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Messages - eveheart

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Off Topic / Re: Takin the Piss - Peeponics
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:18:19 am »
I've done it with aged urine. Basically, it's dilute nitrogen fertilizer. Aged urine also makes good hair care and skin care. And there's plenty of it.

General Discussion / Re: Men wiping after they pee?
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:13:57 am »
I just pee, shake it once and zip up. I know I probably have some dribble in there(in fact I know I do).

Shake once and zip. That's how young boys are taught to pee.

My very young granddaughter was a little OCD about wiping every last bit. We told her that catching those microscopic drips was the job of underpants.

So, yes, your concern is from the OCD. You are wise to let it go.

So we all agree that a wall is a wall and isn’t an submarine, that a fish is a fish and can be eaten  while a wall is not edible.  ;)

F, now why did you have to go and say that? Be on the lookout for a Daily Mail article about wall-eating by Neanderthals and a lathe-and-plaster cancer cure.

then it becomes a theory (or scientific "truth") that remains true until it is refuted by another verified hypothesis".

Example: The big bang theory is true, unless it is disproven.

And to make is more clear, replace the word true with accepted by [name the authority] as true.

Therefore, various "authorities" may have various "truths." Kinda like the string theory of reality.

I really don't have much to add to what I said. But, to clarify, expound, and add a few more keystrokes: the western scientific method doesn't claim to define reality. Instead, it investigates phenomena by following a format of hypothesis, prediction, experiment, observation, conclusion. Even JK's example (of when the earth was flat) was merely a conclusion based on certain evidence, such as the human eye's line of sight and ships disappearing at sea. Other scientists of the same era used celestial evidence to determine orbits around the sun. When the so-called Dark Ages were over, former flat-earth scientists were free (of Roman church restrictions) to observe the heavens, so their conclusions changed.

Even if we say the obvious: "reality is reality!" once an observation is subjected to the scientific method, the explanation for reality can change. Add to that the limitations on observations due to space and time, and scientific knowledge becomes seemingly arbitrary.

All that pig/chimpanzee business was just some maverick scientist questioning the discrepancies of evolutionary theory, such as the fact that humans are hairless like pigs, not hairy like primates. Observation of evolution is flawed by time - none of us were there when evolutionary branches occurred - so we are unable to define "reality" as if we actually observed the event happening.

I don't hear many scientists using the "R" word (reality). I hear words like theory and hypothesis. When a reader starts quoting these theories and hypotheses as reality, you can't blame the scientist, who is just observing and theorizing.

True, religions and governments might adopt an official position, but that's different.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: March 25, 2015, 11:30:59 pm »
I didn't watch the whole episode, but I did watch your segment, Derek.  You seem to have really become much more comfortable in yourself, your demeanor is very calm and humble and physically you look much healthier, more vibrant, and very strong.  I like that the clip was very non sensational and matter of fact and that the gentleman doing the interview seemed respectful.

Ditto from me! You are so credible - a perfect spokesperson for eating raw.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:54:59 am »
I have to go out of my way, drive out, to buy all of those things. (high quality imported cheese, french red wine, high quality chocolates, high quality nuts)

I don't buy regular candy or chocolate for my grandchildren, but I do have two incredible recipes with raw cacao powder and other raw ingredients. One is chocolate ice cream (with butter, coconut oil, egg yolks), the other is a chocolate bar (with coconut oil and "stiffened" with raw potato starch powder). I use a secret sweetener (LOL, it's not paleo, but it's not sugar). The grandkids usually ask for nuts when they come over.

The trouble is that I don't want to overdo my daily association with raw, palaeolithic diet matters. I have seen others obsess too much about diet-related or health-related matters and they can eventually  become so orthorexic that their health in the end actually suffers.

What YS was suggesting (eliminating the Off Topic section) would keep the forum on-topic without increasing anyone's daily association with raw, paleolithic diet matters. IMO, an on-topic RPD forum would initially feature less posts but more readers, who may eventually become active members themselves.

People who need more off-topic-ness in their lives can do so in many places without dragging that off-topic content here. As it stands now, this forum is like going into an RPD restaurant and finding only cooked-grains and tofu on the menu: you'd walk out, roll your eyes, and never return.

Talking only about rawpaleo matters is quite boring...

