours. Convenience for the cook.

General Discussion / Re: MEAT SAFE?
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:29:52 am »
Any views?

Try it in the summer and try it in the winter. I find that I can keep all sorts of things "nice" in the cooler months, but I only get "nasty" in the warm weather.

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 13, 2015, 09:25:57 pm »
You sound like someone who hasn't been listening. Even if it were a hoax, he puts the other candidates to shame.

Go ahead, tell us who you think is better.

Ah, if only candidacy behavior was a good predictor of presidential behavior....

General Discussion / Re: Animal Fat
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:47:30 am »
I think I understand. Fat from different parts of the animal have different texture. Caul fat (from around the kidneys) sticks to my mouth like peanut butter with added glue. Pericardial fat is a delicacy. Some fatty areas in animals are grisly, some chew well and release their buttery flavor. I pick my favorite fat for eating and make candles out of the fat I don't like.

Among other things, sodium regulates the digestive enzymes, so that's why one would consider sodium. Feeling animal fat as it travels the digestive tract might mean you're not producing enough lipase or something like that, but I am not aware that lipase digests one type of fat over another. Maybe you are eating more animal fat at once than you can handle. You might experiment to see if this happen with smaller amounts of animal fat.

General Discussion / Re: Animal Fat
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:09:25 am »
I'm wondering if your melt-in-your-mouth plant fats are extracted/refined, because I can't think of any plant fats that exist in the same stratified form as animal fat. Even considering the avocado, the fat is dispersed throughout the flesh instead of in its own layer.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Dawn Meats of Ireland
« on: July 11, 2015, 09:30:00 pm »
Did you read their website? I took a glance and was impressed by their avoidance of the "grassfed" detail, so I concluded that either (1) grassfed is such a given in Ireland that they don't mention it, or (2) they are avoiding the subject altogether.

They do tout their customer service, energy management, and breeds. I'd email them if I wanted to know about grassfed vs grain-finished.

Journals / Re: Keeping up.
« on: July 11, 2015, 12:17:13 pm »
I have two suppliers who really raise chickens on pasture without chicken scratch, and their prices are $25 - $30 for one chicken. Hereabouts, price seems to be a good gauge of how a chicken is raised.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Catching blood
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:22:01 am »
Anthony Bourdain has an interesting segment in Parts Unknown: Tanzania showing the slaughter and cutting open of a goat (I think it was a goat). The slaughter appeared to be by suffocation. Then the goat was held legs up. This allowed the greater portion of the blood to congeal in the chest cavity, from which it could be sliced out and eaten out-of-hand after the belly was slit open. Some of the details were not clear, but that's the general idea. I found this still picture of the scene, and the entire show can be seen on Netflix:

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Catching blood
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:35:46 pm »
I keep the organs on plates below the hanging pieces. I turn the organs daily. I removed one shelf, raised another shelf, and got rid of the vegetable bins to make room for one lamb - I max out my fridge space at about 60 pounds dressed weight. My fridge is used and was under $300, so I didn't mind modifying it. I wouldn't modify an expensive family fridge. Maybe you can get a used fridge for your meat.

I don't eat all the fat, so I render the caul fat to make candles. When rendered, put the fat in a terra cotta saucer with a 1/4" cotton wick lying across the saucer and a fraction of the wick rising up against the side of the saucer. Put one or two saucers under the lamp saucer to insulate the table from the heat. and a rock or something to keep the long end of the wick in the fat. A few spoonfuls burn brightly for hours with a bright light and no smoky odor.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: July 06, 2015, 09:31:54 pm »
Surely you must have eaten raw sauerkraut before and therefore experienced a large exiting mass?
Surely, I eat raw sauerkraut several times a day, and it never knocked me out of balance.

Holding onto the ground preumably makes one closer to the exiting turds etc. Not a sure thing, whichever way.
Dig a deeper hole!

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