Pardon me for snipping your sentence, but if you are looking for the cure for boredom on the internet, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Go make a caveman exercise video or write that raw paleo book or learn how to make obsidian arrowheads or ....

I'm proposing shutting down Off Topic section.  Front page does not look like a health site anymore.

The so-called rationale that was posted before for having off-topic discussions was that the members here who got to "know" each other might want to talk about other topics besides RPD.

I find the off-topic postings to be quirky at best and contentious at worst. For some time now, I have refrained from telling anybody I know about this forum because I don't "trust" the content.

If I were to answer the question, "What do I want this forum to represent?" I would have to say raw paleolithic diet and lifestyle." If a forum with that scope ran out of things to talk about, I would prefer to see fewer posts rather than a slew of off-topic posts.

As far as this thread, which was started with a "tabloid" Daily Mail article about a self-publishing tongue-in-cheek geneticist and went on with the invitation to "let's get the debate rolling, " I don't think this type of thread belongs in a raw-paleo forum. It's the lowest form of palaver. Meanwhile, some of us are willing to practice integrity and hang around for the stray raw-paleo diet seeker, but even the random visitor would be hard-pressed to discern what the forum's original purpose was.

Besides Triclosan, many people use alcohol hand sanitizer frequently.  At the very least, over cleaning the skin with harsh chemicals completely disrupts the skin's microbiome. The old saying, "You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die," reminds us that a little dirt is not to be avoided; it isn't harmful.

Triclosan is added to many shower gel products, too. Bad, bad, bad!

For comparison, you might slice off a piece of meat and cook it to see how the same cut shrivels up and toughens with light cooking. You can actually see the shrinkage as the proteins denature. Otherwise, it's just a question of taste and how much money you can afford.

If beef is still too tough, try lamb and (best of all) seafood.

Health / Re: Frustrating Health problems- need help!
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:17:14 pm »
I have been on the paleo diet for about 2 weeks, but I still feel crappy... so I do believe these food allergies are the root problem. Any help would be appreciated!

From this forum, you can get a good idea about how to start a RAW paleo diet. Raw makes a big difference in the toxic load that you put in your body with cooked meats.

For allergies, I find that an elimination diet has helped me identify foods that were inflammatory to my body. I used Dr. Coca's heart-rate variability method to test for food and environmental allergies that I didn't even know I had, because the allergic response was inflammation, not a runny nose or skin rash. I also get good ideas about reducing inflammation from Dave Asprey's website and podcasts Almost everything that Asprey suggests can be done 100% raw or very gently cooked.

If you are eating a paleo diet already, it should be easy to pinpoint your allergic foods. Try each animal food that you eat, including egg whites and yolks separately. Then check out oranges, tomatoes and all nightshades. Test nuts, if you eat them, and a positive reaction will point to mold more likely than not. If you react strongly to molds, clean out your house of all molds, even if you have to rip out carpets! Or move for a while and see if you start to improve. There are companies that can test your house for you. You sound sick enough to be looking that deeply for a cause of your inflammation.

Off Topic / Re: Connoiseurs experience 180-day-old cooked beef
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:48:40 pm »
Can you send some by Fedex?

Why FedEx? Any slow boat'll do. More aging!

Thanks. The hind quarter is very lean, but a little tougher to chaw, I found. Do you spit out the tough tendon?

The hind quarter has a lot of large muscles with a minimum of tendon and connective tissue. Names of beef cuts vary from place to place, but here in California the cuts have names like round or rump in the name, such as rump roast or round roast. Also from this area are cuts like eye of round and London broil, but the latter can also mean flank steak, depending on your regional names for beef.

If you are encountering tendons, then you are probably on the lower leg. You can gnaw that area, but table-manners do not apply.

A beef-anatomy chart can help you learn the cuts of beef. Just buy something you can afford and then learn where it comes from for future reference. Youtube has some good instructional butcher videos that can help you communicate better with your butcher.

Off Topic / Re: Connoiseurs experience 180-day-old cooked beef
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:03:38 pm »
I guess I should call my place  Chez Eveheart and make a few bucks. My signature dish will be 180-day beef with a side180-day sauerkraut.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Anyone get to taste Elephant Meat?
« on: March 16, 2015, 09:56:22 pm »
How and about what was the article derogatory? Besides President Mugabe's regime, that is.

Off Topic / Re: Update on Freelee and DurianRider
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:15:32 am »
Thanks for the excellent example, TD. It's true, there is a fiercely strong cultural bias against segregation by gender, race, religion, etc., in the US. Our history pointed us in that direction: exclusive clubs would be considered as a way to exclude people from full social and economic participation. As I read your example, my American head started shaking "no" immediately. However, inclusion (in the US) is considered a form of freedom of association. Here, it's possible to hide out from the ex - any private building will do - without instituting social and economic barriers to others.

As far as online-complaining Americans, LOL, they are just exercising their constitutional right to complain about every g-ddamn thing, one of our precious freedoms.

Off Topic / Re: Update on Freelee and DurianRider
« on: March 16, 2015, 04:02:19 am »
... but  you americans certainly do not possess all, or even most, of the necessary freedoms. Not even the most important freedom of all, the freedom of association.

From where I'm sitting, Americans can and do associate freely in all aspects of our lives. Groups may clash with other groups, but for the very large part, we are pretty unrestricted.

What I'm curious about is where your views come from. Perhaps international opinion skews the news in the direction of sensationalism (because it sells). The US is not all Ferguson and Florida. It's all just me and roughly one-third of a billion people just like me, but different.

Off Topic / Re: Update on Freelee and DurianRider
« on: March 15, 2015, 09:53:08 am »
PLEASE shut me down. LOL

Chances are, if that happens, you would just be one more average Joe with his 15 minutes of fame.

Hot Topics / Re: Improve your garden
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:35:28 am »
"They" always said to keep animal scraps out of the compost, but that was just to prevent scavenging, carnivores from digging up the garden. So keep that in mind.

Have you ever grown dry-bed tomatoes? You can google the method. They grow more tasty, and no worries about watering and rainfall.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: March 14, 2015, 09:06:39 am »
Make up your mind if you want the effect of a rigorous cleanse. Mobilized toxins must exit the body through the four eliminative pathways: breath, skin, urine, intestines. The effects can include bad breath, coated tongue, nasal discharge, skin eruptions, body odor, foul-smelling urine, foul-smelling feces, and much, much more. To expedite matters, you should be skin dry-brushing, taking enemas if necessary, and bathing often. If your health adviser hasn't prepared you for the side effects and what to do to assist your fast, ask for that instruction now.

Hot Topics / Re: Monsanto and Mickey Dees losing money
« on: March 14, 2015, 08:19:48 am »
It's one of those "who knew?" things. MacDonald's was just an American meal (burger, fries, milk shake) that would feed your family of four with change back from a dollar. Ray Kroc was a great operations manager who knew how to keep the cost of dining down. His franchises were duplicatable. His management training let a lot of earnest kids make a white-collar career. The lure of agricultural science was that it make robust-looking field products such as unblemished potatoes.

The moral dilemma came when the science revealed its dark side. The nice, smooth potato was clearly destructive to its own fields and the people who ate it.

It's a US corporation's character test. To be sure, there are people like the tobacco barons that walk away from the family evil-doing, but that doesn't kill the corporation. Why? Because the corporation is owned by a bazillion shareholders (it has almost a billion shares), and its only aim is to keep the share price up. Any dissenter, no matter how valuable to the corporation, won't be needed once he blows the whistle; he'll fade into anonymity and the shareholders will be happy again.

"Better living through chemistry," was chemical company DuPont's slogan and the motto of every American in the 20th Century. That attitude even convinced most American mothers to abandon breastfeeding her children. Our American Dream has clouded our judgment. No one company is to blame, but the US is an oligarchy, and the power brokers are the oligarchs, so it's hard to dethrone them.

I think the American Dream has to change. I think we don't know what our dream is anymore.

I buy prime cuts of beef (prefer hind quarter area), whole lamb with offal, and many types of sea food. I store them hanging in the refrigerator with good air circulation. I cut with a knife or scissors to bite-size pieces or larger and eat (with my fingers, if socially possible).

Browse around the forum and you'll find a rich supply of posts about how to eat and store raw meat. Pay attention to "hanging meat" discussions (with pictures) for great storage ideas.

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